16 resultados para Glicoproteínas da membrana

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Existem poucos relatos na literatura sobre o uso de oxigenação extracorpórea por membrana venoarterial por dupla disfunção decorrente de contusão cardíaca e pulmonar no paciente politraumatizado. Relatamos o caso de um paciente de 48 anos, vítima de acidente de motocicleta e automóvel, que evoluiu rapidamente com choque refratário com baixo débito cardíaco por contusão miocárdica e hipoxemia refratária decorrente de contusão pulmonar, tórax instável e pneumotórax bilateral. O suporte extracorpóreo foi uma medida efetiva de resgate para esse caso dramático, e o seu uso pôde ser interrompido com sucesso no 4º dia após o trauma. O paciente evoluiu com extenso infarto cerebral, morrendo no 7º dia de internação


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There is presently much interest in the clean and efficient generation of energy by proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), using hydrogen as fuel. The generation of hydrogen by the reforming of other fuels, anaerobic fermentation of residual waters and other methods, often produce contaminants that affect the performance of the cell. In this work, the effect of gaseous SO2 and NO2 on the performance of a H2/O2 single PEMFC is studied. The results show that SO2 decreases irreversibly the performance of the cell under operating conditions, while NO2 has a milder effect that allows the recovery of the system.


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This article addresses diagnostic parameters that should be assessed in the treatment of extraction sockets with dental implant placement by presenting three case reports that emphasize the relevance of the amount of remaining bone walls. Diagnosis was based on the analysis of clinical and radiographic parameters (e.g.: bone defect morphology, remaining bone volume, presence of infections on the receptor site). Case 1 presents a 5-wall defect in the maxillary right central incisor region with severe root resorption, which was treated with immediate implant placement. Cases 2 and 3 present, respectively, two- and three-wall bone defects that did not have indication for immediate implants. These cases were first submitted to a guided bone regeneration (GBR) procedure with bone graft biomaterial and membrane barriers, and the implants were installed in a second surgical procedure. The analysis of the preoperative periodontal condition of the adjacent teeth and bone defect morphology is extremely important because these factors determine the choice between immediate implant or GBR treatment followed by implant installation in a subsequent intervention.


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The esthetics and functional integrity of the periodontal tissue may be compromised by dental loss. Immediate implants became a viable option to maintain the periodontal architecture because of their anatomic compatibility with the dental socket and the possibility of eliminating local contamination. This article describes the procedure of immediate implant placement in the anterior maxilla replacing teeth with chronic periapical lesions, which were condemned due to endodontic lesions persisting after failed endodontic treatment and endodontic surgery, and discusses the relationship between the procedure and periapical lesions. Surgical removal of hopeless teeth 11, 12 and 21 was performed conservatively in such a way to preserve the anatomy and gingival esthetics. A second surgical access was gained at the apical level, allowing the debridement of the surgical chamber for elimination of the periapical lesion, visual orientation for setting of the implants and filling of the surgical chamber with xenogenous bovine bone graft. After this procedure, the bone chamber was covered with an absorbent membrane and the healing screws were positioned on the implants. Later, a provisional partial removable denture was installed and the implants were inserted after 6 months. After 3 years of rehabilitation, the implants present satisfactory functional and esthetic conditions, suggesting that immediate implant placement combined with guided bone regeneration may be indicated for replacing teeth lost due to chronic periapical lesions with endodontic failure history in the anterior maxilla.


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PURPOSE: Maxillary sinus lifting is a technique, in which, a possible complication is sinus membrane perforation. The aim of this study was to compare two techniques using ultrasound surgery to perform autogenous graft for maxillary sinus lifting. METHODS: Ten rabbits were used in the study, one of them did not undergo surgery. The other nine rabbits had their maxillary sinuses filled with autogenous bone grafts collected from the external skull diploe in particulate form on the right side, and shaved on the left side, both with ultrasonic device. Data on bone density in left and right maxillary sinus, obtained by computed tomography in transverse and longitudinal sections, recorded 90 days after the grafts, were statistically compared. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between the two techniques that used shaved and particulate bone collected by means of ultrasonic device from rabbit skulls. CONCLUSION: Assessment of operative procedures led to the conclusion that piezoelectric ultrasound was shown to be a safe tool in the surgical approach to the maxillary sinus of rabbits, allowing sinus membrane integrity to be maintained during surgical procedures.


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O período inicial da gestação de bovinos é caracterizado por grandes perdas embrionárias. Considerando a importância deste fator no âmbito da reprodução animal foram estudados os anexos embrionários e fetais bovinos fecundados por monta natural de 15-70 dias de gestação, com o objetivo de estabelecer parâmetros morfométricos da placenta na fase inicial da gestação. Com uso de um paquímetro foram realizadas mensurações do comprimento (crânio caudal), largura (latero lateral) e altura (dorso ventral) das membranas corioalantóide e amniótica. O início da formação dos cotilédones foi observado e quantificado, assim como, o peso placentário. O peso médio do saco gestacional aumentou com o evoluir da idade gestacional, entretanto, o crescimento foi acelerado a partir de 20-30 dias de gestação. O comprimento crânio caudal e dorso ventral da membrana corioalantóide e do âmnio apresentaram crescimento lento e gradual com o evoluir dos períodos gestacionais analisados. Com 30-40 dias de gestação, os primeiro cotilédones já eram visualizados e contatos com facilidade na superfície coriônica. Os períodos de crescimento coincidiram com os maiores índices de perdas gestacionais em bovinos. Os parâmetros aqui analisados poderão servir para futuras investigações dos anexos embrionários de organismos manipulados em laboratório.


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A common side effect of radiotherapy used in the treatment of oral cancer is the occurrence of structural and physiological alterations of the salivary glands due to exposure to ionizing radiation, as demonstrated by conditions such as decreased salivary flow. The present study evaluated ultrastructural alterations in the parotid glands of rats receiving a fractionated dose (1,500-cGy) of radiation emitted by a Cesium-137 source and rats that were not subjected to ionizing radiation. After sacrifice, the parotid glands were removed and examined by transmission electron microscopy. Damage such as cytoplasmic vacuolization, dilatation of the endoplasmic reticulum and destruction of mitochondria, as well as damage to the cellular membrane of acinar cells, were observed. These findings lead to the conclusion that ionizing radiation promotes alterations in the glandular parenchyma, and that these alterations are directly related to the dose level of absorbed radiation. Certain phenomena that appear in the cytoplasm and nuclear material indicate that ionizing radiation causes acinar cell death (apoptosis).


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Embora o hormônio do crescimento (GH) seja um dos hormônios mais estudados, vários de seus aspectos fisiológicos ainda não estão integralmente esclarecidos, incluindo sua relação com o exercício físico. Estudos mais recentes têm aumentado o conhecimento a respeito dos mecanismos de ação do GH, podendo ser divididos em: 1) ações diretas, mediadas pela rede de sinalizações intracelulares, desencadeadas pela ligação do GH ao seu receptor na membrana plasmática; e 2) ações indiretas, mediadas principalmente pela regulação da síntese dos fatores de crescimento semelhantes à insulina (IGF). Tem sido demonstrado que o exercício físico é um potente estimulador da liberação do GH. A magnitude deste aumento sofre influência de diversos fatores, em especial, da intensidade e do volume do exercício, além do estado de treinamento. Atletas, normalmente, apresentam menor liberação de GH induzida pelo exercício que indivíduos sedentários ou pouco treinados. Evidências experimentais demonstram que o GH: 1) favorece a mobilização de ácidos graxos livres do tecido adiposo para geração de energia; 2) aumenta a capacidade de oxidação de gordura e 3) aumenta o gasto energético.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the mitochondrial function of the remnant liver (RL) in the early phase of liver regeneration in rats after 70% partial hepatectomy (PH). METHODS: Sixty male Wistar rats (200-250g) submitted to 70% PH were divided into five groups according to the time of euthanasia and application or not of laser light: C = Control, time zero; 2 minutes, 4, 6 and 24 hours after PH. The dose of laser radiation was 22.5 J/cm², wavelength of 660 nm (visible/red), in the remnant liver. We studied the respiration activated by ADP (state 3), basal mitochondrial respiration (state 4), respiratory control ratio (RCR) and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). RESULTS: The mitochondrial function of RL changed at 4 and 6 hours after PH, with a significant increase in state 3 and a concomitant increase in state 4 and with maintenance of RCR. MMP differed significantly between the groups biostimulated with laser radiation and the control group 4 hours after HP, with a substantial reduction in the non-laser groups. CONCLUSION: The laser light at the dose used in this study did not induce additional damage to the RL and seems to have delayed the hepatocellular metabolic overload of the remnant liver.


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Electrochemical removals of color and organic load from solutions containing the dye reactive orange 16 (RO16) were performed in an electrochemical flow-cell, using a platinum working electrode. The influence of the process variables flow-rate, such as NaCl concentration, applied potential and solution pH, were studied. The best color removal achieved was 93% (λ = 493 nm) after 60 min at 2.2 V vs. RHE electrolysis, using 1.00 g L-1 NaCl as supporting electrolyte. The rises in the concentration of NaCl and applied potential increased the color removal rate. The best total organic carbon removal (57%) was obtained at 1.8 V, without the separating membrane, indicating that the ideal conditions for the color removal are not necessarily the same as those to remove the total organic carbon. The degradation efficiency decreased with the solution pH decrease.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the corneal vascularization (CV) and the clinical aspects induced by interlamellar graft with native (NCM) and anionic (ACM) collagen membranes in rabbits corneas. METHODS: An interlamellar graft with a 0.25 x 0.25 cm NCM (group 1) or ACM (group 2) fragment was performed in the right eye (treated eye). In the left eye, an estromal tunnel was done (control eye). Sixteen rabbits were used, and they were subdivided into two experimental groups of eight animals each. The clinical evaluation was performed at the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 15th and 30th postoperative days. Corneal vascularization analysis was performed after 30 days by the Images Analizator System Leica Qwin-550®. RESULTS: After 7 days, corneal vascularization was observed at about 2.25 ± 0.71 mm (NCM) and at about 1.0 ± 1.69 mm (ACM), respectively, from the limbus in direction to the central cornea. After 15 days, CV increased in both groups (5.25 ± 1.03 mm - NCM; 2.0 ± 2.39 mm - ACM) and then progressively decreased until day 30 (2.25 ± 2.10 mm - NCM; 0.75 ± 2.12 mm - ACM). The statistical analysis indicated that the averages of the distances from the limb vessels to the grafts observed after 7 and 15 days had not differed statistically (p=0.17), and after 15 and 30 postoperative days had a tendency to differ statistically (p=0.09). The control eyes did not present any changes. CONCLUSION: The interlamellar graft with native and anionic collagen membranes induced corneal vascularization when applied to rabbit corneas, but anionic collagen membrane induced a smaller corneal vascularization when compared to native collagen membrane. Although further studies are required, the results found in this study demonstrated the usefulness of interlamellar graft with native and anionic collagen membranes in keratoplasties. These membranes consists in one more graft option for the surgical treatment of corneal repair in rabbits and others animals, when other forms of medical and surgical treatment are not effective.


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Mazama gouazoubira, o veado-catingueiro, é uma espécie de cervídeo de porte pequeno, que pode ser encontrado na América do Sul, desde o sul do Uruguai até o norte de Mato Grosso, no Brasil. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever as membranas fetais e a placenta de M. gouazoubira no terço inicial de gestação. As amostras coletadas foram analisadas macroscopicamente e microscopicamente. O exame do útero demonstrou uma gestação univitelina e um embrião com crown-rump de 13mm. Na análise do embrião pode ser observado o olho pigmentado, as saliências auriculares, o mesonefro e e metanefro em desenvolvimento, o fígado e sua proeminência externa, o estômago, os membros torácicos e os brotos dos membros pélvicos. A placenta apresentou-se oligocotiledonária e no útero puderam ser observadas nove carúnculas. O saco gestacional mediu 15cm de comprimento e, como observado no início da gestação dos ruminantes domésticos, os cotilédones não puderam ser identificados macroscopicamente. Uma fraca adesão foi observada entre as carúnculas e a membrana corioalantóica (cotilédones) que formavam os placentônios. A membrana corioalantóica demonstrou um alantóide bem vascularizado composto por uma fina camada de células de núcleos e citoplasmas alongados. Na outra face da membrana, o cório foi composto por células cúbicas, de citoplasmas escassos e núcleos grandes e arredondados, características de células trofoblásticas. Envolvendo o embrião visualizou-se o saco amniótico constituído de duas camadas passíveis de separação mecânica, que apresentaram morfologia similar, sendo formadas por um epitélio pavimentoso avascular. Não foi observado saco vitelino no estágio gestacional do espécime estudado. Conclui-se que a placenta de M. gouazoubira é oligocotiledonária, como observado em outros cervídeos, e que as membranas fetais apresentam semelhanças com a de outros ruminantes, incluindo as características citológicas. Estudos adicionais são necessários para determinar a presença do saco vitelino e quando ocorre sua regressão.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the inflammatory response kinetics after experimental inoculation with BCG in the primitive Arius sp. fish. The BCG was applied through the intramuscular injection in the caudal peduncular region, and the samples were collected for the analyses at days 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 33 post-injection. Acute phase inflammatory infiltrate was characterized by the predominant mononuclear cells, intersticial edema, and muscular tissue necrosis. As the inflammatory response evolved, a large number of multinuclear giant cells were formed containing the BCG. These giant cells were positive for the S100 protein at the histochemical analysis, which demonstrate the macrofage activity, confirmed by the ultra-structural analysis showing the lack of the cytoplasmic membrane enveloping the many nuclei within the giant cell. These results led to the conclusion that Arius sp. fish injected with the BCG showed a difuse inflammatory response characterized by a large number of mononuclear cells, absence of granuloma formation, and predominant giant cells.


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The connexin 32 (Cx32) is a protein that forms the channels that promote the gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) in the liver, allowing the diffusion of small molecules through cytosol from cell-to-cell. Hepatic fibrosis is characterized by a disruption of normal tissue architeture by cellular lesions, and may alter the GJIC. This work aimed to study the expression and distribution of Cx32 in liver fibrosis induced by the oral administration of dimethylnitrosamine in female Wistar rats. The necropsy of the rats was carried out after five weeks of drug administration. They presented a hepatic fibrosis state. Sections from livers with fibrosis and from control livers were submitted to immunohistochemical, Real Time-PCR and Western-Blot analysis to Cx32. In fibrotic livers the Cxs were diffusely scattered in the cytoplasm, contrasting with the control livers, where the Cx32 formed junction plaques at the cell membrane. Also it was found a decrease in the gene expression of Cx32 without reduction in the protein quantity when compared with controls. These results suggest that there the mechanism of intercellular communication between hepatocytes was reduced by the fibrotic process, which may predispose to the occurrence of a neoplastic process, taken in account that connexins are considered tumor suppressing genes.


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A anemia por deficiência de ferro caracteriza-se como o mais prevalente problema nutricional em todo o mundo. Nesta revisão reuniu-se informações a respeito do metabolismo da hepcidina, avaliando-se seu valor como parâmetro bioquímico na anemia por deficiência de ferro. Realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados PUBMED e LILACS, período 2006-2010, referentes à hepcidina como um biomarcador para a regulação do metabolismo do ferro. Foram localizados 35 estudos publicados em revistas internacionais e um estudo sobre o assunto em revista nacional. A produção de hepcidina é regulada homeostaticamente pela anemia e hipóxia. Quando a oferta de oxigênio está inadequada ocorre diminuição do nível de hepcidina. Consequentemente, maior quantidade de ferro proveniente da dieta e dos estoques dos macrófagos e hepatócitos se tornam disponíveis. A hepcidina possui a função de se ligar à ferroportina, regulando a liberação do ferro para o plasma. Quando as concentrações de hepcidina estão baixas, as moléculas de ferroportina são expostas na membrana plasmática e liberam o ferro. Quando os níveis de hepcidina aumentam, a hepcidina liga-se às moléculas de ferroportina induzindo sua internalização e degradação, e o ferro liberado diminui progressivamente. Aparentemente o desenvolvimento do diagnóstico e terapia da anemia baseados no bioindicador hepcidina pode oferecer uma abordagem mais efetiva. Estudos epidemiológicos são necessários para comprovar o valor da hepcidina no diagnóstico diferencial das anemias, incluindo protocolos de amostragem para análise, com padronização similar às utilizadas em outras avaliações bioquímicas, e estabelecimento de pontos de corte para a expressão urinária e plasmática desse peptídeo