14 resultados para Mallus domestica Borkh
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) are usually found in higher concentrations than other macronutrients in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh) fruits and are most frequently associated with changes in fruit quality. The aim of this article was to evaluate the effects of N and K fertilization on some fruit quality attributes of Fuji apple. The experiment was conducted at Sao Joaquim, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, during 2004 and 2005. A factorial design was used with N and K annual fertilizer rates (0, 50, 100, and 200 kg ha(-1) of N and K2O) replicated in three orchards. Fifteen days prior to harvest, three fruit samples were collected from each treatment and site. One sample was used for total soluble solid content (TSS), titratable acidity, pulp firmness, and fruit color parameter analyses, and the other samples were refrigerated in a conventional atmosphere for 3 and 6 months for subsequent determination of fruit quality. Nitrogen fertilization negatively affected fruit color, flesh firmness, and TSS content. These same variables were positively affected by K fertilization, except for flesh firmness.
cDNA coding for two digestive lysozymes (MdL1 and MdL2) of the Musca domestica housefly was cloned and sequenced. MdL2 is a novel minor lysozyme, whereas MdL1 is the major lysozyme thus far purified from M. domestica midgut. MdL1 and MdL2 were expressed as recombinant proteins in Pichia pastoris, purified and characterized. The lytic activities of MdL1 and MdL2 upon Micrococcus lysodeikticus have an acidic pH optimum (4.8) at low ionic strength (μ = 0.02), which shifts towards an even more acidic value, pH 3.8, at a high ionic strength (μ = 0.2). However, the pH optimum of their activities upon 4-methylumbelliferyl N-acetylchitotrioside (4.9) is not affected by ionic strength. These results suggest that the acidic pH optimum is an intrinsic property of MdL1 and MdL2, whereas pH optimum shifts are an effect of the ionic strength on the negatively charged bacterial wall. MdL2 affinity for bacterial cell wall is lower than that of MdL1. Differences in isoelectric point (pI) indicate that MdL2 (pI = 6.7) is less positively charged than MdL1 (pI = 7.7) at their pH optima, which suggests that electrostatic interactions might be involved in substrate binding. In agreement with that finding, MdL1 and MdL2 affinities for bacterial cell wall decrease as ionic strength increases.
Musca domestica larvae display in anterior and middle midgut contents, a proteolytic activity with pH optimum of 3.0-3.5 and kinetic properties like cathepsin D. Three cDNAs coding for preprocathepsin D-like proteinases (ppCAD 1, ppCAD 2, ppCAD 3) were cloned from a M. domestica midgut cDNA library. The coded protein sequences included the signal peptide, propeptide and mature enzyme that has all conserved catalytic and substrate binding residues found in bovine lysosomal cathepsin D. Nevertheless, ppCAD 2 and ppCAD 3 lack the characteristic proline loop and glycosylation sites. A comparison among the sequences of cathepsin D-like enzymes from some vertebrates and those found in M. domestica and in the genomes of Aedes aegypti, Drosophila melanogaster, Tribolium castaneum, and Bombyx mori showed that only flies have enzymes lacking the proline loop (as defined by the motif: DxPxPx(G/A)P), thus resembling vertebrate pepsin. ppCAD 3 should correspond to the digestive cathepsin D-like proteinase (CAD) found in enzyme assays because: (1) it seems to be the most expressed CAD, based on the frequency of ESTs found. (2) The mRNA for CAD 3 is expressed only in the anterior and proximal middle midgut. (3) Recombinant procathepsin D-like proteinase (pCAD 3), after auto-activation has a pH optimum of 2.5-3.0 that is close to the luminal pH of M. domestica midgut. (4) Immunoblots of proteins from different tissues revealed with anti-pCAD 3 serum were positive only in samples of anterior and middle midgut tissue and contents. (5) CAD 3 is localized with immunogold inside secretory vesicles and around microvilli in anterior and middle midguit cells. The data support the view that on adapting to deal with a bacteria-rich food in an acid midgut region, M. domestica digestive CAD resulted from the same archetypical gene as the intracellular cathepsin D, paralleling what happened with vertebrates. The lack of the proline loop may be somehow associated with the extracellular role of both pepsin and digestive CAD 3. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Structures of digestive lysozymes 1 and 2 from housefly (MdL1 and MdL2) show that S106-T107 delimit a polar pocket around E32 (catalytic acid/base) and N46 contributes to the positioning of 050 (catalytic nucleophile), whereas those residues are replaced by V109-A110 and D48 in the non-digestive lysozyme from hen egg-white (HEWL). Further analyses revealed that MdL1 and MdL2 surfaces are less positively charged than HEWL surface. To verify the relevance of these differences to the acidic pH optimum of digestive lysozymes it was determined that pKas of the catalytic residues of the triple mutant MdL2 (N46D-S106V-T107A) are similar to HEWL pKas and higher than those for MdL2. In agreement, triple mutant MdL2 and HEWL exhibits the same pH optimum upon methylumbelliferylchitotrioside. In addition to that, the introduction of six basic residues on MdL1 surface increased by 1 unit the pH optimum for the activity upon bacterial walls. Thus, the acidic pH optimum for MdL2 and MdL1 activities upon methylumbelliferylchitotrioside is determined by the presence of N46, S106 and T107 in the environment of their catalytic residues, which favors pKas reduction. Conversely, acidic pH optimum upon bacterial walls is determined by a low concentration of positive charges on the MdL2 and MdL1 surfaces. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Atualmente os animais silvestres têm despertado o interesse particular na criação domestica. Na medicina de animais selvagens, os exames ultra-sonográficos podem ser considerados como ferramenta para diagnosticar e prevenir doenças. Deste modo, realizou-se um estudo em 20 jibóias (Boa constrictor), a fim de caracterizar a morfologia e aparência ultra-sonográfica das estruturas presentes da cavidade celomática desses animais. Ultra-sonograficamente, o fígado apresentou-se variando de hipoecóica a levemente hiperecogênica, com margens ecogênicas e ecotextura homogênea em toda sua extensão. Os rins mostraram formato elipsóide, com cápsula fina, regular e hiperecóica. Os folículos ovarianos apresentaram formato ovóide, margens finas, regulares e discretamente hiperecóicas. As estruturas do sistema reprodutor do macho não foram evidenciadas com precisão, devido a sua ecogenicidade similar em relação às estruturas adjacentes e pela presença do "corpo gorduroso" localizado nessa região. A ultra-sonografia da cavidade celomática em jibóias demonstrou ser uma técnica rápida e de fácil acesso, permitindo identificar a morfologia, sintopia e aparência ultra-sonográfica de estruturas como o fígado, rins e de folículos vitelogênicos nas fêmeas.
The gene transformer-2 of Anastrepha fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) and its evolution in insects
Background: In the tephritids Ceratitis, Bactrocera and Anastrepha, the gene transformer provides the memory device for sex determination via its auto-regulation; only in females is functional Tra protein produced. To date, the isolation and characterisation of the gene transformer-2 in the tephritids has only been undertaken in Ceratitis, and it has been shown that its function is required for the female-specific splicing of doublesex and transformer pre-mRNA. It therefore participates in transformer auto-regulatory function. In this work, the characterisation of this gene in eleven tephritid species belonging to the less extensively analysed genus Anastrepha was undertaken in order to throw light on the evolution of transformer-2. Results: The gene transformer-2 produces a protein of 249 amino acids in both sexes, which shows the features of the SR protein family. No significant partially spliced mRNA isoform specific to the male germ line was detected, unlike in Drosophila. It is transcribed in both sexes during development and in adult life, in both the soma and germ line. The injection of Anastrepha transformer-2 dsRNA into Anastrepha embryos caused a change in the splicing pattern of the endogenous transformer and doublesex pre-mRNA of XX females from the female to the male mode. Consequently, these XX females were transformed into pseudomales. The comparison of the eleven Anastrepha Transformer-2 proteins among themselves, and with the Transformer-2 proteins of other insects, suggests the existence of negative selection acting at the protein level to maintain Transformer-2 structural features. Conclusions: These results indicate that transformer-2 is required for sex determination in Anastrepha through its participation in the female-specific splicing of transformer and doublesex pre-mRNAs. It is therefore needed for the auto-regulation of the gene transformer. Thus, the transformer/transfomer-2 > doublesex elements at the bottom of the cascade, and their relationships, probably represent the ancestral state ( which still exists in the Tephritidae, Calliphoridae and Muscidae lineages) of the extant cascade found in the Drosophilidae lineage ( in which tra is just another component of the sex determination gene cascade regulated by Sex-lethal). In the phylogenetic lineage that gave rise to the drosophilids, evolution co-opted for Sex-lethal, modified it, and converted it into the key gene controlling sex determination.
Dental implant materials are required to enable good apposition of bone and soft tissues. They must show sufficient resistance to chemical, physical and biological stress in the oral cavity to achieve good long-term outcomes. A critical issue is the apposition of the soft tissues, as they have provided a quasi-physiological closure of oral cavity. The present experiment was performed to study the peri-implant tissue response to non-submerged (1-stage) implant installation procedures. Two different implants types (NobelBiocare, NobelReplace (R) Tapered Groovy 4.3 x 10 mm and Replace (R) Select Tapered TiU RP 4.3 x 10 mm) were inserted into the right and left sides of 8 domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) mandibles, between canines and premolars and immediately provided with a ceramic crown. Primary implant stability was determined using ressonance frequency analysis. Soft tissue parameters were assessed: sulcus depth (SDI) and junctional epithelium (JE). Following 70 days of healing, jaw sections were processed for histology and histomorphometric examination. Undecalcified histological sections demonstrated osseointegration with direct bone contact. The soft tissue parameters revealed no significant differences between the two implant types. The peri-implant soft tissues appear to behave similarly in both implant types.
In preparing for metamorphosis, insect larvae store a huge amount of proteins in hemolymph, mainly hexamerins. Out of the four hexamerins present in the honeybee larvae, one, HEX 70a, exhibited a distinct developmental pattern, especially since it is also present in adults. Here, we report sequence data and experimental evidence suggesting alternative functions for HEX 70a, besides its well-known role as an amino acid resource during metamorphosis. The hex 70a gene consists of 6 exons and encodes a 684 amino acid chain containing the conserved hemocyanin N, M, and C domains. HEX 70a classifies as an arylphorin since it contains more than 15% of aromatic amino acids. In the fat body of adult workers, hex 70a expression turned out to be a nutrient-limited process. However, the fat body is not the only site for hex 70a expression. Both, transcript and protein subunits were also detected in developing gonads from workers, queens and drones, suggesting a role in ovary differentiation and testes maturation and functioning. In its putative reproductive role, HEX 70a however differs from the yolk protein, vitellogenin, since it was not detected in eggs or embryos. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A 14-year-old spayed female domestic short-haired cat was presented for evaluation of a mass in the right eye. Ophthalmic examination revealed a blind right eye and presence of two distinct masses: a pink and a red-to-brown mass, the latter occupying most of the cornea and part of the conjunctiva. Exenteration was performed under general anesthesia, and the ocular tissues were processed routinely for histopathology. Upon microscopic examination, a malignant epithelial neoplasm and a benign vascular neoplasm were present in the cornea. The conjunctiva and the third eyelid were also affected. Upon immunohistochemistry, the epithelial tumor was positive for cytokeratin and negative for vimentin and the endothelial tumor was negative for cytokeratin and positive for vimentin. A diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and hemangioma was made. The SCC was affecting the cornea, bulbar conjunctiva (lateral and inferior) and the base of the third eyelid, whereas the hemangioma was affecting the cornea and medial limbus. To the authors` knowledge, this is the first report of concomitant SCC and hemangioma affecting the ocular surface in a cat.
Changes in gene expression have been measured 24 h after injury to mammalian spinal cords that can and cannot regenerate In opossums there is a critical period of development when regeneration stops being possible at 9 days postnatal cervical spinal cords regenerate, at 12 days they do not By the use of marsupial cDNA microarrays we detected 158 genes that respond differentially to injury at the two ages critical for regeneration For selected candidates additional measurements were made by real time PCR and sites of their expression were shown by immunostaining Candidate genes have been classified so as to select those that promote or prevent regeneration Up regulated by injury at 8 days and/or down regulated by injury at 13 days were genes known to promote growth, such as Mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1 or transcripton factor TCF7L2 By contrast, at 13 days up regulation occurred of Inhibitory molecules including annexins ephrins and genes related to apoptosis and neurodegeneranve diseases Certain genes such as calmodulin 1 and NOGO changed expression similarly in animals that could and could not regenerate without any additional changes in response to injury These findings confirmed and extended changes of gene expression found in earlier screens on 9 and 12 day preparations without lesions and provide a comprehensive list of genes that serve as a basis for testing how identified molecules singly or in combination, promote and prevent central nervous system regeneration (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
Modem production systems accommodate broody hens in high densities, leading to the accumulation of excrement under the cages. This substrate is excellent for the development of sinantropic flies. Thus, the accomplishment of surveys in these places becomes essential, in order to plan better strategies of control. The present work aimed at studying the entornofauna and the seasonality of the species of dipterous present in the Crisdan poultry house located in the Municipality of Sao Joao da Boa Vista, the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In the period of January of 2001 to December of 2002, 1,012,595 flies were captured using the ""jug-trap"". The species were identified: Drosophi-la repleta (Wollaston, 1858), Musca domestica (Linnaeus, 1758), Ophyra spp., Hennetria illucens (Linnaeus, 1758), Fannia canicularis (Linnaeus, 1761), Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794), and Sepsidae. More frequently D. repleta and M. domestica had added 99.47% of the dipterous. Increased rainfall and the collection months influenced the sampling of dipterous (P < 0.05). Drosophila repleta was the most abundant species, representing 91% of all captured flies. However, this diptera did not develop at the surveyed site since immatures were not captured therein.
An organism is built through a series of contingent factors, yet it is determined by historical, physical, and developmental constraints. A constraint should not be understood as an absolute obstacle to evolution, as it may also generate new possibilities for evolutionary change. Modularity is, in this context, an important way of organizing biological information and has been recognized as a central concept in evolutionary biology bridging on developmental, genetics, morphological, biochemical, and physiological studies. In this article, we explore how modularity affects the evolution of a complex system in two mammalian lineages by analyzing correlation, variance/covariance, and residual matrices (without size variation). We use the multivariate response to selection equation to simulate the behavior of Eutheria and Metharia skulls in terms of their evolutionary flexibility and constraints. We relate these results to classical approaches based on morphological integration tests based on functional/developmental hypotheses. Eutherians (Neotropical primates) showed smaller magnitudes of integration compared with Metatheria (didelphids) and also skull modules more clearly delimited. Didelphids showed higher magnitudes of integration and their modularity is strongly influenced by within-groups size variation to a degree that evolutionary responses are basically aligned with size variation. Primates still have a good portion of the total variation based on size; however, their enhanced modularization allows a broader spectrum of responses, more similar to the selection gradients applied (enhanced flexibility). Without size variation, both groups become much more similar in terms of modularity patterns and magnitudes and, consequently, in their evolutionary flexibility. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 314B:663-683, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The adaptive potential of a species to a changing environment and in disease defence is primarily based on genetic variation. Immune genes, such as genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), may thereby be of particular importance. In marsupials, however, there is very little knowledge about natural levels and functional importance of MHC polymorphism, despite their key role in the mammalian evolution. In a previous study, we discovered remarkable differences in the MHC class II diversity between two species of mouse opossums (Gracilinanus microtarsus, Marmosops incanus) from the Brazilian Atlantic forest, which is one of the most endangered hotspots for biodiversity conservation. Since the main forces in generating MHC diversity are assumed to be pathogens, we investigated in this study gastrointestinal parasite burden and functional associations between the individual MHC constitution and parasite load. We tested two contrasting scenarios, which might explain differences in MHC diversity between species. We predicted that a species with low MHC diversity would either be under relaxed selection pressure by low parasite diversity (`Evolutionary equilibrium` scenario), or there was a recent loss in MHC diversity leading to a lack of resistance alleles and increased parasite burden (`Unbalanced situation` scenario). In both species it became apparent that the MHC class II is functionally important in defence against gastrointestinal helminths, which was shown here for the first time in marsupials. On the population level, parasite diversity did not markedly differ between the two host species. However, we did observe considerable differences in the individual parasite load (parasite prevalence and infection intensity): while M. incanus revealed low MHC DAB diversity and high parasite load, G. microtarsus showed a tenfold higher population wide MHC DAB diversity and lower parasite burden. These results support the second scenario of an unbalanced situation.
The pentrophic membrane (PM) is an anatomical structure surrounding the food bolus in most insects. Rejecting the idea that PM has evolved from coating mucus to play the same protective role as it, novel functions were proposed and experimentally tested. The theoretical principles underlying the digestive enzyme recycling mechanism were described and used to develop an algorithm to calculate enzyme distributions along the midgut and to infer secretory and absorptive sites. The activity of a Spodoptera frugiperda microvillar aminopeptidase decreases by 50% if placed in the presence of midgut contents. S. frugiperda trypsin preparations placed into dialysis bags in stirred and unstirred media have activities of 210 and 160%, respectively, over the activities of samples in a test tube. The ectoperitrophic fluid (EF) present in the midgut caeca of Rhynchosciara americana may be collected. If the enzymes restricted to this fluid are assayed in the presence of PM contents (PMC) their activities decrease by at least 58%. The lack of PM caused by calcofluor feeding impairs growth due to an increase in the metabolic cost associated with the conversion of food into body mass. This probably results from an increase in digestive enzyme excretion and useless homeostatic attempt to reestablish destroyed midgut gradients. The experimental models support the view that PM enhances digestive efficiency by: (a) prevention of non-specific binding of undigested material onto cell Surface; (b) prevention of excretion by allowing enzyme recycling powered by an ectoperitrophic counterflux of fluid; (c) removal from inside PM of the oligomeric molecules that may inhibit the enzymes involved in initial digestion; (d) restriction of oligomer hydrolases to ectoperitrophic space (ECS) to avoid probable partial inhibition by non-dispersed undigested food. Finally,PM functions are discussed regarding insects feeding on any diet. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.