31 resultados para PCI DSS -standardi

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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In recent years, the availabity of citation indexes for evaluation of Brazilian scientific production has increased. The comparison between the results of the methodologies used to estimate indicators in the citation reports of SciELO database and in Journal Citation Reports (ISI-Thomson Scientific) made it possible to evaluate implications associated to the Brazilian scientific policy (Qualis), regarding some specific criteria. A period of 10 years was considered, taking into account two bibliometric indicators (the total of citations in a year and the Impact Factor) of the journal Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, which is indexed in both indexes. The correction of the indicators associated to this journal showed that the differences in the citation indexed were more expressive in 2001, having decreased in the last years. This reduction gives credibility to both databases, validating their systems for the production of bibliometric indicators.


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The recommended bibliographical references for the development of scientific research are those published by scientific journals. In spite of this recommendation, the use of non conventional documents by undergraduate students has been increasing. This paper, developed as a survey with 145 students of Administration, Accounting and Economics, characterizes the use these documents and analyzes teaching strategies supported in the use of non conventional documents.


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Bibliographic review study on the evolution of Documentary Languages and its field of study, the documentary linguistics. Based upon the researches developed by the french approach in Europe notably by jean-claude gardin and in brazil by grupo temma. It is proposes a framework of the main characteristics of documentary languages having the appropriation of the structural linguistics by the documentation as a focus. It anayses the evolution of the denomination of documentary languages, their functions, and it compares both approaches.


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In this article the use of Search and Retrieve URL (SRU) / Search and Retrieve Web Service (SRW) protocols, both developed and maintained by the Library of Congress in the United States, is presented and discussed. The SRU/SRW is a new draft protocol based on the already widespread Z39.50 protocol, whose purpose is to facilitate the development of solutions for shared cooperative cataloging of bibliographic information. Some examples of applications are also shown and the lack of production on the subject in specialized journals is pointed out.


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Information and knowledge are resources of environmental education (EE) that can be performed through knowledge management (KM). The aim of this paper is to propose measures of knowledge creation (KC) to improve performance of EE. This study is based on the research literature without empirical findings; therefore, the results are limited by the methodological resources of the theoretical essay. However, this limitation is the greatest motivation for future research which could investigate the proximity of EE with KM and KC in empirical investigations. Some suggestions for developing the requirements of KC programs to EE are presented as the results: possibility of the SECI process to better perform various aspects of environmental education such as social learning, interaction activities, dialogue, experience exchanging, information and knowledge, and of different ideas and ways of acting, done by EE and, finally, the possibility of Ba to develop a proper space for creation of new environmental knowledge. This article contains academic contributions to KM by providing greater discussion and understanding of KC; to EE when it allows a different view based on the work of information and knowledge about the processes of teaching, when contributing to social programs for EE, improving their practices and, consequently, contributing to an environmentally sustainable economic development.


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Information and knowledge have been cited for two decades as competitive advantage tools. Recently, the use of them is discussed in promotion of the innovation. The premise indicates that human interaction, information sharing and knowledge creation are vital for the success of organizations that need to learn and innovate all the time. This paper has the intention to point contributions from a dynamic environment of acquisition, dissemination and the use of information to the subsequent knowledge creation and the formation of innovation teams.


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The article presents and discusses issues such as informativeness, offering of directions and information retrieval, and also lists definitions of information and mediation. Based on the topics presented, the possible problems faced by information professionals are discussed while cultural mediators in the context of art museums.


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The information and communication technologies, to suggest new ways of production circulation and reception of symbolic products, contributing together with the aesthetic discussion related to post-modernity to make the current cultural scene becoming increasingly complex. Multiple layers of information are added to the cultural products, signalling the formation of a new type of knowledge necessary for the critical and understanding of the works. The article reflects on this process, focusing on cultural information present on the Internet.


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The terms librarianship (Biblioteconomia), Documentation, and Informatiom Science are widely used in Brazil. However, the second is the less known. thereby the article presents a mapping of the appearance and consolidation of Documentation, aiming to provide subsidies for the understanding of the influence of this movement in brazil. It presents abibliographical revision starting from works which present the conception and the development of Documentation, and historical data of the field in Brazil. It concludes that the european influence in brief, although effective, whilst the influence of documentation, which occurred between 1950 and 1960, was strongly inheritence of documentation in france, spain and portugal, and the importance of this movement to the overcoming of the restrictive approaches attributed to librarianship and the continuous clashes over the object of information science.


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Background: Progression of atherosclerosis in coronary artery disease is observed through consecutive angiograms. Prognosis of this progression in patients randomized to different treatments has not been established. This study compared progression of coronary artery disease in native coronary arteries in patients undergoing surgery, angioplasty, or medical treatment. Methods: Patients (611) with stable multivessel coronary artery disease and preserved ventricular function were randomly assigned to CABG, PCI, or medical treatment alone (MT). After 5-year follow-up, 392 patients (64%) underwent new angiography. Progression was considered a new stenosis of >= 50% in an arterial segment previously considered normal or an increased grade of previous stenosis > 20% in nontreated vessels. Results: Of the 392 patients, 136 underwent CABG, 146 PCI, and 110 MT. Baseline characteristics were similar among treatment groups, except for more smokers and statin users in the MT group, more hypertensives and lower LDL-cholesterol levels in the CABG group, and more angina in the PCI group at study entry. Analysis showed greater progression in at least one native vessel in PCI patients (84%) compared with CABG (57%) and MT (74%) patients (p < 0.001). LAD coronary territory had higher progression compared with LCX and RCA (P < 0.001). PCI treatment, hypertension, male sex, and previous MI were independent risk factors for progression. No statistical difference existed between coronary events and the development of progression. Conclusion: The angioplasty treatment conferred greater progression in native coronary arteries, especially in the left anterior descending territories and treated vessels. The progression was independently associated with hypertension, male sex, and previous myocardial infarction.


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Dengue epidemics have been reported in Brazil since 1985. The scenery has worsened in the last decade because several serotypes are circulating and producing a hyper-endemic situation, with an increase of DHF/DSS cases as well as the number of fatalities. Herein, we report dengue virus surveillance in mosquitoes using a Flavivirus genus-specific RT-Hemi-Nested-PCR assay. The mosquitoes (Culicidae, n = 1700) collected in the Northeast, Southeast and South of Brazil, between 1999 and 2005, were grouped into 154 pools. Putative genomes of DENV-1, -2 and -3 were detected in 6 mosquito pools (3.8%). One amplicon of putative DENV-1 was detected in a pool of Haemagogus leucocelaenus suggesting that this virus could be involved in a sylvatic cycle. DENV-3 was found infecting 3 pools of larvae of Aedes albopictus and the nucleotide sequence of one of these viruses was identified as DENV-3 of genotype III, phylogenetically related to other DENV-3 isolated in Brazil. This is the first report of a nucleotide sequence of DENV-3 from larvae of Aedes albopictus.


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Aims. To detect line effects using spectropolarimetry in order to find evidence of rotating disks and their respective symmetry axes in T Tauri stars. Methods. We used the IAGPOL imaging polarimeter along with the Eucalyptus-IFU to obtain spectropolarimetric measurements of the T Tauri stars RY Tau (two epochs) and PX Vul (one epoch). Evidence of line effects showing a loop in the Q-U diagram favors a compact rather than an extended source for the line photons in a rotating disk. In addition, the polarization position angle (PA) obtained using the line effect can constrain the symmetry axis of the disk. Results. RY Tau shows a variable H alpha double peak in 2004-2005 data. A polarization line effect is evident in the Q-U diagram for both epochs confirming a clockwise rotating disk. A single loop is evident in 2004 changing to a linear excursion plus a loop in 2005. Interestingly, the intrinsic PA calculated using the line effect is consistent between our two epochs (similar to 167 degrees). An alternative intrinsic PA computed from the interstellar polarization-corrected continuum and averaged between 2001-2005 yielded a PA similar to 137 degrees. This last value is closer to perpendicular to the observed disk direction (similar to 25 degrees), as expected from single scattering in an optically thin disk. For PX Vul, we detected spectral variability in H alpha along with non-variable continuum polarization when compared with previous data. The Q-U diagram shows a well-defined loop in H alpha associated with a counter-clockwise rotating disk. The symmetry axis inferred from the line effect has a PA similar to 91 degrees (with an ambiguity of 90 degrees). Our results confirm previous evidence that the emission line in T Tauri stars has its origin in a compact source scattered off a rotating accretion disk.


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The power loss reduction in distribution systems (DSs) is a nonlinear and multiobjective problem. Service restoration in DSs is even computationally hard since it additionally requires a solution in real-time. Both DS problems are computationally complex. For large-scale networks, the usual problem formulation has thousands of constraint equations. The node-depth encoding (NDE) enables a modeling of DSs problems that eliminates several constraint equations from the usual formulation, making the problem solution simpler. On the other hand, a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (EA) based on subpopulation tables adequately models several objectives and constraints, enabling a better exploration of the search space. The combination of the multiobjective EA with NDE (MEAN) results in the proposed approach for solving DSs problems for large-scale networks. Simulation results have shown the MEAN is able to find adequate restoration plans for a real DS with 3860 buses and 632 switches in a running time of 0.68 s. Moreover, the MEAN has shown a sublinear running time in function of the system size. Tests with networks ranging from 632 to 5166 switches indicate that the MEAN can find network configurations corresponding to a power loss reduction of 27.64% for very large networks requiring relatively low running time.


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This paper describes the development of an optimization model for the management and operation of a large-scale, multireservoir water supply distribution system with preemptive priorities. The model considers multiobjectives and hedging rules. During periods of drought, when water supply is insufficient to meet the planned demand, appropriate rationing factors are applied to reduce water supply. In this paper, a water distribution system is formulated as a network and solved by the GAMS modeling system for mathematical programming and optimization. A user-friendly interface is developed to facilitate the manipulation of data and to generate graphs and tables for decision makers. The optimization model and its interface form a decision support system (DSS), which can be used to configure a water distribution system to facilitate capacity expansion and reliability studies. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the utility and versatility of the developed DSS under different supply and demand scenarios, including applications to one of the largest water supply systems in the world, the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area Water Supply Distribution System in Brazil.


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Objectives: We compared 12-month outcomes, regarding ischemic events, repeat intervention, and ST, between diabetic and nondiabetic patients treated with the Genous (TM) EPC capturing R stent (TM) during routine nonurgent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) using data from the multicenter, prospective worldwide e-HEALING registry. Background: Diabetic patients have an increased risk for restenosis and stent thrombosis (ST). Methods: In the 4,996 patient e-HEALING registry, 273 were insulin requiring diabetics (IRD), 963 were non-IRD (NIRD), and 3,703 were nondiabetics. The 12-month primary outcome was target vessel failure (TVF), defined as target vessel-related cardiac death or myocardial infarction (MI) and target vessel revascularization. Secondary outcomes were the composite of cardiac death, MI or target lesion revascularization (TLR), and individual outcomes including ST. Cumulative event rates were estimated with the Kaplan-Meier method and compared with a log-rank test. Results: TVF rates were respectively 13.4% in IRD, 9.0% in NIRD, and 7.9% in nondiabetics (P < 0.01). This was mainly driven by a higher mortality hazard in IRD (P < 0.001) and NIRD (P = 0.07), compared with nondiabetics. TLR rates were comparable in NIRD and nondiabetics, but significantly higher in IRD (P = 0.04). No difference was observed in ST. Conclusion: The 1-year results of the Genous stent in a real-world population of diabetics show higher TVF rates in diabetics compared with nondiabetics, mainly driven by a higher mortality hazard. IRD is associated with a significant higher TLR hazard. Definite or probable ST in all diabetic patients was comparable with nondiabetics. (J Interven Cardiol 2011;24:285-294)