88 resultados para MUSHROOM BODIES
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Ecdysteroids regulate many aspects of insect physiology after binding to a heterodimer composed of the nuclear hormone receptor proteins ecdysone receptor (EcR) and ultraspiracle (Use). Several lines of evidence have suggested that the latter also plays important roles in mediating the action of juvenile hormone (JH) and, thus, integrates signaling by the two morphogenetic hormones. By using an RNAi approach, we show here that Us p participates in the mechanism that regulates the progression of pupal development in Apis mellifera, as indicated by the observed pupal developmental delay in usp knocked-down bees. Knock-down experiments also suggest that the expression of regulatory genes such as ftz transcription factor 1 (ftz-f1) and juvenile hormone esterase (jhe) depend on Usp. Vitellogenin (vg), the gene coding the main yolk protein in honeybees, does not seem to be under Usp regulation, thus suggesting that the previously observed induction of vg expression by JH during the last stages of pupal development is mediated by yet unknown transcription factor complexes. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The fluid flow over bodies with complex geometry has been the subject of research of many scientists and widely explored experimentally and numerically. The present study proposes an Eulerian Immersed Boundary Method for flows simulations over stationary or moving rigid bodies. The proposed method allows the use of Cartesians Meshes. Here, two-dimensional simulations of fluid flow over stationary and oscillating circular cylinders were used for verification and validation. Four different cases were explored: the flow over a stationary cylinder, the flow over a cylinder oscillating in the flow direction, the flow over a cylinder oscillating in the normal flow direction, and a cylinder with angular oscillation. The time integration was carried out by a classical 4th order Runge-Kutta scheme, with a time step of the same order of distance between two consecutive points in x direction. High-order compact finite difference schemes were used to calculate spatial derivatives. The drag and lift coefficients, the lock-in phenomenon and vorticity contour plots were used for the verification and validation of the proposed method. The extension of the current method allowing the study of a body with different geometry and three-dimensional simulations is straightforward. The results obtained show a good agreement with both numerical and experimental results, encouraging the use of the proposed method.
The present study describes the direct regeneration of protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) in leaf explants of the tropical species Oncidium flexuosum. The explants were inoculated in a solid, modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with different concentrations of the growth regulator thidiazuron (TDZ) and with or without 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), and kept away from light or in a 16-h photoperiod. The presence of auxins, 2,4-D, and NAA inhibited the formation of PLBs. The highest frequency of explants that regenerated PLBs (80%) was obtained when they were maintained in a culture medium containing 1.5 mu M TDZ under dark conditions. In the same culture medium but under a 16-h photoperiod, 95% of the leaf explants presented necrosis. Therefore, darkness was crucial for the regeneration of PLBs in O. flexuosum leaf explants, which is in disagreement with the literature. PLBs developed from the division of epidermal and subepidermal cells mainly on the adaxial side of the apex region of the explant. Plants with well-developed leaves and roots grew after the PLBs were transferred to growth regulator-free medium under a 16-h photoperiod.
Koinobiont parasitoids use several strategies to regulate the host`s physiological processes during parasitism. Although many aspects of host-parasitoid interactions have been explored, studies that attempted to assess the effects of parasitism on the availability of inorganic elements in the host are virtually nonexistent. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the effects of parasitism on the concentrations of inorganic elements in the fat bodies of larvae of Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) during the development of the parasitoid Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), by using total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF). TXRF analysis allowed comparisons of the changes in the availability of the elements P. S. K, Ca, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn in the fat body tissues of D. saccharalis larvae parasitized by C. flavipes. Overall, the concentration of inorganic elements was higher early in parasitoid development (1 and 3 days after parasitism) compared to non-parasitized larvae, but much lower towards the end of parasitoid development (7 and 9 days after parasitism). Ca, K, and S were reduced after the fifth day of parasitism, which affected the total abundance of inorganic elements observed in the fat bodies of the parasitized hosts. The regulatory mechanisms or pathological effects related to the observed variation of the host inorganic elements induced by the parasitoid remain unknown, but there might be a strategy to make these elements available to the parasitoid larvae at the end of their development, when higher metabolic activity of the host fat body is required to sustain parasitoid growth. The observed variation of the host`s inorganic elements could also be related to the known effects of parasitism on the host`s immune response. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The secreted phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)s) are water-soluble enzymes that bind to the surface of both artificial and biological lipid bilayers and hydrolyze the membrane phospholipids. The tissue expression pattern of the human group IID secretory phospholipase A(2) (hsPLA(2)-IID) suggests that the enzyme is involved in the regulation of the immune and inflammatory responses. With an aim to establish an expression system for the hsPLA(2)-IID in Escherichia coli, the DNA-coding sequence for hsPLA(2)-IID was subcloned into the vector pET3a, and expressed as inclusion bodies in E. coli (BL21). A protocol has been developed to refold the recombinant protein in the presence of guanidinium hydrochloride, using a size-exclusion chromatography matrix followed by dilution and dialysis to remove the excess denaturant. After purification by cation-exchange chromatography, far ultraviolet circular dichroism spectra of the recombinant hsPLA(2)-IID indicated protein secondary structure content similar to the homologous human group IIA secretory phospholipase A(2). The refolded recombinant hsPLA(2)-IID demonstrated Ca(2+)-dependent hydrolytic activity, as measuring the release free fatty acid from phospholipid liposomes. This protein expression and purification system may be useful for site-directed mutagenesis experiments of the hsPLA(2)-IID which will advance our understanding of the structure-function relationship and biological effects of the protein. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Catheter migration or catheter fracture and consequent migration of a fragment is a rare complication that occurs in 1% of the patients. Despite the low incidence, embolization may cause severe and potentially fatal complications, with the mortality rates varying between 24 and 60%. The gold standard treatment for this condition is the extraction of the fragmented catheter by the intravascular percutaneous route, through the common femoral vein. If it is not available, the extraction procedure must be performed through an alternative access. This article describes a fully successful removal of a fragmented catheter by percutaneous intravascular access obtained through the right subclavian vein.
Inhibition of carotid body (CB) function is the main mechanism involved in the attenuation of respiratory drive observed during hyperoxia However, only a few studies at 5 0 atmospheres absolutes (ATA) have analyzed carotid body structure or function in hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO(2)) situations We hypothesized that rats will present CB structural alterations when exposed to different lower hyperbaric oxygen doses enough to alter their chemosensory response to hypoxia Methods - Twenty-one adult male Wistar rats, divided into three groups, were maintained in room air or exposed to O(2) at 2 4 or 3 0 ATA for six hours Histological, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical analyses for neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and F2-isoprostane were performed in the excised CBs Results - Histological analyses revealed signs of intracellular edema in animals exposed to both conditions, but this was more marked in the 3 0 ATA group, which showed ultrastructural alterations at the mitochondrial level There was a significant increase in the volume density of intraglomic-congested capillaries in the 3 0 ATA group associated with an arteriolar vasoconstriction In the 2 4 ATA group, there was a relative increase of glomic light cells and a decrease of glomic progenitor cells Additionally, there was a stronger immunoreactivity for F2-isoprostane in the 3 0 ATA O(2)-exposed carotid bodies The glomic cells stained positive for nNOS, but no difference was observed between the groups Our results show that high 02 exposures may induce structural alterations in glomic cells with signs of lipid peroxidation We further suggest that deviation of blood flow toward intraglomic capillaries occurs in hyperbaric hyperoxia
Santos, K.B.; Daniel, A.G.T. & Hagiwara, M.K. [Reduced erythrocitary Glutathione and Heinz bodies in cats experimentally infected with the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.] Glutationa Reduzida Eritrocitaria e Corpusculos de Heinz em gatos infectados experimentalmente pelo Virus da Imunodeficieneia Felina. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 30(1):26-30, 2008. Centro Universitario Serra dos Orgaos, Rua Comendador Queiroz 52, Apto. 1403, Niteroi, RJ 24230-220, Brasil. E-mail: keilabsantos@)gmail.com The Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) produces a chronic infection with immunologic system disfunctions in domestic cats developing non-responsive anaemia. The feline immunologic status depression produces free radicals, whose imbalance between production and removal in the organism favour the oxidative injury occurrence. Heinz bodies in large amounts also can evident in vivo oxidative damage. Glutatione, a tripeptide found in the animal cells, is an important protection mechanism against oxidative damages. In this work erythrocyte reduced glutathione (GSH) concentrations for healthy and cats experimentally infected by FIV were determinated in relation to the hemogram and the Heinz bodies presence. All of the animals presents normal values for hemogram and Heinz bodies, however the GSH erythrocyte concentrations in the FIV positive cats were below the normality probably due to an passive depletion to GSH.
Synovial chondromatosis is a benign disorder of joints of unknown aetiology, characterised by the presence of loose bodies in the articular space. We present a case that affected the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and was treated with arthrocentesis, which is an efficient, conservative, and inexpensive treatment. (c) 2007 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Subcutaneous Ehrlich tumor-bearing mice were treated with in situ inoculation of a P-glucan-rich extract of Agaricus brasiliensis (ATF), which reduced tumor growth. Histopathological analysis showed that the tumor masses of control mice (Ehr) presented giant tumor cells and many mitotic figures whereas the tumor tissue obtained from ATF-treated animals (Ehr-ATF) presented a lower frequency of both mitotic and giant cells, associated with a higher frequency of apoptotic cells than Ehr. Analysis of the lymphoproliferative activity of spleen cells showed that the treatment had a suppressive rather than a stimulatory effect. Spleen cells of the Ehr group produced higher in vitro levels of IL-10 than normal controls and this occurrence was partially avoided by treatment with ATF. Analysis of cytokine production by tumor-infiltrating cells (ELISpot) showed that ATF induced a higher number of IFN-gamma-producing cells at 7 and 14 days as well as reduction of IL-10-secreting cells at the latter time. Confocal microscopy analysis showed higher intensity of labeling of CD4+ and Mac-3+ cells in ATF-treated mice. Analysis of in situ expression of angiogenic growth factors showed a slight decrease of FGF-2 mRNA in Ehr-ATF animals (7th day) but not of VEGF-A or TGF-beta expression. This fraction could not directly lyse either lymphocytes or tumor cells and we speculate that antitumor effect of ATF could be due to induction of a selective migration of immunocompetent cells from the spleen to the tumor site and to the switch of cytokine production. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
When carrying out experiments on the production of the edible mushroom Pleurotus sajor-caju in the Laboratory of Edible Mushrooms, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Brazil, in the second half of 2007, the presence of beetles later identified as belonging to the species Mycotretus apicalis was verified. This is the first recorded instance of this insect in cultures of P. sajor-caju in Brazil. The larvae and adults of this insect feed on the fruiting bodies of commercial harvests, resulting in reduction in mushroom quality. To provide evaluation of the injuries caused by these insects, substrates colonized by P. sajor-caju were infested with 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 insects per block of substrate being the qualitative and quantitative losses then noted. Despite the lack of an observed decrease in biological efficiency, the injuries caused by these insects affected the commercial quality of the mushrooms, which may result in economic losses. The results showed that infestations of 32 insects per 0.8 kg of substrate led to a depreciation in the prices of mushrooms meant to be sold.
The nutritional value of maize seed is limited due to its high content of storage proteins (zeins), which are deficient in essential amino acids such as lysine and tryptophan. In a previous paper, we showed that protein bodies obtained from BR473 maize variety, developed by Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), were mainly constituted by Z27 and a smaller quantity of Z50 gamma-zeins. Besides zein proteins, other not identified protein band in the SDS/PAGE was also observed, which could indicate the presence of non-zein proteins additionally to gamma-zeins. In the present paper, we have demonstrated the presence of non-zein proteins in BR473 maize protein bodies by LC-nanoESI-MS/MS and database searching. This fact could be related to the excellent energetic value and higher protein quality of BR473 maize grains, since high lysine concentration in some maize varieties has been related to the presence of cytoskeleton proteins that are non-zeins. We have identified the following proteins: Brittle-1 protein (chloroplast precursor), Legumin-1, glyceroldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and elongation factor 1-alpha.
This research wants to lay emphasis on topics that historicize and rescue concepts, in addition, shows the relation between innovation and socioeconomic development resulted; reviews the legal framework to stimulate new innovation into Brazilian society; considers the definition and the entrepreneur university's new paradigm; and finally, this research highlights the importance of teaching entrepreneur at universities, with straight society benefits. The results suggests that innovation is directly enrolled with a successful development of certain society, as well, is actually the biggest business competitive differential into corporative universe. In one way of getting results of social advancement to inform entrepreneur research practice, it appears that entrepreneurs concepts, necessarily, must be incorporated into the array of Science/Technology/Innovation for the effective development of supported formula. This article develops a thought about actual scientific researches paradigm, the way that is built on today, and if it's sufficient to effectively get the results that society expects from main bodies to create human resource and researches, especially those with innovation aspects, at Brazilian economic improvement.
After an ichthyofaunistic survey conducted in May 2007 on surface (epigean) water bodies of Cordisburgo karst area, State of Minas Gerais, 13 species were recorded, mostly characiforms; in addition three non-troglomorphic (normally eyed and pigmented) and one troglomorphic catfish (siluriforms) species were recorded in two caves surveyed at different occasions, totaling 17 fish species for the area. All the nominal species herein reported for Cordisburgo area have been previously reported for the Rio das Velhas basin. None of the species observed in caves were found in epigean habitats and vice-versa. The four cave species are distributed throughout subterranean stream reaches, with individuals at different size/age classes. This, associated to the lack of conspicuous morphological differences in relation to epigean congeners, indicate that Trichomycterus brasiliensis, Gymnotus cf. carapo and Pimelodella cf. vittata are troglophiles (species encompassing individuals able to live and complete their life cycle either in the surface or in the subterranean environment) in the Morena Cave; the latter forms a large population and may be at the beginning of a differentiation process due to isolation in the subterranean habitat, as indicated by a slight reduction in eye size. Topographic isolation may be the cause for the incipient, but unmistakable troglomorphism of the Rhamdiopsis population found in the Salitre Cave, allowing for its classification as troglobite (exclusively subterranean species). The Cordisburgo area is subject to significant anthropic pressure, mainly represented by deforestation for agriculture, cattle raising and timbering. Tourism is an additional important threat for cave communities, calling for urgent protection measures.
After an ichthyofaunistic survey in several epigean (surface) water bodies of the Serra do Ramalho, southern Bahia, conducted in May 2007, 44 species were recorded; in addition, three non-troglomorphic (normally eyed and pigmented) and two troglomorphic species were recorded only in caves, totaling 49 species of fishes for the area, which represents a little more than one fourth of the total registered in the literature for the entire Rio São Francisco basin. In these caves, which have been studied since 2005, eight non-troglomorphic species were sampled and their presence in both epigean and subterranean habitats, associated to the lack of morphological differences, indicate that they may be either troglophiles (species encompassing individuals able to live and complete their life cycle either in the surface or in the subterranean environment), trogloxenes (individuals regularly found in subterranean habitats, but which must return periodically to the surface in order to complete their life cycle) or even accidental in caves. In addition, two troglomorphic species (with reduced eyes and melanic pigmentation when compared to close epigean relatives), belonging respectively to the genera Rhamdia and Trichomycterus, were recorded exclusively in caves, thus classified as troglobites. Interestingly, no epigean representative of the genus Trichomycterus was collected. The new data are integrated into updated lists of Brazilian troglobitic and troglophilic fishes, based on published data and new records recently confirmed.