123 resultados para Dengue diagnosis

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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The fact that the diagnosis of infection with dengue virus is usually made by detecting IgM antibodies during the convalescent phase of the disease interferes with disease management and, consequently, with reducing mortality rates. This study evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of detection of NS1 in samples of patients suspected of acute dengue virus infection in Brazil. The results were used to institute treatment and the sensitivity and specificity of detection of NS1 were compared to the results of detection of IgM, virus isolation, and RT-PCR. Detection of NS1 yielded better results than RTPCR and virus isolation. When considering IgM detection and RT-PCR positive results as ""gold standards,"" the sensitivity and specificity of the NS1 assay were 95.9% and 81.1%, respectively. All patients enrolled in the study were treated promptly and had an uneventful course of the disease. The detection of NS1 provided better results than the diagnostic techniques used currently during the acute phase of disease (RT-PCR and virus isolation). Detection of NS1 is an important tool for the diagnosis of acute dengue infection, particularly in highly endemic areas, allowing for rapid treatment of patients and reduction of disease burden. J. Med. Virol. 82: 1400-1405, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Early diagnosis of dengue virus (DENV) infection is important for patient management and control of dengue outbreaks. The objective of this study was to analyze the usefulness of urine and saliva samples for early diagnosis of DENV infection by real time RT-PCR. Two febrile patients, who have been attended at the General Hospital of the School of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo University were included in the study. Serum, urine and saliva samples collected from both patients were subjected to real time RT-PCR for DENV detection and quantification. Dengue RNA was detected in serum, urine and saliva samples of both patients. Patient 1 was infected with DENV-2 and patient 2 with DENV-3. Data presented in this study suggest that urine and saliva could be used as alternative samples for early diagnosis of dengue virus infection when blood samples are difficult to obtain, e.g.,in newborns and patients with hemorrhagic syndromes.


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A comparison of dengue virus (DENV) antibody levels in paired serum samples collected from predominantly DENV-naive residents in an agricultural settlement in Brazilian Amazonia (baseline seroprevalence, 18.3%) showed a seroconversion rate of 3.67 episodes/100 person-years at risk during 12 months of follow-up. Multivariate analysis identified male sex, poverty, and migration from extra-Amazonian states as significant predictors of baseline DENY seropositivity, whereas male sex, a history of clinical diagnosis of dengue fever, and travel to an urban area predicted subsequent seroconversion. The laboratory surveillance of acute febrile illnesses implemented at the study site and in a nearby town between 2004 and 2006 confirmed 11. DENV infections among 102 episodes studied with DENV IgM detection, reverse transcriptase-polymerise chain reaction, and virus isolation; DENV-3 was isolated. Because DENV exposure is associated with migration or travel, personal protection measures when visiting high-risk urban areas may reduce the incidence of DENV infection in this rural population.


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Este estudo caracteriza-se epidemiológico-descritivo com objetivo de descrever a evolução temporal dos casos de dengue em Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, no período de 1994 a 2003, segundo mês de ocorrência e sexo. Os dados foram obtidos junto às fichas de notificação compulsória fornecidas pela Vigilância Epidemiológica da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do município. Foram obtidos os coeficientes de incidência por 100.000 habitantes, segundo estimativas populacionais do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. O município viveu uma epidemia de dengue no ano de 2001, quando o coeficiente de incidência chegou a 619,65 casos/100.000 habitantes, sendo que dentre os 5.553 casos encontrados no período estudado, 0,07% ocorreram no ano de 1994, 3,68% em 1995, 4,52% em 1996, 2,40% em 1997, 1,82% em 1998, 5,73% em 1999, 3,75% em 2000, 57,37% em 2001, 6,25% em 2002 e, 14,39% em 2003 . Os meses do ano de maior ocorrência da doença foram de janeiro a maio. Em relação à variável sexo, a proporção entre o número de casos foi de aproximadamente 1:1, mostrando pequenas flutuações de casos de dengue entre homens e mulheres, para todo período estudado. Os resultados apontam a necessidade do desenvolvimento de estudos sobre a temática e reforçam o papel das instituições de ensino na questão da dengue no nosso país.


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This article addresses diagnostic parameters that should be assessed in the treatment of extraction sockets with dental implant placement by presenting three case reports that emphasize the relevance of the amount of remaining bone walls. Diagnosis was based on the analysis of clinical and radiographic parameters (e.g.: bone defect morphology, remaining bone volume, presence of infections on the receptor site). Case 1 presents a 5-wall defect in the maxillary right central incisor region with severe root resorption, which was treated with immediate implant placement. Cases 2 and 3 present, respectively, two- and three-wall bone defects that did not have indication for immediate implants. These cases were first submitted to a guided bone regeneration (GBR) procedure with bone graft biomaterial and membrane barriers, and the implants were installed in a second surgical procedure. The analysis of the preoperative periodontal condition of the adjacent teeth and bone defect morphology is extremely important because these factors determine the choice between immediate implant or GBR treatment followed by implant installation in a subsequent intervention.


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This paper presents a case report of a left mandibular second premolar with three canals and three different apical foramina. A 39-year-old male patient presented to our clinic with pain in the mandibular left second premolar. Initially, pain was caused by cold stimulus and later was spontaneously. The intraoral clinical examination revealed a fractured amalgam restoration with occlusal caries. Percussion and cold (Endo-Frost) tests were positive. The radiographic examination showed the presence of two roots. The probable diagnosis was an acute pulpitis. After access cavity, it was observed remaining roof of the pulp chamber and mild bleeding in the tooth lingual area, indicating the possible presence of a third canal. The endodontic treatment was completed in a single session using Root ZX apex locator and K3 NiTi rotary system with surgical diameter corresponding to a .02/45 file in the three canals and irrigation with 1% sodium hypochlorite. The canals were obtured with gutta-percha cones and Sealer 26 using the lateral condensation technique. After 1 year of follow-up, the tooth was asymptomatic and periapical repair was observed radiographically. Internal alterations should be considered during the endodontic treatment of mandibular second premolars. The correct diagnosis of these alterations by the analysis of preoperative radiographs can help the location of two or more canals, thereby avoiding root therapy failure.


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PURPOSE: To report an uncommon case of osteochondroma affecting the mandibular condyle of a young patient and to illustrate the important contributions of different imaging resources to the diagnosis and treatment planning of this lesion. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 24-year-old female patient with the chief complaint of an increasing facial asymmetry and pain in the left pre-auricular region, revealing a reduced mouth opening, mandibular deviation and posterior cross-bite over a period of 18 months. Panoramic radiography revealed an enlargement of the left condyle, whereas computed tomography (CT) sections and three-dimensional CT showed a well-defined bone growth arising from condylar neck. The scintigraphy exam showed an abnormal osteogenic activity in the left temporomandibular joint. The condyle was surgically removed and after 18 months follow-up the panoramic radiography and CT scans showed no signs of recurrence. CONCLUSION: Although osteochondroma is a benign bone tumor that rarely arises in cranial and maxillofacial region, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of slow-growing masses of the temporomandibular area and the use of different imaging exams significantly contribute to the correct diagnosis and treatment planning of this pathological condition.


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Nocardia is a rare opportunistic agent, which may affect immunocompromised individuals causing lung infections and exceptionally infective endocarditis (IE). There are few reports of IE caused by Nocardia sp., usually involving biological prostheses but rarely in natural valves. Its accurate microbiological identification may be hampered by the similarity with Rhodococcus equi and Corynebacterium spp. Here we report a case of native mitral valve IE caused by this agent in which the clinical absence of response to vancomycin and the suggestion of Nocardia sp. by histology pointed to the misdiagnosis of Corynebacterium spp. in blood cultures. The histological morphology can advise on the need for expansion of cultivation time and use of extra microbiological procedures that lead to the differential diagnosis with Corynebacterium spp. and other agents, which is essential to establish timely specific treatment, especially in immunocompromised patients.


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This study investigated the disclosure of HIV-positive serostatus to sexual partners by heterosexual and bisexual men, selected in centers for HIV/AIDS care. In 250 interviews, we investigated disclosure of serostatus to partners, correlating disclosure to characteristics of relationships. The focus group further explored barriers to maintenance/establishment of partnerships and their association with disclosure and condom use. Fear of rejection led to isolation and distress, thus hindering disclosure to current and new partners. Disclosure requires trust and was more frequent to steady partners, to partners who were HIV-positive themselves, to female partners, and by heterosexuals, occurring less frequently with commercial sex workers. Most interviewees reported consistent condom use. Unprotected sex was more frequent with seropositive partners. Suggestions to enhance comprehensive care for HIV-positive men included stigma management, group activities, and human rights-based approaches involving professional education in care for sexual health, disclosure, and care of "persons living with HIV".


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INTRODUÇÃO: A dengue é causa de preocupação em países como o Brasil. OBJETIVO: Verificar a soropositividade dos pacientes do ambulatório de especialidades do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) para anticorpos antidengue, relacionando os resultados com os dados sociodemográficos. METODOLOGIA: Foram respondidos 184 questionários de avaliação sociodemográfica e de conhecimento sobre a transmissão da dengue. Foi utilizado o método de imunoensaio enzimático (ELISA) para pesquisar imunoglobulina da classe M (IgM) e da classe G (IgG) contra os vírus. RESULTADOS: Quinze por cento dos pacientes apresentaram IgG contra o vírus, sem a presença de IgM. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes demonstraram conhecimento sobre a doença e sua prevenção, independentemente da classe econômica. A infecção assintomática deve ser avaliada, principalmente nos casos de doença febril.


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A new species of sand-dwelling catfish genus Pygidianops, P. amphioxus, is described from the Negro and lower Amazon basins. The new species differs from its three congeners in the elongate eel-like body, the short barbels, and the small caudal fin, continuous with the body, among other traits of internal anatomy. The absence of anal fin further distinguishes P. amphioxus from all other Pygidianops species except P. magoi and the presence of eyes from all except P. cuao. The new Pygidianops seems to be the sister species to P. magoi, the two species sharing a unique mesethmoid with a dorsally-bent tip lacking cornua, and a produced articular process in the palatine for the articulation with the neurocranium. Pygidianops amphioxus is a permanent and highly-specialized inhabitant of psammic environments. Additional characters are proposed as synapomorphies of Pygidianops, including a hypertrophied symphyseal joint and associated ligament in the lower jaw; an elongate, laterally-directed, process on the dorsal surface of the premaxilla; and a rotated lower jaw, where the surface normally facing laterally in other glanapterygines is instead directed ventrally. These and other characters are incorporated into a revised phylogenetic diagnosis of Pygidianops.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência, distribuição etária, sazonalidade, características clínicas da doença Lyme-símile em menores de 15 anos. MÉTODOS: De julho/1998 a dezembro/2000 foi conduzido um estudo transversal em 333 pacientes, com exantema e febre. Foram coletadas amostras pareadas de sangue para a identificação de patógenos. Somente em 193 amostras, negativas aos outros patógenos (Parvovirus B19, Herpesvírus 6 humano, Sarampo, Rubéola, Dengue, Escarlatina e Enterovírus), foram realizadas a pesquisa da borreliose pelos métodos de Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay e Western-blotting. Outras variáveis clínicas, socioeconômicas, demográficas e climáticas foram estudadas. RESULTADOS: A prevalência da doença foi de 6,2%(12/193). Das variáveis estudadas, houve predomínio em <6anos(83,2%); sexo feminino (66,7%); procedência da cidade de Franco da Rocha (58,3%); com sazonalidade no outono-verão. O intervalo de atendimento foi de quatro dias. Sinais e sintomas com significância estatística: prurido, ausência da fissura labial e bom estado clínico. Outros dados presentes foram: irritabilidade (80%); febre (?38ºC) (58,3%) com duração de um a três dias. O exantema foi do tipo máculo-papular (33,3%), urticariforme (25%) e escarlatiniforme (16,7%); predominando em tronco (60%). Não houve apresentação clínica característica para diagnóstico da doença de Lyme-símile nestes pacientes. A sensibilidade e especificidade para o diagnóstico clínico contraposta com o diagnóstico laboratorial foi zero. O acompanhamento de 10 casos durante dois anos não evidenciou complicações cardiológicas ou neurológicas. Este é o primeiro estudo desta doença em crianças brasileiras. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência da doença Lyme-símile foi baixa, não tendo sido lembrada no diagnóstico inicial dos exantemas, mas seu conhecimento é necessário, necessitando maior atenção médica.


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The aim of this study was to optimize a PCR assay that amplifies an 843 pb fragment from the p28 gene of Ehrlichia canis and compare it with two other PCR methods used to amplify portions of the 16S rRNA and dsb genes of Ehrlichia. Blood samples were collected from dogs suspected of having a positive diagnosis for canine ehrlichiosis. Amplification of the p28 gene by PCR produced an 843-bp fragment and this assay could detect DNA from one gene copy among 1 billion cells. All positive samples detected by the p28-based PCR were also positive by the 16S rRNA nested-PCR and also by the dsb-based PCR. Among the p28-based PCR negative samples, 55.3% were co-negatives, but 27.6% were positive in 16S rRNA and dsb based PCR assays. The p28-based PCR seems to be a useful test for the molecular detection of E. canis, however improvements in this PCR sensitivity are desired, so that it can become an important alternative in the diagnosis of canine ehrlichiosis.