110 resultados para Dairy cattle -- Catalonia -- Malla
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Data on fertilisation and embryo quality in dairy cattle are presented and the main factors responsible for the low fertility of single-ovulating lactating cows and embryo yield in superovulated dairy cattle are highlighted. During the past 50 years, the fertility in high-producing lactating dairy cattle has decreased as milk production increased. Recent data show conception rates to first service to be approximately 32% in lactating cows, whereas in heifers it has remained above 50%. Fertilisation does not seem to be the principal factor responsible for the low fertility in single-ovulating cows, because it has remained above 80%. Conversely, early embryonic development is impaired in high-producing dairy cows, as observed by most embryonic losses occurring during the first week after fertilisation. However, in superovulated dairy cattle, although fertilisation failure is more pronounced, averaging approximately 45%, the percentage of fertilised embryos viable at 1 week is quite high (>70%). Among the multifactorial causes of low fertility in lactating dairy cows, high feed intake associated with low concentrations of circulating steroids may contribute substantially to reduced embryo quality. Fertilisation failure in superovulated cattle may be a consequence of inappropriate gamete transport due to hormonal imbalances.
The purpose of this study was to compare the pharmacokinetics of tetracycline in plasma, synovial fluid, and milk following either a single systemic intravenous (i.v.) injection or a single i.v. regional antibiosis (IVRA) administration of tetracycline hydrochloride to dairy cattle with papillomatous digital dermatitis (PDD). To this end, plasma and synovial fluid tetracycline concentrations were compared with the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of the major bacteria, which are known to cause digital diseases and thus assess its efficacy in PDD. Residual tetracycline concentrations in milk from cows treated by both methods were also determined. Twelve Holstein cows with various stages of PDD were randomly assigned to two groups of six animals. Group 1 received a single systemic i.v. injection of 10 mg/kg of tetracycline hydrochloride. Group 2 received 1000 mg of tetracycline hydrochloride by IVRA of the affected limb. Blood, synovial fluid and milk samples were taken prior to tetracycline administration (time 0 control), and then at 22, 45 and 82 min, and 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 h following drug administration. Tetracycline concentrations were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Mean tetracycline plasma and milk concentrations in Group 1 were higher than Group 2. The opposite was observed for synovial fluid concentrations. Group 2 synovial fluid concentrations were higher than the MIC value over 24 h for the bacteria most frequently responsible for claw disease. Compared with i.v. administration, IVRA administration of tetracycline produced very high synovial fluid and low plasma and milk concentrations.
The bovine dairy cattle demand diets of high nutritional value being essential to know chemical composition of feed supplied to cows to achieve high levels of quality, safety and productivity of milk. Different roughages and concentrates from Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul states, Brazil, were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Concentrate and roughage samples were differentiated by mass fractions of As, Ba, Mg, P, Rb and Sr. Samples of concentrate from both origins were differentiated by mass fractions of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Ni and Rb.
Considering the importance of neosporosis in the animal health and production, the frequency of antibodies to Neospora caninum was evaluated in dairy cattle of the Southwestern region of Mato Grosso State, Brazil, in addition to serum samples obtained from dogs and humans living in the farms. A total of 1036 serum samples were analyzed, from which 932 were from dairy bovine females, 37 from dogs and 67 from humans, from 24 farms and examined by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Reactive human scrum samples were retested by Western-blotting to confirm the results. Antibodies to N. caninum were found in 499 cattle sera (53.5 %), with at least one positive in each farm, 25 dog sera (67.6 %) and seven human sera (10.5 %). There was no significant difference in the number of positive cattle sera according to age group. The results indicate a wide dissemination of N caninum in the studied region.
Selection of zebu (Bos indicus) beef and dairy cattle in Brazil and the validation process of genetic markers for growth, carcass and meat quality traits and also for milk production, fat and protein milk content are discussed as concerned to the concepts and details of their use as auxiliary tools in selection processes. It is highlighted, also, the importance of right selection of ova donor cows for production of embryos to be transferred.
Neospora caninum is one of the most important causes of abortion in dairy cattle worldwide. The distribution of N. caninum in tissues of adult cattle is unknown and the parasite has not been demonstrated histologically in tissues of cows. In the present study the distribution of N. caninum in different tissues of adult cattle was evaluated by bioassays in dogs. Seventeen dogs (2-3 month-old) were fed different tissues of 4 naturally exposed adult cattle (indirect fluorescent antibody test N. caninum titer >= 400): 5 were fed with masseter: 5 with heart, 3 with liver, 4 with brain, and 3 pups were used as non-infected control. Two dogs fed masseter, 2 fed heart, 1 fed liver, and 3 fed brain shed oocysts, and all dogs presented no seroconvertion to N. caninum during the observation period of 4 weeks. The oocysts were confirmed as N. caninum based on the detection of N. caninum-specific DNA by PCR and sequencing. The results indicate that dogs can be infected by N. caninum with different tissues of infected cattle. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to identify and quantify the influence of F (inbreeding coefficient) on weaning weight (WW), weight gain from weaning to 18 months of age (WG345), finishing visual score (precocity) at 18 months of age, muscling visual score at 18 months of age (MUS), hip height (HH), scrotal circumference at 18 months of age (SC), heifer probability of pregnancy at 14 months of age (PP14), and stayability (STAY) in Brazilian Nellore cattle. The complete pedigree included 417,552 animals born between 1984 and 2007 on 12 farms located in the states of Mato Grosso do Sul, Sao Paulo and Bahia. Following the observation of a statistically significant effect (P<0.05) of the covariates individual inbreeding coefficient (F) and maternal inbreeding coefficient, regression analysis of each trait, adjusted for all other effects, was performed as a function of the linear and quadratic effect of F and maternal F (when significant). Inbreeding negatively affected all traits studied (P<0.05), except for muscling. A quadratic effect of individual F on WW, WG345, HH and PP14, and a quadratic effect of maternal F on WG345 and HH were observed. Levels of inbreeding higher than 7-11% affected negatively growth and reproductive performance of Nellore cattle. Therefore, inbreeding should be avoided, except for purposes of genetic breeding whose main objective is the fixation of certain alleles in the population. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The production of a healthy cloned calf is dependent on a multitude of successful steps, including reprogramming mediated by the oocyte, the development of a functional placenta, adequate maternal-fetal interaction, the establishment of a physiological metabolic setting and the formation of a complete set of well-differentiated cells that will eventually result in well-characterised and fully competent tissues and organs. Although the efficiency of nuclear transfer has improved significantly since the first report of a somatic cell nuclear transfer-derived animal, there are many descriptions of anomalies concerning cloned calves leading to high perinatal morbidity and mortality. The present article discusses some our experience regarding perinatal and neonatal procedures for cloned Zebu cattle (B. indicus) that has led to improved survival rates in Nellore cloned calves following the application of such `labour-intensive technology`.
In this study, we describe the first survey in Thailand of Trypanosoma theileri, a widespread and prevalent parasite of cattle that is transmitted by tabanid flies. Investigation of 210 bovine blood samples of Thai cattle from six farms by hematocrit centrifuge technique (HCT) revealed 14 samples with trypanosomes morphologically compatible to T. theileri. Additional animals were positive for T. theileri by PCR based on the Cathepsin L-like sequence (TthCATL-PCR) despite negative by HCT, indicating cryptic infections. Results revealed a prevalence of 26 +/- 15% (95% CI) of T. theileri infection. Additionally, 12 samples positive for T. theileri were detected in cattle from other 11 farms. From a total of 30 blood samples positive by HCT and/or PCR from 17 farms, seven were characterized to evaluate the genetic polymorphism of T. theileri through sequence analysis of PCR-amplified CATL DNA sequences. All CATL sequences of T. theileri from Thai cattle clustered with sequences of the previously described phylogenetic lineages TthI and TthII, supporting only two major lineages of T. theileri in cattle around the world. However, 11 of the 29 CATL sequences analyzed showed to be different, disclosing an unexpectedly large polymorphic genetic repertoire, with multiple genotypes of T. theileri not previously described in other countries circulating in Thai cattle. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A ocorrência de aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) em rações e aflatoxina M1 (AFM1) no leite cru foi avaliada em propriedades leiteiras situadas na região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, de outubro de 2005 a fevereiro de 2006. A análise de aflatoxinas foi efetuada utilizando-se colunas de imunoafinidade para purificação dos extratos, sendo a quantificação realizada através de cromatografia lÃquida de alta eficiência. A AFB1 foi detectada em 40% das rações em nÃveis de 1,0 a 19,5 μg.kg-1. A concentração de AFM1 em 36,7% de amostras de leite positivas variou de 0,010 a 0,645 μg.L-1. Somente uma amostra de leite estava acima do limite de tolerância adotado no Brasil (0,5 μg.L-1) para AFM1. Concluiu-se que as concentrações de aflatoxinas na ração e no leite foram relativamente baixas, embora a alta frequência das aflatoxinas nas amostras analisadas indique a necessidade de contÃnuo monitoramento a fim de prevenir a contaminação de ingredientes e rações destinadas ao gado leiteiro.
Estudou-se efeito de quatro nÃveis de dietas catiônicas sobre os parâmetros ácido-base do sangue e o pH urinário de vacas em lactação. Para a manipulação dos nÃveis do balanço cátion-amônico da dieta (BCAD), foram adicionadas diferentes concentrações de bicarbonato de sódio à s dietas, obtendo-se os seguintes tratamentos: +150, +250, +400 e +500mEq/kg de matéria seca. O experimento foi realizado durante o verão, por um perÃodo total de 72 dias, utilizando-se oito vacas da raça Holandesa após o pico de lactação, distribuÃdas em quadrado latino (4x4), replicado, em que cada perÃodo teve duração de 18 dias. O pH urinário e o bicarbonato, o pH, o CO2 total e a pCO2 do sangue aumentaram linearmente (P<0,01) com o aumento do BCAD. As concentrações de sódio e potássio do sangue não foram modificadas (P>0,05) pelo BCAD. A concentração de cloro no sangue diminuiu linearmente (P<0,01) com o aumento do BCAD. O aumento do BCAD afetou o equilÃbrio ácido-base das vacas, promovendo efeito alcalinogênico, o que poderia levar a diferenças significativas no desempenho do animal.
Com o objetivo de identificar as principais falhas no sistema de produção que limitam a pecuária em Santarém, Pará, foram entrevistados, ao acaso, 21 pecuaristas (90,5% de corte - cria, recria e engorda; 9,5% de leite), proprietários de 10% da população de bovinos do municÃpio. 71,4% das propriedades tinham currais para manejo do gado, entretanto apenas 38,1% possuÃam balança e 23,8% tronco de contenção. A Brachiaria brizantha estava presente em todas as fazendas, sendo usada exclusivamente em 42,9% das propriedades. A disseminação de plantas invasoras (61,9%) foi considerada a principal dificuldade no manejo das pastagens. Constatou-se que 76,2% dos pecuaristas utilizam misturas minerais com macro e micro-elementos, geralmente de formulações comerciais, enquanto que 19% utilizam apenas sal comum, enriquecido com micro-elementos. A concentração de fósforo (P) na mistura mineral estava abaixo do recomendado para bovinos de corte em 76,9% das propriedades e apenas 19% das propriedades possuÃa cochos para suplementação mineral adequada.
Realizou-se um estudo para caracterizar a situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Foram definidos três estratos (regiões): Pantanal-corte, Planalto-corte e Planalto-leite, este último subdividido em Bolsão, Campo Grande e Dourados. Em cada estrato foram amostradas aleatoriamente propriedades e, dentro dessas, foi escolhido, de forma aleatória, um número pré-estabelecido de animais, dos quais foi obtida uma amostra de sangue. No total, foram amostrados 14.849 animais, provenientes de 1.004 propriedades. Em cada propriedade amostrada foi aplicado um questionário epidemiológico para verificar suas caracterÃsticas e também para detectar transtornos reprodutivos que poderiam estar associados à infecção brucélica. O teste utilizado foi o do antÃgeno acidificado tamponado. O rebanho foi considerado positivo se pelo menos um animal foi reagente à prova sorológica. Para o Estado, a prevalência de focos foi de 41,5% [36,5-44,7%]. As prevalências de focos e de animais infectados por estrato foram, respectivamente, de: 59,0% [52,8-64,9%] e 12,6% [9,1-17,2%] para o estrato Pantanal-corte, e 40,6% [35,8-45,5%] e 4,5% [2,1-9,0%] para Planalto-corte. No estrato Planalto-leite, a prevalência de focos foi de 33,1% [28,4-38,1%]. Os fatores de risco (odds ratios, OR) associados à condição de foco foram: ter ≥500 vacas (OR = 2,46 [1,81-3,34]), ocorrência de bezerros fracos (OR = 1,20 [0,87-1,65]) e uso da inseminação artificial (OR = 0,71 [0,50-1,01]).
The objective was to evaluate the effect of beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lg) polymorphism and seasonality on milk composition (fat, lactose, total solids, milk urea nitrogen, total protein, true protein, casein and somatic cell counts) of Holstein and Girolando cows. Milk and blood samples from 278 Holsteins cows and 156 Girolando cows were taken during two dry seasons and two rainy seasons, for milk composition analysis and to determine beta-lg genotypes, respectively. BB genotype was the most frequent for both breeds, followed by AA genotype for Holstein (BB>AA>AB) and by AB for Girolando cows (BB>AB>AA). No differences were found in milk compositional characteristics among genetic variants of beta-lg (AA, AB and BB) either between Holstein or Girolando cows. No association between milk composition and beta-lg genetic polymorphism was observed. During the dry season, independently of the breed considered, higher contents of lactose, true protein, casein and casein :true protein ratio were found.
Neospora caninum is one of the main causes of abortion and natimortality in cattle. Host immune defense is capable to inhibit tachyzoite activity during acute infection, but there is no action against bradyzoites in tissue cysts. Activation and modulation of this response is controlled by cell mediators. The real-time RT-PCR technique was employed to detect some of those mediators during N. caninum infection. Holstein and Nelore calves intramuscularly infected with tachyzoites and uninfected controls were slaughtered at the sixth day post-infection and popliteal lymph node, liver and brain cortex samples were analyzed. Real-time RT-PCR detected gene expression in all tissues. No significant variation of GAPDH gene expression was detected among groups, its amplification efficiency was similar to the other genes tested and it was used as the endogenous control for the analysis. Comparisons between infected and uninfected groups allowed the relative gene expression quantification. IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha genes showed increased expression in some samples. iNOS and TGF-beta 1 genes had some non-significant variations and IL-4 and IL-10 stayed pratically inaltered.