14 resultados para Cutting Edge

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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In a study investigating the composition and spatial and temporal variation of the benthic macrofauna associated to the discharge of domestic sewage off Fortaleza, north-eastern Brazil, a new species of Syllis was found. This new species, S. guidae sp. nov., is characterized by having blades of falcigers with subdistal tooth about same length as distal tooth, but stouter than it, with spines on cutting edge almost reaching the tip of subdistal tooth, blades of falcigers with conspicuous subdistal triangular process and unusually long anal papilla between anal cirri, measuring about one-quarter of their length. Syllis guidae sp. nov., is herein described and compared with the most similar congeners.


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The mechanisms that govern the initial interaction between Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, a primary dimorphic fungal pathogen, and cells of the innate immunity need to be clarified. Our previous studies showed that Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and TLR4 regulate the initial interaction of fungal cells with macrophages and the pattern of adaptive immunity that further develops. The aim of the present investigation was to assess the role of MyD88, an adaptor molecule used by TLRs to activate genes of the inflammatory response in pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis. Studies were performed with normal and MyD88(-/-) C57BL/6 mice intratracheally infected with P. brasiliensis yeast cells. MyD88(-/-) macrophages displayed impaired interaction with fungal yeast cells and produced low levels of IL-12, MCP-1, and nitric oxide, thus allowing increased fungal growth. Compared with wild-type (WT) mice, MyD88(-/-) mice developed a more severe infection of the lungs and had marked dissemination of fungal cells to the liver and spleen. MyD88(-/-) mice presented low levels of Th1, Th2, and Th17 cytokines, suppressed lymphoproliferation, and impaired influx of inflammatory cells to the lungs, and this group of cells comprised lower numbers of neutrophils, activated macrophages, and T cells. Nonorganized, coalescent granulomas, which contained high numbers of fungal cells, characterized the severe lesions of MyD88(-/-) mice; the lesions replaced extensive areas of several organs. Therefore, MyD88(-/-) mice were unable to control fungal growth and showed a significantly decreased survival time. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that MyD88 signaling is important in the activation of fungicidal mechanisms and the induction of protective innate and adaptive immune responses against P. brasiliensis.


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Background Epidemiological and experimental data suggest that bacteria] lipopolysaccharides (LPS) can either protect from or exacerbate allergic asthma. Lipopolysaccharides trigger immune responses through toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) that in turn activates two major signalling pathways via either MyD88 or TRIF adaptor proteins. The LPS is a pro-Type 1 T helper cells (Th 1) adjuvant while aluminium hydroxide (alum) is a strong Type 2 T helper cells (Th2) adjuvant, but the effect of the mixing of both adjuvants on the development of lung allergy has not been investigated. Objective We determined whether natural (LPS) or synthetic (ER-803022) TLR4 agonists adsorbed onto alum adjuvant affect allergen sensitization and development of airway allergic disease. To dissect LPS-induced molecular pathways, we used TLR4-, MyD88-, TRIF-, or IL-12/IFN-gamma-deficient mice. Methods Mice were sensitized with subcutaneous injections of ovalbumin (OVA) with or without TLR4 agonists co-adsorbed onto alum and challenged with intranasally with OVA. The development of allergic lung disease was evaluated 24 h after last OVA challenge. Results Sensitization with OVA plus LPS co-adsorbed onto alum impaired in dose-dependent manner OVA-induced Th2-mediated allergic responses such as airway eosinophilia, type-2 cytokines secretion, airway hyper-reactivity, mucus hyper production and serum levels of IgE or IgG1 anaphylactic antibodies. Although the levels of IgG2a, Th1 -affiliated isotype increased, investigation into the lung-specific effects revealed that LPS did not induce a Th1 pattern of inflammation. Lipopolysaccharides impaired the development of Th2 immunity, signaling via TLR4 and MyD88 molecules and via the IL-12/IFN-gamma axis, but not through TRIF pathway. Moreover, the synthetic TLR4 agonists that proved to have a less systemic inflammatory response than LPS also protected against allergic asthma development. Conclusion Toll-like receptor 4 agonists co-adsorbed with allergen onto alum down-modulate allergic lung disease and prevent the development of polarized T cell-mediated airway inflammation.


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Bird communities in tropical forests are strongly affected by both patch area and habitat edges. The fact that both effects are intrinsically confounded in space raises questions about how these two widely reported ecological patterns interact, and whether they are independent or simply different spatial manifestations of the same phenomenon. Moreover, do small patches of secondary forest, in landscapes where the most sensitive species have gone locally extinct, exhibit similar patterns to those previously observed in fragmented and continuous primary forests? We addressed these questions by testing edge-related differences in vegetation structure and bird community composition at 31 sites in fragmented and continuous landscapes in the imperilled Atlantic forest of Brazil. Over a two-year period, birds were captured with mist nets to a standardized effort of 680 net-hours at each site (similar to 22 000 net-hours resulting in 3381 captures from 114 species). We found that the bird community in patches of secondary forest was degraded in species composition compared to primary continuous forest, but still exhibited a strong response to edge effects. In fragmented secondary forests, edge and area effects also interacted, such that the magnitude of edge to interior differences on bird community composition declined markedly with patch size. The change in bird species composition between forest interiors and edges was similar to the change in community composition between large and small patches (because species had congruent responses to edge and area), but after controlling for edge effects community composition was no longer affected by patch area. Our results show that although secondary forests hold an impoverished bird community, ecological patterns such as area and edge effects are similar to those reported for primary forests. Our data provide further evidence that edge effects are the main drivers of area effects in fragmented landscapes.


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FAPESP Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo


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Trophallaxis, the transfer of liquid among individuals by oral regurgitation or anal deposition, occurs in many insect groups including ants. The first indication that trophallaxis could occur in leaf cutting ants (Atta sexdens rubropilosa) was made by Autuori in 1942. He reported water collection by this ant species, and highlighted what in those days was an undescribed behavior for this species. In 2005, Da-Silva and Ribeiro presented preliminary results suggesting the existence of trophallaxis in A. sexdens rubropilosa. Here we report on a formal test of the hypothesis of trophallaxis in that species. Our approach was to test ant pairs in which only one individual (Group I) had access to blue-dyed water and the other individual (Group II), a nest-mate, came from a colony dehydrated by offering dry crushed corn for fungal growth. Positive results for trophallaxis were obtained in ants from four colonies and accounted for 33%-46% of all tests in which ants from Group I drank dyed water. These results indicate that trophallaxis occurs in this species.


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Social organization enables leaf-cutting ants to keep appropriate micro-ecological nest conditions for the fungus garden (their main food), eggs, larvae and adults. To maintain stability while facing changing conditions, individual ants must perceive destabilising factors and produce a proper behavioral response. We investigated behavioral responses to experimental dehydration in leaf-cutting ants to verify if task specialization exists, and to quantify the ability of ant sub-colonies for water management. Our setup consisted of fourteen sub-colonies, ten of which were randomly assigned to different levels of experimental dehydration with silica gel, whereas the remaining four were controls. The ten experimental sub-colonies were split into two groups, so that five of them had access to water. Diverse ant morphs searched for water in dehydrated colonies, but mainly a caste of small ants collected water after sources had been discovered. Size specialization for water collection was replicable in shorter experiments with three additional colonies. Ants of dehydrated colonies accumulated leaf-fragments on the nest entrance, and covering the fungus garden. Behaviors that may enhance humidity within the nests were common to all dehydration treatments. Water availability increased the life span of dehydrated colonies.


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In this study, the ovary morphology of newly emerged ant queens of Atta sexdens rubropilosa was studied in whole mount preparations by confocal microscopy. The ovaries are composed of approximately 40 ovarioles, showing non-synchronic oocyte maturation. The terminal filament with clusters of undifferentiated cells was found at the distal end of the ovarioles. Next to this region is the germarium, composed of several elongated cystocytes interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges. The nurse cells (23-28 cells) result from asymmetric mitosis. Cytoskeleton analysis showed F-actin concentrated at the muscle cells of the external tunica and in fusomes inside the ovarioles. Microtubules were concentrated around the nuclei of the nurse and follicular cells. In contrast, the oocytes and the external tunica showed faint staining for tubulin.


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This paper addresses the one-dimensional cutting stock problem when demand is a random variable. The problem is formulated as a two-stage stochastic nonlinear program with recourse. The first stage decision variables are the number of objects to be cut according to a cutting pattern. The second stage decision variables are the number of holding or backordering items due to the decisions made in the first stage. The problem`s objective is to minimize the total expected cost incurred in both stages, due to waste and holding or backordering penalties. A Simplex-based method with column generation is proposed for solving a linear relaxation of the resulting optimization problem. The proposed method is evaluated by using two well-known measures of uncertainty effects in stochastic programming: the value of stochastic solution-VSS-and the expected value of perfect information-EVPI. The optimal two-stage solution is shown to be more effective than the alternative wait-and-see and expected value approaches, even under small variations in the parameters of the problem.


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This paper deals with the classical one-dimensional integer cutting stock problem, which consists of cutting a set of available stock lengths in order to produce smaller ordered items. This process is carried out in order to optimize a given objective function (e.g., minimizing waste). Our study deals with a case in which there are several stock lengths available in limited quantities. Moreover, we have focused on problems of low demand. Some heuristic methods are proposed in order to obtain an integer solution and compared with others. The heuristic methods are empirically analyzed by solving a set of randomly generated instances and a set of instances from the literature. Concerning the latter. most of the optimal solutions of these instances are known, therefore it was possible to compare the solutions. The proposed methods presented very small objective function value gaps. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Industrial production processes involving both lot-sizing and cutting stock problems are common in many industrial settings. However, they are usually treated in a separate way, which could lead to costly production plans. In this paper, a coupled mathematical model is formulated and a heuristic method based on Lagrangian relaxation is proposed. Computational results prove its effectiveness. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An important production programming problem arises in paper industries coupling multiple machine scheduling with cutting stocks. Concerning machine scheduling: how can the production of the quantity of large rolls of paper of different types be determined. These rolls are cut to meet demand of items. Scheduling that minimizes setups and production costs may produce rolls which may increase waste in the cutting process. On the other hand, the best number of rolls in the point of view of minimizing waste may lead to high setup costs. In this paper, coupled modeling and heuristic methods are proposed. Computational experiments are presented.


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We investigate the optical properties of edge-fiinctionalized graphene nanosystems, focusing on the formation of junctions and charge-transfer excitons. We consider a class of graphene structures that combine the main electronic features of graphene with the wide tunability of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. By investigating prototypical ribbon-like systems, we show that, upon convenient choice of functional groups, low-energy excitations with remarkable charge-transfer character and large oscillator strength are obtained. These properties can be further modulated through an appropriate width variation, thus spanning a wide range in the low-energy region of the UV-vis spectra. Our results are relevant in view of designing all-graphene optoelectronic nanodevices, which take advantage of the versatility of molecular functionalization, together with the stability and the electronic properties of graphene nanostructures.


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We investigate several two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problems and their variants in which orthogonal rotations are allowed. We first present two dynamic programming based algorithms for the Rectangular Knapsack (RK) problem and its variants in which the patterns must be staged. The first algorithm solves the recurrence formula proposed by Beasley; the second algorithm - for staged patterns - also uses a recurrence formula. We show that if the items are not so small compared to the dimensions of the bin, then these algorithms require polynomial time. Using these algorithms we solved all instances of the RK problem found at the OR-LIBRARY, including one for which no optimal solution was known. We also consider the Two-dimensional Cutting Stock problem. We present a column generation based algorithm for this problem that uses the first algorithm above mentioned to generate the columns. We propose two strategies to tackle the residual instances. We also investigate a variant of this problem where the bins have different sizes. At last, we study the Two-dimensional Strip Packing problem. We also present a column generation based algorithm for this problem that uses the second algorithm above mentioned where staged patterns are imposed. In this case we solve instances for two-, three- and four-staged patterns. We report on some computational experiments with the various algorithms we propose in this paper. The results indicate that these algorithms seem to be suitable for solving real-world instances. We give a detailed description (a pseudo-code) of all the algorithms presented here, so that the reader may easily implement these algorithms. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.