109 resultados para Crustal Deformation
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Deformation leads to a hardening of steel due to an increase in the density of dislocations and a reduction in their mobility, giving rise to a state of elevated residual stresses in the crystal lattice. In the microstructure, one observes an increase in the contribution of crystalline orientations which are unfavorable to the magnetization, as seen, for example, by a decrease in B(50), the magnetic flux density at a field of 50 A/cm. The present study was carried out with longitudinal strips of fully processed non-oriented (NO) electrical steel, with deformations up to 70% resulting from cold rolling in the longitudinal direction. With increasing plastic deformation, the value of B(50) gradually decreases until it reaches a minimum value, where it remains even for larger deformations. On the other hand, the coercive field H(c) continually increases. Magnetometry results and electron backscatter diffraction results are compared and discussed. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3560895]
Using a quasitoroidal set of coordinates with coaxial circular magnetic surfaces, Vlasov equation is solved for collisionless plasmas in drift approach and a perpendicular dielectric tensor is found for large aspect ratio tokamaks in a low frequency band. Taking into account plasma rotation and charge separation parallel electric field, it is found that an ion geodesic effect deform Alfveacuten wave continuum producing continuum minimum at the rational magnetic surfaces, which depends on the plasma rotation and poloidal mode numbers. In kinetic approach, the ion thermal motion defines the geodesic effect but the mode frequency also depends on electron temperature. A geodesic ion Alfveacuten mode predicted below the continuum minimum has a small Landau damping in plasmas with Maxwell distribution but the plasma rotation may drive instability.
Polymer-modified mortar is widely used to set ceramic tiles used as external finishing for high rise buildings in countries such as Brazil, Israel, Singapore and Portugal, mainly because it shows better bond strength and flexibility as compared to the traditional ones. Despite this, the results in the literature already published concerning the long-term performance of those composite mortars are is not conclusive. This paper, based on a laboratory program, compared the performance over time of four commercial polymer-modified adhesive mortars exposed to a typical Brazilian outdoor aging environment and to an indoor environment in terms of mortar flexibility and the bond strength to porcelain tiles. The results show that under laboratory condition, the mortars are more flexible and have higher bond strength than under external condition, and that there is an important correlation between the transversal deformability and the bond strength. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An alternative approach for the analysis of arbitrarily curved shells is developed in this paper based on the idea of initial deformations. By `alternative` we mean that neither differential geometry nor the concept of degeneration is invoked here to describe the shell surface. We begin with a flat reference configuration for the shell mid-surface, after which the initial (curved) geometry is mapped as a stress-free deformation from the plane position. The actual motion of the shell takes place only after this initial mapping. In contrast to classical works in the literature, this strategy enables the use of only orthogonal frames within the theory and therefore objects such as Christoffel symbols, the second fundamental form or three-dimensional degenerated solids do not enter the formulation. Furthermore, the issue of physical components of tensors does not appear. Another important aspect (but not exclusive of our scheme) is the possibility to describe exactly the initial geometry. The model is kinematically exact, encompasses finite strains in a totally consistent manner and is here discretized under the light of the finite element method (although implementation via mesh-free techniques is also possible). Assessment is made by means of several numerical simulations. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Although the Hertz theory is not applicable in the analysis of the indentation of elastic-plastic materials, it is common practice to incorporate the concept of indenter/specimen combined modulus to consider indenter deformation. The appropriateness was assessed of the use of reduced modulus to incorporate the effect of indenter deformation in the analysis of the indentation with spherical indenters. The analysis based on finite element simulations considered four values of the ratio of the indented material elastic modulus to that of the diamond indenter, E/E(i) (0, 0.04, 0.19, 0.39), four values of the ratio of the elastic reduced modulus to the initial yield strength, E(r)/Y (0, 10, 20, 100), and two values of the ratio of the indenter radius to maximum total displacement, R/delta(max) (3, 10). Indenter deformation effects are better accounted for by the reduced modulus if the indented material behaves entirely elastically. In this case, identical load-displacement (P - delta) curves are obtained with rigid and elastic spherical indenters for the same elastic reduced modulus. Changes in the ratio E/E(i), from 0 to 0.39, resulted in variations lower than 5% for the load dimensionless functions, lower than 3% in the contact area, A(c), and lower than 5% in the ratio H/E(r). However, deformations of the elastic indenter made the actual radius of contact change, even in the indentation of elastic materials. Even though the load dimensionless functions showed only a little increase with the ratio E/E(i), the hardening coefficient and the yield strength could be slightly overestimated when algorithms based on rigid indenters are used. For the unloading curves, the ratio delta(e)/delta(max), where delta(e) is the point corresponding to zero load of a straight line with slope S from the point (P(max), delta(max)), varied less than 5% with the ratio E/E(i). Similarly, the relationship between reduced modulus and the unloading indentation curve, expressed by Sneddon`s equation, did not reveal the necessity of correction with the ratio E/E(i). The most affected parameter in the indentation curve, as a consequence of the indentation deformation, was the ratio between the residual indentation depth after complete unloading and the maximum indenter displacement, delta(r)/delta(max) (up to 26%), but this variation did not significantly decrease the capability to estimate hardness and elastic modulus based on the ratio of the residual indentation depth to maximum indentation depth, h(r)/h(max). In general, the results confirm the convenience of the use of the reduced modulus in the spherical instrumented indentation tests.
The present work shows measurements of the Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) in commercial AISI/SAE 1045 and ASTM 36 steel deformed samples. The correlation between the MBN root mean square, Barkhausen signal profile and MBN power spectrum with the plastic deformation is established. The results show that the power spectral density of the Barkhausen signal is more effective as nondestructive evaluator than root mean square of Barkhausen signal. The Outcomes also suggest the presence of unbalanced tensions between the surface and the bulk of sample due to the presence of plastic deformation.
The present work presents the measurements of the magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN) in ASTM 36 steel samples around a pit under plastic deformation. The contour maps obtained from these Barkhausen noise measurements are compared with the finite element analysis of the ideal plastic deformation. Also, a parameter of the Barkhausen signal to detect the plastic deformation around the pit in ASTM 36 steel is obtained. Additionally to that, we propose another MBN parameter to estimate the pit width using the Barkhausen noise. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
To explain the magnetic behavior of plastic deformation of thin magnetic films (Fe and permalloy) on an elastic substrate (nitinol), it is noted that unlike in the bulk, the dislocation density does not increase dramatically because of the dimensional constraint. As a result, the resulting residual stress, even though strain hardening is limited, dominates the observed magnetic behavior. Thus, with the field parallel to the stress axis, the compressive residual stress resulting from plastic deformation causes a decrease in remanence and an increase in coercivity; and with the field perpendicular to the stress axis, the resulting compressive residual stress causes an increase in remanence and a decrease in coercivity. These elements have been inserted into the model previously developed for plastic deformation in the bulk, producing the aforementioned behavior, which has been observed experimentally in the films.
The paper presents the results of a complementary study including magnetic hysteresis loops B(H), magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN) and magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) signals measurements for plastically deformed Fe-2%Si samples. The investigated samples had been plastically deformed with plastic strain level (epsilon(p)) up to 8%. The properties of B(H) loops are quantified using the coercivity H(C) and maximum differential permeability mu(rmax) as parameters. The MBN and MAE voltage signals were analysed by means of rms-like voltage (Ub and Ua, respectively) envelopes, plotted as a function of applied field strength. Integrals of the Ub and Ua voltages over half of a period of magnetization were then calculated. It has been found that He and integrals of Ub increase, while mu(rmax) decreases monotonically with increasing epsilon(p). The MAE (Ua) peak voltage at first decreases, then peaks at epsilon(p) approximate to 1.5% and finally decreases again. The integral of the Ua voltage at first increases for low epsilon(p) and then decreases for epsilon(p) > 1.5%. All those various dependence types suggest the possibility of detection of various stages of microstructure change. The above-mentioned results are discussed qualitatively in the paper. Some modelling of the discussed dependency is also presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Before one models the effect of plastic deformation on magnetoacoustic emission (MAE), one must first treat non-180 degrees domain wall motion. In this paper, we take the Alessandro-Beatrice-Bertotti-Montorsi (ABBM) model and modify it to treat non-180 degrees wall motion. We then insert a modified stress-dependent Jiles-Atherton model, which treats plastic deformation, into the modified ABBM model to treat MAE and magnetic Barkhausen noise (HBN). In fitting the dependence of these quantities on plastic deformation, we apply a model for when deformation gets into the stage where dislocation tangles are formed, noting two chief effects, one due to increased density of emission centers owing to increased dislocation density, and the other due to a more gentle increase in the residual stress in the vicinity of the dislocation tangles as deformation is increased.
Background: Significant hemodynamic changes, including preload and afterload modifications, occur during the transition from the fetal to the neonatal environment. The ductus arteriosus closes, pulmonary vascular resistance decreases, and pulmonary blood flow increases. Strain rate (SR) and strain (e) have been proposed as ultrasound indices for quantifying regional wall deformation. This study was designed to determine if these indices can detect variations in regional deformation between early and late neonatal periods. Methods: Data were obtained from 30 healthy neonates (15 male). The initial study was performed at a mean age of 20.1614 hours (exam 1) and the second at 31.962.9 days (exam 2). Apical and parasternal views were used to quantify regional left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) longitudinal and radial SR and e, and systolic, early, and late diastolic values were calculated from these curves. A paired-samples t test was performed comparing the two groups. Results: Compared with exam 1, LV radial deformation showed significant reductions in peak systolic e in the basal and mid segments (51615% vs 4669%, P < .01). LV longitudinal deformation behaved similarly, showing significant peak systolic e reductions in all measured segments. Systolic SR showed reductions only in the basal and apical segments of the lateral wall and in the mid portion of the inferior wall (-1.9 +/- 0.5 vs -1.7 +/- 0.3 s(-1) and -1.9 +/- 0.4 vs -1.7 +/- 0.2 s(-1), respectively, P = .03). RV longitudinal free and inferior wall systolic SR and e values were significantly higher in exam 2. Conclusions: LV peak systolic e decreases in exam 2 were possibly due to afterload increase and preload decrease. The lower RV initial deformation indices could be attributed to increased afterload caused by physiologic pulmonary hypertension or immature RV contractile properties. SR seemed to be a more robust index than e and less influenced by preload and afterload hemodynamic alteration. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2010;23:294-300.)
Background: Color Doppler myocardial imaging (CDMI) allows the calculation of local longitudinal or radial strain rate (SR) and strain (epsilon). The aims of this study were to determine the feasibility and reproducibility of longitudinal and radial SR and epsilon in neonates during the first hours of life and to establish reference values. Methods: Data were obtained from 55 healthy neonates (29 male; mean age, 20 +/- 14 hours; mean birth weight, 3,174 +/- 374 g). Apical and parasternal views quantified regional longitudinal and radial SR and epsilon in differing ventricular wall segments. Values at peak systole, early diastole, and late diastole were calculated from the extracted curves. CDMI data acquired at 300 +/- 50 frames/s were analyzed offline. Three consecutive cardiac cycles were measured during normal respiration. The timing of specific systolic or diastolic regional events was determined. Multiple comparisons between walls and segments were made. Results: Left ventricular (LV) longitudinal deformation showed basal differences compared with apical segments within one specific wall. Right ventricular (RV) longitudinal deformation was not homogeneous, with significant differences between basal and apical segments. Longitudinal 3 values were higher in the RV free basal and middle wall segments compared with the left ventricle. In the RV free wall apical segment, longitudinal SR and 3 were maximal. LV systolic SR and epsilon values were higher radially compared with longitudinally (radial peak systolic SR midportion, 2.9 +/- 0.6 s(-1); radial peak systolic epsilon 53.8 +/- 19%; longitudinal peak systolic SR midportion, -1.8 +/- 0.5 s(-1); longitudinal peak systolic epsilon, -24.8 +/- 3%; P < .01). Longitudinal systolic epsilon and SR interobserver variability values were 1.2% and 0.7%, respectively. Conclusion: Ultrasound-based SR and 3 imaging is a practical and reproducible clinical technique in neonates, allowing the calculation of regional longitudinal and radial deformation in RV and LV segments. These regional SR and epsilon indices represent new, noninvasive parameters that can quantify normal neonate regional cardiac function. Independent from visual interpretation, they can be used as reference values for diagnosis in ill neonates. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2009;22:369-375.)
Purpose: Nonpassive fit frameworks are believed to lead to implant overload and consequently loss of osseointegration. This is one of the most commonly reported failures of implant prostheses. In an ideal situation of passive fit, when torque is applied to bring the abutment-cylinder interface together some amount of deformation can be expected, and it should be homogeneous along the periphery of the abutment. The aim of this study was to verify the amount of abutment deformation that can be expected when a free-standing cylinder is screwed into place. This could give insight into what should be accepted as passive fit. Materials and Methods: Strain gauges were bonded to the sides of five standard abutments that had machined palladium-silver cylinders or cobalt-chromium cast cylinders screwed into place. Measurements were taken to verify the deformation at each site. Results: Values of abutment deformation after abutment screw tightening ranged from -127.70 to -590.27 mu epsilon. The deformation recorded for palladium-silver prosthetic cylinder tightening ranged from 56.905 to -381.50 mu epsilon (mean: 173.298 mu epsilon) and from -5.62638 to -383.86 mu epsilon ( mean: 200.474 mu epsilon) for cobalt-chromium cylinders. There was no statistically significant difference among the two groups. Conclusion: Both abutment screw tightening and prosthetic cylinder screw tightening result in abutment deformation, which is compressive most of the time. Int J Prosthodont 2009; 22: 391-395.
In the south Sao Francisco craton a circular and 8-m amplitude geoid anomaly coincides with the outcropping terrain of an Archean-Paleoproterozoic basement. Broadband magnetotelluric (MT) data inversions of two radial profiles within the positive geoid and Bouguer gravity anomaly yield geo-electrical crustal sections, whereby the lower crust is locally more conductive (10 to 100 Omega m) in spatial coincidence with a denser lower crust modeled by the gravity data. This anomalous lower crust may have resulted from magmatic underplating, associated with Mesoarchean and Proterozoic episodes of tholeiitic dike intrusion. Long-period MT soundings reveal a low electrical resistivity mantle (20 to 200 Omega m) from depths beyond 120 km. Forward geoid modeling, using the scope of the low electrical resistivity region within the mantle as a constraint, entails a density increase (40 to 50 kg/m(3)) possibly due to Fe enrichment of mantle minerals. However, this factor alone does not explain the observed resistivity. A supplemented presence of small amounts of percolated carbonatite melting (similar to 0.005 vol.%), dissolved water and enhanced oxygen fugacity within the peridotitic mantle are viable agents that could explain the less resistive upper mantle. We propose that metasomatic processes confined in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle foster the conditions for a low degree melting with variable CO(2), H(2)O and Fe content. Even though the precise age of this metasomatism is unknown it might be older than the Early Cretaceous based on the evidence that a high-degree of melting in a lithospheric mantle impregnated with carbonatites originated the tholeiitic dike intrusions dispersed from the southeastern border of the Sao Francisco craton, during the onset of the lithosphere extension and break-up of the western Gondwana. The proxies are the NE Parana and Espinhaco (130 Ma, Ar/Ar ages) tholeiitic dikes, which contain (similar to 3%) carbonatites in their composition. The occurrence of a positive geoid anomaly (+ 10 m) and pre-tholeiites (age > 138 Ma), carbonatites and kimberlites along the west African continental margin (Angola and Namibia) reinforces the presumed age of the Sao Francisco-Congo craton rejuvenation to be prior to its fragmentation in the Lower Cretaceous. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We present five profiles from electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), with surface constraints and gravity data, in the central uplift of the Araguainha impact structure in central Brazil. The central uplift, the overlying polymict breccias, and decameter-scale impact melt rocks are characterized by contrasting ranges of electrical resistivity. Our resistivity model provides empirical evidence that supports the existing model in which impact melt and breccias resurged toward the crater center in the final stages of the cratering process. On the basis of our results from the first use of ERT in impact cratering studies, we conclude that the deposition and flow of impact melt and breccias over the central uplift were influenced by the geometry of the lithologic boundaries in the central uplift.