4 resultados para Marca Territorial
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
It is a generally acknowledged fact that the dynamics of frontier advance deeply influenced the broad experience of American post colonial societies. The colonization, which started most from the east boundaries of the continent, appropriated and gradually transformed the American territories from east to west. The advance, initially represented by the arrival of the European settlers, went on to become an important trace of that society which did not come to know any physical limits of a restricted territory. However, despite the common identity granted by these territorial dynamics, the later developments and consequences seem to have shaped differently the Northern representatives from their Southern counterparts. In addition, the interpretation of these facts bore in each of these regions different meanings and traits.
Entre 1852 e 1859, a atual Argentina se encontrava politicamente dividida entre Buenos Aires e a Confederação, que congregava as demais Províncias. Nesse período, diferentes grupos étnicos dos pampas, dos Andes e da Patagônia se organizaram em confederações indígenas com o objetivo de enfrentar os avanços territoriais, defender suas autonomias e a participação em lucrativas redes de comércio. Nesta luta por autonomia política, territorial e comercial, negociaram com os grupos criollos em luta pelo poder, avaliaram seus projetos e aderiram a aquele que os reconheceu enquanto interlocutores políticos e aliados militares. Participantes ativos da política argentina, conseguiram reconquistar territórios e oferecer intensas resistências aos criollos.
This special section brings together 4 of the 12 studies conducted within a research program analyzing the relationships among social mobilization, governance. and rural development in contemporary Latin America. The introduction Lives an overview of the contemporary significance of social movements For rural development dynamics in the region, and of the principal insights of the section papers and the broader research program of which they were a part. This significance varies Lis an effect of two distinct and uneven geographics: the geography of social movements themselves and the geography of the rural political economy. The effects that movements have oil the political economy of rural development also depend significantly oil internal characteristics of these movements. The paper identifies several such characteristics. The general pattern is that movements have had far more effect oil widening the political inclusiveness of rural development than they have oil improving its economic inclusiveness and dynamism. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The incentives and governance system of organizations are important in explaining how they behave in localized development processes. This article builds on the observation that the literature on territorial development does not generally address the action of social movements. At the same time, research on social movements rarely studies their effects on the territories ill which they act. This text is a contribution to fill this gap. It compares two social movement organizations: a trade union federation and a credit cooperative system operating throughout southern Brazil, Both organizations share common origins and social bases, yet their impacts oil territories have been quite different. The analysis focuses Oil the social ties that link trade unions and cooperatives to their territories to show that governance systems may explain the performance of each organization, especially with regard to their capacity for innovation. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.