19 resultados para Correntes induzidas
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
FUNDAMENTO: Os efeitos do envelhecimento no músculo papilar têm sido amplamente demonstrados, mas não há dados disponíveis sobre os efeitos do exercício nas alterações relacionadas à idade. OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos do envelhecimento nas propriedades morfológicas e quantitativas do músculo papilar e investigar se um programa contínuo de exercícios moderados pode exercer um efeito protetor contra as conseqüências do envelhecimento. MÉTODOS: Microscopia eletrônica foi utilizada para estudar a densidade dos miócitos, capilares e tecido conectivo e área transversal dos miócitos do músculo papilar no ventrículo esquerdo de ratos Wistar de 6 e 13 meses, não-treinados e submetidos a exercícios. RESULTADOS: Como esperado, a densidade de volume dos miócitos diminui significantemente (p<0,05) com a idade. A densidade de comprimento dos capilares também diminui com a idade, mas não de forma significante. A fração de volume intersticial do tecido do músculo capilar aumenta significantemente com a idade (P<0,05). O número de perfis de miócitos mostrou uma redução de 20% que foi acompanhada de hipertrofia dos miócitos no envelhecimento (P<0,05). Animais submetidos a uma sessão diária de 60 minutos, 5 dias/semana a 1,8 km.h-1 de corrida moderada em esteira ergométrica durante 28 semanas mostraram uma reversão de todos os efeitos do envelhecimento observados no músculo papilar. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo apóia o conceito de que treinamento físico de longo prazo impede as mudanças deletérias relacionadas à idade no músculo capilar.
The aim of this study was to quantify radiographically the periapical bone resorption in dogs' teeth contaminated with bacterial endotoxin (LPS), associated or not with calcium hydroxide. After pulp tissue removal, 60 premolars were randomly assigned to 4 groups and were either filled with LPS (group 1), filled with LPS plus calcium hydroxide (group 2) or filled with saline (group 3) for a period of 30 days. In group 4, periapical lesion formation was induced with no canal treatment. Standardized radiographs were taken at the beginning of the treatment and after 30 days and the Image J Program was used for measurement of periapical lesion size. Periapical lesions were observed in groups 1 (average of 8.44 mm2) and 4 (average of 3.02 mm2). The lamina dura was intact and there were no areas of periapical bone resorption in groups 2 and 3. It may be concluded that calcium hydroxide was effective in inactivating LPS, as demonstrated by the absence of apical periodontitis in the roots that were filled with bacterial endotoxin plus calcium hydroxide.
This study evaluated histopathologically different methods of experimental induction of periapical periodontitis. The radiographic and microbiological evaluations have been performed in a previous investigation. Fifty-seven root canals from dogs' teeth were assigned to 4 groups. In GI (n=14) and GII (n=14), the root canals were exposed to oral environment for 180 days; in GIII (n=14) and GIV (n=15) the root canals were exposed for 7 days and then the access cavities were restored and remained sealed for 53 days. The root apices of GI and GIII were perforated, whilst those of GII and GIV remained intact. After induction of periapical periodontitis, the dogs were euthanized. Serial sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Data of the histopathological evaluation were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests at 5% significance level. The inflammatory periapical reaction and resorption of mineralized tissues were less intense in GII than in the other groups (p<0.05). There was no histopathological difference among the experimentally induced periapical lesions in the teeth with coronal sealing. On the other hand, when coronal sealing was not performed, greater intensity of induced periapical periodontitis was observed in the teeth with apical perforation.
The aim of this study was to evaluate in situ changes in the alveolar crest bone height around immediate implant-supported crowns in comparison to tooth-supported crowns (control) with the cervical margins located at the bone crest level, without occlusal load. In Group I, after extraction of 12 mandibular premolars from 4 adult dogs, implants from Branemark System (MK III TiU RP 4.0 x 11.5 mm) were placed to retain complete acrylic crowns. In Group II, premolars were prepared to receive complete metal crowns. Sixteen weeks after placement of the crowns (38 weeks after tooth extraction), the height of the alveolar bone crest was measured with a digital caliper. Data were analyzed statistically by the Mann-Whitney test at 5% significance level. The in situ analysis showed no statistically significant difference (p=0.880) between the implant-supported and the tooth-supported groups (1.528 + 0.459 mm and 1.570 + 0.263 mm, respectively). Based on the findings of the present study, it may be concluded that initial peri-implant bone loss may result from the remodeling process necessary to establish the biological space, similar to which occurs with tooth-supported crowns.
Ipomoea imperati (Vahl) Griseb., Convolvulaceae, is used in folk medicine for the treatment of inflammation, swelling and wounds, as well as to treat pains after childbirth and for stomach problems. Administration of ethanol extract, lipid and aqueous fraction of I. imperati(300, 100 and 200 mg/kg) significantly inhibited the abdominal constriction in mice induced by acetic acid; increased the sleeping time evoked by pentobarbital sodium and showed a significant activity by inhibiting formalin-induced paw edema in mice. The same dose of I. imperatialso raised the pain of mice in the hot-plate test and increased the latency at all observation times. The pre-treatment of the animals with naloxone (5 mg/kg, i.p.) suggested the participation of the opioid system in the antinociceptive effect of Ipomoea imperati.
The troglobitic armored catfish, Ancistrus cryptophthalmus (Loricariidae, Ancistrinae) is known from four caves in the São Domingos karst area, upper rio Tocantins basin, Central Brazil. These populations differ in general body shape and degree of reduction of eyes and of pigmentation. The small Passa Três population (around 1,000 individuals) presents the most reduced eyes, which are not externally visible in adults. A small group of Passa Três catfish, one male and three females, reproduced spontaneously thrice in laboratory, at the end of summertime in 2000, 2003 and 2004. Herein we describe the reproductive behavior during the 2003 event, as well as the early development of the 2003 and 2004 offsprings, with focus on body growth and ontogenetic regression of eyes. The parental care by the male, which includes defense of the rock shelter where the egg clutch is laid, cleaning and oxygenation of eggs, is typical of many loricariids. On the other hand, the slow development, including delayed eye degeneration, low body growth rates and high estimated longevity (15 years or more) are characteristic of precocial, or K-selected, life cycles. In the absence of comparable data for close epigean relatives (Ancistrus spp.), it is not possible to establish whether these features are an autapomorphic specialization of the troglobitic A. cryptophthalmus or a plesiomorphic trait already present in the epigean ancestor, possibly favoring the adoption of the life in the food-poor cave environment. We briefly discuss the current hypotheses on eye regression in troglobitic vertebrates.
Várias estratégias têm sido pensadas com o propósito de se utilizar a biologia molecular como ferramenta na pré-seleção e na seleção de talentos esportivos, na manipulação genética visando ao aumento ou à diminuição da produção de determinadas substâncias pelo organismo, na prescrição do treinamento e na recuperação de lesões. Portanto, o objetivo desta revisão é apresentar o DNA como regulador do funcionamento do organismo e de que forma alterações no perfil genético, tanto espontâneas como induzidas artificialmente, podem modular respostas fisiológicas e morfológicas por alterar a expressão de determinadas proteínas. Será dada especial atenção à descrição dos procedimentos utilizados para a manipulação genética, nos baixos riscos associados e nas estratégias que têm sido desenvolvidas com o objetivo de detectá-la. Com base em conhecimentos científicos, coerência e bom senso, diversas visões devem ser expostas e amplamente discutidas para ser definido o que é permitido e o que é proibido nas competições esportivas.
Tidal processes were important for deposition of the Barreiras Formation located in northern Brazil, while correlatable deposits in northeastern Brazil have been traditionally related to continental environments. Facies analysis in southern Alagoas revealed that the Barreiras Formation consists of cross-stratified conglomerates and sandstones (facies Sx and Cgx), compound cross-stratified sandstones (facies Cx), and heterolithic beddings (facies H). A significant portion of these deposits occurs within channel morphologies displaying fining and thinning upward successions. An abundance of sedimentary features is comparable to those from the northern Brazilian counterpart. These include: tidal bundles; herringbone cross-stratification; heterolithic beddings with sandstone and mudstone beds in sharp contacts; and ichnofossils mostly consisting of Ophiomorpha nodosa, Skolithos and Planolites. Altogether, these features point to a marginal marine depositional setting dominated by tidal processes, which are related to an estuarine system, an interpretation also provided for the Barreiras Formation in northern Brazil. The widespread occurrence of deposits with unambiguous evidence of tidal processes in the Barreiras Formation of northern Brazil, and now in the State of Alagoas, leads to argue that the early/middle Miocene worldwide marine transgression might have left a much more widespread sedimentary record along the Brazilian coast than currently regarded.
Desembocaduras são ambientes bastante dinâmicos e sujeitos à complexa interação entre fatores estabilizadores e desestabilizadores. Dependendo dessa interação, desembocaduras podem apresentar a tendência de migração ao longo de barreiras arenosas. Um dos mecanismos mais eficientes de transporte de sedimento paralelo à costa, e consequentemente migração de canais, são as correntes longitudinais geradas pelas ondas se aproximando obliquamente à costa. A motivação do presente trabalho é entender o comportamento morfodinâmico do sistema de desembocadura do rio Itapocú, localizado no centro-norte de Santa Catarina (SC), frente aos processos forçantes que atuam na sua migração ao longo da linha de costa. A morfologia dos pontais arenosos foi obtida a partir de levantamentos morfológicos com o uso de DGPS. Para analisar a refração de ondas foi utilizado o modelo numérico MIKE 21 SW, sendo considerados como condições de contorno os dados de ondas referentes ao ano de 2002 e os dados de ondas previstos referentes ao período de coleta. Os dados de saída do modelo foram utilizados para estimar a deriva litorânea potencial na região. Os resultados morfológicos obtidos demonstraram uma migração da desembocadura para o norte durante o período analisado, sendo mais intenso durante o inverno e o verão. Ondas incidentes do quadrante sul sofreram mais o fenômeno da refração e as ondas de leste apresentaram menor variação angular ao se aproximarem à costa. A deriva litorânea potencial anual para os dados de ondas de 2002 apresentou sentido norte-sul, com inversão de sentido durante o outono. Utilizando os dados de ondas previstas para o período dos levantamentos, a deriva litorânea potencial estimada apresentou sentido sul-norte, concordando com a migração observada. Na região próxima a desembocadura, nos pontais arenosos, a deriva potencial apresentou direção para o norte durante todas as estações. Os dados de descarga fluvial não apresentaram influência na migração do canal, porém apresentaram uma relação com a largura do mesmo sazonalmente.Os dados de morfologia juntamente com os dados de deriva litorânea referentes às ondas de 2004/2005 mostraram claramente a migração do canal para o norte sendo a deriva a principal contribuinte para a migração da desembocadura.
The circulation and transport of suspended particulate matter in the Caravelas Estuary are assessed. Nearly-synoptic hourly hydrographic, current (ADCP velocity and volume transport) and suspended particulate matter data were collected during a full semidiurnal spring tide, on the two transects Boca do Tomba and Barra Velha and on longitudinal sections at low and high tide. On the first transect the peak ebb currents (-1.5 ms-1) were almost twice as strong as those of the wider and shallow Barra Velha inlet (-0.80 ms-1) and the peak flood currents were 0.75 and 0.60 ms-1, respectively. Due to the strong tidal currents both inlets had weak vertical salinity stratification and were classified with the Stratification-circulation Diagram as Type 2a (partially mixed-weakly stratified) and Type 1a (well mixed). Volume transports were very close, ranging from -3,500 to 3,100 m³s-1 at the ebb and flood, respectively, with a residual -630 m³s-1. The concentration of the suspended particulate matter was closely related to the tidal variation and decreased landwards from 50 mg.L-1 at the estuary mouth, to 10 mg.L-1 at distances of 9 and 16 km for the low and high tide experiments, respectively. The total residual SPM transport was out of the estuary at rates of -18 tons per tidal cycle.
Estuarine hydrodynamics is a key factor in the definition of the filtering capacity of an estuary and results from the interaction of the processes that control the inlet morphodynamics and those that are acting in the mixing of the water in the estuary. The hydrodynamics and suspended sediment transport in the Camboriú estuary were assessed by two field campaigns conducted in 1998 that covered both neap and spring tide conditions. The period measured represents the estuarine hydrodynamics and sediment transport prior to the construction of the jetty in 2003 and provides important background information for the Camboriú estuary. Each field campaign covered two complete tidal cycles with hourly measurements of currents, salinity, suspended sediment concentration and water level. Results show that the Camboriú estuary is partially mixed with the vertical structure varying as a function of the tidal range and tidal phase. The dynamic estuarine structure can be balanced between the stabilizing effects generated by the vertical density gradient, which produces buoyancy and stratification flows, and the turbulent effects generated by the vertical velocity gradient that generates vertical mixing. The main sediment source for the water column are the bottom sediments, periodically resuspended by the tidal currents. The advective salt and suspended sediment transport was different between neap and spring tides, being more complex at spring tide. The river discharge term was important under both tidal conditions. The tidal correlation term was also important, being dominant in the suspended sediment transport during the spring tide. The gravitational circulation and Stokes drift played a secondary role in the estuarine transport processes.
O objetivo do presente estudo é caracterizar a hidrodinâmica e o transporte de material particulado em suspensão (MPS) no estuário de Caravelas sob diferentes condições de maré e vazão fluvial. Foram realizadas quatro campanhas hidrográficas durante ciclos completos de maré, sendo em condições de maré de sizígia e quadratura, e durante os períodos seco e chuvoso. Dados de nível de água, velocidade e direção de correntes, salinidade, temperatura e turbidez foram obtidos em uma estação fixa próxima da desembocadura do estuário. A partir destes dados foram obtidos os transportes residuais de MPS e calculado os mecanismos de transporte. As maiores concentrações médias de material particulado em suspensão ocorreram em condições de sizígia. Em condições de maré de quadraturao transporte resultante de MPS foi com sentido estuário acima, porém de pequena intensidade. Em condições de sizígia o estuário é caracterizado por correntes mais intensas e assimétricas, com dominância de vazante. Durante a condição de sizígia o estuário pode atuar como importador ou exportador de MPS. O estuário do rio Caravelas foi classificado como bem misturado e fracamente estratificado. A hidrografia e o balanço sedimentar são principalmente modulados pela altura da marée o aporte de água doce é irrelevante.
The aim of this work was to generate an inventory of the data on radiocarbon datings obtained from sediments of the São Paulo Bight (southern Brazilian upper margin) and to analyze the data in terms of Late Quaternary sedimentary processes and sedimentation rates. A total of 238 radiocarbon datings from materials collected using differents ampling procedures was considered for this work. The sedimentation rates varied from less than 2 to 68 cm.kyr-1. The highest sedimentation rate values were found in a low-energy (ría type) coastal system as well as in the upwelling zones of Santa Catarina and Cabo Frio. The lowest rates were found on the outer shelf and upper slopes. Our results confirm the strong dependency of the shelf currents, with an emphasis to the terrigenous input from the Río de La Plata outflow which is transported via the Brazilian Coastal Current, as well as of the coupled Brazil Current - Intermediate Western Boundary Current (BC-IWBC) dynamics on the sedimentary processes. At least three indicators ofthe paleo sea level were found at 12200 yr BP (conventional radiocarbon age) (103 meters below sea level - mbsl),8300-8800 cal yr BP (13 mbsl) and 7700-8100 cal yr BP (6 mbsl).
A hydrodynamic characterization of the Itapocu river and Barra Velha lagoon estuarine system was carried out with the objective of evaluating how the current regime in this area is affected by astronomical and meteorological tides and the river discharge. Meteorological, water level and current velocity and direction data were gathered hourly during a twenty-day period, from 22-July until 10-August, 2004. Current meters were positioned at the inlet, at the entrance of the north and south lagoons and at the lower estuary of the river along with a tide gauge. The estuarine system showed distinct current behavior among the different sectors within the estuary, responding to the different forcings. The strongest currents were observed at the inlet while the weakest values were observed at the northern lagoon, a location that showed little dynamic. The general flow was ebb-dominated flux, in response to fluvial discharge, even during local wind water set-up event.
The results obtained in the August and December 2003, August 2004 and January 2005 oceanographic campaigns in the northern region of the Todos os Santos Bay (lat. 12º44.5'S; long. 038º35.00'W) between the Madre de Deus and Maré islands are analyzed. Instruments of continuous and discrete samplings were used to measure hydrographic properties currents and tides. The water mass of the northern region of the bay is forced by semidiurnal and mesotides of form number 0.08 and the lunar component M2 height was estimated at 91cm. The time series of the surface currents indicated movements in the N/S direction, forced by the tide with maximum magnitudes of 0.73 m.s-1 on the December 2003 campaign. However, in August 2004 the currents were dominated by the wind stress forcing, with a maximum speed of 1.85 m.s-1 and SE direction. Near the bottom, the influence of the tide is not as evident, with a decrease in intensity due to internal and bottom friction, with a maximum velocity of 0.17 m.s-1. The thermal and haline structures were weakly horizontally, as well as vertically stratified, with extreme values varying in the intervals 23ºC (August, 2004) to 28ºC (December, 2003) and 31.0 psu (August, 2003) to 36.0 psu (December, 2003), respectively. Some conclusions may be drawn from these results: i) The signs of the dilution of the fresh water discharges of the Caípe, Mataripe and São Paulo rivers in the region under the influence of the RLAM were observed only during the winter periods, but in the summer the region was flooded by waters of oceanic origin and the salinities above 36.0 indicated TW mass intrusion; ii) The N-S circulation near the RLAM is strongly dominated by the tide, and the importance of the M2 component was unequivocal, however, the E-W component presented some tidal modulation away from abrupt bottom topographical changes, and iii) The residual series, calculated as the difference between the original and modeled, is about ¼ of the original and confirmed its semidiurnal character.