48 resultados para Psychosocial Criminology

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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The family members of cancer patients play a central role as caregivers. This study reports on the perspectives of men whose wives underwent a mastectomy because of breast cancer. This qualitative research used a narrative analysis method, and 17 men were interviewed. Five main themes emerged from the analysis of the narratives: initial reactions to the diagnosis, involvement in caregiving, support received, influence of breast cancer on the couples` relationships, and evaluation of care provided by the institution. The findings indicated the existence of substantive evidence that the spouses attended to and followed the recommendations of healthcare providers on ways to care for their wives, including their emotional demands and care needs. In this sense, the healthcare professionals should interact with a. patient`s primary caregiver, take the family dynamics and the caregiver`s personal characteristics into account, and systematically consider and include the needs of the patients` caregivers in the entire healthcare process.


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The number of Brazilian women living with HIV has increased significantly in past years, rendering studies of their particular care demands including psychiatric issues. This study measures the prevalence of major depression, using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, in a sample of 120 women living with HIV in treatment at a reference centre in So Paulo. Socio-demographic variables, HIV-related clinical and laboratory data, including CD4+ cell counts and HIV plasma viral loads, as well as psychosocial features (intimate relationships, disclosure of HIV serostatus, partner`s serostatus and patient`s emotional and financial support) were investigated as factors potentially associated with depression. The prevalence of major depression at the time of evaluation was 25.8% (95% CI 18.2-33.4%). Clinical status (p = 0.002), lack of emotional support (p = 0.02), use of antidepressants (p = 0.028) and length of time since HIV diagnosis (p = 0.05) were associated with major depression in univariate analysis. In multivariate multiple-regression model, HIV clinical status, lack of emotional support and higher plasma viral loads were associated with depression. Sixty per cent of the women have a major depression diagnosis during lifetime. We conclude that major depression is highly prevalent among women living with HIV, but it is still underdiagnosed and undertreated.


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Background: This research compared street male sex workers in Santo Andre, Brazil, that reported consistent condom use with those that revealed inconsistent condom use with their clients, concerning personality aspects, impulsiveness, alcohol and drug consumption, depressive symptoms, sociodemographic data and criminal involvement. Methods: Eighty-six male sex workers were evaluated in face-to-face interviews at their place of work. A `snowball` sampling procedure was used to access this hard-to-reach population. Findings: Male sex workers with inconsistent condom use showed greater involvement with criminal activities, higher reward dependence level and more frequent self-report of being HIV-positive. Conclusions: Conceptualisation of male sex workers` psychological characteristics may be required where HIV risk is not only attributed to sex work per se, but to other aspects such as personality-related factors and negative identity.


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Background: Asthma symptoms reduce patients daily activities, impair their health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and increase their reports of anxiety and depress, all of which seem to be related to a decrease in asthma control. Aerobic exercise training is known to improve aerobic fitness and reduce dyspnea in asthmatics; however, its effect in reducing psychologic distress and symptoms remains poorly understood. We evaluated the role of an aerobic training program in improving HRQoL (primary aim) and reducing psychologic distress and asthma symptoms (secondary aims) for patients with moderate or severe persistent asthma. Methods: A total of 101 patients were randomly assigned to either a control group or an aerobic training group and studied during the period between medical consultations. Control group patients (educational program plus breathing exercises) (n = 51) and training group patients (educational program plus breathing exercises plus aerobic training) (n = 50) were followed twice a week during a 3-month period. HRQoL and levels of anxiety and depression were quantified before and after treatment. Asthma symptoms were evaluated monthly. Results: At 3 months, the domains (physical limitations, frequency of symptoms, and psychosocial) and total scores of HRQoL, significantly improved only in the training group patients (P < .001); the number of asthma-symptom-free days and anxiety and depression levels also significantly improved in this group (P < .001). In addition, a linear relationship between improvement in aerobic capacity and the days without asthma symptoms was observed (r = 0.47; P < .01). Conclusions: Our results suggest that aerobic training can play an important role in the clinical management of patients with persistent asthma. Further, they may be especially useful for patients with higher degrees of psychosocial distress.


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Despite the growing evidence of poor psychosocial adjustment, at present there is no formal method of assessment of social adjustment in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). First, we assessed social adjustment in patients with TLE using a self-report questionnaire and compared the results with those from quality-of-life (QOL) scales. Second, we verified the influence of cognitive performance and clinical variables of epilepsy on social adjustment and QOL We evaluated 35 people with TLE and 38 healthy controls. Patients had worse social adjustment, and it was correlated with worse perception of cognitive function. Attention and verbal memory dysfunctions were negatively correlated with social adjustment. However, there was no significant correlation between cognitive performance and QOL Regarding clinical variables, persons with left TLE showed worse social adjustment and patients with frequent seizures showed worse QOL These findings indicate the relevance of evaluating social adjustment and emphasize the importance of cognitive rehabilitation to improved social adjustment. (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective. This article describes a 60-year-old man with 17 years of idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (ITN) which affected tooth brushing for 6 years, causing severe dental complications and psychosocial problems. Methods. Case report. Results. Following ITN diagnosis, this patient underwent neurosurgery (microcompression of the trigeminal ganglion with a balloon) with immediate relief, but after three months, pain recurred and was accompanied by dysesthesia and periodontal disease. After dental treatment, he had complete alleviation of pain and no further need of medication over the following 3 years. The intense suffering of this patient represents the importance of a multidisciplinary evaluation for pain-caused secondary complications. Conclusion. ITN is a simple diagnosis but may have complex course. Appropriately trained health professionals are necessary to evaluate and treat these patients.


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Purpose of review To identify and discuss recent research studies that propose innovative psychosocial interventions in old age psychiatry. Recent findings Studies have shown that cognitive training research for healthy elderly has advanced in several ways, particularly in the refinement of study design and methodology. Studies have included larger samples and longer training protocols. Interestingly, new research has shown changes in biological markers associated with learning and memory after cognitive training. Among mild cognitive impairment patients, results have demonstrated that they benefit from interventions displaying cognitive plasticity. Rehabilitation studies involving dementia patients have suggested the efficacy of combined treatment approaches, and light and music therapies have shown promising effects. For psychiatric disorders, innovations have included improvements in well known techniques such as cognitive behavior therapy, studies in subpopulations with comorbidities, as well as the use of new computer-aided resources. Summary Research evidence on innovative interventions in old age psychiatry suggests that this exciting field is moving forward by means of methodological refinements and testing of creative new ideas.


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A contemporaneidade contempla formas de estruturação da subjetividade amplamente perpassadas por condições de existência socioculturais e econômicas. Estas, por sua vez, têm promovido laços intersubjetivos frágeis, cujo funcionamento psíquico pode ter uma organização de base "falso-self". Autores também demonstram que diversas instituições atuais se tornaram "fluidas" na passagem da modernidade para a "modernidade líquida". Isto contribuiu para a perda de referências sólidas que, outrora, davam sentido e direcionamento para o ser humano. Em decorrência há uma interferência direta na construção da "confiança madura", visto que os sinais de angústia da contemporaneidade podem ser um desorganizador do funcionamento psíquico, além de promoverem o isolamento, a desconfiança no ambiente e no outro, laços mal-atados e funcionamentos de base "falso-self".


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A produção de desenhos em grupo e o método de Rorschach foram utilizados ao longo do tratamento de um paciente com esquizofrenia, acompanhado em Centro de Atenção Psicossocial. O referencial proposto para a compreensão do caso é o método fenômeno-estrutural que busca acessar o modo de ser e de vivenciar a doença que afeta o paciente, a partir do que ele revela nas imagens e na linguagem. Aos desenhos de cores acromáticas e conteúdos humanos deformados, o paciente insere cores, representantes da expressão afetiva, e figuras humanas integradas, denotando disponibilidade nas relações. O Rorschach indica contato mais adequado com a realidade, dado a diminuição da distorção da percepção da forma e de figuras fantasiosas. Após diminuição da sintomatologia persecutória e isolamento social, o paciente recebeu alta. O uso desses instrumentos tem contribuído na difícil tarefa diagnóstica e no acompanhamento da evolução de pacientes, nos cuidados interdisciplinares em saúde mental.


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O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as concepções sobre o inconsciente ligadas ao cotidiano da prática terapêutica de rede, como contribuição à clínica em saúde mental. A pesquisa participante foi realizada em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) na cidade de São Paulo. Os resultados mostraram as concepções mais frequentes: o inconsciente como inconsciência, o inconsciente como desconhecimento e o inconsciente como método de escuta do sujeito e das relações na instituição. Demonstram uma flexibilidade teórica que pode permitir articulações complexas nas diversas intervenções no cotidiano da equipe referentes às subjetividades e saberes sobre o inconsciente, psicanalíticos ou não. Conclui-se que a elucidação desse saber prático sobre o inconsciente contribui para o aprofundamento dessa temática no campo da reforma psiquiátrica.


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Modelos teóricos inspirados na teoria da história de vida têm avaliado padrões de reprodução humanos em países desenvolvidos, com resultados ainda não conclusivos. Em vista das condições de vida na população brasileira, foram investigadas relações entre marcos da carreira reprodutiva feminina, condições ambientais e variáveis psicossociais relacionadas às condições de criação. Foram entrevistadas 606 mulheres em seis estados. Os resultados apóiam a teoria da história de vida, mostrando associações entre condições de vida na infância e início da vida sexual e da reprodução, mas não com a idade da menarca. Sugerimos que diferentes marcadores da vida reprodutiva podem estar sob controle de diferentes fenômenos e que a diversidade de condições da população brasileira oferece contextos alternativos para testar hipóteses.


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O artigo teve por objetivo caracterizar o jogo patológico, apresentando as principais conseqüências desse transtorno. Foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema, na literatura nacional e internacional. Foram selecionadas as publicações cujos principais achados enfatizavam prevalência, custos sociais e econômicos associados, legalização de jogos de azar e conseqüente impacto na saúde pública. Alto índice de suicídio, comorbidade com outros transtornos psiquiátricos, problemas familiares e no trabalho, e prática de atos ilícitos foram conseqüências relatadas. A prevalência desse transtorno é maior em países que legalizaram jogos de azar e no Brasil, há evidências do crescimento do número de jogadores patológicos. O desenvolvimento de pesquisas nacionais é imprescindível para a definição de políticas públicas adequadas à realidade brasileira.


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The influence of socioeconomic factors and self-rated oral health on children's dental health assistance was assessed. This study followed a cross-sectional design, with a multistage random sample of 792 12-year-old schoolchildren from Santa Maria, a city in southern Brazil. A dental examination provided information on the prevalence of dental caries (DMFT index). Data about the use of dental service, socioeconomic status, and self-perceived oral health were collected by means of structured interviews. These associations were assessed using Poisson regression models (prevalence ratio; 95% confidence interval). The prevalence of regular use of dental service was 47.8%. Children from low socioeconomic backgrounds and those who rated their oral health as "poor" used the service less frequently. The distribution of the kind of oral healthcare assistance used (public/private) varied across socioeconomic groups. The better-off children were less likely to have used the public service. Clinical, socioeconomic, and psychosocial factors were strong predictors for the utilization of dental care services by schoolchildren.


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A utilização de serviços odontológicos resulta da interação de determinantes biológicos com fatores socioculturais, familiares e comunitários, bem como de características dos sistemas de saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os fatores individuais associados à utilização de serviços odontológicos por parte de adultos e idosos de baixa renda residentes na área de abrangência da Estratégia Saúde da Família, em Ponta Grossa, PR. A amostra constou de 246 indivíduos, com 35 anos de idade ou mais, que responderam a um questionário sobre condições socioeconômicas, necessidade percebida e acesso a serviços odontológicos. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de regressão logística, segundo referencial teórico baseado no Modelo Comportamental de Andersen, considerando a consulta odontológica não recente como variável dependente. Verificou-se elevada prevalência de problemas bucais auto-referidos e de perdas dentárias. Cerca de 40% dos adultos e 67% dos idosos não iam ao dentista há mais de três anos. Indivíduos que não residiam em domicílios próprios, realizavam higiene bucal com menor frequência e utilizavam próteses totais apresentaram maiores chances de haver utilizado os serviços odontológicos há mais tempo. O fato de possuir um dentista regular foi identificado como fator de proteção na análise. Concluindo, os determinantes individuais mostraram-se importantes indicadores de acesso aos serviços de saúde bucal. O modelo teórico confirmou a presença de desigualdades sociais e psicossociais na utilização de serviços odontológicos entre os adultos e idosos de baixa renda.


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A great challenge for the primary healthcare system, implemented by the strategy called the Family Health Program, is to incorporate actions for facing situations of violence and mental health problems. This study analyzed the care delivered to 411 children between five and eleven years of age in a primary care unit in the city of São Paulo. The clinical findings were compared to a standard inventory of symptoms (CBCL). In addition, semi-structured interviews were held with pediatricians. The study shows low capacity of the pediatricians to recognize mental health problems in children. This is mainly due to deficiencies in their training and lack of possibilities for concrete intervention to face a complaint or diagnostic hypothesis. The reorganization process of primary care will need to provide specific technical support in mental health, incorporating more appropriate technologies for intervention such as a humanized approach and qualified listening. The inclusion of psychosocial aspects in the everyday practice of primary care will make it possible to broaden the concept of health and open way for an integrated approach to situations of violence related to children assisted by the primary care network of the Brazilian Health System.