6 resultados para Gaussian Schell-model beams

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Subtle quantum properties offer exciting new prospects in optical communications. For example, quantum entanglement enables the secure exchange of cryptographic keys(1) and the distribution of quantum information by teleportation(2,3). Entangled bright beams of light are increasingly appealing for such tasks, because they enable the use of well-established classical communications techniques(4). However, quantum resources are fragile and are subject to decoherence by interaction with the environment. The unavoidable losses in the communication channel can lead to a complete destruction of entanglement(5-8), limiting the application of these states to quantum-communication protocols. We investigate the conditions under which this phenomenon takes place for the simplest case of two light beams, and analyse characteristics of states which are robust against losses. Our study sheds new light on the intriguing properties of quantum entanglement and how they may be harnessed for future applications.


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This paper is concerned with the existence of a global attractor for the nonlinear beam equation, with nonlinear damping and source terms, u(tt) + Delta(2)u -M (integral(Omega)vertical bar del u vertical bar(2)dx) Delta u + f(u) + g(u(t)) = h in Omega x R(+), where Omega is a bounded domain of R(N), M is a nonnegative real function and h is an element of L(2)(Omega). The nonlinearities f(u) and g(u(t)) are essentially vertical bar u vertical bar(rho) u - vertical bar u vertical bar(sigma) u and vertical bar u(t)vertical bar(r) u(t) respectively, with rho, sigma, r > 0 and sigma < rho. This kind of problem models vibrations of extensible beams and plates. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study and compare the information loss of a large class of Gaussian bipartite systems. It includes the usual Caldeira-Leggett-type model as well as Anosov models ( parametric oscillators, the inverted oscillator environment, etc), which exhibit instability, one of the most important characteristics of chaotic systems. We establish a rigorous connection between the quantum Lyapunov exponents and coherence loss, and show that in the case of unstable environments coherence loss is completely determined by the upper quantum Lyapunov exponent, a behavior which is more universal than that of the Caldeira-Leggett-type model.


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A continuous version of the hierarchical spherical model at dimension d=4 is investigated. Two limit distributions of the block spin variable X(gamma), normalized with exponents gamma = d + 2 and gamma=d at and above the critical temperature, are established. These results are proven by solving certain evolution equations corresponding to the renormalization group (RG) transformation of the O(N) hierarchical spin model of block size L(d) in the limit L down arrow 1 and N ->infinity. Starting far away from the stationary Gaussian fixed point the trajectories of these dynamical system pass through two different regimes with distinguishable crossover behavior. An interpretation of this trajectories is given by the geometric theory of functions which describe precisely the motion of the Lee-Yang zeroes. The large-N limit of RG transformation with L(d) fixed equal to 2, at the criticality, has recently been investigated in both weak and strong (coupling) regimes by Watanabe (J. Stat. Phys. 115:1669-1713, 2004) . Although our analysis deals only with N = infinity case, it complements various aspects of that work.


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We present experimental evidence of the existence of cell variability in terms of threshold light dose for Hep G2 (liver cancer cells) cultured. Using a theoretical model to describe the effects caused by successive photodynamic therapy (PDT) sessions, and based on the consequences of a partial response we introduce the threshold dose distribution concept within a tumor. The experimental model consists in a stack of flasks, and simulates subsequent layers of a tissue exposed to PDT application. The result indicates that cells from the same culture could respond in different ways to similar PDT induced-damages. Moreover, the consequence is a partial killing of the cells submitted to PDT, and the death fraction decreased at each in vitro PDT session. To demonstrate the occurrence of cell population modification as a response to PDT, we constructed a simple theoretical model and assumed that the threshold dose distribution for a cell population of a tumor is represented by a modified Gaussian distribution.


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The modeling and analysis of lifetime data is an important aspect of statistical work in a wide variety of scientific and technological fields. Good (1953) introduced a probability distribution which is commonly used in the analysis of lifetime data. For the first time, based on this distribution, we propose the so-called exponentiated generalized inverse Gaussian distribution, which extends the exponentiated standard gamma distribution (Nadarajah and Kotz, 2006). Various structural properties of the new distribution are derived, including expansions for its moments, moment generating function, moments of the order statistics, and so forth. We discuss maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters. The usefulness of the new model is illustrated by means of a real data set. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.