32 resultados para Crabs.

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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A new family, Trichopeltariidae, is proposed to accommodate Sphaeropeltarion edentatum, new genus and species, and four additional genera traditionally placed in the family Atelecyclidae: Trichopeltarion A. Milne-Edwards, 1880 (type genus); Peltarion Hombron & Jacquinot, 1846; Podocatactes Ortmann, 1893; and Pteropeltarion Dell, 1972. Additionally, four new species of Trichopeltarion are described and illustrated. The new family exhibits characters of neither superfamilies of the Section Eubrachyura and is assigned to its own superfamily, Trichopeltarioidea nov. Keys to the genera of Trichopeltariidae fam. nov. and to all species in the family are presented (species of Trichopeltarion excepted). Six new combinations are proposed or confirmed. The genus Krunopeltarion Števčić, 1993, is merged into the synonymy of Trichopeltarion. A lectotype is selected for Trichopeltarion corallinum (Faxon, 1893).


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Benthic marine invertebrates may form metapopulations connected via propagule dispersal. Conservation efforts often target potential source coastlines to indirectly benefit areas depending on allochthonous offspring production. Besides population density, adult size structure, sex ratio, brooding frequency and the proportion of breeding individuals may significantly influence the reproductive output of benthic populations, but these effects have seldom been tested. We used rocky shore crabs to assess the spatial variability of such parameters at relevant scales for conservation purposes and to test their consistency over 2 consecutive years; we then used the data to address whether bottom-up processes or biological interactions might explain the patterns observed. We decomposed egg production rates into their components for the 2 most abundant brachyuran species inhabiting the intertidal rocky habitat. Adult density and brooding frequency varied consistently among shores for both species and largely explained the overall spatial trends of egg production. Temporally consistent patterns also included among-shore differences in the size of ovigerous females of the grapsid Pachygrapsus transversus and between-bay differences in the fecundity of the spider crab Epialtus brasiliensis. Sex ratio was remarkably constant in both. We found no positive or negative correlations between adult density and brooding frequency to support either the existence of a component Allee effect (lack of mate encounters) or an effect of intra-specific competition. Likewise, shore-specific potential growth in P. transversus does not negatively correlate with frequency of ovigerous individuals, as would be expected under a critical balance between these 2 processes. The patterns observed suggest that bottom-up drivers may best explain spatial trends in the reproductive output of these species.


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Post-settlement processes are a major focus in the study of the dynamics of marine populations and communities. Post-settlement movement of juveniles is an important, but often ignored, process which affects local predator-prey and competitive interactions. We used benthic suction sampling and pitfall traps to examine density and locomotory activity of Carcinus maenas juveniles in different intertidal habitat types in the Rio Mira Estuary, Portugal, to better understand intra-specific interactions in a system where density-dependent processes are known to regulate population dynamics. As expected, significantly higher densities of juvenile shore crabs were found from bare mud compared to densely vegetated habitats. At the time of sampling, small and intermediate stages together outnumbered by far the larger juveniles. Conversely, larger crabs were much more frequent than smaller ones in traps. A locomotory index (LI), i.e. the ratio between crab catch in pitfall traps and their density within their moving range, is proposed as a measure of movement. LI analyses indicated that: (1) movement is an order of magnitude higher in large than small juveniles and much higher in sparse than dense vegetation cover; (2) activity of small juveniles is mostly crepuscular, regardless of vegetation cover; and (3) movement of large juveniles is very limited in dense Zostera patches, but very high in sparsely vegetated areas, during the day and night. These results suggest that small juveniles are relatively protected under dense vegetation cover due to lower mobility of larger crabs, and provide evidence of temporal segregation of activity windows between juvenile crabs of different sizes, which may be a key mechanism to reduce cannibalism and therefore increase the carrying capacity of nursery habitats. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Supply of competent larvae to the benthic habitat is a major determinant of population dynamics in coastal and estuarine invertebrates with an indirect life cycle. Larval delivery may depend not only on physical transport mechanisms, but also on larval behavior and physiological progress to the competent stage. Yet, the combined analysis of such factors has seldom been attempted. We used time-series analyses to examine tide- and wind-driven mechanisms responsible for the supply of crab megalopae to an estuarine river under a major marine influence in SW Spain, and monitored the vertical distribution of upstream moving megalopae, their net flux and competent state. The species Panopeus africanus (estuarine), Brachynotus sexdentatus (euryhaline) and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres (coastal) comprised 80% of the whole sample, and responded in a similar way to tide and wind forcing. Tidal range was positively correlated to supply, with maxima 0 to 1 d after spring tides, suggesting selective tidal stream transport. Despite being extensively subjected to upwelling, downwind drift under the effect of westerlies, not Ekman transport, explained residual supply variation at our sampling area. Once in the estuary, net flux and competence state matched the expected trends. Net upstream flux increased from B. sexdentatus to P. africanus, favoring transport to a sheltered coastal habitat (N. pinnotheres), or to the upper estuary (P. africanus). Competence state was highest in N. pinnotheres, intermediate in B. sexdentatus and lowest in P. africanus, as expected if larvae respond to cues from adequate benthic habitat. P. africanus megalopae were found close to the bottom, not above, rendering slower upstream transport than anticipated.


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Spermatozoa of most crustacean species are nonmotile and are packed into spermatophores. In Decapoda, spermatophores are highly variable in morphology and can be useful in the solving of taxonomic and systematic questions, especially among the Anomura. In this study, the morphology and morphometry of the spermatophores of the western Atlantic hermit crabs Pagurus brevidactylus and P criniticornis are described. The abdomen of fresh male specimens was dissected to expose the reproductive system and to extract the spermatophores, which were analyzed by stereoscopic, light, and scanning electron microscopy. The vas deferens can be divided macroscopically in three regions, all of them containing spermatophores. Tripartite spermatophores are composed of an elongated cylindrical main ampulla, a triangular accessory ampulla, a narrow cylindrical peduncle, and a round pedestal. Dimensions of the spermatophore components are positively correlated to the size of the crab. Morphological patterns observed in this study resemble those of other pagurid hermit crabs investigated to date. The morphological character distribution confirms classifications based on adult morphology and molecular analysis. J. Morphol. 272:1271-1280, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In the Anomura, studies on growth patterns are infrequent, possibly because the heterogeneity of the group, especially in terms of morphology, makes it difficult to construct generalized growth models. Particularly hermit crabs are an interesting group to evaluate aspects of growth, because of their unique body. Isocheles sawayai, a hermit crab found only in the western Atlantic Ocean, poorly known with respect to its sexual dimorphism and maturity, was investigated here based on morphometry. Monthly collections (July 2001 through June 2003) were made from a shrimp fishing boat in the Caraguatatuba region on the northern coast of the state of SA o pound Paulo, Brazil. The specimens were measured and weighed, and had their sex checked. Throughout the sampling period, 374 specimens of I. sawayai were collected (11.23% nonovigerous females, 6.69% ovigerous females, 79.41% males and 2.67% intersexes). The size at which morphological sexual maturity was reached by both sexes ranged from 4.0 to 4.3 mm shield length, according to the relative growth and the size of the smallest ovigerous female. Sexual dimorphism was shown by males, which were significantly larger than females, and by differences in growth pattern between the sexes, especially for relationships that involved the pleopods, which is related to their different functions in males and females. The present study is one of the first to use pleopod morphometry to determine sexual maturity and dimorphism in hermit crabs, especially for species with intersexuality such as I. sawayai.


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Three species of phylogenetically related semi-terrestrial crabs (Superfamily Grapsoidea - Sesarma rectum, Goniopsis cruentata and Neohelice granulata (formerly: Chasmagnathus granulatus) with different degrees of terrestriality were studied to quantify the accumulation of copper (Cu) in hemolymph, gills, hepatopancreas and antennal gland, and its excretion through the faeces. These crabs were fed for 15 days practical diets containing 0 (A), 0.5 (B), 1.0 (C), and 1.5% (D) of added CuCl2 (corresponding to 0, 0.2, 0.5 and 0.7% of Cu2+, respectively). The amount of food ingested was directly proportional to the degree of terrestriality: S. rectum, the most terrestrial species, ate around 2-3 times more than the other crabs, whereas G. cruentata ate 1.5-2 times more than N. granulata, the least terrestrial. The amount of Cu excreted in the feces was proportional to Cu ingestion, and was 76.8% and 64.2% higher for Sesarma fed diet D compared to G. cruentata and N. granulata, respectively. Sesarma also displayed higher Cu concentration in the haemolymph, gills and antennal glands, but not in the hepatopancreas. A detoxifying mechanism followed by elimination was probably present at this last organ, preventing Cu accumulation. More terrestrial crabs, such as Sesarma, may accumulate more Cu in hemolymph and tissues, showing a correlation between metal accumulation and increased terrestriality. In this aspect, contaminated feed sources with Cu may have more impact in conservation of terrestrial crabs. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Calcium (Ca) is essential for crustaceans, due to calcium carbonate (CaCO(3)) deposition in the new exoskeleton to harden it. The purpose of this work was to study short term Ca balance in terms of dietary Ca ingestion in two phylogenetically related crabs (Superfamily Grapsoidea) showing different degrees of terrestrial adaptations: Sesarma rectum Randall, 1840 and Neohelice granulata (Dana, 1851). Dietary Ca ingestion was studied using purified diets with different Ca concentrations (0, 2.2 and 6.66% Ca), together with measurements of Ca excretion and Ca hemolymph levels. The results showed that both crabs had the same response to foods containing different levels of Ca, with both species eating more of the high Ca diet. However, S. rectum consumed more per mg body mass at all Ca concentrations (6 mg.g(-1) for S. rectum against 3 mg.g(-1) for N. granulata). Both species excreted/egested Ca differently: S. rectum excreted Ca proportionally to ingestion, whereas N. granulata maintained constant faecal Ca output at all dietary Ca levels. Moreover, Ca hemolymph levels for crabs fed the different diets were independent of dietary Ca. In conclusion, both S. rectum and N. granulata seem to regulate the consumption of diets containing more Ca, which suggests a fine balance for Ca intake.


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We describe the male reproductive system of the intertidal hermit crab Calcinus tihicen, with emphasis on the sexual apparatus, spermatophore, and spermatozoa. The crabs were collected on the rocky shore of Praia Grande Beach, Ubatuba, southeastern Brazil. The morphological analysis, based on 30 specimens, was made with the use of a stereomicroscope, an optical microscope, and scanning and transmission electron microscopes. The male reproductive system is composed of a pair of juxtaposed testes, located dorsally in the pleon. From each testis emerges a vas deferens that links it to the exterior by the gonopores. located on the base of the fifth pair of pereiopods. The vas deferens has three macroscopically distinct regions that contain spermatophores in different stages of maturation. The spermatophore morphology is similar to that of other members of Paguroidea, having a distal, nearly spherical ampulla containing spermatozoa; an approximately cylindrical peduncle and a proximal foot connecting the spermatophores. We describe, for the first time, the variability in the spermatophore morphology and size in the three regions of the vas deferens using the type species of the genus Calcinus. The spermatozoa have three main regions (the acrosomal vesicle, the nucleus, and the cytoplasm). The morphological similarity of the male reproductive system of C. tihicen with previously studied species of Diogenidae is an indicative of complex phylogenetic relationships among the members of the genus.


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The present study determined the distribution pattern of the hermit crab Loxopagurus loxochelis by a comparison of catch, depth and environmental factors at two separate bays (Caraguatatuba and Ubatuba) of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The influence of these parameters on the distribution of males, non- ovigerous females and ovigerous females was also evaluated. Crabs were collected monthly, over a period of one year (from July/2002 to June/2003), in seven depths, from 5 to 35 m. Abiotic factors were monitored as follows: superficial and bottom salinity (psu), superficial and bottom temperature (C), organic matter content (%) and sediment composition (%). In total, 366 hermit crabs were sampled in Caraguatatuba and 126 in Ubatuba. The highest frequency of occurrence was verified at 20 m during winter (July) in Caraguatatuba and 25 m during summer (January) in Ubatuba. The highest occurrences were recorded in the regions with bottom salinities ranging from 34 to 36 psu, bottom temperatures from 18 to 24 C and, low percentages of organic matter, gravel and mud; and large proportion of sand in the substrate. There was no significant correlation between the total frequency of organisms and the environmental factors analyzed in both regions. This evidence suggests that other variables as biotic interactions can influence the pattern of distribution of L. loxochelis in the analyzed region, which is considered the limit of the northern distribution of this species.


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We describe growth, longevity, sex ratio, reproductive period, and recruitment of Aegla paulensis from Jaragua Stale Park, Sao Paulo, Brazil (23 degrees 27'27.9 '' S; 46 degrees 45'32.3 '' W). The population was sampled monthly (September 2007 through August 2009) with the aid of traps. Over five thousand individuals were captured, sexed, measured (carapace length = CL) and inspected for reproductive traits (females only), and then released back to the sampling site. The pattern of the reproductive cycle was strongly seasonal (austral mid autumn through late winter), with a single recruitment pulse per year. The obtained von Bertalanffy growth equations were CL = 21.25[1-e(-0.041(t + 1.250))] and CL = 16.52[1-e(-0.049(t + 1.823))] for males and females, respectively. Males (mean CL +/- SD = 11.86 +/- 2.79 mm) attain larger sizes than females (mean CL +/- SD = 10.84 +/- 2.36 mm). Aegla paulensis reproduces twice during an estimated life span of 40.2 months for females and 33.9 months for males. Temporal variation of sex ratio showed a distinctive pattern characterized by a sequence of three distinct periods that repeated from one year to another, and which suggested that a behavioral component influence the proportion of sex in adult specimens sampled with traps during reproductive and non-reproductive periods.


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We describe the reproductive period. fecundity, and average size at the onset of functional maturity of female Aegla franca, the northernmost distributed aeglid species. The reproductive period is markedly seasonal and takes place front May (austral mid-autumn) to August (late winter). Ovigerous females appear quite abruptly in the population by May, and this condition is observed in all adult females sampled regardless of their size. The average size at the onset of functional maturity in females, at which 50% of the females sampled during the reproductive period were considered adults, was 12.75 mm CL. The smallest post-ovigerous female measured 12.06 mm carapace length (CL). Mean fecundity (+/- S.D.) from 41 females bearing early and intermediate eggs was 129.1 +/- 32.2 and corresponded to a mean female CL of 14.11 mm. The elliptical-shaped eggs exhibited significant increase in size along the development stages. The third pair of pleopods bore higher number of eggs than the others. Compiled information regarding the reproductive period reported for aeglids revealed all increase in the breeding period length with latitude. The reproductive period tends to be shorter in localities under larger rainfall variation and smaller temperature variability than in sites with opposite climate conditions. Eggs tend to be fewer in number and larger in size towards lower latitudes. We present an hypothesis that stream water velocity might act as a major selective pressure during the early life history of fluvial aeglids with direct effect on the reproductive pattern.


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The roles of herbivory and predation in determining the structure and diversity of communities have been tested across most intertidal systems. In contrast, the importance of omnivorous consumers remains untested in many rocky shore communities. We tested the role of a small omnivorous crab in an intertidal food web on rocky shores of the sub-tropical southwest Atlantic. Exclusion of the grapsid crab Pachygrapsus transversus in the field resulted in significant changes in the abundance of functional groups in the sublittoral fringe of sheltered shores, where the dominant cover changed from a suite of macroalgae to an assemblage of filter-feeding animals (ascidians, sponges, mussels). In contrast, limpets, whelks, large crabs and fish did not significantly affect community composition of the assemblage. To examine the omnivorous feeding pattern of P. transversus, we did laboratory experiments to test its foraging behaviour among animal and algal groups. The crab showed selective behaviour, preferring invertebrate groups to macroalgae, and opportunistic behaviour among types of prey within those major groups. According to our results, the role of slow-moving and large fast-moving consumers is apparently negligible compared to the effect of an omnivorous consumer. P. transversus plays an important role in determining the intertidal community composition on these subtropical rocky shores, causing changes in the balance of functional groups and controlling invasive species.


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The symbiotic lifestyle is widespread among porcellanid crabs, which maintain ecological and co-evolutionary associations with annelid polychaetes, poriferans, cnidarians, echinoderms, gastropod. mollusks, and other crustaceans such as shrimps and hermit crabs, among others. We investigated the ecological association between the hermit crab Dardanus insignis and the porcellanid Porcellana sayana, in southeastern Brazil. Porcellanid crabs, hermit crabs, and available shells were collected monthly from July 2001 to June 2003, with a shrimp boat equipped with two double-rig trawl nets. The majority of P. sayana specimens were collected in shells occupied by D. insignis (96.6%); a few were found in empty shells (3.4%). The catch of both symbionts and hosts increased with increasing depth, with the highest occurrence at 35 m. The F. sayana crabs of various sizes could be found solitary or forming aggregations of up to 14 individuals per host, showing no sex or size segregation. In spite of the high diversity of shell species occupied by the hermit crabs and also available in the field, only a few of them were also utilized by P. sayana. The majority (93%) of shells utilized by P. sayana also hosted other symbiont species, constituting the basis of extensive symbiotic complexes. Thus, the ecological relationship between D. insignis and P. sayana may be classified as a non-obligate and non-specific symbiosis that may also involve other facultative organisms such as sea anemones. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The population structure, reproductive period, and juvenile recruitment of Panopeus americanus were studied in order to enhance knowledge of its life cycle and reproductive strategy and promote the maintenance of its natural stocks in an impacted region. Specimens were collected in the remnant human-impacted mangrove at Araca, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, at two-month intervals from January to November 2005, at low tide, with a capture effort by three people. The crabs were measured (carapace width, CW) and sexed. The total catch was 275 animals, including 132 males (48.0%); 127 females (46.2%), of which 39 were ovigerous (14.2% of total catch); and 16 individuals whose sex could not be identified (5.8%). No correlation was observed between water temperature and the number of collected individuals; however, there was a significant, positive correlation with salinity. Males were significantly larger than females. The size-frequency distribution was bimodal, reflecting the occurrende of more than one recruitment pulse and the differential abundance of adults during the period of study. The overall sex ratio was 1:0.97 favoring males, and was not significantly different from the expected value, i.e., this population fits the anomalous pattern of sex occurrence in size classes. Ovigerous females were captured in all sampled months, which explain the continuous recruitment observed. Expected low levels of individuals of different size classes in the population were not confirmed. All population aspects found here allowed us to infer that this population of P. americanus is well established in the impacted mangrove by virtue of its reproductive strategy.