21 resultados para Kano (Nigeria) -- Descriptions et voyages
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Flavobacterium columnare is the causative agent of columnaris disease in freshwater fish, implicated in skin and gill disease, often causing high mortality. The aim of this study was the isolation and characterization of Flavobacterium columnare in tropical fish in Brazil. Piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) and cascudo (Hypostomus plecostomus) were examined for external lesions showing signs of colunmaris disease such as greyish white spots, especially on the head, dorsal part and caudal fin of the fish. The sampling comprised 50 samples representing four different fish species selected for study. Samples for culture were obtained by skin and kidney scrapes with a sterile cotton swabs of columnaris disease fish and streaked onto Carlson and Pacha (1968) artificial culture medium (broth and solid) which were used for isolation. The strains in the liquid medium were Gram negative, long, filamentous, exhibited flexing movements (gliding motility), contained a large number of long slender bacteria and gathered into ‘columns'. Strains on the agar produced yellow-pale colonies, rather small, flat that had rhizoid edges. A total of four Flavobacterium columnare were isolated: 01 Brycon orbignyanus strain, 01 Piaractus mesopotamicus strain, 01 Colossoma macropomum strain, and 01 Hypostomus plecostomus strain. Biochemical characterization, with its absorption of Congo red dye, production of flexirubin-type pigments, H2S production and reduction of nitrates proved that the isolate could be classified as Flavobacterium columnare.
Diapoma is reviewed and four species are recognized: (1) Diapoma thauma, new species, from streams of the rio Jacuí basin, state of Rio Grande do Sul; (2) D. pyrrhopteryx, new species collected from the rio Canoas and streams flowing into this basin in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Brazil; (3) Diapoma terofali, from streams flowing into rio Uruguay in Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and streams flowing into rio de la Plata, Argentina; and (4) Diapoma speculiferum, from lowland coastal streams in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and Uruguay. Diapoma pyrrhopteryx possess the posteroventral opercular elongation typical of D. speculiferum, type species of the genus, but which is absent in D. thauma and D. terofali. Nonetheless, all the diapomin species have the caudal pouch organ about equally developed in both sexes and the dorsal portion of the pouch opening bordered by a series of 3 to 8 elongated scales, the two derived features that characterize the group. The two previously described species, D. speculiferum and D. terofali, are redescribed. Previous hypotheses of relationships among the diapomin genera Planaltina, Diapoma and Acrobrycon are discussed on the basis of preliminary morphological information. It is proposed that the Diapomini is a monophyletic group. An identification key, information on sexual dimorphism, gonad anatomy, reproductive mode and distribution of the species of Diapoma are provided.
A Psicofísica aplicada à Clínica com seres humanos pode prover ferramentas alternativas que auxiliem o acesso objetivo e quantificável a condições internas do paciente, que só poderiam ser obtidas, de outra forma, através de seus relatos e descrições. Um exemplo dessa parceria e aplicação da Psicofísica é o aparelho comercial C-Quant (Oculus Optikgeräte, Alemanha), cujo método psicofísico de acesso ao valor de dispersão de luz na retina foi desenvolvido pelo grupo de pesquisadores holandeses liderados pelo Prof. Dr. Thomas van den Berg, do Netherland Institute of Neuroscience (NIN). O acesso ao valor de dispersão de luz na retina é útil para auxiliar no diagnóstico de várias doenças oculares, como catarata. Neste artigo o método psicofísico presente no aparelho (Comparação da Compensação) é descrito.
We present a molecular phylogenetic analysis of caenophidian (advanced) snakes using sequences from two mitochondrial genes (12S and 16S rRNA) and one nuclear (c-mos) gene (1681 total base pairs), and with 131 terminal taxa sampled from throughout all major caenophidian lineages but focussing on Neotropical xenodontines. Direct optimization parsimony analysis resulted in a well-resolved phylogenetic tree, which corroborates some clades identified in previous analyses and suggests new hypotheses for the composition and relationships of others. The major salient points of our analysis are: (1) placement of Acrochordus, Xenodermatids, and Pareatids as successive outgroups to all remaining caenophidians (including viperids, elapids, atractaspidids, and all other "colubrid" groups); (2) within the latter group, viperids and homalopsids are sucessive sister clades to all remaining snakes; (3) the following monophyletic clades within crown group caenophidians: Afro-Asian psammophiids (including Mimophis from Madagascar), Elapidae (including hydrophiines but excluding Homoroselaps), Pseudoxyrhophiinae, Colubrinae, Natricinae, Dipsadinae, and Xenodontinae. Homoroselaps is associated with atractaspidids. Our analysis suggests some taxonomic changes within xenodontines, including new taxonomy for Alsophis elegans, Liophis amarali, and further taxonomic changes within Xenodontini and the West Indian radiation of xenodontines. Based on our molecular analysis, we present a revised classification for caenophidians and provide morphological diagnoses for many of the included clades; we also highlight groups where much more work is needed. We name as new two higher taxonomic clades within Caenophidia, one new subfamily within Dipsadidae, and, within Xenodontinae five new tribes, six new genera and two resurrected genera. We synonymize Xenoxybelis and Pseudablabes with Philodryas; Erythrolamprus with Liophis; and Lystrophis and Waglerophis with Xenodon.
Hoplias lacerdae was originally described from the rio Ribeira de Iguape, Iporanga, São Paulo State. The Hoplias lacerdae group is defined as containing generally large trahiras with the medial margins of dentaries running parallel to each other and lacking teeth on the basihyal compared to the H. malabaricus group in which the medial margins of the dentaries converge towards the mandibular symphysis and which have teeth on the basihyal. A taxonomic revision of the group based on meristic and morphometric data identified five distinct species: H. lacerdae distributed in the rio Ribeira de Iguape and rio Uruguai; H. intermedius from the rio São Francisco, upper rio Paraná basin, and rio Doce; H. brasiliensis from rivers of the Atlantic Coastal drainage from the rio Paraguaçu to the rio Jequitinhonha; H. australis new species, endemic to the rio Uruguai; and H. curupira new species present in northern South America, including the rios Negro, Trombetas, Tapajós, Xingu, Tocantins and Capim in the Amazon basin, upper rio Orinoco near the rio Casiquiare (Venezuela), and coastal rivers of Guyana and Suriname. A lectotype for Hoplias intermedius and a neotype for H. brasiliensis are designated.
Comparative descriptions of eggs from three species of Rhodnius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae)
The authors describe and compare the morphological and ultrastructural characteristics of eggs from the three most recent described species of the genus Rhodnius Stål, 1859, which have not previously been studied. These species are Rhodnius colombiensis (Mejia, Galvão & Jurberg 1999), Rhodnius milesi (Carcavallo, Rocha, Galvão & Jurberg 2001) and Rhodnius stali (Lent, Jurberg & Galvão 1993). The results revealed that there are similarities in the exochorial architecture of optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy; these include the predominance of hexagonal cells that are common to all Rhodnius species and variable degrees of lateral flattening, which is common not only to species of this genus, but also to the Rhodniini tribe. Differences in overall colour, the presence of a collar in R. milesi, a longitudinal bevel in R. stali and the precise length of R. colombiensis can be useful distinguishing features. As a result of this study, the key for egg identification proposed by Barata in 1981 can be updated.
We construct a nonrelativistic wave equation for spinning particles in the noncommutative space (in a sense, a theta modification of the Pauli equation). To this end, we consider the nonrelativistic limit of the theta-modified Dirac equation. To complete the consideration, we present a pseudoclassical model (a la Berezin-Marinov) for the corresponding nonrelativistic particle in the noncommutative space. To justify the latter model, we demonstrate that its quantization leads to the theta-modified Pauli equation. We extract theta-modified interaction between a nonrelativistic spin and a magnetic field from such a Pauli equation and construct a theta modification of the Heisenberg model for two coupled spins placed in an external magnetic field. In the framework of such a model, we calculate the probability transition between two orthogonal Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen states for a pair of spins in an oscillatory magnetic field and show that some of such transitions, which are forbidden in the commutative space, are possible due to the space noncommutativity. This allows us to estimate an upper bound on the noncommutativity parameter.
The paired fronto-lateral gland pores and lattice organs (LO1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) of seven species of pedunculate barnacles belonging to two thoracican suborders, Heteralepadomorpha (family Heteralepadidae: Heteralepas sp. 1 and 2) and Lepadomorpha (families Poecilasmatidae: Poecilasma inaequilaterale and Octolasmis aymonini geryonophila and Lepadidae: Lepas pacifica, Dosima fascicularis, and Conchoderma virgatum), were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). While the fronto-lateral gland pores exhibit slight variation among species, with only L. pacifica showing a different morphology, the variations in the arrangement of LOs are phylogenetically instructive. The lattice organs in the foregoing species correspond in general to the inferred advanced type (Type C), but the distinct keel in the pore field in P. inaequilaterale and L. pacifica is reminiscent of, but not necessarily identical with the less advanced Type B. The arrangement of the anterior LOs (1-2) is rhomboidal in the two heteralepadomorph species, the two poecilasmatid species, and two of the three lepadid species, as it is in all previously and presently known lepadomorph cyprids except D. fascicularis. In this last species, they are deployed linearly along the hinge line. A linear arrangement of all the lattice organs is presumably the plesiomorphic condition for the Thoracica; an obvious exception being the pattern seen in Ibla cumingi. The arrangement of the first two pairs of posterior LOs (3-4) in O. a. geryonophila and C. virgatum differs from that of all previously described Lepadomorpha in being rhomboidal rather than aligned linearly along the hinge line. This same arrangement of LOs 3 and 4 in the two heteralepadomorph species is notable since it is not known in other thoracicans. Our results concerning variation in lattice organs of the lower Pedunculata are more or less consistent with current phylogenetic speculations and genetic information that ally Heteralepadomorpha with Lepadomorpha. Significance of this variation at lower taxonomic levels is also evident in the two similar forms of Heteralepas.
Wild-caught larvae, attributed to the lobster shrimp Arius serratus, consisting of two zoeal stages and a decapodid (megalopa), are described in detail. Parentage of larvae was ascertained based on geographic distribution of axiideans and gebiideans (= former thalassinideans) within the study area and close morphological resemblance to other congeneric larval stages. Larvae of A. serratus represent the first described 'thalassinidean' larvae from Canadian Atlantic waters and the first for Axiidae within the northwest Atlantic. Among axiidean larvae, those of A. serratus most closely resemble larvae of A. stirhynchus from the eastern Atlantic. Distinct features include the spination of the pleon that set A. serratus zoeae apart from those of most other 'thalassinideans' but that, in combination with a telson very similar to Homarus americanus, contributes to the general resemblance of A. serratus larvae to those of the American lobster. The primary distinction between these taxa is the presence of a chela on the third pereiopod in the latter that is not present in the former. In view of these appendages being prone to loss or damage, other characters that separate these taxa are listed and discussed. Given the uncertain status of some taxa within Axiidae and limited detailed information of larvae with certain parentage, difficulties in delineating the family based on larvae persist, as they do for cladistic analyses using adult morphology and molecular approaches.
(Spatial-temporal variation in coiled and straight morphotypes of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Wolsz) Seenayya et Subba Raju (Cyanobacteria)). This study reports the spatial and temporal behavior of straight and coiled morphotypes of C. raciborskii in a reservoir in Brazil`s semiarid region as well as the main factors responsible for the variability. Two set of samples were collected from the subsurface and bottom in the central region of a reservoir in two seasonal periods (dry January 2005; rainy June 2005) over 20-hour sampling periods during daylight (8 am, 12 pm and 4 pm) and dark (8 pm, 12 am and 4 am) hours. Measurements of abiotic parameters were determined concurrently to the sampling of biotic variables. Two C. raciborskii morphotypes were found in the reservoir: straight and coiled. There was no difference in density of the straight and coiled C. raciborskii morphotypes between the different sampling times for either season. Vertical differences were found in the distribution of both morphotypes in both seasons, with greater densities recorded at the subsurface. Densities of the two C. raciborskii morphotypes were greater in the dry season, with the density of the coiled morphotype at the surface two-fold greater than that of the straight morphotype and that found in the rainy season. The ecological success of the coiled morphotype was due to thermal stratification, whereas a mixed condition was determinant in the success of the straight morphotype.
This work aimed to determining the anatomical structure of wood, through methodology of histology and X-ray densitometry, of resin-tapped and not resin-tapped Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis trees samples, of three diameter classes. Pine trees, in forest plantation established in 1969, in the Ecological Experimental Station of Itirapina, from the Forestry Institute of Sao Paulo State, were measured and stratified into three classes of trunk diameter. The pine trees were resin-tapped since 2004, with the opening of two simultaneous and opposing panels. Sixty samples of pine wood trees were extracted from the tree trunk through a non-destructive method and in the laboratory. Tree rings were determined in the laboratory and wood apparent density by X-ray densitometry. The test results showed that: (i) false tree rings occur in the early wood and late wood of the tree rings due to climate change; (ii) the X-ray densitometry allowed the demarcation of the tree rings limits; (iii) the wood apparent density average was significantly different between the trees in high class diameter and in the medium-low class; (iv) the wood characteristics from the resin-tapped and non resin-tapped faces did not show significant differences.
- This paper reports the occurrence of five species of Rhodacaridae mites collected in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. One of these corresponds to a new genus and a new species, Binodacarus brasiliensis n. gen. n. sp.; two correspond to new species of kno
This paper reports the mites of the subfamilies Phytoseiinae and Typhlodrominae (Phytoseiidae) from Peru, providing descriptions of 2 new species, Phytoseius ortegae Guanilo and Moraes, n. sp. and Phytoseius poripherus Guanilo and Moraes, n. sp., and a taxonomic key to separate the species reported.
The cosmopolitan family Calamoceratidae Ulmer, 1906, has 8 living genera, among them Phylloicus Muller, 1880, with species distributed from South to Central America. This genus is characterized by its dark-colored adults (brown to black) with diurnal to crepuscular habits. In this paper, the adults, pupae, and larvae of Phylloicus camargoi n. sp. are described and illustrated. The new species is easily diagnosed by male tergum X bearing a short, digitate, setose, basodorsal process; 2 short, digitate, hairless, lateral processes; and 2 pairs of very short processes on the posterior margin: a pair of digitate, hairless, posterolateral processes, and a pair of posteromesal processes. Additional diagnostic characters are the presence of 3 color bands on the forewings, 2 golden longitudinal bands and a white transversal one.