15 resultados para Maailman tila 2009 : lämpenevään maailmaan
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
OBJETIVO: Descrever a autopercepção de saúde bucal em idosos e analisar fatores sociodemográficos e clínicos associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 876 participantes em amostra representativa de idosos (65 anos ou mais) de Campinas, SP, em 2008-2009. Os exames odontológicos seguiram critérios padronizados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde para levantamentos epidemiológicos de saúde bucal. A autopercepção da saúde bucal foi avaliada pelo índice Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Os indivíduos foram classificados segundo características sociodemográficas, odontológicas e prevalência de fragilidade biológica. O estudo de associações utilizou análise de regressão de Poisson; a análise considerou os pesos amostrais e a estrutura complexa da amostra por conglomerados. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos indivíduos foi de 72,8 anos; 70,1% eram mulheres. A proporção de indivíduos com mais de 20 dentes presentes foi 17,2%; 38,2% usavam prótese dentária total em ambos os arcos; 8,5% necessitavam desse recurso em ao menos um arco dentário. Em média, o índice GOHAI foi elevado: 33,9 (máximo possível 36,0). Manter 20 dentes ou mais, usar prótese total nos dois arcos, não necessitar desse tratamento, não apresentar alterações de mucosa oral e não apresentar fragilidade biológica foram os fatores significantemente associados com melhor autopercepção de saúde bucal (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação de autopercepção em saúde bucal permitiu identificar os principais fatores associados a esse desfecho. Esse instrumento pode contribuir para o planejamento de serviços odontológicos, orientando estratégias de promoção em saúde voltadas à melhora da qualidade de vida das pessoas desse grupo etário.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e fatores associados à doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, de base populacional com 1.441 indivíduos de ambos os sexos e com 40 anos de idade ou mais no município de São Paulo, SP, entre 2008 e 2009. As informações foram coletadas por meio de entrevistas domiciliares e os participantes foram selecionados a partir de amostragem probabilística, estratificada por sexo e idade, e por conglomerados em dois estágios (setores censitários e domicílios). Foi realizada regressão múltipla de Poisson na análise ajustada. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 4,2% (IC95% 3,1;5,4) referiram doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica. Após análise ajustada, identificaram-se os seguintes fatores independentemente associados ao agravo: número de cigarros fumados na vida (> 1.500/nenhum) RP = 3,85 (IC95%: 1,87;7,94), cansar-se com facilidade (sim/não) RP = 2,61 (IC95% 1,39;4,90), idade (60 a 69 anos/50 a 59 anos) RP = 3,27 (IC95% 1,01;11,24), idade (70 anos e mais/50 a 59 anos) RP = 4,29 (IC95% 1,30;14,29), problemas de saúde nos últimos 15 dias (sim/não) RP = 1,31 (IC95% 1,02;1,77), e atividade física no tempo livre (sim/não) RP = 0,57 (IC95% 0,26;0,97). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica é elevada e está associada ao uso do tabaco e idade acima de 60 anos. Os problemas de saúde freqüentes e redução da atividade física no tempo livre podem ser considerados conseqüências dessa doença.
OBJETIVO: Descrever os fatores de risco e proteção para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis resultantes do Sistema de Vigilância por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL) em 2009. METODOLOGIA: Prevalências dos principais fatores de risco e proteção foram estimadas na população >18 anos a partir de entrevistas telefônicas em amostras probabilísticas da população coberta por telefonia fixa nas capitais de estados do Brasil e no Distrito Federal, segundo sexo, faixa etária e escolaridade. RESULTADOS: Foram realizadas 54.367 entrevistas. Fumantes e ex-fumantes corresponderam a 15,5e 22% da população adulta brasileira, respectivamente. O excesso de peso atinge 46,6% dos adultos; 33% relataram consumo de carne com gordura e 18,9% afirmaram consumir bebida alcoólica de forma abusiva. Tais fatores de risco são mais prevalentes em homens e em geral nos indivíduos jovens e de menor escolaridade. A prevalência de atividade física no lazer é de 18,8% (IC95% 17,4-20,1) em homens e de 11,3% (IC95% 10,6-12,0) nas mulheres. A inatividade física atinge 15,6% da população e aumenta com a idade. O consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras e a atividade física no lazer são mais frequentes em homens e mulheres com mais anos de estudo. Diagnóstico de hipertensão arterial foi referido por 21,1% (IC95% 19,6-22,5) dos homens e 27,2% (IC95% 25,8-28,5) das mulheres. A prevalência de diabetes foi de 5,8%. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados apontaram comportamentos em saúde distintos de acordo com o sexo, idade e escolaridade da população e reforçam a tendência de queda do tabagismo e aumento no excesso de peso no Brasil.
Brazilian scientific production on pharmaceutical care was identified based on articles indexed on the Medline, Embase, Lilacs, Web of Science and International Pharmaceutical Abstracts databases. Sixty-three articles published in both national and international journals were retrieved. With regard to authors, 72.3% were from the Southeast and South Regions, and 60.8% were affiliated to public universities. In relation to the type of studies, 85.7% were descriptive, and the most frequently researched fields were community pharmacies, hospitals and primary health care units. Articles were original in 65.1% of cases, updates in 20.6%, and reviews in 7.9%. An increase in publications commenced in 2006. In 31.7% of cases, authors had adopted a bibliographical study design, 28.6% qualitative study, 23.8% intervention, and 15.9% observational study design. The most researched subjects were elderly with chronic diseases. The importance of stimulating the conducting of experimental and qualitative studies, as well as amplifying authorship affiliated with the service area, foreign authors and with research in a wide variety of practice settings were highlighted. Despite the limited quantity of articles, an increase in their number as well as in their scope and quality is expected, so as to create further knowledge that contributes to the recognition of pharmacists' actions by patient healthcare teams.
O objetivo deste artigo é descrever características de consumo e comportamento alimentar de adolescentes brasileiros e sua associação com fatores sociodemográficos. Estudou-se, em 2009, amostra representativa de alunos do 9º ano do ensino fundamental de escolas públicas e privadas das 26 capitais brasileiras e do Distrito Federal. Utilizou-se questionário autoaplicável sobre atributos sociodemográficos, consumo e comportamento alimentar, entre outros. Estimativas dos indicadores construídos foram apresentadas para o total da população e por sexo. A associação de cada um dos indicadores com variáveis sociodemográficas foi examinada por meio de regressão logística. A maioria dos adolescentes consumia regularmente feijão (62,6%), leite (53,6%) e guloseimas (50,9%), realizava pelo menos o almoço ou o jantar com a mãe ou responsável (62,6%) e comia assistindo televisão ou estudando (50,9%). Em geral, as meninas estavam mais expostas a práticas alimentares não desejáveis, e o melhor nível socioeconômico associou-se a maiores prevalências dos indicadores estudados. Os resultados revelaram consumo regular dos marcadores de alimentação não saudável e consumo inferior ao recomendado dos de alimentação saudável, apontando a necessidade de ações de promoção de saúde dirigidas a jovens.
We report near-infrared spectroscopic observations of the Eta Carinae massive binary system during 2008-2009 using the CRIRES spectrograph mounted on the 8m UT 1 Very Large Telescope (VLT Antu). We detect a strong, broad absorption wing in He I lambda 10833 extending up to -1900 km s(-1) across the 2009.0 spectroscopic event. Analysis of archival Hubble Space Telescope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph ultraviolet and optical data identifies a similar high-velocity absorption (up to -2100 km s(-1)) in the ultraviolet resonance lines of Si IV lambda lambda 1394, 1403 across the 2003.5 event. Ultraviolet resonance lines from low-ionization species, such as Si II lambda lambda 1527, 1533 and CII lambda lambda 1334, 1335, show absorption only up to -1200 km s(-1), indicating that the absorption with velocities -1200 to -2100 km s(-1) originates in a region markedly more rapidly moving and more ionized than the nominal wind of the primary star. Seeing-limited observations obtained at the 1.6m OPD/LNA telescope during the last four spectroscopic cycles of Eta Carinae (1989-2009) also show high-velocity absorption in He I lambda 10833 during periastron. Based on the large OPD/LNA dataset, we determine that material with velocities more negative than -900 km s(-1) is present in the phase range 0.976 <= phi <= 1.023 of the spectroscopic cycle, but absent in spectra taken at phi <= 0.947 and phi >= 1.049. Therefore, we constrain the duration of the high-velocity absorption to be 95 to 206 days (or 0.047 to 0.102 in phase). We propose that the high-velocity absorption component originates in shocked gas in the wind-wind collision zone, at distances of 15 to 45 AU in the line-of-sight to the primary star. With the aid of three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of the wind-wind collision zone, we find that the dense high-velocity gas is along the line-of-sight to the primary star only if the binary system is oriented in the sky such that the companion is behind the primary star during periastron, corresponding to a longitude of periastron of omega similar to 240 degrees-270 degrees. We study a possible tilt of the orbital plane relative to the Homunculus equatorial plane and conclude that our data are broadly consistent with orbital inclinations in the range i = 40 degrees-60 degrees.
We describe the effect of influenza-like illness (ILI) during the outbreak of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 on health care worker (HCW) absenteeism and compare the effectiveness and cost of 2 sick leave policies for HCWs with suspected influenza. We assessed initial 2-day sick leaves plus reassessment until the HOW was asymptomatic (2-day + reassessment policy), and initial 7-day sick leaves (7-day policy). Sick leaves peaked in August 2009: 3% of the workforce received leave for ILI. Costs during May October reached R$798,051.87 (approximate to US $443,362). The 7-day policy led to a higher monthly rate of sick leave days per 100 HCWs than did the 2-day + reassessment policy (8.72 vs. 3.47 days/100 HCWs; p<0.0001) and resulted in higher costs (US $609 vs. US $1,128 per HCW on leave). ILI affected HCW absenteeism. The 7-day policy was more costly and not more effective in preventing transmission to patients than the 2-day + reassessment policy.
The Brazilian Network of Food Data Systems (BRASILFOODS) has been keeping the Brazilian Food Composition Database-USP (TBCA-USP) (http://www.fcf.usp.br/tabela) since 1998. Besides the constant compilation, analysis and update work in the database, the network tries to innovate through the introduction of food information that may contribute to decrease the risk for non-transmissible chronic diseases, such as the profile of carbohydrates and flavonoids in foods. In 2008, data on carbohydrates, individually analyzed, of 112 foods, and 41 data related to the glycemic response produced by foods widely consumed in the country were included in the TBCA-USP. Data (773) about the different flavonoid subclasses of 197 Brazilian foods were compiled and the quality of each data was evaluated according to the USDAs data quality evaluation system. In 2007, BRASILFOODS/USP and INFOODS/FAO organized the 7th International Food Data Conference ""Food Composition and Biodiversity"". This conference was a unique opportunity for interaction between renowned researchers and participants from several countries and it allowed the discussion of aspects that may improve the food composition area. During the period, the LATINFOODS Regional Technical Compilation Committee and BRASILFOODS disseminated to Latin America the Form and Manual for Data Compilation, version 2009, ministered a Food Composition Data Compilation course and developed many activities related to data production and compilation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In critically ill patients, it is important to predict which patients will have their systemic blood flow increased in response to volume expansion to avoid undesired hypovolemia and fluid overloading. Static parameters such as the central venous pressure, the pulmonary arterial occlusion pressure, and the left ventricular end-diastolic dimension cannot accurately discriminate between responders and nonresponders to a fluid challenge. In this regard, respiratory-induced changes in arterial pulse pressure have been demonstrated to accurately predict preload responsiveness in mechanically ventilated patients. Some experimental and clinical studies confirm the usefulness of arterial pulse pressure as a useful tool to guide fluid therapy in critically ill patients.
Background Despite the WHO recommendation that the 2010-2011 trivalent seasonal flu vaccine must contain A/California/7/2009/H1N1-like virus there is no consistent data regarding its immunogenicity and safety in a large autoimmune rheumatic disease (ARD) population. Methods 1668 ARD patients (systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), systemic sclerosis, psoriatic arthritis (PsA), Behcet`s disease (BD), mixed connective tissue disease, primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS), dermatomyositis (DM), primary Sjogren`s syndrome, Takayasu`s arteritis, polymyositis and Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener`s) (GPA)) and 234 healthy controls were vaccinated with a non-adjuvanted influenza A/California/7/2009(H1N1) virus-like strain flu. Subjects were evaluated before vaccination and 21 days post-vaccination. The percentage of seroprotection, seroconversion and the factor increase in geometric mean titre (GMT) were calculated. Results After immunisation, seroprotection rates (68.5% vs 82.9% p < 0.0001), seroconversion rates (63.4% vs 76.9%, p < 0.001) and the factor increase in GMT (8.9 vs 13.2 p < 0.0001) were significantly lower in ARD than controls. Analysis of specific diseases revealed that seroprotection significantly reduced in SLE (p < 0.0001), RA (p < 0.0001), PsA (p=0.0006), AS (p=0.04), BD (p=0.04) and DM (p=0.04) patients than controls. The seroconversion rates in SLE (p < 0.0001), RA (p < 0.0001) and PsA (p=0.0006) patients and the increase in GMTs in SLE (p < 0.0001), RA (p < 0.0001) and PsA (p < 0.0001) patients were also reduced compared with controls. Moderate and severe side effects were not reported. Conclusions The novel recognition of a diverse vaccine immunogenicity profile in distinct ARDs supports the notion that a booster dose may be recommended for diseases with suboptimal immune responses. This large study also settles the issue of vaccine safety. (ClinicalTrials.gov #NCT01151644)
Oncoplastic Breast Surgery (OPBS) is becoming an integral part of breast cancer management, but few surgeons have received formal training in these techniques. An International Symposium has recently debated the key issues which impact on training and specialisation in OPBS, as well as patient access to these procedures. The Symposium concluded that increasing the availability of OPBS is a major challenge, which demands much closer collaboration and cooperation between breast and plastic surgeons, backed up by new training schemes, new curricula and new guidelines. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) caused significant morbidity and mortality. Acute lung injury is the hallmark of the disease, but multiple organ system dysfunction can develop and lead to death. Therefore, we sought to investigate whether there was postmortem evidence of H1N1 presence and virus-induced organ injury in autopsy specimens. Five cases in which patients died of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection were studied. The lungs of all patients showed macroscopic and microscopic findings already described for H1N1 (consolidation, edema, hemorrhage, alveolar damage, hyaline membrane, and inflammation), and H1N1 viruses were present in alveolar cells in immunochemical studies. Acute tubular necrosis was present in all cases, but there was no evidence of direct virus-induced kidney injury. Nevertheless, H1N1 viruses were found in the cytoplasm of glomerular macrophages in the kidneys of 4 patients. Therefore, our data provide strong evidence that H1N1 presence is not restricted to the lungs.
As part of an epidemiological study of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in Brazil, 252 samples from IBV-suspect flocks were tested and the IBV-positive samples were analysed by sequencing of hypervariable regions 1 and 2 of the S1 gene. A high prevalence of IBV variants was found and the sequence analysis of 41 samples revealed a high molecular similarity among the Brazilian isolates (from 90.2 to 100% and from 85.3 to 100% nucleotide and amino acid identity, respectively). The Brazilian isolates showed low genetic relationship with Massachusetts (63.4 to 70.7%), European (45.9 to 75.6%), American (49.3 to 76.4%) and other reference serotypes (67.5 to 78.8%). The Brazilian isolates branched into one unique cluster, separate from the reference serotypes used for infectious bronchitis control in other countries. The variants analysed in this work had a high similarity with all previously published Brazilian IBV isolates, suggesting the presence and high prevalence of a unique or predominant genotype circulating in Brazil. In addition, the virus neutralization test showed that the three Brazilian isolates analysed in the present study are antigenically related to one another but are different from the Massachusetts serotype. The present study shows that IBVs of a unique genotype can be associated with different clinical diseases, and that low genetic variation was detected in this genotype over a long period of time. The molecular characterization of the Brazilian variants isolated from 2003 to 2009 from different geographic regions of the country shows that only one predominant genotype is widespread in the Brazilian territory, denominated in this study as BR-I genotype.