27 resultados para Grounded theory method
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
OBJETIVO: Compreender como o adolescente com diabetes mellitus tipo I vivencia sua experiência de doença e como lida com esta situação no cotidiano. MÉTODOS: O Interacionismo Simbólico foi utilizado como referencial teórico e a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados como o referencial metodológico da pesquisa. Participaram do estudo 10 adolescentes com diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 há mais de um ano. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados dois fenômenos explicativos da experiência: não sendo normal ter diabetes e sendo normal ter diabetes. CONCLUSÃO: Os dois fenômenos não são isolados ou excludentes para o mesmo adolescente, parecendo haver períodos ou fases em que os adolescentes identificam-se e vivenciam ora um fenômeno ora outro, com maior ou menor intensidade.
Existem, atualmente, mais de 300 hipóteses relativas à caracterização, função e mecanismos do envelhecimento, possivelmente devido ao aumento de idosos no mundo. Embora se avente uma função social à velhice humana, as transformações da sociedade impuseram uma cultura de descarte, incluindo pessoas como os idosos. Tal exclusão, que se associa à tristeza, depressão e morte desse grupo, é contraditória ao aumento do tempo de vida dos idosos constatado atualmente. O presente trabalho tentou determinar os aspectos ambientais envolvidos na longevidade usando uma técnica de metodologia qualitativa denominada grounded theory (ou teoria fundamentada nos dados) em dados fornecidos por ex-ferroviários longevos. Constatou-se que as representações dos ex-ferroviários confluem para a categoria central: desolação pelo aniquilamento da vida e do ambiente, no presente, devido à continuada negligência do Estado e da Sociedade na promoção e preservação das coisas boas para a vida que havia no passado. Observou-se ainda que, paralelamente à hipervalorização genérica das coisas do passado, há constatação recente de que suas existências fizeram parte da epopeia que promoveu o desenvolvimento econômico e social do interior paulista e possibilitou uma ressignificação existencial do passado, sugerindo ser um potente mecanismo de defesa que culmina em longevidade. Tal achado se insere na hipótese de que a função da longevidade seria a de preservar um contingente social com conhecimentos de um modo de vida que deu certo por ser socialmente vantajoso
Background: The inherent complexity of statistical methods and clinical phenomena compel researchers with diverse domains of expertise to work in interdisciplinary teams, where none of them have a complete knowledge in their counterpart's field. As a result, knowledge exchange may often be characterized by miscommunication leading to misinterpretation, ultimately resulting in errors in research and even clinical practice. Though communication has a central role in interdisciplinary collaboration and since miscommunication can have a negative impact on research processes, to the best of our knowledge, no study has yet explored how data analysis specialists and clinical researchers communicate over time. Methods/Principal Findings: We conducted qualitative analysis of encounters between clinical researchers and data analysis specialists (epidemiologist, clinical epidemiologist, and data mining specialist). These encounters were recorded and systematically analyzed using a grounded theory methodology for extraction of emerging themes, followed by data triangulation and analysis of negative cases for validation. A policy analysis was then performed using a system dynamics methodology looking for potential interventions to improve this process. Four major emerging themes were found. Definitions using lay language were frequently employed as a way to bridge the language gap between the specialties. Thought experiments presented a series of ""what if'' situations that helped clarify how the method or information from the other field would behave, if exposed to alternative situations, ultimately aiding in explaining their main objective. Metaphors and analogies were used to translate concepts across fields, from the unfamiliar to the familiar. Prolepsis was used to anticipate study outcomes, thus helping specialists understand the current context based on an understanding of their final goal. Conclusion/Significance: The communication between clinical researchers and data analysis specialists presents multiple challenges that can lead to errors.
Estudos apontam fatores que podem aumentar a longevidade; no entanto, muitas questões pertinentes a este tema ainda não foram elucidadas. Percepções do próprio longevo a respeito dos fatores contribuintes para longevidade são importantes, permitindo levantamento de cada fator e suas interações com demais variáveis que promovem a longevidade. O presente artigo relata dados da investigação sobre "o segredo da longevidade", segundo percepções dos próprios longevos, analisados pelo referencial metodológico da grounded theory. Foram entrevistados trinta ferroviários longevos do município de Botucatu (SP). A análise das falas dos longevos possibilitou determinar que a percepção dos fatores se aglutina em torno de categorias progressivamente abrangentes que culminam na representação coletiva de que a longevidade é dependente do embate entre fatores prejudiciais que aniquilam a vida e fatores saudáveis que geram e preservam a vida, sobre o qual a falta de controle social e do Estado torna pessimista a visão do futuro.
355 nm light irradiation of fac-[Mn(CO)(3)(phen)(imH)](+) (fac-1) produces the mer-1 isomer and a long lived radical which can be efficiently trapped by electron acceptor molecules. EPR experiments shows that when excited, the manganese(I) complex can be readily oxidized by one-electron process to produce Mn(II) and phen(.-). In the present study, DFT calculations have been used to investigated the photochemical isomerization of the parent Mn(I) complex and to characterize the electronic structures of the long lived radical. The theoretical calculations have been performed on both the fac-1 and mer-1 species as well as on their one electron oxidized species fac-1+ and mer-1+ for the lowest spin configurations (S = 1/2) and fac-6 and mer-6 (S = 5/2) for the highest one to characterize these complexes. In particular, we used a charge decomposition analysis (CDA) and a natural bonding orbital (NBO) to have a better understanding of the chemical bonding in terms of the nature of electronic interactions. The observed variations in geometry and bond energies with an increasing oxidation state in the central metal ion are interpreted in terms of changes in the nature of metal-ligand bonding interactions. The X-ray structure of fac-1 is also described. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper a bond graph methodology is used to model incompressible fluid flows with viscous and thermal effects. The distinctive characteristic of these flows is the role of pressure, which does not behave as a state variable but as a function that must act in such a way that the resulting velocity field has divergence zero. Velocity and entropy per unit volume are used as independent variables for a single-phase, single-component flow. Time-dependent nodal values and interpolation functions are introduced to represent the flow field, from which nodal vectors of velocity and entropy are defined as state variables. The system for momentum and continuity equations is coincident with the one obtained by using the Galerkin method for the weak formulation of the problem in finite elements. The integral incompressibility constraint is derived based on the integral conservation of mechanical energy. The weak formulation for thermal energy equation is modeled with true bond graph elements in terms of nodal vectors of temperature and entropy rates, resulting a Petrov-Galerkin method. The resulting bond graph shows the coupling between mechanical and thermal energy domains through the viscous dissipation term. All kind of boundary conditions are handled consistently and can be represented as generalized effort or flow sources. A procedure for causality assignment is derived for the resulting graph, satisfying the Second principle of Thermodynamics. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We discuss the generalized eigenvalue problem for computing energies and matrix elements in lattice gauge theory, including effective theories such as HQET. It is analyzed how the extracted effective energies and matrix elements converge when the time separations are made large. This suggests a particularly efficient application of the method for which we can prove that corrections vanish asymptotically as exp(-(E(N+1) - E(n))t). The gap E(N+1) - E(n) can be made large by increasing the number N of interpolating fields in the correlation matrix. We also show how excited state matrix elements can be extracted such that contaminations from all other states disappear exponentially in time. As a demonstration we present numerical results for the extraction of ground state and excited B-meson masses and decay constants in static approximation and to order 1/m(b) in HQET.
Background: The present work aims at the application of the decision theory to radiological image quality control ( QC) in diagnostic routine. The main problem addressed in the framework of decision theory is to accept or reject a film lot of a radiology service. The probability of each decision of a determined set of variables was obtained from the selected films. Methods: Based on a radiology service routine a decision probability function was determined for each considered group of combination characteristics. These characteristics were related to the film quality control. These parameters were also framed in a set of 8 possibilities, resulting in 256 possible decision rules. In order to determine a general utility application function to access the decision risk, we have used a simple unique parameter called r. The payoffs chosen were: diagnostic's result (correct/incorrect), cost (high/low), and patient satisfaction (yes/no) resulting in eight possible combinations. Results: Depending on the value of r, more or less risk will occur related to the decision-making. The utility function was evaluated in order to determine the probability of a decision. The decision was made with patients or administrators' opinions from a radiology service center. Conclusion: The model is a formal quantitative approach to make a decision related to the medical imaging quality, providing an instrument to discriminate what is really necessary to accept or reject a film or a film lot. The method presented herein can help to access the risk level of an incorrect radiological diagnosis decision.
We use the boundary effective theory approach to thermal field theory in order to calculate the pressure of a system of massless scalar fields with quartic interaction. The method naturally separates the infrared physics, and is essentially nonperturbative. To lowest order, the main ingredient is the solution of the free Euler-Lagrange equation with nontrivial (time) boundary conditions. We derive a resummed pressure, which is in good agreement with recent calculations found in the literature, following a very direct and compact procedure.
Spectral changes of Na(2) in liquid helium were studied using the sequential Monte Carlo-quantum mechanics method. Configurations composed by Na(2) surrounded by explicit helium atoms sampled from the Monte Carlo simulation were submitted to time-dependent density-functional theory calculations of the electronic absorption spectrum using different functionals. Attention is given to both line shift and line broadening. The Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE1PBE, also known as PBE0) functional, with the PBE1PBE/6-311++G(2d,2p) basis set, gives the spectral shift, compared to gas phase, of 500 cm(-1) for the allowed X (1)Sigma(+)(g) -> B (1)Pi(u) transition, in very good agreement with the experimental value (700 cm(-1)). For comparison, cluster calculations were also performed and the first X (1)Sigma(+)(g) -> A (1)Sigma(+)(u) transition was also considered.
We use the density functional theory/local-density approximation (DFT/LDA)-1/2 method [L. G. Ferreira , Phys. Rev. B 78, 125116 (2008)], which attempts to fix the electron self-energy deficiency of DFT/LDA by half-ionizing the whole Bloch band of the crystal, to calculate the band offsets of two Si/SiO(2) interface models. Our results are similar to those obtained with a ""state-of-the-art"" GW approach [R. Shaltaf , Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 186401 (2008)], with the advantage of being as computationally inexpensive as the usual DFT/LDA. Our band gap and band offset predictions are in excellent agreement with experiments.
In this work, we report a systematic investigation of upconversion losses and their effects on fluorescence quantum efficiency and fractional thermal loading in Nd(3+)-doped fluoride glasses. The energy transfer upconversion (gamma(up)) parameter, which describes upconversion losses, was experimentally determined using different methods: thermal lens (TL) technique and steady state luminescence (SSL) measurements. Additionally, the upconversion parameter was also obtained from energy transfer models and excited state absorption measurements. The results reveal that the microscopic treatment provided by the energy transfer models is similar to the macroscopic ones achieved from the TL and SSL measurements because similar gamma(up) parameters were obtained. Besides, the achieved results also point out the migration-assisted energy transfer according to diffusion-limited regime rather than hopping regime as responsible for the upconversion losses in Nd-doped glasses. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
The knowledge of the atomic structure of clusters composed by few atoms is a basic prerequisite to obtain insights into the mechanisms that determine their chemical and physical properties as a function of diameter, shape, surface termination, as well as to understand the mechanism of bulk formation. Due to the wide use of metal systems in our modern life, the accurate determination of the properties of 3d, 4d, and 5d metal clusters poses a huge problem for nanoscience. In this work, we report a density functional theory study of the atomic structure, binding energies, effective coordination numbers, average bond lengths, and magnetic properties of the 3d, 4d, and 5d metal (30 elements) clusters containing 13 atoms, M(13). First, a set of lowest-energy local minimum structures (as supported by vibrational analysis) were obtained by combining high-temperature first- principles molecular-dynamics simulation, structure crossover, and the selection of five well-known M(13) structures. Several new lower energy configurations were identified, e. g., Pd(13), W(13), Pt(13), etc., and previous known structures were confirmed by our calculations. Furthermore, the following trends were identified: (i) compact icosahedral-like forms at the beginning of each metal series, more opened structures such as hexagonal bilayerlike and double simple-cubic layers at the middle of each metal series, and structures with an increasing effective coordination number occur for large d states occupation. (ii) For Au(13), we found that spin-orbit coupling favors the three-dimensional (3D) structures, i.e., a 3D structure is about 0.10 eV lower in energy than the lowest energy known two-dimensional configuration. (iii) The magnetic exchange interactions play an important role for particular systems such as Fe, Cr, and Mn. (iv) The analysis of the binding energy and average bond lengths show a paraboliclike shape as a function of the occupation of the d states and hence, most of the properties can be explained by the chemistry picture of occupation of the bonding and antibonding states.
The origin of the unique geometry for nitric oxide (NO) adsorption on Pd(111) and Pt(111) surfaces as well as the effect of temperature were studied by density functional theory calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics at finite temperature. We found that at low coverage, the adsorption geometry is determined by electronic interactions, depending sensitively on the adsorption sites and coverages, and the effect of temperature on geometries is significant. At coverage of 0.25 monolayer (ML), adsorbed NO at hollow sites prefer an upright configuration, while NO adsorbed at top sites prefer a tilting configuration. With increase in the coverage up to 0.50 ML, the enhanced steric repulsion lead to the tilting of hollow NO. We found that the tilting was enhanced by the thermal effects. At coverage of 0.75 ML with p(2 x 2)-3NO(fcc+hcp+top) structure, we found that there was no preferential orientation for tilted top NO. The interplay of the orbital hybridization, thermal effects, steric repulsion, and their effects on the adsorption geometries were highlighted at the end.
In this work, we report a density functional theory study of nitric oxide (NO) adsorption on close-packed transition metal (TM) Rh(111), Ir(111), Pd(111) and Pt(111) surfaces in terms of adsorption sites, binding mechanism and charge transfer at a coverage of Theta(NO) = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 monolayer (ML). Based on our study, an unified picture for the interaction between NO and TM(111) and site preference is established, and valuable insights are obtained. At low coverage (0.25 ML), we find that the interaction of NO/TM(111) is determined by an electron donation and back-donation process via the interplay between NO 5 sigma/2 pi* and TM d-bands. The extent of the donation and back-donation depends critically on the coordination number (adsorption sites) and TM d-band filling, and plays an essential role for NO adsorption on TM surfaces. DFT calculations shows that for TMs with high d-band filling such as Pd and Pt, hollow-site NO is energetically the most favorable, and top-site NO prefers to tilt away from the normal direction. While for TMs with low d-band filling (Rh and Ir), top-site NO perpendicular to the surfaces is energetically most favorable. Electronic structure analysis show that irrespective of the TM and adsorption site, there is a net charge transfer from the substrate to the adsorbate due to overwhelming back-donation from the TM substrate to the adsorbed NO molecules. The adsorption-induced change of the work function with respect to bare surfaces and dipole moment is however site dependent, and the work function increases for hollow-site NO, but decreases for top-site NO, because of differences in the charge redistribution. The interplay between the energetics, lateral interaction and charge transfer, which is element dependent, rationalizes the structural evolution of NO adsorption on TM(111) surfaces in the submonolayer regime.