40 resultados para Morbidade fetal
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
FUNDAMENTO: Os efeitos da anestesia local em odontologia com lidocaína e epinefrina, sobre parâmetros cardiovasculares de gestantes portadoras de valvopatias e seus conceptos, não estão esclarecidos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar e analisar parâmetros da cardiotocografia, de pressão arterial e eletrocardiográficos da gestante portadora de doença valvar reumática, quando submetida à anestesia local com 1,8 ml de lidocaína 2% sem vasoconstritor e com epinefrina 1:100.000, durante procedimento odontológico restaurador. MÉTODOS: Realizamos monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial, eletrocardiografia ambulatorial materna e cardiotocografia de 31 portadoras de cardiopatia reumática, entre a 28ª e 37ª semana de gestação, divididas em dois grupos conforme presença ou não do vasoconstritor RESULTADOS: Demonstrou-se redução significativa dos valores de frequência cardíaca materna nos dois grupos, durante o procedimento, quando comparado aos demais períodos (p < 0,001). Houve ocorrência de arritmia cardíaca em 9 (29,0%) pacientes, das quais 7 (41,8%) pertencentes ao grupo de 17 gestantes que recebeu anestesia com adrenalina. A pressão arterial materna não apresentou diferença quando comparamos períodos ou grupos (p > 0,05). O mesmo ocorreu (p > 0,05) com número de contrações uterinas, nível e variabilidade da linha de base e número de acelerações da frequência cardíaca fetal. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de 1,8 ml de lidocaína 2% associado à adrenalina mostrou-se seguro e eficaz em procedimento odontológico restaurador durante a gestação de mulheres com cardiopatia valvar reumática.
Existe considerável evidência para a indução de diferentes fenótipos em reposta às variações no ambiente fetal e neonatal. O aporte inadequado de nutrientes no período crítico do desenvolvimento está associado ao risco alto de doenças metabólicas na vida adulta, este fenômeno biológico é chamado de programação. A atividade física durante a gestação resulta em adaptações fisiológicas da mãe e no aumento da disponibilidade de nutrientes e oxigênio no espaço feto-placentário. Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir os mecanismos da indução de programação fetal pela nutrição e o provável efeito modulador da atividade física durante a gestação. Foram utilizadas as bases de dados do Medline Pubmed, Lilacs e Bireme, com publicações entre 1990 até 2008. Os termos de indexação utilizados foram: nutrition, fetal programming, gestation, physical activity, physical exercise, metabolism. Em conclusão, o aporte inadequado de nutrientes programa o aparecimento de doenças metabólicas na vida adulta, enquanto que a atividade física durante a gestação aumenta a disponibilidade de nutrientes e oxigênio, repercutindo positivamente no crescimento fetal e no peso ao nascer.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade da informação registrada nas declarações de óbito fetal. MÉTODOS: Estudo documental com 710 óbitos fetais em hospitais de São Paulo, SP, no primeiro semestre de 2008, registrados na base unificada de óbitos da Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados e da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo. Foi analisada a completitude das variáveis das declarações de óbito fetal emitidas por hospitais e Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos. Os registros das declarações de óbito de uma amostra de 212 óbitos fetais de hospitais do Sistema Único de Saúde foram comparados com os dados dos prontuários e do registro do Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos. RESULTADOS: Dentre as declarações de óbito, 75% foram emitidas pelo Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos, mais freqüente nos hospitais do Sistema Único de Saúde (78%). A completitude das variáveis das declarações de óbito emitidas pelos hospitais foi mais elevada e foi maior nos hospitais não pertencentes ao Sistema Único de Saúde. Houve maior completitude, concordância e sensibilidade nas declarações de óbito emitidas pelos hospitais. Houve baixa concordância e elevada especificidade para as variáveis relativas às características maternas. Maior registro das variáveis sexo, peso ao nascer e duração da gestação foi observada nas declarações emitidas no Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos. A autópsia não resultou em aprimoramento da indicação das causas de morte: a morte fetal não especificada representou 65,7% e a hipóxia intrauterina, 24,3%, enquanto nas declarações emitidas pelos hospitais foi de 18,1% e 41,7%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: É necessário aprimorar a completitude e a indicação das causas de morte dos óbitos fetais. A elevada proporção de autópsias não melhorou a qualidade da informação e a indicação das causas de morte. A qualidade das informações geradas de autópsias depende do acesso às informações hospitalares.
O objetivo dos estudo foi conhecer o perfil da morbidade das internações hospitalares por causas externas no Município de São José dos Campos, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram estudadas as internações pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) por lesões decorrentes de causas externas no primeiro semestre de 2003, no Hospital Municipal. Este hospital é a principal referência para o atendimento ao trama e foi responsável por 92,3% das internações pelo SUS por causas externas no período estudado. Entre os 873 pacientes internados, as lesões decorrentes de acidentes de transporte foram resposáveis por 31,8% dos casos, as quedas por 26,7% e as causas indeterminadas por 19,5%. A razão de masculinidade foi de 3,1:1 e a faixa etária predominante de 20-29 anos, com 23,3% das internações. As lesões mais freqüentes foram as fraturas (49,8%) e o traumatismo intracraniano (13,5%). Entre as fraturas, predominaram as do fêmur e as da perna, que representaram, respectivamente, 10,8% e 10,1%. A maior taxa de internação por local de residência ocorreu na região Norte do Município, com 470,0 internações por 100.000 habitantes. O perfil da morbidade hospitalar encontrado confirmou os acidentes de transporte como importante causa de internação hospitalar no Município e contrariou a tendência geral das quedas como principal causa externa de internação hospitalar. A distribuição por sexo, idade e natureza da lesão foi semelhante aos dados encontrados na literatura. A taxa de internação por causas externas por região de residência contribuiu para o mapeamento da violência em São José dos Campos-SP
During fetal development, mesenchymal progenitor (MP) cells are co-localized in major hematopoietic territories, such as yolk sac (YS), bone marrow (BM), liver (LV), and others. Studies using mouse and human MP cells isolated from fetus have shown that these cells are very similar but not identical to adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Their differentiation potential is usually restricted to production of highly committed osteogenic and chondrogenic precursors. Such properties of fetal MP cells can be very useful for tissue regeneration, when a great number of committed precursors are required. The objectives of this study were to isolate and characterize MP cells from canine YS, BM, and LV in early and late stages of fetal development. Gestational stage was identified, and cell culture conditions were evaluated for efficient isolation of canine MP cells. All canine fetal MP cells expressed vimentin, nestin, and CD44 proteins. Cytokeratin 18 expression was observed in BM-and LV-MP cells, and vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin expression was observed only in YS-MP cells. A small number of MP cells (5%) from LV and YS expressed Oct3/4 protein. The differentiation potential of canine fetal MP cells varied significantly: YS- and BM-MP cells differentiated into bone and cartilage, whereas LV-MP cells differentiation was limited to osteogenic fate. None of the canine fetal MP cells were able to differentiate into adipose cells. Our data suggest that canine fetal MP cells are an appropriate in vitro model to study MP biology from hematopoietic territories and they are a source of committed osteogenic and chondrogenic precursors for regenerative medicine.
Objective: To investigate the influence of maternal glycemia on fetal heart rate (FHR) parameters analyzed by computerized cardiotocography in fetuses of diabetic mothers in the third trimester. Study design: Thirty-nine pregnant women with pregestational diabetes mellitus were studied prospectively. The inclusion criteria were a diagnosis of pregestational diabetes, singleton pregnancy between 36 and 40 weeks, and absence of fetal abnormalities. Computerized cardiotocography (System 8002) was performed over a period of 60 min and capillary glycemia was measured immediately before and 30 and 60 min after the beginning of the exam. The evaluations were done 2 h after lunch. Results: Nineteen patients (48.7%) presented mean glycemia >= 120 mg/dL The mean basal FHR was 136.7 +/- 10.0 bpm in the group with glycemia <120 mg/dL and 144.8 +/- 9.4 bpm in the group with glycemia >= 120 mg/dL (p = 0.013, Student`s t test). There was a significant positive correlation (Pearson`s test, p = 0.0001, r = 0.57) between basal FHR and mean glycemia. A significant negative correlation was observed between short-term variation and mean glycemia (Pearson`s test, p = 0.003, r = -0.47). No significant differences were observed between the other indices evaluated by computerized cardiotocography and glycemia. Conclusions: Maternal hyperglycemia at the time of cardiotocography is associated with elevated FHR. It seems to be important to understand how FHR parameters are influenced by maternal glycemic status at the time of fetal assessment in pregnancies complicated by diabetes. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
Objectives: The high incidence of respiratory disorders is one of the main problems in perinatal medical care. With the increased use of intubation, the incidence of laryngeal injury causing stenosis has also increased. The principal constriction point in the infant`s larynx is the midcricoid area. We sought to provide detailed morphometric data on the anatomy of the cricoid cartilage and its relationship with growth and body characteristics of fetuses at 5 to 9 months of gestational age. Methods: Nineteen larynges obtained from 17 stillborn infants and 2 newborn infants ranging in gestational age from 5 to 9 months were studied. Measurements of the cricoid cartilage were made with a millimeter-graded caliper. Results: Weight was the variable most correlated with cricoid measurements. The cricoid lumen configuration showed an almost elliptic shape and did not change with gestational age. The mean inner subglottic cricoid area was 19.27 +/- 9.62 mm(2) and was related to weight and body surface area. Cricoid growth was more pronounced at the outer portion of the cartilage. Conclusions: The cricoid lumen configuration was elliptic, and its mean area was smaller than that of available endotracheal tubes. This lumen area was most influenced by weight and height.
Background Stroke mortality rates in Brazil are the highest in the Americas. Deaths from cerebrovascular disease surpass coronary heart disease. Aim To verify stroke mortality rates and morbidity in an area of Sao Paulo, Brazil, using the World Health Organization Stepwise Approach to Stroke Surveillance. Methods We used the World Health Organization Stepwise Approach to Stroke Surveillance structure of stroke surveillance. The hospital-based data comprised fatal and nonfatal stroke (Step 1). We gathered stroke-related mortality data in the community using World Health Organization questionnaires (Step 2). The questionnaire determining stroke prevalence was activated door to door in a family-health-programme neighbourhood (Step 3). Results A total of 682 patients 18 years and above, including 472 incident cases, presented with cerebrovascular disease and were enrolled in Step 1 during April-May 2009. Cerebral infarction (84 center dot 3%) and first-ever stroke (85 center dot 2%) were the most frequent. In Step 2, 256 deaths from stroke were identified during 2006-2007. Forty-four per cent of deaths were classified as unspecified stroke, 1/3 as ischaemic stroke, and 1/4 due to haemorrhagic subtype. In Step 3, 577 subjects over 35 years old were evaluated at home, and 244 cases of stroke survival were diagnosed via a questionnaire, validated by a board-certified neurologist. The population demographic characteristics were similar in the three steps, except in terms of age and gender. Conclusion By including data from all settings, World Health Organization stroke surveillance can provide data to help plan future resources that meet the needs of the public-health system.
Goals: To assess maternal and fetal outcomes and clinical management of pregnancy in patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Background: There is a paucity of information about maternal and fetal outcomes, and AIH activity during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. There is no consensus about the administration of azathioprine during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Study: Retrospective analysis of 54 pregnancies (3 still in progress) in 39 AIH patients. Results: The median age at conception was 24 years, and 68.4% of women had liver cirrhosis. Before conception and in early pregnancy, azathioprine and prednisone were administered in 48.1%, but treatment regimen vas usually changed further to 20 mg/d prednisone and 20.4%, were off treatment. There were 36 livebirths, and fetal loss rates were 29.4% (13 miscarriages, 1 stillbirth, and 1 ectopic pregnancy). Preterm birth rate was 11.8%. In 2 cases, there was acute fetal distress; and in 2 others congenital malformations (3.9%). The rate of serious maternal complication was 7.8%, with no deaths. There were no flares in 41.2% pregnancies, but aminotransferase elevations occurred in 54.9%, 31.4% of which were true AIH relapses, only registered in the postpartum period. Conclusions: Despite the high fetal miscarriage rate, pregnancy in AIH was safe. Patients needed careful monitoring, especially in the postpartum period because of relapses. There was no evidence of a cause and effect relationship among azathioprine administration and premature births and congenital abnormalities, but more studies are necessary. Higher doses of prednisone may be an alternative option for those who prefer azathioprine withdrawal during pregnancy.
The ability of mesenchymal stem cells to generate functional neurons in culture is still a matter of controversy. In order to assess this issue, we performed a functional comparison between neuronal differentiation of human MSCs and fetal-derived neural stem cells (NSCs) based on morphological, immunocytochemical, and electrophysiological criteria. Furthermore, possible biochemical mechanisms involved in this process were presented. NF200 immunostaining was used to quantify the yield of differentiated cells after exposure to CAMP. The addition of a PKA inhibitor and Ca(2+) blockers to the differentiation medium significantly reduced the yield of differentiated cells. Activation of CREB was also observed on MSCs during maturation. Na(+)-, K(+)-, and Ca(2+)-voltage-dependent currents were recorded from MSCs-derived cells. In contrast, significantly larger Na(+) currents, firing activity, and spontaneous synaptic currents were recorded from NSCs. Our results indicate that the initial neuronal differentiation of MSCs is induced by CAMP and seems to be dependent upon Ca(2+) and the PKA pathway. However, compared to fetal neural stem cells, adult mesenchymal counterparts are limited in their neurogenic potential. Despite the similar yield of neuronal cells, NSCs achieved a more mature functional state. Description of the underlying mechanisms that govern MSCs` differentiation toward a stable neuronal phenotype and their limitations provides a unique opportunity to enhance our understanding of stem cell plasticity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Placental insufficiency and fetal growth restriction may lead to fetal hypoxia and acidemia, which result in fetal cardiac injury. Objective: The goal of this study was to compare the levels of fetal cardiac troponin T (cTnT) at birth and fetal Doppler parameters according to fetal gender in pregnancies complicated by placental insufficiency before 34 weeks` gestation. Methods: Between March 2007 and November 2010, singleton pregnancies with placental insufficiency characterized by abnormal umbilical artery Doppler results were prospectively studied. All the patients delivered by cesarean section, and Doppler examinations were performed up to 48 hours before birth. Immediately after delivery, umbilical artery blood samples were obtained for fetal cTnT measurements. Results: Fifty high-risk pregnant women met the study criteria. The study groups were as follows: group 1 consisted of 23 male fetuses (46%) and group 2 consisted of 27 female fetuses (54%). cTnT levels were significantly higher in the group of male fetuses (median, 0.14; range, 0.01-0.85) compared with the group of female fetuses (median, 0.05; range, 0.01-0.27) (P = 0.039). In the group of male fetuses, Doppler results of the ductus venosus assessment revealed values of pulsatility index for veins >= 1.0 in 15 male fetuses (65.2%) and 9 female fetuses (33.3%) (P = 0.032). Conclusions: Fetal gender was associated with cTnT level at birth in pregnancies complicated by placental insufficiency before 34 weeks` gestation, although the Doppler findings did not support gender differences. The fetal cardiac compromise and cardiac injury may be influenced by fetal gender, suggesting differences in the cardiovascular response to fetal hypoxia. (Gend Med. 2011;8:202-208) (C) 2011 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc. All rights reserved.
Objectives This study was designed to evaluate bowel diameter as a predictor of adverse outcome in isolated fetal gastroschisis Methods Retrospective study involving 94 singleton pregnancies Ultrasound measurements of herniated bowel transverse diameter (BTD) were performed up to 3 weeks before delivery Adverse outcome was intrauterine/neonatal death and/or bowel complications Results Last BTD was recorded at 35 6 +/- 1 6 weeks and mean interval to delivery was 6 2 +/- 5 0 days Intrauterine/neonatal death occurred in 10 (10 6%) cases, bowel complications were observed in 8 (8 5%) BTD >= 15, >= 20, >= 25, and >= 30 mm were found in 87, 46, 13, and 4% of pregnancies with a favorable outcome. respectively BTD >= 25 mm sensitivity was 38%. and positive and negative predictive values were 38 and 87% For BTD >= 30 mm. the values were 19, 50, and 85% Observed/expected BTD ROC curve showed an area of 0 67, best cut-off value at 1 39, prediction values were similar to those for BTD >= 25 mm Bowel dilatation was also significantly associated with lower rate of primary surgical closure. longer period to full oral feeding, and prolonged hospital stay Conclusions Bowel dilatation demonstrated up to 3 weeks before delivery is a predictor of intestinal complications and is associated with lower late of primary surgical closure, longer period to achieve full oral feeding. and hospital stay Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Objective To report the experience with fetal cystoscopy and laser fulguration of posterior urethral values (PUV) for severe lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO). Methods Between July 2006 and December 2008, fetal cystoscopy was offered to 23 patients whose fetuses presented with severe LUTO. favorable urinary analysis and gestational age <26 weeks. Fetal urinary biochemistry was evaluated before and after cystoscopy. All infants were followed 6-12 months after birth. Abnormal renal function was defined when serum creatinine higher than 50 mu mol/L (2 Standard Deviation) or the necessity of dialysis or renal transplantation. Autopsy was always performed whenever fetal or neonatal deaths occurred. Results Eleven patients decided to undergo fetal therapy and 12 elected to continue with expectant observation. There was no difference between both groups in gestation age at diagnosis and referral examinations. Urethral atresia was diagnosed in 4/11 (36.4%) fetuses by fetal cystoscopy. At 26 weeks, fetuses that were managed expectantly presented with worse urinary biochemistry results (p < 0.05). Survival rates and percentage of infants with normal renal function were significantly higher in the cystoscopic group than in the expectant group (P < 0.05). Conclusions Percutaneous fetal cystoscopy is feasible using a thinner special cannula for prenatal diagnosis and therapy of LUTO. Prenatal laser ablation of the PUV under cystoscopy may prevent renal function deterioration improving postnatal outcome. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.