21 resultados para Road construction contracts.
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
This paper features a tool to carry out environmental performance evaluation in highway rehabilitation works, as a component of environmental supervision activities. The procedure involves (i) evidence gathering by conducting technical inspections and reviewing environmental compliance reports, (ii) ranking nonconformities according to a proposed weighting framework, and (iii) calculation of an environmental conformity index. For the sake of testing and calibration, the procedure was applied to five road segments that were submitted to rehabilitation works in Sao Paulo State and the results were treated qualitatively.
Este estudo tem como objetivos caracterizar o perfil demográfico e socioeconômico de nove comunidades remanescentes de quilombos no vale do Ribeira, estado de São Paulo, e identificar os principais fatores responsáveis pelas mudanças recentes nos seus padrões de subsistência. Desde a formação das primeiras aglomerações de escravos libertos e foragidos no século XVIII, as relações estabelecidas entre estas populações com as cidades próximas e com o mercado regional têm vivenciado momentos de retração e de expansão, adaptando-se e ajustando-se a novas mudanças políticas e socioeconômicas. Nas últimas cinco décadas, o impacto de fatores externos na aceleração das mudanças nos padrões de subsistência locais parece ter tido um aumento significativo. Os resultados mostram que as restrições impostas pela legislação ambiental, os conflitos de terra, a construção de uma rodovia na região, a crescente inserção no mercado regional e a atuação de órgãos governamentais e não-governamentais de desenvolvimento são os principais fatores responsáveis pelas mudanças observadas no sistema agrícola de corte e queima e, conseqüentemente, na organização socioeconômica destas populações.
This work describes the construction and testing of a simple pressurized solvent extraction (PSE) system. A mixture of acetone:water (80:20), 80 ºC and 103.5 bar, was used to extract two herbicides (Diuron and Bromacil) from a sample of polluted soil, followed by identification and quantification by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector (HPLC-DAD). The system was also used to extract soybean oil (70 ºC and 69 bar) using pentane. The extracted oil was weighed and characterized through the fatty acid methyl ester analysis (myristic (< 0.3%), palmitic (16.3%), stearic (2.8%), oleic (24.5%), linoleic (46.3%), linolenic (9.6%), araquidic (0.3%), gadoleic (< 0.3%), and behenic (0.3%) acids) using high-resolution gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (HRGC-FID). PSE results were compared with those obtained using classical procedures: Soxhlet extraction for the soybean oil and solid-liquid extraction followed by solid-phase extraction (SLE-SPE) for the herbicides. The results showed: 21.25 ± 0.36% (m/m) of oil in the soybeans using the PSE system and 21.55 ± 0.65% (m/m) using the soxhlet extraction system; extraction efficiency (recovery) of herbicides Diuron and Bromacil of 88.7 ± 4.5% and 106.6 ± 8.1%, respectively, using the PSE system, and 96.8 ± 1.0% and 94.2 ± 3.9%, respectively, with the SLP-SPE system; limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) for Diuron of 0.012 mg kg-1 and 0.040 mg kg-1, respectively; LOD and LOQ for Bromacil of 0.025 mg kg-1 and 0.083 mg kg-1, respectively. The linearity used ranged from 0.04 to 1.50 mg L-1 for Diuron and from 0.08 to 1.50 mg L-1 for Bromacil. In conclusion, using the PSE system, due to high pressure and temperature, it is possible to make efficient, fast extractions with reduced solvent consumption in an inert atmosphere, which prevents sample and analyte decomposition.
An alternative technique for the fabrication of disposable electrochemical microcells containing working, reference and auxiliary electrodes on a single device is reported. The procedure is based on thermal-transfer of toner masks onto CD-R (recordable compact discs) gold surfaces to define the layout of the electrodes (contour). In a subsequent step, the layout is manually painted with a permanent marker pen. The unprotected gold surface is conveniently etched (chemical corrosion) and the ink is then easily removed with ethanol, generating gold surfaces without contamination. The final and reproducible area of the electrodes is defined by heat transference of a second toner mask. Silver epoxy is deposited on one of the gold bands which is the satisfactorily used as reference electrode. These microcells were electrochemically characterized by cyclic, linear, and square wave voltammetry, and several electroactive species were used as model systems. The area reproducibility of the electrodes for different microcells was studied and a relative standard deviation better than 1,0% (n = 10) was obtained. Disposable electrochemical microcells were successfully used in analysis of liquid samples with volumes lower than 200 µL and good stability and reproducibility (RSD less than 2.0%) were achieved. These microcells were also evaluated for quantification of paracetamol and dipyrone in pharmaceutical formulations.
Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar metodologias para elaboração de índices de preços para o transporte de cargas. O estudo das principais fórmulas da Teoria Econômica culminou com a conclusão que os Índices de Fisher e Walsh são aqueles capazes de atender ao maior número de preceitos lógicos, estatísticos e econômicos. Em seguida, surgem os índices geométricos de Törnqvist, Vartia e Theil. Os Índices de Laspeyres e Paasche, apesar de apresentarem algumas limitações, acabam sendo amplamente utilizados, graças a maior capacidade de operacionalização. A pesquisa apresentou um estudo de caso para o transporte da soja em grão. Foram realizados quatro tratamentos. Obteve-se a variação acumulada no nível geral de preços para o transporte rodoviário de soja no Brasil, no período entre fevereiro de 1998 e março de 2002. De acordo com os resultados, essa variação acumulada teria sido de 76%.
Introduction. The ToLigado Project - Your School Interactive Newspaper is an interactive virtual learning environment conceived, developed, implemented and supported by researchers at the School of the Future Research Laboratory of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Method. This virtual learning environment aims to motivate trans-disciplinary research among public school students and teachers in 2,931 schools equipped with Internet-access computer rooms. Within this virtual community, students produce collective multimedia research documents that are immediately published in the portal. The project also aims to increase students' autonomy for research, collaborative work and Web authorship. Main sections of the portal are presented and described. Results. Partial results of the first two years' implementation are presented and indicate a strong motivation among students to produce knowledge despite the fragile hardware and software infrastructure at the time. Discussion. In this new environment, students should be seen as 'knowledge architects' and teachers as facilitators, or 'curiosity managers'. The ToLigado portal may constitute a repository for future studies regarding student attitudes in virtual learning environments, students' behaviour as 'authors', Web authorship involving collective knowledge production, teachers' behaviour as facilitators, and virtual learning environments as digital repositories of students' knowledge construction and social capital in virtual learning communities.
The structural engineering community in Brazil faces new challenges with the recent occurrence of high intensity tornados. Satellite surveillance data shows that the area covering the south-east of Brazil, Uruguay and some of Argentina is one of the world most tornado-prone areas, second only to the infamous tornado alley in central United States. The design of structures subject to tornado winds is a typical example of decision making in the presence of uncertainty. Structural design involves finding a good balance between the competing goals of safety and economy. This paper presents a methodology to find the optimum balance between these goals in the presence of uncertainty. In this paper, reliability-based risk optimization is used to find the optimal safety coefficient that minimizes the total expected cost of a steel frame communications tower, subject to extreme storm and tornado wind loads. The technique is not new, but it is applied to a practical problem of increasing interest to Brazilian structural engineers. The problem is formulated in the partial safety factor format used in current design codes, with all additional partial factor introduced to serve as optimization variable. The expected cost of failure (or risk) is defined as the product of a. limit state exceedance probability by a limit state exceedance cost. These costs include costs of repairing, rebuilding, and paying compensation for injury and loss of life. The total expected failure cost is the sum of individual expected costs over all failure modes. The steel frame communications, tower subject of this study has become very common in Brazil due to increasing mobile phone coverage. The study shows that optimum reliability is strongly dependent on the cost (or consequences) of failure. Since failure consequences depend oil actual tower location, it turn,,; out that different optimum designs should be used in different locations. Failure consequences are also different for the different parties involved in the design, construction and operation of the tower. Hence, it is important that risk is well understood by the parties involved, so that proper contracts call be made. The investigation shows that when non-structural terms dominate design costs (e.g, in residential or office buildings) it is not too costly to over-design; this observation is in agreement with the observed practice for non-optimized structural systems. In this situation, is much easier to loose money by under-design. When by under-design. When structural material cost is a significant part of design cost (e.g. concrete dam or bridge), one is likely to lose significantmoney by over-design. In this situation, a cost-risk-benefit optimization analysis is highly recommended. Finally, the study also shows that under time-varying loads like tornados, the optimum reliability is strongly dependent on the selected design life.
There are about 7500 water treatment plants in Brazil. The wastes these plants generate in their decantation tanks and filters are discharged directly into the same brooks and rivers that supply water for treatment. Another serious environmental problem is the unregulated disposal of construction and demolition rubble, which increases the expenditure of public resources by degrading the urban environment and contributing to aggravate flooding and the proliferation of vectors harmful to public health. In this study, an evaluation was made of the possibility of recycling water treatment sludge in construction and demolition waste recycling plants. The axial compressive strength and water absorption of concretes and mortars produced with the exclusive and joint addition of these two types of waste was also determined. The ecoefficiency of this recycling was evaluated by determining the concentration of aluminum in the leached extract resulting from the solubilization of the recycled products. The production of concretes and mortars with the joint addition of water treatment sludge and recycled concrete rubble aggregates proved to be a viable recycling alternative from the standpoint of axial compression strength, modulus of elasticity, water absorption and tensile strength by the Brazilian test method. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) represents. about 50% of the total Brazilian municipal solid waste: thus, recycling represents huge benefits both in environmental and economic perspectives. Herein, the chemical characterization results of three samples from two different recycling plants from the State of Sao Paulo is prevented. The results demonstrated that the visual classification into grey and red is not related to the chemical composition but mostly to the grain size fraction. The chemical composition of the CDW varies according to the content of cement paste, natural aggregates (quartz sand or granite), red ceramic and clay. Furthermore, the production of recycled concrete aggregates requires two crushing stages to meet the technical standards. The sand fraction (below 4.8 mm) presents high grades of SiO(2), which indicates the liberation of cement paste to fines (< 0.15 mm). The fines have a great potential to be used in the cement industry.
The properties of recycled aggregate produced from mixed (masonry and concrete) construction and demolition (C&D) waste are highly variable, and this restricts the use of such aggregate in structural concrete production. The development of classification techniques capable of reducing this variability is instrumental for quality control purposes and the production of high quality C&D aggregate. This paper investigates how the classification of C&D mixed coarse aggregate according to porosity influences the mechanical performance of concrete. Concretes using a variety of C&D aggregate porosity classes and different water/cement ratios were produced and the mechanical properties measured. For concretes produced with constant volume fractions of water, cement, natural sand and coarse aggregate from recycled mixed C&D waste, the compressive strength and Young modulus are direct exponential functions of the aggregate porosity. Sink and float technique is a simple laboratory density separation tool that facilitates the separation of cement particles with lower porosity, a difficult task when done only by visual sorting. For this experiment, separation using a 2.2 kg/dmA(3) suspension produced recycled aggregate (porosity less than 17%) which yielded good performance in concrete production. Industrial gravity separators may lead to the production of high quality recycled aggregate from mixed C&D waste for structural concrete applications.
The wide production of construction and demolition waste and its illegal deposition are serious current problems in Brazil. This research proposes to evaluate the feasibility of using aggregate from recycled construction and demolition waste (RCDW) in pavement applications. A laboratory program was conducted by geotechnical characterization, bearing capacity and repeated load triaxial tests. The results show that the composition and the compactive effort influence on the physical characteristics of the RCDW aggregate. The compaction process has promoted a partial crushing and breakage of RCDW particles, changing the grain-size distribution and increasing the percentage of cubic grains. This physical change contributes to a better densification of the RCDW aggregate and consequently an improvement in bearing capacity, resilient modulus and resistance to permanent deformation. The results have shown that the RCDW aggregate may be utilized as coarse base and sub-base layer for low-volume roads. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The design, construction, and characterization of a portable opto-coupled potentiostat are presented. The potentiostat is battery-powered, managed by a microcontroller, which implements cyclic voltammetry (CV) using suitable sensor electrodes. Its opto-coupling permits a wide range of current measurements, varying from mA to nA. Two software interfaces were developed to perform the CV measurement: a virtual instrument for a personal computer (PC) and a C-base interface for personal digital assistant (PDA). The potentiostat has been evaluated by detection of potassium ferrocyanide in KCl medium, both with macro and microelectrodes. There was good agreement between the instrumental results and those from commercial equipment.
This study evaluates the impacts of Brazilian highway conditions on fuel consumption and, consequently, on carbon dioxide (COO emissions. For the purpose of this study, highway conditions refer to the level of highway maintenance: the incidence of large potholes, large surface cracks, uneven sections, and debris. Primary computer collected data related to the fuel consumption of three types of trucks were analyzed. The data were derived from 88 trips taken over six routes, each route representative of one of two highway conditions: better or worse. Study results are initially presented for each type of truck being monitored. The results are then aggregated to approximate the entire Brazilian highway network. In all cases, results confirmed environmental benefits resulting from travel over the better routes. There was found to be an increase in energy efficiency from traveling better roads, which resulted in lower fuel consumption and lower CO(2) emissions. Statistical analysis of the results suggests that, in general, fuel consumption data were significant at *P < 0.05, rejecting the null hypothesis that average fuel consumption from traveling the better routes is statistically equal to average fuel consumption from traveling the worse routes. Improved Brazilian road conditions would generate economic benefits, reduce dependency on and consumption of fossil fuels (due to the increase in energy efficiency), and reduce CO(2) emissions. These findings may have additional relevancy if Brazil needs to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to reach future Kyoto Protocol`s emissions targets, which should take effect in January 2013. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Over the years, crop insurance programs became the focus of agricultural policy in the USA, Spain, Mexico, and more recently in Brazil. Given the increasing interest in insurance, accurate calculation of the premium rate is of great importance. We address the crop-yield distribution issue and its implications in pricing an insurance contract considering the dynamic structure of the data and incorporating the spatial correlation in the Hierarchical Bayesian framework. Results show that empirical (insurers) rates are higher in low risk areas and lower in high risk areas. Such methodological improvement is primarily important in situations of limited data.