42 resultados para Relative complexity

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of knowledge of results (KR) frequency and task complexity on motor skill acquisition. The task consisted of throwing a bocha ball to place it as close as possible to the target ball. 120 students ages 11 to 73 years were assigned to one of eight experimental groups according to knowledge of results frequency (25, 50, 75, and 100%) and task complexity (simple and complex). Subjects performed 90 trials in the acquisition phase and 10 trials in the transfer test. The results showed that knowledge of results given at a frequency of 25% resulted in an inferior absolute error than 50% and inferior variable error than 50, 75, and 100 I frequencies, but no effect of task complexity was found.


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Leaf wetness duration (LWD) is a key parameter in agricultural meteorology since it is related to epidemiology of many important crops, controlling pathogen infection and development rates. Because LWD is not widely measured, several methods have been developed to estimate it from weather data. Among the models used to estimate LWD, those that use physical principles of dew formation and dew and/or rain evaporation have shown good portability and sufficiently accurate results, but their complexity is a disadvantage for operational use. Alternatively, empirical models have been used despite their limitations. The simplest empirical models use only relative humidity data. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of three RH-based empirical models to estimate LWD in four regions around the world that have different climate conditions. Hourly LWD, air temperature, and relative humidity data were obtained from Ames, IA (USA), Elora, Ontario (Canada), Florence, Toscany (Italy), and Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State (Brazil). These data were used to evaluate the performance of the following empirical LWD estimation models: constant RH threshold (RH >= 90%); dew point depression (DPD); and extended RH threshold (EXT_RH). Different performance of the models was observed in the four locations. In Ames, Elora and Piracicaba, the RH >= 90% and DPD models underestimated LWD, whereas in Florence these methods overestimated LWD, especially for shorter wet periods. When the EXT_RH model was used, LWD was overestimated for all locations, with a significant increase in the errors. In general, the RH >= 90% model performed best, presenting the highest general fraction of correct estimates (F(C)), between 0.87 and 0.92, and the lowest false alarm ratio (F(AR)), between 0.02 and 0.31. The use of specific thresholds for each location improved accuracy of the RH model substantially, even when independent data were used; MAE ranged from 1.23 to 1.89 h, which is very similar to errors obtained with published physical models for LWD estimation. Based on these results, we concluded that, if calibrated locally, LWD can be estimated with acceptable accuracy by RH above a specific threshold, and that the EXT_RH method was unsuitable for estimating LWD at the locations used in this study. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nowadays, noninvasive methods of diagnosis have increased due to demands of the population that requires fast, simple and painless exams. These methods have become possible because of the growth of technology that provides the necessary means of collecting and processing signals. New methods of analysis have been developed to understand the complexity of voice signals, such as nonlinear dynamics aiming at the exploration of voice signals dynamic nature. The purpose of this paper is to characterize healthy and pathological voice signals with the aid of relative entropy measures. Phase space reconstruction technique is also used as a way to select interesting regions of the signals. Three groups of samples were used, one from healthy individuals and the other two from people with nodule in the vocal fold and Reinke`s edema. All of them are recordings of sustained vowel /a/ from Brazilian Portuguese. The paper shows that nonlinear dynamical methods seem to be a suitable technique for voice signal analysis, due to the chaotic component of the human voice. Relative entropy is well suited due to its sensibility to uncertainties, since the pathologies are characterized by an increase in the signal complexity and unpredictability. The results showed that the pathological groups had higher entropy values in accordance with other vocal acoustic parameters presented. This suggests that these techniques may improve and complement the recent voice analysis methods available for clinicians. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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During the early Holocene two main paleoamerican cultures thrived in Brazil: the Tradicao Nordeste in the semi-desertic Sertao and the Tradicao Itaparica in the high plains of the Planalto Central. Here we report on paleodietary singals of a Paleoamerican found in a third Brazilian ecological setting - a riverine shellmound, or sambaqui, located in the Atlantic forest. Most sambaquis are found along the coast. The peoples associated with them subsisted on marine resources. We are reporting a different situation from the oldest recorded riverine sambaqui, called Capelinha. Capelinha is a relatively small sambaqui established along a river 60 km from the Atlantic Ocean coast. It contained the well-preserved remains of a Paleoamerican known as Luzio dated to 9,945 +/- 235 years ago; the oldest sambaqui dweller so far. Luzio's bones were remarkably well preserved and allowed for stable isotopic analysis of diet. Although artifacts found at this riverine site show connections with the Atlantic coast, we show that he represents a population that was dependent on inland resources as opposed to marine coastal resources. After comparing Luzio's paleodietary data with that of other extant and prehistoric groups, we discuss where his group could have come from, if terrestrial diet persisted in riverine sambaquis and how Luzio fits within the discussion of the replacement of paleamerican by amerindian morphology. This study adds to the evidence that shows a greater complexity in the prehistory of the colonization of and the adaptations to the New World.


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Background: Alternative splicing (AS) is a central mechanism in the generation of genomic complexity and is a major contributor to transcriptome and proteome diversity. Alterations of the splicing process can lead to deregulation of crucial cellular processes and have been associated with a large spectrum of human diseases. Cancer-associated transcripts are potential molecular markers and may contribute to the development of more accurate diagnostic and prognostic methods and also serve as therapeutic targets. Alternative splicing-enriched cDNA libraries have been used to explore the variability generated by alternative splicing. In this study, by combining the use of trapping heteroduplexes and RNA amplification, we developed a powerful approach that enables transcriptome-wide exploration of the AS repertoire for identifying AS variants associated with breast tumor cells modulated by ERBB2 (HER-2/neu) oncogene expression. Results: The human breast cell line (C5.2) and a pool of 5 ERBB2 over-expressing breast tumor samples were used independently for the construction of two AS-enriched libraries. In total, 2,048 partial cDNA sequences were obtained, revealing 214 alternative splicing sequence-enriched tags (ASSETs). A subset with 79 multiple exon ASSETs was compared to public databases and reported 138 different AS events. A high success rate of RT-PCR validation (94.5%) was obtained, and 2 novel AS events were identified. The influence of ERBB2-mediated expression on AS regulation was evaluated by capillary electrophoresis and probe-ligation approaches in two mammary cell lines (Hb4a and C5.2) expressing different levels of ERBB2. The relative expression balance between AS variants from 3 genes was differentially modulated by ERBB2 in this model system. Conclusions: In this study, we presented a method for exploring AS from any RNA source in a transcriptome-wide format, which can be directly easily adapted to next generation sequencers. We identified AS transcripts that were differently modulated by ERBB2-mediated expression and that can be tested as molecular markers for breast cancer. Such a methodology will be useful for completely deciphering the cancer cell transcriptome diversity resulting from AS and for finding more precise molecular markers.


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The mandible has a mixed embryological origin, and its growth is associated with the secondary cartilage of the condyle process (CP). In this area, growth depends on an array of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence protein metabolism. In the present study, we used an adolescent rat model to evaluate the growth and development of the CP under conditions of pre- and postnatal protein deficiency, combined with or without the stress of severe burn injury (BI). We found that protein deficiency severely undermined the growth of the CP, by altering the thickness of its constituent layers. BI is also capable of affecting CP growth, although the effect is less severe than protein deficiency. Interestingly, the summed effect of protein deficiency and BI on the CP is less severe than protein deficiency alone. A possible explanation is that the increased carbohydrates in a hypoproteic diet stimulate the production of endogenous insulin and protein synthesis, which partially compensates for the loss of lean body mass caused by BI.


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This paper describes a new and simple method to determine the molecular weight of proteins in dilute solution, with an error smaller than similar to 10%, by using the experimental data of a single small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) curve measured on a relative scale. This procedure does not require the measurement of SAXS intensity on an absolute scale and does not involve a comparison with another SAXS curve determined from a known standard protein. The proposed procedure can be applied to monodisperse systems of proteins in dilute solution, either in monomeric or multimeric state, and it has been successfully tested on SAXS data experimentally determined for proteins with known molecular weights. It is shown here that the molecular weights determined by this procedure deviate from the known values by less than 10% in each case and the average error for the test set of 21 proteins was 5.3%. Importantly, this method allows for an unambiguous determination of the multimeric state of proteins with known molecular weights.


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The thermo-solvatochromism of 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePMBr(2), has been studied in mixtures of water, W, with ionic liquids, ILs, in the temperature range of 10 to 60 degrees C, where feasible. The objectives of the study were to test the applicability of a recently introduced solvation model, and to assess the relative importance of solute-solvent solvophobic interactions. The ILs were 1-allyl-3-alkylimidazolium chlorides, where the alkyl groups are methyl, 1-butyl, and 1-hexyl, respectively. The equilibrium constants for the interaction of W and the ILs were calculated from density data; they were found to be linearly dependent on N(C), the number of carbon atoms of the alkyl group; van't Hoff equation (log K versus 1/T) applied satisfactorily. Plots of the empirical solvent polarities, E(T) (MePMBr(2)) in kcal mol(-1), versus the mole fraction of water in the binary mixture, chi(w), showed non-linear, i.e., non-ideal behavior. The dependence of E(T) (MePMBr(2)) on chi(w), has been conveniently quantified in terms of solvation by W, IL, and the ""complex"" solvent IL-W. The non-ideal behavior is due to preferential solvation by the IL and, more efficiently, by IL-W. The deviation from linearity increases as a function of increasing N(C) of the IL, and is stronger than that observed for solvation of MePMBr(2) by aqueous 1-propanol, a solvent whose lipophilicity is 12.8 to 52.1 times larger than those of the ILs investigated. The dependence on N(C) is attributed to solute-solvent solvophobic interactions, whose relative contribution to solvation are presumably greater than that in mixtures of water and 1-propanol.


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The reconstruction of physical environments of Amazonian areas is of great interest to determine the dynamic evolution of the Amazon drainage basin. However. few studies have emphasized the Quaternary deposits in this region. which is mostly due to the lack of natural exposures imposed by the low topography. This work integrates facies analysis. radiocarbon dating, delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N of an 124 m-thick core from an area located at the mouth of the Amazon River. northeastern Amazonia. The study records deposits up to 50.795 (14)C yr B P. in age. which formed in a variety of depositional environments including fluvial channel, tidal flat, outer estuarine basin to shallow marine. inner estuarine basin, estuarine channel and lagoon. Facies interpretation was significantly improved with the inclusion of delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N analyses of organic matter extracted from the sediments The obtained values conform to a transitional. mostly estuarine paleosetting evolved during successive relative sea-level fluctuations. The results suggest fluvial deposition between 40,950 (+/- 590) and 50.795 (14)C yr B P, with a rise in relative sea level that commenced between 35,567 (+/- 649) and 39,079 (+/- 1114) (14)C yr B P. An overall transgression took place until 29,340 (+/- 340) (14)C yr B P., after which the relative sea level dropped, favoring valley rejuvenation and incision. Following this time up to 10,479 (+/- 34) (14)C yr B.P. a rise in relative sea level filled up the valley with estuarine deposits After 10.479(+/- 34) (14)C yr B.P., the estuary was replaced by a lagoon At the end of the Holocene, the coastline prograided approximately 45 km northward, replaci ng the lagoon by a lake system Despite the influence of eustatic fluctuations. regional tectonics played a significant role to create new space where these Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments accumulated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B V All rights reserved.


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We evaluated the reliability and validity of a Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Epilepsy Medication Treatment Complexity Index (EMTCI). Interrater reliability was evaluated with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), and validity was evaluated by correlation of mean EMTCI scores with the following variables: number of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), seizure control, patients` perception of seizure control, and adherence to the therapeutic regimen as measured with the Morisky scale. We studied patients with epilepsy followed in a tertiary university-based hospital outpatient clinic setting, aged 18 years or older, independent in daily living activities, and without cognitive impairment or active psychiatric disease. ICCs ranged from 0.721 to 0.999. Mean EMTCI scores were significantly correlated with the variables assessed. Higher EMTCI scores were associated with an increasing number of AEDs, uncontrolled seizures, patients` perception of lack of seizure control, and poorer adherence to the therapeutic regimen. The results indicate that the Brazilian-Portuguese EMTCI is reliable and valid to be applied clinically in the country. The Brazilian-Portuguese EMTCI version may be a useful tool in developing strategies to minimize treatment complexity, possibly improving seizure control and quality of life in people with epilepsy in our milieu. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aging is known to have a degrading influence on many structures and functions of the human sensorimotor system. The present work assessed aging-related changes in postural sway using fractal and complexity measures of the center of pressure (COP) dynamics with the hypothesis that complexity and fractality decreases in the older individuals. Older subjects (68 +/- 4 years) and young adult subjects (28 +/- 7 years) performed a quiet stance task (60 s) and a prolonged standing task (30 min) where subjects were allowed to move freely. Long-range correlations (fractality) of the data were estimated by the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA); changes in entropy were estimated by the multi-scale entropy (MSE) measure. The DFA results showed that the fractal dimension was lower for the older subjects in comparison to the young adults but the fractal dimensions of both groups were not different from a 1/f noise, for time intervals between 10 and 600 s. The MSE analysis performed with the typically applied adjustment to the criterion distance showed a higher degree of complexity in the older subjects, which is inconsistent with the hypothesis that complexity in the human physiological system decreases with aging. The same MSE analysis performed without adjustment showed no differences between the groups. Taken all results together, the decrease in total postural sway and long-range correlations in older individuals are signs of an adaptation process reflecting the diminishing ability to generate adequate responses on a longer time scale.


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This essay is a trial on giving some mathematical ideas about the concept of biological complexity, trying to explore four different attributes considered to be essential to characterize a complex system in a biological context: decomposition, heterogeneous assembly, self-organization, and adequacy. It is a theoretical and speculative approach, opening some possibilities to further numerical and experimental work, illustrated by references to several researches that applied the concepts presented here. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This essay is a trial on measuring complexity in a three-trophic level system by using a convex function of the informational entropy. The complexity measure defined here is compatible with the fact that real complexity lies between ordered and disordered states. Applying this measure to the data collected for two three-trophic level systems some hints about their organization are obtained. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This letter addresses the optimization and complexity reduction of switch-reconfigured antennas. A new optimization technique based on graph models is investigated. This technique is used to minimize the redundancy in a reconfigurable antenna structure and reduce its complexity. A graph modeling rule for switch-reconfigured antennas is proposed, and examples are presented.


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We studied a population of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard (Diptera: Agromyzidae) identified by morphological and molecular techniques from the semiarid region of the Brazilian northeast. The influence of temperature and relative humidity on the survival and reproductive parameters of L. sativae in cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) (Fabales: Fabaceae) was evaluated. We used temperatures of 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, and 32 +/- 1 degrees C (50 +/- 10% RH) and relative humidity values of 30,50,70, and 90 +/- 10% (25 +/- 1 degrees C) under a 14 L:10 D photoperiod. Adult longevity decreased as temperature and relative humidity increased and was greater, in general, for females. The preoviposition and oviposition periods also decreased as temperature increased, whereas relative humidity only caused reductions in the oviposition period at higher levels. Fecundity was similar in the range from 18 to 30 degrees C but decreased at 32 degrees C with respect to relative humidity; the best performances of L. sativae occurred at lower levels. The pattern of oviposition rate changed with temperature and relative humidity. Regardless of temperature and relative humidity, L, sativae laid between 75 and 92% of its eggs on the adaxial surface of the cowpea leaves. This information will be highly useful to design a leafminer production system aimed at the multiplication of natural enemies, as well as for pest management in the field.