3 resultados para Enrofloxacin
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Daniel, A.G.T; Reche Junior, A. & Santos, K.B. [The sensibility and use of enrofloxacin in the treatment of feline chronic gingivitis.] Sensibilidade e aplicabilidade da enrofloxacina no tratamento das gengivites cronicas em felinos domesticos. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 30(1):36-39, 2008. Medicoveterinario Residente na area de clinica e cirurgia de pequenos animais do Hospital Veterinario, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Cidade Universitaria, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva, 87, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-240. E-mail: alegtd@yahoo.com.br The goal of this study was to evaluate the in vitro sensitivity to enrofloxacin of bacteria isolated from the oral cavity of cats with chronic gingivitis. Twenty five cats male and famale with variable degrees of gingivitis were included in this study. The samples were colected by culturette swabs and submitted to bacterial culture and sensitivity. The results showed that 91% of the bacteria isolated from the culture were sensitive to enrofloxacin, demonstrating that this antibiotic is a good option in the clinical treatment or post-operative treatment of feline chronic gingivitis.
As pyometra is recognized as one of the main causes of disease and death in the bitch the purposes of this study were to evaluate microbiological and histopathological aspects of canine pyometra and to research the virulence factors of the E. coli isolates identifying possible risks to human health. The microbiological isolation from the intrauterine contents of 100 dogs with pyometra was carried out and the virulence factors in the E. coli strains were identified using PCR method. This study also consisted of the counting of microorganisms colonies forming units in samples of intrauterine content, tests of antimicrobial susceptibility of the E. coli isolates and the histological examination of the uterus. E. coli was the most prevalent microorganism isolated (76.6%) and 120 strains (79.5%) were positive for sfa, 86 (56.9%) were positive for cnf, 87 (57.6%) were positive for pap, 52 (34.4%) were positive for hly, 51 (33.8%) were positive for iuc and 5 (3.3%) were positive for afa genes. One observed more sensitivity of E. coli to norfloxacin, polimixin B, sulphazotrin, chloranfenicol and enrofloxacin. In 42% of the samples of uterine walls where microorganisms were isolated, the sizes of the areas of the inflammatory responses corresponded to 39-56%. Virulence factors were identified in 98.0% of the strains evaluated, demonstrating a high frequency of potentially pathogenic E. coli. It must be considered that dogs are animals that are living in close proximity to man for thousands of years and have an important role in the transmission of E. coli to other animals and to man.
An adult female red-faced black spider monkey (Ateles paniscus), housed for 2 years in the Parque Estoril Zoo in Sao Paulo, Brazil, showed apathy. Clinical examination revealed discrete emaciation, swelling and induration of lymph nodes, and presence of a mass in the abdominal cavity. Therapies with enrofloxacin, azithromycin, and ceftiofur were ineffective. The animal died after 6 months. Necropsy and histopathology confirmed granulommas in lymph nodes, parietal and visceral pleura, lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys. Acid-fast bacilli were isolated and identified as Mycobacterium tuberculosis by polymerase chain reaction restriction analysis and Spoligotyping techniques. The zoo personnel and other animals that had had contact with the infected primate were negative to tuberculosis diagnostic procedures, such as sputum exam (baciloscopy) and thorax radiography. It was impossible to determine whether the infection occurred before or after the arrival of the animal to the Parque Estoril Zoo. This is the first report of M. tuberculosis infection in Ateles paniscus, a neotropical primate.