3 resultados para Greenstone

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Os isótopos estáveis de O, H e S foram utilizados para investigar a origem das rochas magmáticas nos Terrenos Jauru e Pontes e Lacerda do SW do Craton Amazônico, estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. No Terreno Jauru as rochas granitóides do Greenstone belt Alto Jauru e da Suíte Cachoeirinha apresentam valores de δ18O entre +9,0‰ e +6,3‰ que indicam derivação a partir de magmas juvenis. Na Suíte Intrusiva Rio Branco valores de δ18O para rochas básicas estão entre +5,4‰ e +5,8‰ e para rochas félsicas entre +8,7‰ e +9,0‰; rochas intermediárias apresentam valores entre +7,3‰ e +8,3‰. Os valores mais baixos de δ18O, obtidos nas rochas básicas, são compatíveis com derivação mantélica, porém as rochas félsicas apresentam valores de δ18O compatíveis com origem crustais. Análises de isótopos estáveis de H (rocha total) forneceram valores de δD entre - 83‰ e -92‰, diferente das assinaturas de rochas metamórficas e de águas meteóricas. Resultados em sulfetos para isótopos estáveis de S em rochas básicas e intermediárias desta suíte apresentam valores de δ34S coerentes com uma fonte mantélica (entre + 0,7‰ e +3,8‰), enquanto os valores de δ34S (entre +5,2‰ e +6,1‰) obtidos nas rochas félsicas sugerem participação crustal na sua gênese. Na Suíte Santa Helena (Terreno Pontes e Lacerda) os resultados obtidos para δ18O se agrupam entre +4,4‰ e +8,9‰ indicando uma origem mantélica. O presente estudo confirma a importância da aplicação de isótopos estáveis para a compreensão de processos magmáticos e evolução crustal.


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The Serrinha magmatic suite (Mineiro belt) crops out in the southern edge of the Sao Francisco craton, comprising the Brito quartz-diorite, Brumado de Cima and Brumado de Baixo granodiorites, granophyres and felsic sub-volcanic and volcanic rocks, part of which intruded into the Nazareno greenstone belt. The suite rocks have petrographic features that are consistent with magma supercooling due to the low water content combined with volatile loss, leading to crystallization of quartz and alkaline feldspar at the rims of plagioclase phenocrysts (granophyric intergrowth). The investigated rocks are sub-alkaline, calc-alkaline and show low content in rare earth elements. The U-Pb zircon crystallization ages for the Brumado de Cima granodiorite [2227 +/- 22 (23) Ma] and a coeval granophyre [2211 +/- 22 (23) Ma], coupled with available single-zircon Pb evaporation ages for the Brito and Brumado de Baixo plutons, are significantly older than the ""Minas orogeny"" (ca. 2100-2050 Ga) of Quadrilatero Ferrifero area, eastward from the Serrinha suite. Our data establish an early Rhyacian event tectonically linked with the evolution of the Mineiro belt. The bulk Nd isotopic signature [low negative to positive epsilon(Nd(t)) values] of the Serrinha samples are consistent with the important role of Paleoproterozoic mantle components in the magma genesis. The integrated geologic, geochemical and isotopic information suggests that Paleoproterozoic evolution of the Mineiro belt initiated in a passive continental margin basin with deposition of the Minas Supergroup at ca. 2500 Ma. This stage was succeeded by outboard rupture of the oceanic lithosphere with development and coalescence of progressively younger magmatic arcs during Rhyacian time. One of the earliest arcs formed the Serrinha suite. The tectonic collage of the Serrinha and Ritapolis (2190-2120 Ma) arcs produced the NE-SW Lenheiro shear zone, resulting in mylonitization and recrystallization of both the granitoid intrusions and host rocks. As a matter of fact juxtaposition of distinct magmatic units in age and origin took place along the Lenheiros structure in this sector of the Mineiro belt. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The metamorphosed banded iron formation from the Nogoli Metamorphic Complex of western Sierra de San Luis, Eastern Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina (Nogoli area, 32 degrees 55`S-66 degrees 15`W) is classified as an oxide facies iron formation of Algoma Type, with a tectonic setting possibly associated with an island arc or back arc, on the basis of field mapping, mineral and textural arrangements and whole rock geochemical features. The origin of banded iron formation is mainly related to chemical precipitation of hydrogenous sediments from seawater in oceanic environments. The primary chemical precipitate is a result of solutions that represent mixtures of seawater and hydrothermal fluids, with significant dilution by maficultramafic volcanic and siliciclastic materials. Multi-stage T(DM) model ages of 1670, 1854 and 1939 Ma and positive, mantle-like xi Nd((1502)) values of +3.8, +1.5 and +0.5 from the banded iron formation are around the range of those mafic to ultramafic meta-volcanic rocks of Nogoli Metamorphic Complex, which are between 1679 and 1765 Ma and +2.64 and +3.68, respectively. This Sm and Nd isotopic connection suggests a close genetic relationship between ferruginous and mafic-ultramafic meta-volcanic rocks, as part of the same island arc or back arc setting. A previous Sm-Nd whole rock isochron of similar to 1.5 Ga performed on mafic-ultramafic meta-volcanic rocks led to the interpretation that chemical sedimentation as old as Mesoproterozoic is possible for the banded iron formation. A clockwise P-T path can be inferred for the regional metamorphic evolution of the banded iron formation, with three distinctive trajectories: (1) Relict prograde M(1)-M(3) segment with gradual P and T increase from greenschist facies at M(1) to amphibolite facies at M(3). (2) Peak P-T conditions at high amphibolite-low granulite facies during M(4). (3) Retrograde counterpart of M(4), that returns from amphibolite facies and stabilizes at greenschist facies during M(5). Each trajectory may be regarded as produced by different tectonic events related to the Pampean? (1) and the Famatinian (2 and 3) orogenies, during the Early to Middle Paleozoic. The Nogoli Metamorphic Complex is interpreted as part of a greenstone belt within the large Meso- to Neoproterozoic Pampean Terrane of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.