14 resultados para Open-system Fractional Crystallization

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Felsic microgranular enclaves with structures indicating that they interacted in a plastic state with their chemically similar host granite are abundant in the Maua Pluton, SE Brazil. Larger plagioclase xenocrysts are in textural disequilibrium with the enclave groundmass and show complex zoning patterns with partially resorbed An-rich cores (locally with patchy textures) surrounded by more sodic rims. In situ laser ablation-(multi-collector) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry trace element and Sr isotopic analyses performed on the plagioclase xenocrysts indicate open-system crystallization; however, no evidence of derivation from more primitive basic melts is observed. The An-rich cores have more radiogenic initial Sr isotopic ratios that decrease towards the outermost part of the rims, which are in isotopic equilibrium with the matrix plagioclase. These profiles may have been produced by either (1) diffusional re-equilibration after rim crystallization from the enclave-forming magma, as indicated by relatively short calculated residence times, or (2) episodic contamination with a decrease of the contaminant ratio proportional to the extent to which the country rocks were isolated by the crystallization front. Profiles of trace elements with high diffusion coefficients would require unrealistically long residence times, and can be modeled in terms of fractional crystallization. A combination of trace element and Sr isotope data suggests that the felsic microgranular enclaves from the Maua Pluton are the products of interaction between end-member magmas that had similar compositions, thus recording `self-mixing` events.


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We report on integer and fractional microwave-induced resistance oscillations in a 2D electron system with high density and moderate mobility, and present results of measurements at high microwave intensity and temperature. Fractional microwave-induced resistance oscillations occur up to fractional denominator 8 and are quenched independently of their fractional order. We discuss our results and compare them with existing theoretical models. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Niquelandia complex is a Neoproterozoic mafic-ultramafic intrusion resulting from fractional crystallization of primary picritic basalt intrusions. It consists of two layered sequences: a lower and larger one (LS), where four stratigraphic units exhibit an upward decrease of ultramafic layers and increase of gabbroic layers; an upper, smaller sequence (US), separated from LS by a high-temperature shear zone and consisting of two stratigraphic units (gabbros + anorthosites and amphibolites). Nd and Sr isotopic analyses and rare earth element (REE) profiles provide evidence that the complex suffered important crustal contamination. The LS isotopic array trends from a DM region with positive epsilon Nd and moderately positive epsilon Sr towards a field occupied by crustal xenoliths, especially abundant in the upper LS (negative epsilon Nd and large, positive E:Sr). Each LS stratigraphic unit is distinct from the next underlying unit, showing lower epsilon Nd and higher epsilon Sr, suggesting inputs of fresh magma and mixing with the contaminated, residual magma. The US is characterised by a relatively high variation of epsilon Nd and constant epsilon Sr. REE patterns vary within each unit from LREE depleted to LREE enriched in the samples having lower epsilon Nd and higher epsilon Sr. The contamination process has been modelled by using the EC-AFC algorithms from [Spera, F.J., Bohrson, W.A., 2001. Energy-constrained open-system magmatic processes 1: general model and energy-constrained assimilation and fractional crystallization (EC-AFC) formulation. J. Petrology 42, 999-1018]. The differences between the LS and US isotopic arrays are consistent with contamination by the same crustal component, provided that its melting degree was higher in LS than in US. The different degrees of anatexis are explained by the heat budget released from the magma, higher in LS (because of its larger mass) than in US. Comparison of the correlations between isotopes and incompatible trace element ratios of the models and of the gabbros shows some differences, which are demonstrably related with the variable amount of cumulus phases and trapped melt in the gabbros. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The whole Valle Fertil-La Huerta section appears as a calc-alkaline plutonic suite typical of a destructive plate margin. New Sr and Nd isotopic whole-rock data and published whole-rock geochemistry suggest that the less-evolved intermediate (dioritic) rocks can be derived by magmatic differentiation, mainly by hornblende + plagioclase +/- Fe-Ti oxide fractional crystallization, from mafic (gabbroic) igneous precursors. Closed-system differentiation, however, cannot produce the typical intermediate (tonalitic) and silicic (granodioritic) plutonic rocks, which requires a preponderant contribution of crustal components. Intermediate and silicic plutonic rocks from Valle Fertil-La Huerta section have formed in a plate subduction setting where the thermal and material input of mantle-derived magmas promoted fusion of fertile metasedimentary rocks and favored mixing of gabbroic or dioritic magmas with crustal granitic melts. Magma mixing is observable in the field and evident in variations of chemical elemental parameters and isotopic ratios, revealing that hybridization coupled with fractionation of magmas took place in the crust. Consideration of the whole-rock geochemical and isotopic data in the context of the Famatinian-Puna magmatic belt as a whole demonstrates that the petrologic model postulated for the Sierra Valle Fertil-La Huerta section has the potential to explain the generation of plutonic and volcanic rocks across the Early Ordovician paleoarc from central and northwestern Argentina. As the petrologic model does not require the intervention of old Precambrian continental crust, the nature of the basement on which thick accretionary turbiditic sequences were deposited remains a puzzling aspect. Discussion in this paper provides insights into the nature of magmatic source rocks and mechanisms of magma generation in Cordilleran-type volcano-plutonic arcs of destructive plate margins. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To compare new bone formation in maxillary sinus augmentation procedures using biomaterial associated with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) separated by two different isolation methods. Background: In regenerative medicine open cell concentration systems are only allowed for clinical application under good manufacturing practice conditions. Methods: Mononuclear cells, including MSCs, were concentrated with either the synthetic poylsaccharid (FICOLL) method (classic open system-control group, n = 6 sinus) or the bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) method (closed system-test group, n = 12 sinus) and transplanted in combination with biomaterial. A sample of the cells was characterized by their ability to differentiate. After 4.1 months (SD +/- 1.0) bone biopsies were obtained and analyzed. Results: The new bone formation in the BMAC group was 19.9% (90% confidence interval [CI], 10.9-29), and in the FICOLL group was 15.5% (90% CI, 8.6-22.4). The 4.4% difference was not significant (90% CI, -4.6-13.5; p = 0.39). MSCs could be differentiated into osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenic lineages. Conclusion: MSCs harvested from bone marrow aspirate in combination with bovine bone matrix particles can form lamellar bone and provide a reliable base for dental implants. The closed BMAC system is suited to substitute the open FICOLL system in bone regeneration procedures.


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Early Cretaceous (similar to 129 Ma) silicic rocks crop out in SE Uruguay between the Laguna Merin and Santa Lucia basins in the Lascano, Sierra Sao Miguel. Salamanca and Minas areas They are mostly rhyolites with minor quartz-trachytes and are nearly contemporaneous with the Parana-Etendeka igneous province and with the first stages of South Atlantic Ocean opening A strong geochemical variability (particularly evident from Rb/Nb, Nb/Y trace element ratios) and a wide range of Sr-Nd isotopic ratios ((143)Nd/(144)Nd((129)) = 0.51178-0.51209, (87)Sr/(86)Sr((129)) = 0.70840-0.72417) characterize these rocks Geochemistry allows to distiniguish two compositional groups, corresponding to the north-eastern (Lascano and Sierra Sao Miguel, emplaced on the Neo-Proterozoic southern sector of the Dom Feliciano mobile belt) and south-eastern localities (Salamanca, Minas, emplace on the much older (Archean) Nico Perez teriane or on the boundary between the Dom Feliciano and Nico Perez termites) These compositional differences between the two groups are explained by variable mantle source and crust contributions. The origin of the silicic magmas is best explained by complex processes involving assimilation and fractional crystallization and mixing of a basaltic magma with upper crustal lithologies, for Lascano and Sierra Sao Miguel rhyolites. In the Salamanea and Minas rocks genesis, a stronger contribution from lower crust is indicated.


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The Early Cretaceous alkaline magmatism in the northeastern region of Paraguay (Amambay Province) is represented by stocks, plugs, dikes, and dike swarms emplaced into Carboniferous to Triassic-Jurassic sediments and Precambrian rocks. This magmatism is tectonically related to the Ponta Pora Arch, a NE-trending structural feature, and has the Cerro Sarambi and Cerro Chiriguelo carbonatite complexes as its most significant expressions. Other alkaline occurrences found in the area are the Cerro Guazu and the small bodies of Cerro Apua, Arroyo Gasory, Cerro Jhu, Cerro Tayay, and Cerro Teyu. The alkaline rocks comprise ultramafic-mafic, syenitic, and carbonatitic petrographic associations in addition to lithologies of variable composition and texture occurring as dikes; fenites are described in both carbonatite complexes. Alkali feldspar and clinopyroxene, ranging from diopside to aegirine, are the most abundant minerals, with feldspathoids (nepheline, analcime), biotite, and subordinate Ti-rich garnet; minor constituents are Fe-Ti oxides and cancrinite as the main alteration product from nepheline. Chemically, the Amambay silicate rocks are potassic to highly potassic and have miaskitic affinity, with the non-cumulate intrusive types concentrated mainly in the saturated to undersaturated areas in silica syenitic fields. Fine-grained rocks are also of syenitic affiliation or represent more mafic varieties. The carbonatitic rocks consist dominantly of calciocarbonatites. Variation diagrams plotting major and trace elements vs. SiO(2) concentration for the Cerro Sarambi rocks show positive correlations for Al(2)O(3), K(2)O, and Rb, and negative ones for TiO(2), MgO, Fe(2)O(3), CaO, P(2)O(5), and Sr, indicating that fractional crystallization played an important role in the formation of the complex. Incompatible elements normalized to primitive mantle display positive spikes for Rb, La, Pb, Sr, and Sm, and negative for Nb-Ta, P, and Ti, as these negative anomalies are considerably more pronounced in the carbonatites. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns point to the high concentration of these elements and to the strong LRE/HRE fractionation. The Amambay rocks are highly enriched in radiogenic Sr and have T(DM) model ages that vary from 1.6 to 1.1 Ga. suggesting a mantle source enriched in incompatible elements by metasomatic events in Paleo-Mesoproterozoic times. Data are consistent with the derivation of the Cerro Sarambi rocks from a parental magma of lamprophyric (minette) composition and suggest an origin by liquid immiscibility processes for the carbonatites. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The surface modification and crystallization process of BaO-B2O3-SiO2 glass compositions when exposed to CO2 laser irradiation was evaluated as a function of the laser power, irradiation time and surface condition. The glass surface was modified by the application of laser power exceeding 0.40 W and an irradiation time of more than 300 s. Micro-Raman and X-ray diffraction measurements revealed at high laser power the formation of beta-BaB2O4 (beta-BBO) crystalline phase. The crystallization of the irradiated region was enhanced when beta-BBO micrometer sized particles were dispersed on the surface of the glass sample. The intensity of the second harmonic generation observed in the crystallized region was found to depend mainly on the condition of the glassy surface prior to glass irradiation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The study of old open clusters outside the solar circle can bring constraints on formation scenarios of the outer disc. In particular, accretion of dwarf galaxies has been proposed as a likely mechanism in the area. We use BVI photometry for determining fundamental parameters of the faint open cluster ESO 92-SC05. Colour-magnitude diagrams are compared with Padova isochrones, in order to derive age, reddening and distance. We derive a reddening E(B - V) = 0.17, and an old age of similar to 6.0 Gyr. It is one of the rare open clusters known to be older than 5 Gyr. A metallicity of Z similar to 0.004 or [M/H] similar to -0.7 is found. The rather low metallicity suggests that this cluster might be the result of an accretion episode of a dwarf galaxy.


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In the present paper we report on the experimental electron sheet density vs. magnetic field diagram for the magnetoresistance R(xx) of a two-dimensional electron system (2DES) with two occupied subbands. For magnetic fields above 9T, we found fractional quantum Hall levels centered around the filing factor v = 3/2 in both the two occupied electric subbands. We focused specially on the fractional levels of the second subband, whose experimental values of the magnetic field B of their minima do not obey a periodicity law in 1/|B-B(c)|, where B(c) is the critical field at the filling factor v = 3/2, and we explain this fact entirely in the framework of the composite fermions theory. We use a simple theoretical model to give a possible explanation for the fact. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2011


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Defects are usually present in organic polymer films and are commonly invoked to explain the low efficiency obtained in organic-based optoelectronic devices. We propose that controlled insertion of substitutional impurities may, on the contrary, tune the optoelectronic properties of the underivatized organic material and, in the case studied here, maximize the efficiency of a solar cell. We investigate a specific oxygen-impurity substitution, the keto-defect -(CH(2)-C=O)- in underivatized crystalline poly(p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV), and its impact on the electronic structure of the bulk film, through a combined classical (force-field) and quantum mechanical (DFT) approach. We find defect states which suggest a spontaneous electron hole separation typical of a donor acceptor interface, optimal for photovoltaic devices. Furthermore, the inclusion of oxygen impurities does not introduce defect states in the gap and thus, contrary to standard donor-acceptor systems, should preserve the intrinsic high open circuit voltage (V(oc)) that may be extracted from PPV-based devices.


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Glasses having the composition (100 - x)As2P2S8-xGa(2)S(3) with x ranging from 0 to 50% were investigated to determine the compositional effect on properties and local structure. The glass transition temperature (T-g) and the stability parameter against crystallization (T-x - T-g) increased with the addition of Ga2S3. The structure of these glasses was probed by Raman scattering, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance. On the basis of the observed vibrations and the strength of the P-31-P-31 homonuclear magnetic dipolar coupling, two scenarios can be proposed for the structural evolution induced by the addition of Ga2S3. For x <= 20% we may have the formation of GaS4E- groups (E = nonbonding electron), and for x >= 30% we have depolymerization of the As2P2S8 units and the formation of a network of GaPS4 units with each PS4/2 unit (Q(4)) species carrying a single positive formal charge.


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The crystallization of laser glasses in the system (B(2)O(3))(0.6){(Al(2)O(3))(0.4-y)(Y(2)O(3))(y)} (0.1 <= y <= 0.25) doped with different levels of ytterbium oxide has been investigated by X-ray powder diffraction, differential thermal analysis, and various solid-state NMR techniques. The homogeneous glasses undergo major phase segregation processes resulting in crystalline YBO(3), crystalline YAI(3)(BO(3))(4), and residual glassy B(2)O(3) as the major products. This process can be analyzed in a quantitative fashion by solid-state (11)B, (27)Al, and (89)Y NMR spectroscopies as well as (11)B{(27)Al} rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) experiments. The Yb dopants end up in both of the crystalline components, producing increased line widths of the corresponding (11)B, (27)Al, and (89)Y NMR resonances that depend linearly on the Yb/Y substitution ratio. A preliminary analysis of the composition dependence suggests that the Yb(3+) dopant is not perfectly equipartitioned between both crystalline phases, suggesting a moderate preference of Yb to substitute in the crystalline YBO(3) component.


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The thermoluminescence (TL) characteristics of quartz are highly dependent of its thermal history. Based on the enhancement of quartz luminescence occurred after heating, some authors proposed to use quartz TL to recover thermal events that affected quartz crystals. However, little is know about the influence of the temperature of quartz crystallization on its TL characteristics. In the present study, we evaluate the TL sensitivity and dose response curves of hydrothermal and metamorphic quartz with crystallization temperatures from 209 +/- 15 to 633 +/- 27 degrees C determined through fluid inclusion and mineral chemistry analysis. The studied crystals present a cooling thermal history, which allow the acquiring of their natural TL without influence of heating after crystallization. The TL curves of the studied samples present two main components formed by different peaks overlapped around 110 C and 200-400 degrees C. The TL sensitivity in the 200-400 degrees C region increases linearly with the temperature of quartz crystallization. No relationship was observed between temperatures of quartz crystallization and saturation doses (<100 Gy). The elevated TL sensitivity of the high temperature quartz is attributed to the control exerted by the temperature of crystallization on the substitution of Si(4+) by ions such as Al(3+) and Ti(4+), which produce defects responsible for luminescence phenomena. The linear relationship observed between TL in the 200-400 degrees C region and crystallization temperature has potential use as a quartz geothermometer. The relative abundance of quartz in the earth crust and the easiness to measure TL are advantageous in relation to geothermometry methods based on chemistry of other minerals. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.