8 resultados para Kolumnen, rubriche, Peter Bichsel, Svizzera.

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da lavagem e da adição de eritorbato de sódio e tripolifosfato de sódio na estabilidade de Carne Mecanicamente Separada (CMS) de tilápia de Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) durante 6 meses de armazenamento a -18 ºC. A CMS obtida por meio de máquina separadora de carne e ossos foi dividida em quatro tratamentos (CMS lavada com e sem aditivos, e CMS não lavada com e sem aditivos) e mantida sob congelamento a -18 ºC, por 180 dias. A estabilidade foi avaliada por meio de análises microbiológicas e determinações de nitrogênio não proteico (NNP), bases nitrogenadas voláteis (BNV), substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS), pH e drip (perda de água no descongelamento). O processo de lavagem causou redução de aproximadamente 41, 44 e 66% nos teores de proteína bruta, lipídios e cinzas, respectivamente, reduzindo também os valores iniciais de NNP, BNV e TBARS. Durante o armazenamento, foram observados aumentos (p < 0,05) nos teores de NNP, BNV e pH em praticamente todos os tratamentos, exceto na CMS lavada com aditivos, que não apresentou aumentos significativos nos teores de NNP e pH. O uso de aditivos nas CMS diminuiu o drip ao longo do armazenamento, mas não alterou (p > 0,05) os teores de TBARS. Os parâmetros microbiológicos avaliados não ultrapassaram os limites permitidos pela legislação. As CMS permaneceram estáveis e em boas condições de utilização, independentemente da inclusão de aditivo, sendo viável sua estocagem a -18 ºC por 180 dias.


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Os movimentos dos olhos produzem estímulos discriminativos para o comportamento de ler. O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar os movimentos dos olhos de dois participantes durante a leitura de anagramas e identificar os operantes verbais envolvidos. A tarefa consistia em vocalizar uma palavra utilizando cinco letras. Na Fase 1, as letras formavam apenas uma palavra, sempre que observadas em uma mesma sequência espacial. Na Fase 2, formavam duas ou mais a partir de diferentes sequências. Na Fase 2, apesar da possibilidade de múltipla formação de palavras, as palavras vocalizadas foram aquelas formadas pela mesma sequência reforçada na fase anterior. Com base nos movimentos dos olhos, as vocalizações foram analisadas à luz dos conceitos de comportamento textual, auto-correção e intraverbal.


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The results of an exercise on electrochemistry for General Chemistry students are presented. The difficulty encountered by students in predicting the shift in the potential of the hydrogen electrode under non-standard conditions prompted a search in textbooks on how the subject is developed. Besides several instances of inconsistencies in defining the standard state, such as including the temperature in the definition, a number of incorrect depictions of the hydrogen electrode were discovered. Of the 28 General Chemistry books, 16 Physical Chemistry books and 24 Internet pages, 30, 20 and 46%, respectively, showed devices that would not work in practice.


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Nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) rDNA and partial sequences of the cytochrome coxidase subunit I (COI) mtDNA and white gene nDNA were obtained from specimens of Anopheles nuneztovari A collected in Macapá (state of Amapá), Óbidos, Prainha and Almeirim (state of Pará), Itacoatiara and Parintins (state of Amazonas), Brazil, and compared with previously published sequences of A. nuneztovari s.l. Results of the Bayesian phylogenetic analyses performed using either COI or combined ITS2, COI and white gene sequences suggest that An. nuneztovari B/C is distinct from specimens obtained in the Amazonas/Solimões River basin. Anopheles goeldii, currently in synonymy with An. nuneztovari, was described from individuals collected in Belterra (= Fordlândia) in the Tapajós River, state of Pará, Southern Amazonas River. Morphological comparisons of the characteristics of the male genitalia indicated that An. nuneztovari A and An. goeldii are similar but distinct from An. nuneztovariB/C by the apex of the aedeagus. In considering the results of the phylogenetic analyses and morphological comparisons, An. goeldii is resurrected from synonymy with An. nuneztovari. Additionally, Anopheles dunhamiis reported for the first time in Parintins. This species can be distinguished from An. goeldiiby characters of the male genitalia and molecular data


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study-specific results, their findings should be interpreted with caution


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The synthesis of [Ru(NO(2)) L(bpy)(2)](+) (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine and L = pyridine (py) and pyrazine (pz)) can be accomplished by addition of [Ru(NO) L(bpy) 2](PF(6))(3) to aqueous solutions of physiological pH. The electrochemical processes of [Ru(NO2) L(bpy) 2]+ in aqueous solution were studied by cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry. The anodic scan shows a peak around 1.00 V vs. Ag/AgCl attributed to the oxidation process centered on the metal ion. However, in the cathodic scan a second peak around-0.60 V vs. Ag/AgCl was observed and attributed to the reduction process centered on the nitrite ligand. The controlled reduction potential electrolysis at-0.80 V vs. Ag/AgCl shows NO release characteristics as judged by NO measurement with a NO-sensor. This assumption was confirmed by ESI/MS(+) and spectroelectrochemical experiment where cis-[Ru(bpy)(2)L(H(2)O)](2+) was obtained as a product of the reduction of cis-[Ru(II)(NO(2)) L(bpy)(2)](+). The vasorelaxation observed in denuded aortic rings pre-contracted with 0.1 mu mol L(-1) phenylephrine responded with relaxation in the presence of cis-[RuII(NO2) L(bpy) 2]+. The potential of rat aorta cells to metabolize cis-[RuII(NO(2)) L(bpy)(2)](+) was also followed by confocal analysis. The obtained results suggest that NO release happens by reduction of cis-[RuII(NO(2)) L(bpy)(2)](+) inside the cell. The maximum vasorelaxation was achieved with 1 x 10(-5) mol L(-1) of cis-[RuII(NO(2)) L(bpy)(2)](+) complex.


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We present the genome sequences of a new clinical isolate of the important human pathogen, Aspergillus fumigatus, A1163, and two closely related but rarely pathogenic species, Neosartorya fischeri NRRL181 and Aspergillus clavatus NRRL1. Comparative genomic analysis of A1163 with the recently sequenced A. fumigatus isolate Af293 has identified core, variable and up to 2% unique genes in each genome. While the core genes are 99.8% identical at the nucleotide level, identity for variable genes can be as low 40%. The most divergent loci appear to contain heterokaryon incompatibility ( het) genes associated with fungal programmed cell death such as developmental regulator rosA. Cross-species comparison has revealed that 8.5%, 13.5% and 12.6%, respectively, of A. fumigatus, N. fischeri and A. clavatus genes are species-specific. These genes are significantly smaller in size than core genes, contain fewer exons and exhibit a subtelomeric bias. Most of them cluster together in 13 chromosomal islands, which are enriched for pseudogenes, transposons and other repetitive elements. At least 20% of A. fumigatus-specific genes appear to be functional and involved in carbohydrate and chitin catabolism, transport, detoxification, secondary metabolism and other functions that may facilitate the adaptation to heterogeneous environments such as soil or a mammalian host. Contrary to what was suggested previously, their origin cannot be attributed to horizontal gene transfer ( HGT), but instead is likely to involve duplication, diversification and differential gene loss (DDL). The role of duplication in the origin of lineage-specific genes is further underlined by the discovery of genomic islands that seem to function as designated ""gene dumps'' and, perhaps, simultaneously, as "" gene factories''.