12 resultados para Escape from Vehicle.

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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For many learning tasks the duration of the data collection can be greater than the time scale for changes of the underlying data distribution. The question we ask is how to include the information that data are aging. Ad hoc methods to achieve this include the use of validity windows that prevent the learning machine from making inferences based on old data. This introduces the problem of how to define the size of validity windows. In this brief, a new adaptive Bayesian inspired algorithm is presented for learning drifting concepts. It uses the analogy of validity windows in an adaptive Bayesian way to incorporate changes in the data distribution over time. We apply a theoretical approach based on information geometry to the classification problem and measure its performance in simulations. The uncertainty about the appropriate size of the memory windows is dealt with in a Bayesian manner by integrating over the distribution of the adaptive window size. Thus, the posterior distribution of the weights may develop algebraic tails. The learning algorithm results from tracking the mean and variance of the posterior distribution of the weights. It was found that the algebraic tails of this posterior distribution give the learning algorithm the ability to cope with an evolving environment by permitting the escape from local traps.


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By means of self-consistent three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) numerical simulations, we analyze magnetized solar-like stellar winds and their dependence on the plasma-beta parameter (the ratio between thermal and magnetic energy densities). This is the first study to perform such analysis solving the fully ideal three-dimensional MHD equations. We adopt in our simulations a heating parameter described by gamma, which is responsible for the thermal acceleration of the wind. We analyze winds with polar magnetic field intensities ranging from 1 to 20 G. We show that the wind structure presents characteristics that are similar to the solar coronal wind. The steady-state magnetic field topology for all cases is similar, presenting a configuration of helmet streamer-type, with zones of closed field lines and open field lines coexisting. Higher magnetic field intensities lead to faster and hotter winds. For the maximum magnetic intensity simulated of 20 G and solar coronal base density, the wind velocity reaches values of similar to 1000 km s(-1) at r similar to 20r(0) and a maximum temperature of similar to 6 x 10(6) K at r similar to 6r(0). The increase of the field intensity generates a larger ""dead zone"" in the wind, i.e., the closed loops that inhibit matter to escape from latitudes lower than similar to 45 degrees extend farther away from the star. The Lorentz force leads naturally to a latitude-dependent wind. We show that by increasing the density and maintaining B(0) = 20 G the system recover back to slower and cooler winds. For a fixed gamma, we show that the key parameter in determining the wind velocity profile is the beta-parameter at the coronal base. Therefore, there is a group of magnetized flows that would present the same terminal velocity despite its thermal and magnetic energy densities, as long as the plasma-beta parameter is the same. This degeneracy, however, can be removed if we compare other physical parameters of the wind, such as the mass-loss rate. We analyze the influence of gamma in our results and we show that it is also important in determining the wind structure.


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Combining the results of behavioral, neuronal immediate early gene activation, lesion and neuroanatomical experiments, we have presently investigated the role of the superior colliculus (SC) in predatory hunting. First, we have shown that insect hunting is associated with a characteristic large increase in Fos expression in the lateral part of the intermediate gray layer of the SC (Wig). Next, we have shown that animals with bilateral NMDA lesions of the lateral parts of the SC presented a significant delay in starting to chase the prey and longer periods engaged in other activities than predatory hunting. They also showed a clear deficit to orient themselves toward the moving prey and lost the stereotyped sequence of actions seen for capturing, holding and killing the prey. Our Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin analysis revealed that the lateral SCig, besides providing the well-documented descending crossed pathway to premotor sites in brainstem and spinal cord, projects to a number of midbrain and diencephalic sites likely to influence key functions in the context of the predatory behavior, such as general levels of arousal, motivational level to hunt or forage, behavioral planning, appropriate selection of the basal ganglia motor plan to hunt, and motor output of the primary motor cortex. In contrast to the lateral SC lesions, medial SC lesions produced a small deficit in predatory hunting, and compared to what we have seen for the lateral SCig, the medial SCig has a very limited set of projections to thalamic sites related to the control of motor planning or motor output, and provides conspicuous inputs to brainstem sites involved in organizing a wide range of anti-predatory defensive responses. Overall, the present results served to clarify how the different functional domains in the SC may mediate the decision to pursue and hunt a prey or escape from a predator. (C) 2010 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Earthen mounds with archaeological artifacts have been well known in Marajo Island since the 19th century. Their documented dimensions are impressive, e.g., up to 20m high, and with areas large as 90 ha. The mounds, locally known as lesos, impose a significant. relief on the very low-lying landscape of this region, which averages 4 to 6 in above present. sea level. These features have been traditionally interpreted as artificial constructions of the Marajoara culture, designed for defense, cemetery purposes, or escape from flooding. Here, we provide sedimentological and geomorphological data that suggest an alternative origin for these structures that is more consistent with their monumental sizes. Rather than artificial, the Marajoara tesos seem to consist of natural morphological features related to late Pleistocene and Holocene fluvial, and possibly tidal-influenced, paleochannels and paleobars that became abandoned as depositional conditions changed through dine. Although utilized and modified by the Marajoara since at least 2000 years ago, these earthen mounds contain a significant non-anthropogenically modified sedimentary substratum. Therefore, the large Marajoara tesos are not entirely artificial. Ancient, Marajoara cultures took advantage of these natural, preexisting elevated surfaces to base their communities and develop their activities, locally increasing the sizes of these fluvial landforms. This alternative interpretation suggests less cumulative labor investment, in the construction of the mounds and might. have significant implications for reconstructing the organization of the Marajoara culture. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Three water-insoluble, micelle-anchored flavylium salts, 7-hydroxy-3-octyl-flavylium chloride, 4`-hexyl-7-hydroxyflavylium chloride, and 6-hexyl-7-hydroxy-4-methyl-flavylium chloride, have been employed to probe excited-state prototropic reactions in micellar sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). In SDS micelles, the fluorescence decays of these three flavylium salts are tetraexponential functions in the pH range from 1.0 to 4.6 at temperatures from 293 to 318 K. The four components of the decays are assigned to Four kinetically coupled excited species in the micelle: specifically, promptly deprotonable (AH(+)*) and nonpromptly deprotonable (AH(h)(+)*) orientations of the acid in the micelle. the base-proton geminate pair (A*center dot center dot center dot H(+)), and the free conjugate base (A*). The initial prompt deprotonation to form the germinate pair occurs at essentially the same rate (k(d) similar to 6-7 x 10(10) s(-1)) for all three photoacids. Recombination of the germinate pair is similar to 3-fold faster than the rate of proton escape from the pair (k(rec) similar to 3 x 10(10) s(-1) and k(diss) similar to 1 x 10(10) s(-1)), corresponding to an intrinsic recombination efficiency of the pair of similar to 75%. Finally, the reprotonation of the short-lived free A* (200-350 ps, depending oil the photoacid) has two components, only one of which depends oil the proton concentration in the intermicellar aqueous phase. Ultrafast transfer of the proton to water and substantial compartmentalization of the photogenerated proton at the micelle surface Oil the picosecond time scale strongly suggest preferential transfer of the proton to preformed hydrogen-bonded water bridges between the photoacid and the anionic headgroups. This localizes the proton in the vicinity of the excited base much more efficiently than ill bulk water, resulting ill the predominance of geminate re reprotonation at the micelle surface.


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The Hsp70 family is one of the most important and conserved molecular chaperone families. It is well documented that Hsp70 family members assist many cellular processes involving protein quality control, as follows: protein folding, transport through membranes, protein degradation, escape from aggregation, intracellular signaling, among several others. The Hsp70 proteins act as a cellular pivot capable of receiving and distributing substrates among the other molecular chaperone families. Despite the high identity of the Hsp70 proteins, there are several homologue Hsp70 members that do not have the same role in the cell, which allow them to develop and participate in such large number of activities. The Hsp70 proteins are composed of two main domains: one that binds ATP and hydrolyses it to ADP and another which directly interacts with substrates. These domains present bidirectional heterotrophic allosteric regulation allowing a fine regulated cycle of substrate binding and release. The general mechanism of the Hsp70s cycle is under the control of ATP hydrolysis that modulates the low (ATP-bound state) and high (ADP-bound state) affinity states of Hsp70 for substrates. An important feature of the Hsp70s cycle is that they have several co-chaperones that modulate their cycle and that can also interact and select substrates. Here, we review some known details of the bidirectional heterotrophic allosteric mechanism and other important features for Hsp70s regulating cycle and function.


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The exhaust emission of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) considered toxic to human health were investigated on two spark ignition light duty vehicles, one being gasohol (Gasohol, in Brazil, is the generic denomination for mixtures of pure gasoline plus 20-25% of anhydrous ethyl alcohol fuel (AEAF).)-fuelled and the other a flexible-fuel vehicle fuelled with hydrated ethanol. The influence of fuel type and quality, aged lubricant oil type and use of fuel additives on the formation of these compounds was tested using standardized tests identical to US FTP-75 cycle. PAH sampling and chemical analysis followed the basic recommendations of method TO-13 (United States. Environmental Protection Agency, 1999. Compendium Method TO-13A - Determination of polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in Ambient Air Using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (CG/MS). Center for environmental research information, Cincinnati, p. 78), with the necessary modification for this particular application. Results showed that the total PAH emission factor varied from 41.9 mu g km(-1) to 612 mu g km(-1) in the gasohol vehicle, and from 11.7 mu g km(-1) to 27.4 mu g km(-1) in the ethanol-fuelled vehicle, a significant difference in favor of the ethanol vehicle. Generally, emission of light molecular weight PAHs was predominant, while high molecular weights PAHs were not detected. In terms of benzo(a)pyrene toxicity equivalence, emission factors varied from 0.00984 mu g TEQ km(-1) to 4.61 mu g TEQ km(-1) for the gasohol vehicle and from 0.0117 mu g TEQ km(-1) to 0.0218 mu g TEQ km(-1) in the ethanol vehicle. For the gasohol vehicle, results showed that the use of fuel additive causes a significant increase in the emission of naphthalene and phenanthrene at a confidence level of 90% or higher; the use of rubber solvent on gasohol showed a reduction in the emission of naphthalene and phenanthrene at the same confidence level; the use of synthetic oil instead of mineral oil also contributed significantly to a decrease in the emission of naphthalene and fluorene. In relation to the ethanol vehicle, the same factors were tested and showed no statistically significant influence on PAH emission. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Characterization of the peptide content of venoms has a number of potential benefits for basic research, clinical diagnosis, development of new therapeutic agents, and production of antiserum. Here, we use a substrate-capture assay that employs a catalytically inactive mutant of thimet oligopeptidase (EC; EP24.15) to identify novel bioactive peptides in Bothrops jararacussu venom. Of the peptides captured with inactive EP24.15 and identified by mass spectrometry, three were previously identified bradykinin-potentiating peptides (BPP), < ENWPHPQIPP (Xc), < EGGWPRPGPEIPP (XIIIa) and < EARPPHPPIPP (XIe) (where < E is a pyroglutamyl residue). In addition, we identified a novel BPP peptide containing additional AP amino acids in the C-terminus (< EARPPHPPIPPAP); this novel peptide was named BPP-AP. Next, dermal and muscle microcirculations were visualized using intravital microscopy to establish the roles of peptides BPP-XIe and BPP-AP in this process. After local administration of peptide BPP-XIe (0.5 mu g.mu L-1), leukocyte rolling flux and adhesion were increased by fivefold in post-capillary venules, without any increments in vasodilatation of arterioles compared to control experiments. In contrast, local administration of BPP-AP (0.5 mu g.mu L-1) potently induced vasodilatation of arterioles (nearly 100% increase compared with the vehicle saline control), with only a small increase in leukocyte rolling flux. Therefore, the novel BPP-AP described herein has pharmacological advantages compared to the BPP-XIe. The present study further suggests that inactive oligopeptidase EP24.15 is a useful tool for the isolation of bioactive peptides from crude biological samples.


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Recent evidence suggests that angiotensin II (Ang II) upregulates phosphodiesterase (PDE) 1A expression. We hypothesized that Ang II augmented PDE1 activation, decreasing the bioavailability of cyclic guanosine 3` 5`-monophosphate (cGMP), and contributing to increased vascular contractility. Male Sprague-Dawley rats received mini-osmotic pumps with Ang II (60 ng.min(-1)) or saline for 14 days. Phenylephrine (PE)-induced contractions were increased in aorta (E(max)168%+/- 8% vs 136%+/- 4%) and small mesenteric arteries (SMA; E(max)170%+/- 6% vs 143%+/- 3%) from Ang II-infused rats compared to control. PDE1 inhibition with vinpocetine (10 mu mol/L) reduced PE-induced contraction in aortas from Ang II rats (E(max)94%+/- 12%) but not in controls (154%+/- 7%). Vinpocetine decreased the sensitivity to PE in SMA from Ang II rats compared to vehicle (-log of half maximal effective concentration 5.1 +/- 0.1 vs 5.9 +/- 0.06), but not in controls (6.0 +/- 0.03 vs 6.1 +/- 0.04). Sildenafil (10 mu mol/L), a PDE5 inhibitor, reduced PE-induced maximal contraction similarly in Ang II and control rats. Arteries were contracted with PE (1 mu mol/L), and concentration-dependent relaxation to vinpocetine and sildenafil was evaluated. Aortas from Ang II rats displayed increased relaxation to vinpocetine compared to control (E(max)82%+/- 12% vs 445 +/- 5%). SMA from Ang II rats showed greater sensitivity during vinpocetine-induced relaxation compared to control (-log of half maximal effective concentration 6.1 +/- 0.3 vs 5.3 +/- 0.1). No differences in sildenafil-induced relaxation were observed. PDE1A and PDE1C expressions in aorta and PDE1A expression in SMA were increased in Ang II rats. cGMP production, which is decreased in arteries from Ang II rats, was restored after PDE1 blockade. We conclude that PDE1 activation reduces cGMP bioavailability in arteries from Ang II, contributing to increased contractile responsiveness. (Hypertension. 2011;57[part 2]:655-663.)


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The P2Y(12) receptor antagonist clopidogrel blocks platelet aggregation, improves systemic endothelial nitric oxide bioavailability and has anti-inflammatory effects. Since P2Y(12) receptors have been identified in the vasculature, we hypothesized that clopidogrel ameliorates Angll (angiotensin II)-induced vascular functional changes by blockade of P2Y(12) receptors in the vasculature. Male Sprague Dawley rats were infused with Angll (60 ng/min) or vehicle for 14 days. The animals were treated with clopidogrel (10 mg . kg(-1) of body weight . day(-1)) or vehicle. Vascular reactivity was evaluated in second-order mesenteric arteries. Clopidogrel treatment did not change systolic blood pressure [(mmHg) control-vehicle, 117 +/- 7.1 versus control-clopidogrel, 125 +/- 4.2; Angll vehicle, 197 +/- 10.7 versus Angll clopidogrel, 198 +/- 5.2], but it normalized increased phenylephrine-induced vascular contractions [(%KCI) vehicle-treated, 182.2 +/- 18% versus clopidogrel, 133 +/- 14%), as well as impaired vasodilation to acetylcholine [(%) vehicle-treated, 71.7 +/- 2.2 versus clopidogrel, 85.3 +/- 2.8) in Angll-treated animals. Vascular expression of P2Y(12) receptor was determined by Western blot. Pharmacological characterization of vascular P2Y(12) was performed with the P2Y(12) agonist 2-MeS-ADP [2-(methylthio) adenosine 5`-trihydrogen diphosphate trisodium]. Although 2-MeS-ADP induced endothelium-dependent relaxation [(Emax %) = 71 +/- 12%) as well as contractile vascular responses (Emax % = 83 +/- 12%), these actions are not mediated by P2Y(12) receptor activation. 2-MeS-ADP produced similar vascular responses in control and Angll rats. These results indicate potential effects of clopidogrel, such as improvement of hypertension-related vascular functional changes that are not associated with direct actions of clopidogrel in the vasculature, supporting the concept that activated platelets contribute to endothelial dysfunction, possibly via impaired nitric oxide bioavailability.


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The triple- and quadruple-escape peaks of 6.128 MeV photons from the (19)F(p,alpha gamma)(16)O nuclear reaction were observed in an HPGe detector. The experimental peak areas, measured in spectra projected with a restriction function that allows quantitative comparison of data from different multiplicities, are in reasonably good agreement with those predicted by Monte Carlo simulations done with the general-purpose radiation-transport code PENELOPE. The behaviour of the escape intensities was simulated for some gamma-ray energies and detector dimensions; the results obtained can be extended to other energies using an empirical function and statistical properties related to the phenomenon. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Estrogen Receptor (ER) is an important target for pharmaceutical design. Like other ligand-dependent transcription factors, hormone binding regulates ER transcriptional activity. Nevertheless, the mechanisms by which ligands enter and leave ERs and other nuclear receptors remain poorly understood. Here, we report results of locally enhanced sampling molecular dynamics simulations to identify dissociation pathways of two ER ligands [the natural hormone 17 beta-estradiol (E-2) and the selective ER modulator raloxifene (RAL)] from the human ER alpha ligand-binding domain in monomeric and dimeric forms. E-2 dissociation occurs via three different pathways in ER monomers. One resembles the mousetrap mechanism (Path I), involving repositioning of helix 12 (H12), others involve the separation of H8 and H11 (Path II), and a variant of this pathway at the bottom of the ligand-binding domain (Path II`). RAL leaves the receptor through Path I and a Path I variant in which the ligand leaves the receptor through the loop region between H11 and H12 (Path I`). Remarkably, ER dimerization strongly suppresses Paths II and II` for E-2 dissociation and modifies RAL escape routes. We propose that differences in ligand release pathways detected in the simulations for ER monomers and dimers provide an explanation for previously observed effects of ER quaternary state on ligand dissociation rates and suggest that dimerization may play an important, and hitherto unexpected, role in regulation of ligand dissociation rates throughout the nuclear receptor family.