12 resultados para Distinction

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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A numerous population of weak line galaxies (WLGs) is often left out of statistical studies on emission-line galaxies (ELGs) due to the absence of an adequate classification scheme, since classical diagnostic diagrams, such as [O iii]/H beta versus [N ii]/H alpha (the BPT diagram), require the measurement of at least four emission lines. This paper aims to remedy this situation by transposing the usual divisory lines between star-forming (SF) galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGN) hosts and between Seyferts and LINERs to diagrams that are more economical in terms of line quality requirements. By doing this, we rescue from the classification limbo a substantial number of sources and modify the global census of ELGs. More specifically, (1) we use the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 to constitute a suitable sample of 280 000 ELGs, one-third of which are WLGs. (2) Galaxies with strong emission lines are classified using the widely applied criteria of Kewley et al., Kauffmann et al. and Stasinska et al. to distinguish SF galaxies and AGN hosts and Kewley et al. to distinguish Seyferts from LINERs. (3) We transpose these classification schemes to alternative diagrams keeping [N ii]/H alpha as a horizontal axis, but replacing H beta by a stronger line (H alpha or [O ii]), or substituting the ionization-level sensitive [O iii]/H beta ratio with the equivalent width of H alpha (W(H alpha)). Optimized equations for the transposed divisory lines are provided. (4) We show that nothing significant is lost in the translation, but that the new diagrams allow one to classify up to 50 per cent more ELGs. (5) Introducing WLGs in the census of galaxies in the local Universe increases the proportion of metal-rich SF galaxies and especially LINERs. In the course of this analysis, we were led to make the following points. (i) The Kewley et al. BPT line for galaxy classification is generally ill-used. (ii) Replacing [O iii]/H beta by W(H alpha) in the classification introduces a change in the philosophy of the distinction between LINERs and Seyferts, but not in its results. Because the W(H alpha) versus [N ii]/H alpha diagram can be applied to the largest sample of ELGs without loss of discriminating power between Seyferts and LINERs, we recommend its use in further studies. (iii) The dichotomy between Seyferts and LINERs is washed out by WLGs in the BPT plane, but it subsists in other diagnostic diagrams. This suggests that the right wing in the BPT diagram is indeed populated by at least two classes, tentatively identified with bona fide AGN and `retired` galaxies that have stopped forming stars and are ionized by their old stellar populations.


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Malvales is an order of flowering plants with a controversial circumscription. The relationships between taxa, particularly Malvaceae, Bombacaceae, Sterculiaceae, and Tiliaceae, are not well delineated. Several studies have reported the fatty acid compositions of Malvaceae plants but not for taxonomic purposes. In the present study, the fatty acid composition of oilseeds from seven species belonging to the Malvaceae family was determined by capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), and the quantitative distribution of fatty acids was analyzed by a cluster analysis With Euclidean Distance and UPGMA. The oil content in the seeds was very low (8.3-11.8%). The profile of fatty acids showed that there were two distinct groups: species rich in palmitic acid (Herissantia tiubae, Sidastrum paniculatum and Sida rhombifolia) and species rich in linoleic acid (other Sida species). The fatty acid profiles found for Sida species are consistent with other reported data. Although our data support a distinction between Sida and Sidastrum, more species should be analyzed to evaluate the real taxonomic value of differences in fatty acid content for distinguishing Malvaceae. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Paepalanthus sect. Diphyomene has inflorescences arranged in umbels. The underlying bauplan seems however to be more complex and composed of several distinct subunits. Despite appearing superficially very similar, the morphology and anatomy of the inflorescences can supply useful information for the understanding of the phylogeny and taxonomy of the group. Inflorescences of Paepalanthus erectifolius, Paepalanthus flaccidus, Paepalanthus giganteus, and Paepalanthus polycladus were analyzed in regard to branching pattern and anatomy. In P. erectifolius, P. giganteus and P. polycladus the structure is a tribotryum, with terminal dibotryum, and with pherophylls bearing lateral dibotrya. In P. flaccidus, the inflorescence is a pleiobotryum, with terminal subunit, and without pherophylls. Secondary inflorescences may occur in all species without regular pattern. Especially when grown in sites without a pronounced seasonality, the distinction between enrichment zone (part of the same inflorescence) and new inflorescences may be obscured. The main anatomical features supplying diagnostic and phylogenetic information are as follows: (a) in the elongated axis, the thickness of the epidermal cell walls and the cortex size; (b) in the bracts, the quantity of parenchyma cells (c) in the scapes, the shape and the presence of a pith tissue. Therefore, P. sect. Diphyomene can be divided in two groups; group A is represented by P. erectifolius, P. giganteus and P. polycladus, and group B is represented by P. flaccidus. The differentiation is based in both, inflorescence structure and anatomy. Group A presents a life cycle and anatomical features similar to species of Actinocephalus. Molecular trees also point that these two groups are closely related. However, inflorescence morphology and blooming sequence are different. Species of group B present an inflorescence structure and anatomical features shared with many genera and species in Eriocaulaceae. The available molecular and morphology based phylogenies still do not allow a precise allocation of the group in the bulk of basal species of Paepalanthus collocated in P. sect. Variabiles. The characters described and used here supply however important information towards this goal. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The specialist digger wasp Trachypus boharti Rubio-Espina preys exclusively on males of the stingless bee Scaptotrigona postica Latreille 1807, although the hunting attacks involve both male and worker bees of S. postica and members of its own species. To understand the mechanism of prey selection, the cuticular hydrocarbon patterns of workers and males of S. postica are analyzed in detail, and the mandibular secretion of males is examined. The cuticular profiles of males and workers are distinctively different. The major group of cuticular compounds, heptacosene isomers, is twice as abundant in workers as in males. There is no clear distinction between worker and male mandibular secretions. Such a distinct and straightforward caste-specific difference in cuticular hydrocarbons could function as a recognition cue by which T. boharti distinguishes between workers and males of S. postica.


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The present work focuses on 12 taxa of the genus Centropyxis Stein, 1857 to explore the conflict between traditional and contemporary taxonomic practices. We examined the morphology, biometry, and ecology of 2,120 Centropyxis individuals collected from Tiete River, Sao Paulo, Brazil; with these new data we studied the consistency of previously described species, varieties, and forms. We encountered transitional forms of test morphology that undermine specific and varietal distinctions for three species and nine varieties. Biometrical analyses made comparing the organisms at the species level suggest a lack of separation between Centropyxis aculeata and Centropyxis discoides, and a possible distinction for Centropyxis ecornis based on spine characteristics. However, incongruence between recent and previous surveys makes taking any taxonomic-nomenclatural actions inadvisable, as they would only add to the confusion. We suggest an explicit and objective taxonomic practice in order to enhance our taxonomic and species concepts for microbial eukaryotes. This will allow more precise inferences of taxon identity for studies in other areas.


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The adenohypophysis (AH) of juvenile pirarucu (Arapaima gigas), a representative species of the Osteoglossomorpha (bonytongue fishes, one of the oldest living groups of the teleosts), was studied using histochemical and immunocytochemical methods. The AH is comprised of the pars distalis (PD), without a clear distinction between rostral pars distalis (RPD) and proximal pars distalis (PPD), and the pars intermedia (PI). The neurohypophysis (NH) is positioned on top of the PD and penetrates and branches into the PI. In the most rostral dorsal portion of the PD, adrenocorticotropic cells and fusiform gonadotropic cells were found. In the central PD, scarce prolactin-producing cells and growth-hormone-producing cells were located mainly in the dorsal part, whereas round gonadotropic cells were abundant in the ventral portion of this region. Human thyrotropin immunoreactive cells were not found in the entire AH. In the PI, melanotropic, some adrenocorticotropic, and somatolactin-producing cells were located intermingled surrounding the neurohypophyseal branches. Our results showed that the A. gigas pituitary has some basal characteristics between the ancient Actinopterygii and the more derived teleosts.


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A real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test was developed on the basis of the Leishmania glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase locus that enables identification and quantification of parasites. Using two independent pairs of primers in SYBR-Green assays, the test identified etiologic agents of cutaneous leishmaniasis belonging to both subgenera, Leishmania (Viannia) and Leishmania (Leishmania) in the Americas. Furthermore, use of TaqMan probes enables distinction between L. (V.) braziliensis or L. (V.) peruviania from the other L. (Viannia) species. All assays were negative with DNA of related trypanosomatids, humans, and mice. The parasite burden was estimated by normalizing the number of organisms per total amount of DNA in the sample or per host glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase copies. The real-time PCR assay for L. (Leishmania) subgenus showed a good linear correlation with quantification on the basis of a limiting dilution assay in experimentally infected mice. The test successfully identifies and quantifies Leishmania in human biopsy specimens and represents a new tool to study leishmaniasis.


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The integration of nanostructured films containing biomolecules and silicon-based technologies is a promising direction for reaching miniaturized biosensors that exhibit high sensitivity and selectivity. A challenge, however, is to avoid cross talk among sensing units in an array with multiple sensors located on a small area. In this letter, we describe an array of 16 sensing units, of a light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS), which was made with layer-by-Layer (LbL) films of a poly(amidomine) dendrimer (PAMAM) and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), coated with a layer of the enzyme penicillinase. A visual inspection of the data from constant-current measurements with liquid samples containing distinct concentrations of penicillin, glucose, or a buffer indicated a possible cross talk between units that contained penicillinase and those that did not. With the use of multidimensional data projection techniques, normally employed in information Visualization methods, we managed to distinguish the results from the modified LAPS, even in cases where the units were adjacent to each other. Furthermore, the plots generated with the interactive document map (IDMAP) projection technique enabled the distinction of the different concentrations of penicillin, from 5 mmol L(-1) down to 0.5 mmol L(-1). Data visualization also confirmed the enhanced performance of the sensing units containing carbon nanotubes, consistent with the analysis of results for LAPS sensors. The use of visual analytics, as with projection methods, may be essential to handle a large amount of data generated in multiple sensor arrays to achieve high performance in miniaturized systems.


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The analysis of histological sections has long been a valuable tool in the pathological studies. The interpretation of tissue conditions, however, relies directly on visual evaluation of tissue slides, which may be difficult to interpret because of poor contrast or poor color differentiation. The Chromatic Contrast Visualization System (CCV) combines an optical microscope with electronically controlled light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in order to generate adjustable intensities of RGB channels for sample illumination. While most image enhancement techniques rely on software post-processing of an image acquired under standard illumination conditions, CCV produces real-time variations in the color composition of the light source itself. The possibility of covering the entire RGB chromatic range, combined with the optical properties of the different tissues, allows for a substantial enhancement in image details. Traditional image acquisition methods do not exploit these visual enhancements which results in poorer visual distinction among tissue structures. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) procedures are of increasing interest in the treatment of several forms of cancer. This study uses histological slides of rat liver samples that were induced to necrosis after being exposed to PDT. Results show that visualization of tissue structures could be improved by changing colors and intensities of the microscope light source. PDT-necrosed tissue samples are better differentiated when illuminated with different color wavelengths, leading to an improved differentiation of cells in the necrosis area. Due to the potential benefits it can bring to interpretation and diagnosis, further research in this field could make CCV an attractive technique for medical applications.


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5-HT(1A) receptor plays an important role in the delayed onset of antidepressant action of a class of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Moreover, 5-HT(1A) receptor levels have been shown to be altered in patients suffering from major depression. In this work, hologram quantitative structure-activity relationship (HQSAR) studies were performed on a series of arylpiperazine compounds presenting affinity to the 5-HT(1A) receptor. The models were constructed with a training set of 70 compounds. The most significant HQSAR model (q(2) = 0.81, r(2) = 0.96) was generated using atoms, bonds, connections, chirality, and donor and acceptor as fragment distinction, with fragment size of 6-9. Predictions for an external test set containing 20 compounds are in good agreement with experimental results showing the robustness of the model. Additionally, useful information can be obtained from the 2D contribution maps.


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Late Quaternary deposits in the northeastern Brazil have been scarcely investigated, despite their relevance to the discussion of the post-rift evolution of the South American passive margin within the context of landform, sea level and tectonic deformation. Sedimentological, stratigraphic and morphological characterization of these deposits, referred as Post-Barreiras Sediments, led to their distinction from underlying Early/Middle Miocene strata. Based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, two sedimentary units (PB1 and PB2) were recognized and related to the time intervals between 74.8 +/- 9.3 and 30.8 +/- 6.9 ka, and 8.8 +/- 0.9 and 1.8 +/- 0.2 ka, respectively. Unit PB1 consists of indurated sandstones and breccias either with massive bedding or complex types of soft sediment deformation structures generated by contemporaneous seismic activity. Unit PB2 is composed of massive sands or sands related to structures developed by dissipation of dunes. The present work, focusing on the Post-Barreiras Sediments, discusses landform, sea level and tectonics of the eastern South American passive margin during the latest Quaternary. Non-deposition and sub-aerial exposure related to the Tortonian worldwide low sea level combined with tectonic quiescence followed the Miocene transgression. Tectonic deformation in the latest Pleistocene created space to accommodate unit PB1 in downthrown faulted blocks and, perhaps, also synclines produced by strike-slip deformation. Although deposition of this unit was simultaneous with the progressive fall in sea level that followed the Last Interglacial Maximum, punctuated rises combined with land subsidence led to marine deposition close to the modern coastline. Renewed subsidence in the Holocene gave rise to accommodation of the Post-Barreiras Sediments. Most of unit PB2 was deposited during the Holocene Transgression, but it is not composed of marine sediments, which suggests either an insignificant rise in relative sea level or aeolian reworking of thin transgressive sands. The data presented here lead to a review of the evolution of the South American passive margin based on assumptions of uniform sedimentation and undeformed planation surfaces over a wide coastal area of the northeastern Brazil. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Zircon recrystallization is a common process during high-grade metamorphism and promotes partial or complete resetting of the original isotopic and chemical characteristics of the mineral and thus complicates U-Pb geochronological interpretation. In Central Brazil, this complexity may be illustrated by three composite mafic-ultramafic intrusions metamorphosed under amphibolite-to-granulite conditions. Their ages of emplacement and metamorphic ages have been a matter of controversy for the last thirty years. The Serra da Malacacheta and Barro Alto complexes make up the southernmost of these layered bodies and four samples from distinct rock types were investigated in order to verify the consequences of metamorphic alteration of zircon for U-Pb dating. Cathodoluminescent imaging reveals internal features which are typical of concomitant dissolution-reprecipitation processes, such as convolute zoning and inward-moving recrystallization fronts, even in samples in which partially preserved igneous textures are observed. Due to this extensive alteration, LA-ICPMS U-Pb isotopic analysis yielded inconclusive data. However, in situ Hf isotopic and trace-element analyses help to clarify the real meaning of the geochronological data. Low Lu/Hf (<0.004) and homogeneous (176)Hf/(177)Hf(t) values imply that the zircon populations within individual samples have crystallized in a single episode, despite the observed variations in age values. Trace element signatures of zircon grains from garnet-bearing samples reveal that they were unreactive to the development of the peak metamorphism mineral assemblage and, thus, the main chemical feature in such grains is attributed to a coupled dissolution-reprecipitation process. However, in the Cafelandia amphibolite an additional alteration process is identified, probably related to the influx of late-stage fluids. Combined isotopic and geochemical investigation on zircon grains allowed the distinction of two magmatic events. The first corresponds to the crystallization of the Serra da Malacacheta Complex and characterizes a juvenile magmatism at similar to 1.3 Ga. The younger episode, recognized in the Barro Alto Complex, is dated at ca. 800 Ma and is represented by mafic and ultramafic rocks showing intense contamination with continental crust, implying that the emplacement took place, most likely, in a continental back-arc setting. Altered zircon domains as well as titanite grains date the metamorphic event at ca. 760-750 Ma. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.