21 resultados para Hebrew literature, Modern
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
A literatura francesa e mundial passaram por uma enorme transformação ao longo do século XIX. A primorosa escrita de Flaubert é, para além de sua importância estética, reveladora de um novo modo de se escrever, ler e representar o homem no mundo moderno. O cuidado na construção do texto, a utilização de imagens plásticas e figuras de linguagem, ao mesmo tempo em que o narrador torna-se invisível no emprego do discurso indireto livre são característicos da escrita flaubertiana. O autor apresenta-nos em "Um coração simples" um "retrato" de Félicité, mulher pobre do interior da França, modelo virtuoso de uma ética evanescente. Ao acompanhar, por meio do conto, os passos e desventuras de Felicité, sob as lentes deste novo narrador, buscamos evidenciar as condições que circundam o aparecimento de um olhar científico-objetivo para a subjetividade humana, logo transformada em objeto de uma nascente Psicologia.
The objective of this study was to review the Brazilian epidemiologic literature on periodontal outcomes and socio-demographic factors, assessing bibliographic and methodological characteristics of this scientific production, as well as the consistency and statistical significance of the examined associations. A systematic review was carried out in six bibliographic sources. The review was limited to the period between 1999 and 2008, without any other type of restriction. Among the 410 papers identified, 29 were included in the review. An increasing number of articles, specifically in the last four years of study, was observed. However, there is a concentration of studies in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, and many of them are not closely connected to theoretical formulations in the field. In spite of these shortcomings, the review findings corroborate the idea that poor socioeconomic conditions are associated with periodontal outcomes, as demonstrated primarily by income and schooling indicators.
Há uma ampla bibliografia sobre a crise da modernidade. Uma certa vertente compreende que estão ameaçados vários pilares da vida social moderna, dentre eles as conquistas representadas pelos direitos universais. A literatura da Saúde Coletiva também aponta o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) como uma ocorrência contrária ao movimento mundial de flexibilização daqueles direitos. Os princípios de universalidade e integralidade, além de constituírem um desafio institucional, financeiro, político e social, expressam também a decisão da sociedade de implementar direitos universais. Utilizamos o instrumental teórico de Souza Santos para caracterizar o SUS como um observatório sobre a efetivação de tais direitos. Ressurge a importância do remodelamento institucional e das deliberações democráticas no estabelecimento do contrato social.
Wild-caught larvae, attributed to the lobster shrimp Arius serratus, consisting of two zoeal stages and a decapodid (megalopa), are described in detail. Parentage of larvae was ascertained based on geographic distribution of axiideans and gebiideans (= former thalassinideans) within the study area and close morphological resemblance to other congeneric larval stages. Larvae of A. serratus represent the first described 'thalassinidean' larvae from Canadian Atlantic waters and the first for Axiidae within the northwest Atlantic. Among axiidean larvae, those of A. serratus most closely resemble larvae of A. stirhynchus from the eastern Atlantic. Distinct features include the spination of the pleon that set A. serratus zoeae apart from those of most other 'thalassinideans' but that, in combination with a telson very similar to Homarus americanus, contributes to the general resemblance of A. serratus larvae to those of the American lobster. The primary distinction between these taxa is the presence of a chela on the third pereiopod in the latter that is not present in the former. In view of these appendages being prone to loss or damage, other characters that separate these taxa are listed and discussed. Given the uncertain status of some taxa within Axiidae and limited detailed information of larvae with certain parentage, difficulties in delineating the family based on larvae persist, as they do for cladistic analyses using adult morphology and molecular approaches.
The evolution of paleo-incised-valleys in the Sao Paulo State region of the southeastern Brazilian continental shelf is presented in this study in relation to the post Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) sea-level rises based on the submarine topography modeled by a detailed Digital Elevation Model and evidences noted in high resolution seismic profiles. The hypothesis that has guided this study is that the set of paleo-valley characteristics (i.e. the fluvial parameters of modern coastal drainage systems, the topographical shape and dimensions of the valleys and of the subsurface channels) may indicate aspects of the relation between the influence of the fluvial and the eustatic variation regime in geomorphological-stratigraphic registers. Models described in the literature sustain the view that faster marine transgressions tend to increase erosion in estuaries, which may explain the lack of registers of paleo-drainage both in topography and the sub-surface in areas with wider shelves. On the other hand, on narrower shelves, with a higher slope angle, the transgression process can preserve, or even enhance, the incised valley registers during shoreface retreat. In the area studied, we observed that the dimensions and form of the continental shelf varies from the northern to the southern part of the area, affecting aspects of the geomorphological registers of the submerged incised valleys.
The article discusses the right to lusophone literature - Saramago, as example - in the process of teacher` s formation and inside of adults` literacy through formation research process at Sao Paulo city.
The establishment of modern sociology in Brazil was part of a thoroughgoing modernization of the country that began in the 1930s and the years immediately following World War II. The founding of the University of Sao Paulo made possible the systematic training of scientists devoted to teaching and research and broadened the way learning was understood. Florestan Fernandes was the outstanding personality among the first social scientists that the university produced, and the picture of the Brazilian sociologist today is largely inspired by his career. Enthusiasm and scientific rigor were the hallmarks of his approach. His early work reflects intellectuals` shared belief in the power of ideas to regenerate the nation, freeing it from a past that they condemned. The mature reflection of his later works retreats from this optimistic view, recognizing the emergence of modern society in Brazil as a complex process with mixed results.
Study Design. Systematic Review. Objectives. To assess the effects of massage therapy for nonspecific low back pain. Summary of Background Data. Low back pain is one of the most common and costly musculoskeletal problems in modern society. Proponents of massage therapy claim it can minimize pain and disability, and speed return to normal function. Methods. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL from their beginning to May 2008. We also searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library 2006, issue 3), HealthSTAR and Dissertation abstracts up to 2006. There were no language restrictions. References in the included studies and in reviews of the literature were screened. The studies had to be randomized or quasi-randomized trials investigating the use of any type of massage (using the hands or a mechanical device) as a treatment for nonspecific low back pain. Two review authors selected the studies, assessed the risk of bias using the criteria recommended by the Cochrane Back Review Group, and extracted the data using standardized forms. Both qualitative and meta-analyses were performed. Results. Thirteen randomized trials were included. Eight had a high risk and 5 had a low risk of bias. One study was published in German and the rest in English. Massage was compared to an inert therapy (sham treatment) in 2 studies that showed that massage was superior for pain and function on both short- and long-term follow-ups. In 8 studies, massage was compared to other active treatments. They showed that massage was similar to exercises, and massage was superior to joint mobilization, relaxation therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, and self-care education. One study showed that reflexology on the feet had no effect on pain and functioning. The beneficial effects of massage in patients with chronic low back pain lasted at least 1 year after the end of the treatment. Two studies compared 2 different techniques of massage. One concluded that acupuncture massage produces better results than classic (Swedish) massage and another concluded that Thai massage produces similar results to classic (Swedish) massage. Conclusion. Massage might be beneficial for patients with subacute and chronic nonspecific low back pain, especially when combined with exercises and education. The evidence suggests that acupuncture massage is more effective than classic massage, but this need confirmation. More studies are needed to confirm these conclusions, to assess the impact of massage on return-to-work, and to determine cost-effectiveness of massage as an intervention for low back pain.
An 18-year-old boy with refractory epilepsy and aggressiveness associated to a hypothalamic hamartoma was submitted to a stereotactically guided lesion by thermocoagulation. The target was based on magnetic resonance (MR) images merged with computed tomography scan images taken on the day of surgery while patient was on a stereotactic frame. In order to reveal structures not discernible in MR images, the Schaltenbrand digital brain atlas was merged onto the patient`s images. Target and trajectory of the depth electrode were chosen based on three-dimensional imaging reconstructions. A surgical plan was devised to disconnect the hypothalamic hamartoma from the hypothalamus, medial forebrain bundle, fasciculus princeps, and dorsal longitudinal fasciculus. Our target was placed at the inferior portion of the posterolateral component of the hamartoma, bordering the normal hypothalamus. The patient evolved with marked lessening of aggressiveness. Seizure frequency was reduced from several seizures per day to less than one tonic-clonic seizure during sleep per month and only two episodes suggestive of partial complex seizures during daytime. These results have remained consistent over a 24-month postoperative follow-up. Functional neuroanatomy of hypothalamic connections involved in seizure propagation and aggressive behavior was reviewed.
Background-Novel therapies have recently become available for pulmonary arterial hypertension. We conducted a study to characterize mortality in a multicenter prospective cohort of patients diagnosed with idiopathic, familial, or anorexigen-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension in the modern management era. Methods and Results-Between October 2002 and October 2003, 354 consecutive adult patients with idiopathic, familial, or anorexigen-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (56 incident and 298 prevalent cases) were prospectively enrolled. Patients were followed up for 3 years, and survival rates were analyzed. For incident cases, estimated survival (95% confidence intervals [CIs]) at 1, 2, and 3 years was 85.7% (95% CI, 76.5 to 94.9), 69.6% (95% CI, 57.6 to 81.6), and 54.9% (95% CI, 41.8 to 68.0), respectively. In a combined analysis population (incident patients and prevalent patients diagnosed within 3 years before study entry; n = 190), 1-, 2-, and 3-year survival estimates were 82.9% (95% CI, 72.4 to 95.0), 67.1% (95% CI, 57.1 to 78.8), and 58.2% (95% CI, 49.0 to 69.3), respectively. Individual survival analysis identified the following as significantly and positively associated with survival: female gender, New York Heart Association functional class I/II, greater 6-minute walk distance, lower right atrial pressure, and higher cardiac output. Multivariable analysis showed that being female, having a greater 6-minute walk distance, and exhibiting higher cardiac output were jointly significantly associated with improved survival. Conclusions-In the modern management era, idiopathic, familial, and anorexigen-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension remains a progressive, fatal disease. Mortality is most closely associated with male gender, right ventricular hemodynamic function, and exercise limitation. (Circulation. 2010; 122: 156-163.)
P>Leprosy still is an important public health problem in several parts of the world including Brazil. Unlike the diseases caused by other mycobacteria, the incidence and clinical presentation of leprosy seems little affected in immunosuppressed patients. We report the first case, to our knowledge, of a liver transplant patient who developed multi-bacillary leprosy. The patient presented with papules and infiltrated plaques with loss of sensation suggestive of leprosy 3.5 years after living-related liver transplantation for autoimmune hepatitis. A skin biopsy showing non-caseating macrophagic granulomas, neuritis, and intact acid-fast bacilli on Fite-Faraco stain, confirmed the diagnosis of borderline lepromatous leprosy. The donor of the liver did not show any evidence of leprosy. During follow-up, the patient presented 2 episodes of upgrading leprosy type I reactions, 1 mild before leprosy treatment, and 1 moderate 3 months after receiving standard multi-drug treatment (rifampicin, clofazimine, and dapsone). These reactions were accompanied by increase in liver function tests, especially of canalicular enzymes. This reaction occurred despite the patient`s triple immunosuppression regimen. The moderate reaction was successfully treated with further immunosuppression (prednisone, 0.5 mg/kg). Currently, the patient is asymptomatic, off leprosy medication, with routine liver transplant follow-up. The dilemmas in diagnosis and management of such a case are discussed and the literature on leprosy in transplant recipients is reviewed.
Introduction: A variety of subjective experiences have been reported to be associated with the symptom expression of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and Tourette syndrome (TS). First described in TS patients, these subjective experiences have been defined in different ways. There is no consensus in the literature on how to best define subjective experiences. This lack of consensus may hinder the understanding of study results and prevents the possibility of including them in the search for etiological factors associated with OCD and TS. Methods: The objective of this article was to review the descriptions of subjective experiences in the English-language literature from 1980-2007. This meta-analytic review was carried out using the English-language literature from 1980-2007 available on MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and the Cochrane Library databases using the following search terms: premonitory urges, sensory tics, ""just-right"" perceptions, sensory phenomena, sensory experiences, incompleteness, ""not just-right"" phenomena, obsessive-compulsive disorder and TS, including OCD and/or TS, in all combination searches. We also searched for the references cited in each article previously found that referred to the aforementioned terms. Thirty-one articles were included in the study. Results: Subjective experiences, in particular, the sensory phenomena, were important phenotypic variables in the characterization of the tic-related OCD subtype and were more frequent in the early-onset OCD subtype. There is a paucity of studies using structured interviews to assess sensory phenomena, their epidemiology and the etiological mechanisms associated with sensory phenomena. Conclusion: The current review provides some evidence that sensory phenomena can be useful to identify more homogenous subgroups of OCD and TS patients and should be included as important phenotypic variables in future clinical, genetic, neuroimaging, and treatment-response studies.
BACKGROUND: Chromoblastomycosis is a subcutaneous mycosis that occurs mainly in rural workers although is being more commonly found among people working in other sectors. The fungus penetrates the skin after its inoculation and the most frequently isolated agent is the Fonsecaea pedrosoi. OBJECTIVES: This study aims at evaluating patients suffering from chromoblastomycosis admitted into the Department of Dermatology of the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Sao Paulo State during the ten-year period from 1997 to 2007. METHODS: It is a retrospective study and the medical report cards of 27 Brazilian patients diagnosed as suffering from Chromoblastomycosis from 1997 to 2007 at the Dermatology Department of the Medical School, University of Sao Paulo were reviewed. The following items were analyzed: previous therapeutic approaches; treatment implemented by the group; length of time between the appearing of the lesion and diagnosis; age; gender; profession; origin; site of lesions; isolated agents found in culture and histopathology. RESULTS: Twenty two patients were from the state of Sao Paulo whereas the others came from the states of Bahia and Rondonia. 37% of them were rural workers. Men were more frequently infected (85%). Lesions were more commonly found on the lower limbs (59.2%). In 52% of the cases the isolated agent was the dematiaceous fungus Fonsecaea. pedrosoi. Biopsies showed sclerotic bodies in 92.5% of the cases. CONCLUSION: Data found are in accordance with medical literature on the subject. The disease had been previously studied in our institution in 1983 by Cuce et al. This present study is the second retrospective one about the characteristics of patients suffering from chromoblastmycosis which has been published in indexed medical literature in the state of Sao Paulo.
Background: Homeopathy is based on the principle of similitude (similia similibus curentur) using medicines that cause effects similar to the symptoms of disease in order to stimulate the reaction of the organism. Such vital, homeostatic or paradoxical reaction of the organism is closely related to rebound effect of drugs. Method: Review of the literature concerning the rebound effects of drugs used to suppress gastric acidity, particularly proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). Results: The mechanism of action of these effects is discussed. Rebound in terms of clinical symptoms and physiological effects occur in about 40% of people taking PPIs, their timing depends on the half-life of the drug and the adaptation period of the physiological mechanisms involved. The wide use of PPIs may be linked to the rising incidence of carcinoid tumours. Conclusions: These findings support Hahnemann`s concept of secondary action of drugs. We are developing a homeopathic materia medica and repertory of modern drugs on the basis of reported rebound effects. Homeopathy (2011) 100, 148-156.