8 resultados para Downtown Kingston
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Rainfall samples collected in the downtown area of São Paulo city, during 2003, exhibited average concentrations of cadmium, lead and copper of 1.33, 8.52 and 49.5 nmol L-1, respectively. Among the major ions, NH4+ was the predominant species followed by NO3-, SO4(2-) and Ca2+, with volume weighed mean (VWM) concentrations of 37.1, 20.1, 11.9 and 10.8 µmol L-1, respectively. All the determined species showed high inter-events variability, including free H+ ions whose VWM concentration was 4.03 µmol L-1, corresponding to a pH value of 5.39.
In order to characterize the composition of the main urban air organic compounds in the megacity of Sao Paulo, analysis of samples collected during the winter of 2003 downtown was carried out. The samplings were performed on the roof of a building in the commercial center of São Paulo. Hydrocarbons and carbonyls compounds were collected on August 4, 5 and 6. Comparing to previous data, the concentration of hydrocarbons presented no decrease in the concentration, except for the aldehydes, which decreased when compared to previous data. Among the HCs species analyzed, the highest concentrations observed were those of toluene (7.5 ± 3.4 ppbv), n-decane (3.2 ± 2.0 ppbv), benzene (2.7 ± 1.4 ppbv) and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene (2.2 ± 1.5 ppbv).
Apesar de o uso de drogas ser uma prática presente desde os primórdios da humanidade, atualmente o seu abuso adquiriu dimensões preocupantes, configurando-se como um problema de saúde pública. O surgimento do crack, droga derivada da pasta de coca, agravou esse quadro ao aumentar os danos sociais e à saúde dos usuários. Visando conhecer o impacto de sua inserção no cotidiano dos usuários, foi realizado um estudo etnográfico em locais de venda e uso de crack na região central da cidade de São Paulo (SP, Brasil). Foi utilizado um diário de campo para registrar as observações e os diálogos informais efetuados com as pessoas que circulavam no local estudado. Os resultados apontaram os circuitos percorridos pelos usuários, suas dinâmicas e as relações que estabelecem com outros atores sociais, as quais são permeadas por permanente tensão, envolvendo a prática de atos violentos nos quais os usuários são tanto agressores quanto vítimas. O estudo também sugere a importância de outros fatores como a história da região pesquisada, as políticas públicas, questões econômicas e ausência de investimentos sociais e em saúde pública. Sugere-se que o alto grau de degradação da região pesquisada não seria consequência apenas das pessoas e atividades exercidas no local, mas principalmente do processo urbano que gerou tal quadro social.
Certain areas of the city of Sao Paulo, as many others around the world, including in Lisbon, Barcelona and Buenos Aires, have been going through a process of requalification, in special the ones commonly known as old and/or traditional city. Regarding Sao Paulo, some exceptional actions have been taken downtown with investments in rehabilitation/requalification of areas that concentrated the historical, urbanistic and cultural heritages, such as Praca da S and its cathedral, as well as the revaluation/rehabilitation projects of other squares like Praca da Republica, other areas as the previously called Cracolandia (due to high consumption/deal of crack), known today as Nova Luz, besides propositions to reevaluate areas already modified, such as Vale do Anhangabau. In all propositions to modify sites, it is firstly underlined its deterioration, litter and the presence of low-income populations (passer-bys, street vendors or residents), generally stigmatized as ""potential suspects"", emphasizing danger and lack of security in those places. This belief, which has become consensual, results in that: public as well as private companies promote the rehabilitation of the areas basing their reasoning in the necessity of adding value to the existing urban heritage, although, as it will be discussed in this paper, part of this heritage might be destroyed in this very process, under the allegation that upon completion, the action would allow the social, cultural and economical revaluation/requalification of the area. This paper is intended to provide a contribution to this discussion.
Background This study aimed to evaluate the association between the total suspended particles (TSP) generated from burning sugar cane plantations and the incidence of hospital admissions from hypertension in the city of Araraquara. Methods The study was an ecological time-series study. Total daily records of hypertension (ICD 10th I10-15) were obtained from admitted patients of all ages in a hospital in Araraquara, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, from 23 March 2003 to 27 July 2004. The daily concentration of TSP (mu g/m(3)) was obtained using a Handi-Vol sampler placed in downtown Araraquara. The local airport provided daily measures of temperature and humidity. In generalised linear Poisson regression models, the daily number of hospital admissions for hypertension was considered to be the dependent variable and the daily TSP concentration the independent variable. Results TSP presented a lagged effect on hypertension admissions, which was first observed 1 day after a TSP increase and remained almost unchanged for the following 2 days. A 10 mu g/m(3) increase in the TSP 3 day moving average lagged in 1 day led to an increase in hypertension-related hospital admissions during the harvest period (12.5%, 95% CI 5.6% to 19.9%) that was almost 30% higher than during non-harvest periods (9.0%, 95% CI 4.0% to 14.3%). Conclusions Increases in TSP concentrations were associated with hypertension-related hospital admissions. Despite the benefits of reduced air pollution in urban cities achieved by using ethanol produced from sugar cane to power automobiles, areas where the sugar cane is produced and harvested were found to have increased public health risk.
To explore the hypothesis that air pollution promotes cardiovascular changes, Swiss mice were continuously exposed, since birth, in two open-top chambers (filtered and nonfiltered for airborne particles <= 0.3 mu m) placed 20 m from a street with heavy traffic in downtown Sao Paulo, twenty-four hours per day for four months. Fine particle (PM(2.5)) concentration was determined gravimetrically; hearts were analyzed by morphometry. There was a reduction of the PM(2.5) inside the filtered chamber (filtered = 8.61 +/- 0.79 mu g/m(3), nonfiltered = 18.05 +/- 1.25 mu g/m(3), p < .001). Coronary arteries showed no evidence of luminal narrowing in the exposed group but presented higher collagen content in the adventitia of LV large-sized and RV midsized vessels (p = .001) and elastic fibers in both tunicae adventitia and intima-media of almost all sized arterioles from both ventricles (p = .03 and p = .001, respectively). We concluded that chronic exposure to urban air since birth induces mild but significant vascular structural alterations in normal individuals, presented as coronary arteriolar fibrosis and elastosis. These results might contribute to altered vascular response and ischemic events in the adulthood.
The present study was made to check if the Trad-MCN bioassay, developed with inflorescences of Tradescantia pallida cv. Purpurea, might discriminate genotoxic risks in areas of the city of Santo Andre (SE Brazil) contaminated by different air pollutants, and periods of the year when risks are higher, and to determine if the variations in the frequency of micronuclei (MCN) can be explained by environmental factors that characterize the stressful situation in each site. Potted plants were exposed in sites highly contaminated by ozone (Capuava and School) and in sites reached by high vehicular emissions (downtown and Celso Daniel Park). Pedroso Park, far from the polluted areas, was taken as reference. From September 2003 to September 2004, 20 young inflorescences were collected twice a week from each place and the frequencies of MCN were estimated. The environmental conditions observed in the polluted sites were stressful enough to promote an increase of MCN, mainly in sites reached by high vehicular emissions. But MCN rates in Capuava and at Celso Daniel Park could not be predicted only by pollutants which characterized the air contamination in these sites. More severe weather conditions, mainly low temperature, relative humidity and rainfall, caused an increase of MCN. Improvement of the biomonitoring system is recommended to minimize this negative influence of weather factors. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
One of the main questions on Neoproterozoic geology regards the extent and dynamics of the glacial systems that are recorded in all continents. We present evidence for short transport distances and localized sediment sources for the Bebedouro Formation, which records Neoproterozoic glaciomarine sedimentation in the central-eastern Sao Francisco Craton (SFC), Brazil. New data are presented on clast composition, based on point counting in thin section and SHRIMP dating of pebbles and detrital zircon. Cluster analysis of clast compositional data revealed a pronounced spatial variability of clast composition on diamictite indicating the presence of individual glaciers or ice streams feeding the basin. Detrital zircon ages reveal distinct populations of Archean and Palaeoproterozoic age. The youngest detrital zircon dated at 874 +/- 9 Ma constrains the maximum depositional age of these diamictites. We interpret the provenance of the glacial diamictites to be restricted to sources inside the SFC, suggesting deposition in an environment similar to ice streams from modern, high latitude glaciers.