14 resultados para DNA mitochondrial

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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The extensive replication of mitochondria during oogenesis and the wide variability in mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA) copy numbers present in fully grown oocytes indicate that mtDNA amount may play an important role during early embryogenesis. Using bovine oocytes derived from follicles of different sizes to study the influence of mtDNA content on development, we showed that oocytes obtained from small follicles, known to be less competent in developing into blastocysts, contain less mtDNA than those originating from larger follicles. However, because of the high variability in copy number, a more accurate approach was examined in which parthenogenetic one-cell embryos were biopsied to measure their mtDNA content and then cultured to assess development capacity. Contrasting with previous findings, mtDNA copy number in biopsies was not different between competent and incompetent embryos, indicating that mtDNA content is not related to early developmental competence. To further examine the importance of mtDNA on development, one-cell embryos were partially depleted of their mtDNA (64% +/- 4.1% less) by centrifugation followed by the removal of the mitochondrial-enriched cytoplasmic fraction. Surprisingly, depleted embryos developed normally into blastocysts, which contained mtDNA copy numbers similar to nonmanipulated controls. Development in depleted embryos was accompanied by an increase in the expression of genes (TFAM and NRF1) controlling mtDNA replication and transcription, indicating an intrinsic ability to restore the content of mtDNA at the blastocyst stage. Therefore, we concluded that competent bovine embryos are able to regulate their mtDNA content at the blastocyst stage regardless of the copy numbers accumulated during oogenesis.


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Phylogenetic relationships and divergence times for 10 populations of the three recognized ""species"" of Brazilian lizards of genus Eurolophosaurus were estimated from 1229 bp of cyt b, COI, 12S, and 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene segments. Eurolophosaurus is monophyletic and the basal split within the genus separates E divaricatus from a clade comprising E amathites and E nanuzae. Three populations of E divaricatus, which occurs along the western bank of Rio S (a) over tildeo Francisco, were consistently grouped together. Oil the east bank of the river, E amathites and E nanuzae from state of Bahia were recovered as the sister group of E nanuzae populations from state of Minas Gerais. The paraphyly of E nanuzae and the high divergence levels among populations of E divaricatus strongly suggest that species limits in Eurolophosaurus should be revised. Even considering an extreme evolutionary rate of 2.8% sequence divergence per million years for the four gene segments analyzed together, E. divaricatus would have separated from the two other species by at least 5.5 my ago, and E. amathites from E nanuzae populations from Bahia and Minas Gerais, respectively, by 1.5 and 3.5 my. The paleolacustrine hypothesis and changes in the course of the river potentially explain faunal divergence in the area, but divergences are much older than previously admitted. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Calyptommatus and Nothobachia genera of gymnophthalmid lizards are restricted to sandy open habitats on Sao Francisco River margins, northeastern Brazil. Phylogenetic relationships and geographic distribution of the four recognized species of Calyptommatus were analyzed from partial mitochondrial cyt b, 12S, and 16S rRNA genes sequencing, taking allopatric populations of the monotypic Nothobachia ablephara as the outgroup. In Calyptommatus a basal split separated C. sinebrachiatus, a species restricted to the eastern bank of the river, from the three other species. In this clade, C. confusionibus, found on western margin, was recovered as the sister group of the two other species, C. leiolepis and C. nicterus, from opposite margins. According to approximate date estimations, C. sinebrachiatus would have separated from the other congeneric species by 4.4-6.5 my, and C. nicterus, also from eastern bank, would be diverging by 1.8-2.6 my from C. leiolepis, the sister species on the opposite margin. C. confusionibus and C. leiolepis, both from western sandy areas, would be differentiating by 2.8-5.0 my. Divergence times of about 3.0-4.0 my were estimated for allopatric populations of Nothobachia restricted to western margin. Significant differences in 16S rRNA secondary structure relatively to other vertebrates are reported. Distinct evolutionary patterns are proposed for different taxa in those sandy areas, probably related to historical changes in the course of Sao Francisco River. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Euglossa fimbriata is a euglossine species widely distributed in Brazil and occurring primarily in Atlantic Forest remnants. In this study, the genetic mitochondrial structure of E. fimbriata from six Atlantic Forest fragments was studied by RFLP analysis of three PCR-amplified mtDNA gene segments (16S, COI-COII, and cyt b). Ten composite haplotypes were identified, six of which were exclusive and represented singleton mitotypes. Low haplotype diversity (0.085-0.289) and nucleotide diversity (0.000-0.002) were detected within samples. AMOVA partitioned 91.13% of the overall genetic variation within samples and 8.87% (I center dot(st) = 0.089; P < 0.05) among samples. Pairwise comparisons indicated high levels of differentiation among some pairs of samples (I center dot(st) = 0.161-0.218; P < 0.05). These high levels indicate that these populations of E. fimbriata, despite their highly fragmented landscape, apparently have not suffered loss of genetic variation, suggesting that this particular population is not currently endangered.


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Mitochondria contain their own genome, a small circular molecule of around 16.5 kbases. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) encodes for only 13 polypeptides, but its integrity is essential for mitochondrial function, as all 13 proteins are regulatory subunits of the oxidative phosphorylation complexes. Nonetheless, the mtDNA is physically associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane, where the majority of the cellular reactive oxygen species are generated. In fact, the mitochondrial DNA accumulates high levels of oxidized lesions, which have been associated with several pathological and degenerative processes. The cellular responses to nuclear DNA damage have been extensively studied, but so far little is known about the functional outcome and cellular responses to mtDNA damage. In this review we will discuss the mechanisms that lead to damage accumulation and the in vitro models we are establishing to dissect the cellular responses to oxidative damage in the mtDNA and to sort out the differential cellular consequences of accumulation of damage in each cellular genome, the nuclear and the mitochondrial genome.


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Species of the genus Culex Linnaeus have been incriminated as the main vectors of lymphatic filariases and are important vectors of arboviruses, including West Nile virus. Sequences corresponding to a fragment of 478 bp of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene, which includes part of the barcode region, of 37 individuals of 17 species of genus Culex were generated to establish relationships among five subgenera, Culex, Phenacomyia, Melanoconion, Microculex, and Carrollia, and one species of the genus Lutzia that occurs in Brazil. Bayesian methods were employed for the phylogenetic analyses. Results of sequence comparisons showed that individuals identified as Culex dolosus, Culex mollis, and Culex imitator possess high intraspecific divergence (3.1, 2.3, and 3.5%, respectively) when using the Kimura two parameters model. These differences were associated either with distinct morphological characteristics of the male genitalia or larval and pupal stages, suggesting that these may represent species complexes. The Bayesian topology suggested that the genus and subgenus Culex are paraphyletic relative to Lutzia and Phenacomyia, respectively. The cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences may be a useful tool to both estimate phylogenetic relationships and identify morphologically similar species of the genus Culex.


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Phylogenetic relationships among 21 species of mosquitoes in subgenus Nyssorhynchus were inferred from the nuclear white and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 (ND6) genes. Bayestan phylogenetic methods found that none of the three Sections within Nyssorhynchus (Albimanus, Argyritarsis, Myzorhynchella) were supported in all analyses, although Myzorhynchella was found to be monophyletic at the combined genes Within the Albimanus Section the monophyly of the Stroder Subgroup was strongly supported and within the Myzorhynchella Section Anopheles anrunesi and An lutzu formed a strongly supported monophyletic group The epidemiologically significant Albitarsis Complex showed evidence of paraphyly (relative to An lanet-Myzorhynchella) and discordance across gene trees, and the previously synonomized species of An. dunhami and An goeldii were recovered as sister species Finally, there was evidence of complexes in several species, including An antunesi, An deaneorum, and An. strodei (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Phylogenetic analyses of chloroplast DNA sequences, morphology, and combined data have provided consistent support for many of the major branches within the angiosperm, clade Dipsacales. Here we use sequences from three mitochondrial loci to test the existing broad scale phylogeny and in an attempt to resolve several relationships that have remained uncertain. Parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses of a combined mitochondrial data set recover trees broadly consistent with previous studies, although resolution and support are lower than in the largest chloroplast analyses. Combining chloroplast and mitochondrial data results in a generally well-resolved and very strongly supported topology but the previously recognized problem areas remain. To investigate why these relationships have been difficult to resolve we conducted a series of experiments using different data partitions and heterogeneous substitution models. Usually more complex modeling schemes are favored regardless of the partitions recognized but model choice had little effect on topology or support values. In contrast there are consistent but weakly supported differences in the topologies recovered from coding and non-coding matrices. These conflicts directly correspond to relationships that were poorly resolved in analyses of the full combined chloroplast-mitochondrial data set. We suggest incongruent signal has contributed to our inability to confidently resolve these problem areas. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Mitochondrial diseases are clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders due to primary mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or nuclear DNA (nDNA). We studied a male infant with severe congenital encephalopathy, peripheral neuropathy, and myopathy. The patient`s lactic acidosis and biochemical defects of respiratory chain complexes I, III, and IV in muscle indicated that he had a mitochondrial disorder while parental consanguinity suggested autosomal recessive inheritance. Cultured fibroblasts from the patient showed a generalized defect of mitochondrial protein synthesis. Fusion of cells from the patient with 143B206 rho(0) cells devoid of mtDNA restored cytochrome c oxidase activity confirming the nDNA origin of the disease. Our studies indicate that the patient has a novel autosomal recessive defect of mitochondrial protein synthesis. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The mitochondrial genome of the chytrid Blastocladiella emersonii was sequenced and annotated, revealing the complete set of oxidative phosphorylation genes and tRNAs/rRNAs necessary for the translation process. Phylogenetic reconstructions reinforce the proposal of the new phylum Blastocladiomycota. Evidences of gene duplication due to inserted elements suggest shared susceptibility to gene invasion/exchange between chytrids and zygomycetes. The gene content of B. emersonii is very similar to Allomyces macrogynus but the content of intronic and changeable elements is much lower suggesting a stronger resistance to this kind of exchange. in addition, a total of 401 potential nuclear transcripts encoding mitochondrial proteins were obtained after B. emersonii EST database scanning using Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Homo sapiens and Arabidopsis thaliana data as probes and TargetP tool to find N-terminal mitochondrial signal in translated sequences. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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7,8-Dihydro-8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) is a major DNA glycosylase involved in base-excision repair (BER) of oxidative DNA damage to nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). We used OGG1-deficient (OGG1(-/-)) mice to examine the possible roles of OGG1 in the vulnerability of neurons to ischemic and oxidative stress. After exposure of cultured neurons to oxidative and metabolic stress levels of OGG1 in the nucleus were elevated and mitochondria exhibited fragmentation and increased levels of the mitochondrial fission protein dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) and reduced membrane potential. Cortical neurons isolated from OGG1(-/-) mice were more vulnerable to oxidative insults than were OGG1(+/+) neurons, and OGG1(-/-) mice developed larger cortical infarcts and behavioral deficits after permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion compared with OGG1(+/+) mice. Accumulations of oxidative DNA base lesions (8-oxoG, FapyAde, and FapyGua) were elevated in response to ischemia in both the ipsilateral and contralateral hemispheres, and to a greater extent in the contralateral cortex of OGG1(-/-) mice compared with OGG1(+/+) mice. Ischemia-induced elevation of 8-oxoG incision activity involved increased levels of a nuclear isoform OGG1, suggesting an adaptive response to oxidative nuclear DNA damage. Thus, OGG1 has a pivotal role in repairing oxidative damage to nuclear DNA under ischemic conditions, thereby reducing brain damage and improving functional outcome. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (2011) 31, 680-692; doi:10.1038/jcbfm.2010.147; published online 25 August 2010


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Mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) is an essential component of mitochondrial nucleoids TFAM plays an important role in mitochondrial transcription and replication TFAM has been previously reported to inhibit nucleotide excision repair (NER) in vitro but NER has not yet been detected in mitochondria, whereas base excision repair (BER) has been comprehensively characterized in these organelles The BER proteins are associated with the inner membrane in mitochondria and thus with the mitochondrial nucleoid, where TFAM is also situated However, a function for TFAM in BER has not yet been investigated This study examines the role of TFAM in BER In vitro studies with purified recombinant TFAM indicate that it preferentially binds to DNA containing 8-oxoguanines, but not to abasic sites, uracils, or a gap in the sequence TFAM inhibited the in vitro incision activity of 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1), uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG), apurinic endonuclease 1 (APE1), and nucleotide incorporation by DNA polymerase gamma (pol gamma) On the other hand, a DNA binding-defective TFAM mutant, L58A, showed less inhibition of BER in vitro Characterization of TFAM knockdown (KD) cells revealed that these lysates had higher 8oxoG incision activity without changes in alpha OGG1 protein levels TFAM KD cells had mild resistance to menadione and increased damage accumulation in the mtDNA when compared to the control cells In addition, we found that the tumor suppressor p53, which has been shown to interact with and alter the DNA binding activity of TFAM, alleviates TFAM-Induced inhibition of BER proteins Together, the results suggest that TFAM modulates BER in mitochondria by virtue of its DNA binding activity and protein interactions Published by Elsevier B V


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Caloric restriction is the most effective non-genetic intervention to enhance lifespan known to date. A major research interest has been the development of therapeutic strategies capable of promoting the beneficial results of this dietary regimen. In this sense, we propose that compounds that decrease the efficiency of energy conversion, such as mitochondrial uncouplers, can be caloric restriction mimetics. Treatment of mice with low doses of the protonophore 2,4-dinitrophenol promotes enhanced tissue respiratory rates, improved serological glucose, triglyceride and insulin levels, decrease of reactive oxygen species levels and tissue DNA and protein oxidation, as well as reduced body weight. Importantly, 2,4-dinitrophenol-treated animals also presented enhanced longevity. Our results demonstrate that mild mitochondrial uncoupling is a highly effective in vivo antioxidant strategy, and describe the first therapeutic intervention capable of effectively reproducing the physiological, metabolic and lifespan effects of caloric restriction in healthy mammals.