12 resultados para Consumer Health Information

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Introduction: Internet users are increasingly using the worldwide web to search for information relating to their health. This situation makes it necessary to create specialized tools capable of supporting users in their searches. Objective: To apply and compare strategies that were developed to investigate the use of the Portuguese version of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) for constructing an automated classifier for Brazilian Portuguese-language web-based content within or outside of the field of healthcare, focusing on the lay public. Methods: 3658 Brazilian web pages were used to train the classifier and 606 Brazilian web pages were used to validate it. The strategies proposed were constructed using content-based vector methods for text classification, such that Naive Bayes was used for the task of classifying vector patterns with characteristics obtained through the proposed strategies. Results: A strategy named InDeCS was developed specifically to adapt MeSH for the problem that was put forward. This approach achieved better accuracy for this pattern classification task (0.94 sensitivity, specificity and area under the ROC curve). Conclusions: Because of the significant results achieved by InDeCS, this tool has been successfully applied to the Brazilian healthcare search portal known as Busca Saude. Furthermore, it could be shown that MeSH presents important results when used for the task of classifying web-based content focusing on the lay public. It was also possible to show from this study that MeSH was able to map out mutable non-deterministic characteristics of the web. (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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O artigo aborda questões relativas ao óbito e sua investigação como elementos importantes para a Epidemiologia e a Saúde Pública. Ressalta aspectos ligados à melhoria da sua qualidade e da vigilância, bem como da pesquisa científica/epidemiológica nessa área, vistos sob a óptica da legislação e das normas éticas existentes no Brasil. Discute o problema relativo, a saber, "a quem pertence a informação em saúde e quais os limites de sua utilização", tratando, inclusive, da possibilidade do uso de bancos de dados identificados. Conclui sugerindo meios hábeis, como "Termo de Responsabilidade e Confidencialidade" por parte do pesquisador, para que a pesquisa científica/epidemiológica possa ter continuidade no país, com agilidade e oportunidade.


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The Healthy Cities and Agenda 21 programs improve living and health conditions and affect social and economic determinants of health. The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) indicators can be used to assess the impact of social agendas. A data search was carried out for the period 1997 to 2006 to obtain 48 indicators proposed by the United Nations and a further 74 proposed by the technical group for the MDGin Brazil. There is a scarcity of studies concerned with assessing the MDG at the municipal level. Data from Brazilian health information systems are not always consistent or accurate for municipalities. The lack of availability and reliable data led to the substitution of some indicators. The information systems did not always provide annual data; national household surveys could not be disaggregated at the municipal level and there were also modifications on conceptual definitions over time. As a result, the project created an alternative list with 29 indicators. MDG monitoring at the local community can be important to measure the performance of actions toward improvements in quality of life and social iniquities.


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São apresentadas diferentes experiências e metodologias empregadas por registros informatizados de imunização (RII), no enfoque da saúde infantil. O levantamento bibliográfico abrangeu publicações de 1990 a 2006, existentes nas bases MEDLINE, SciELO, PubMed e EMBASE. Outros sítios eletrônicos de organizações nacionais e internacionais de saúde foram pesquisados. Em virtude da ausência de publicações sobre RII no Brasil, as fontes de informação foram a Coordenação Nacional e as Coordenações Estaduais do Programa Nacional de Imunizações, além do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde. Selecionaram-se apenas artigos que abordam RII em saúde infantil. Foram localizados 109 artigos publicados em 35 revistas especializadas. São apresentados aspectos históricos e conceituais, objetivos, funções, relevância e indicadores de desempenho e de custo-efetividade, além das próprias limitações dos RII, assim como experiências em países selecionados, inclusive no Brasil. Os RII integrados a outros sistemas de informação vêm sendo aplicados como importante instrumento para a identificação de populações com menor acesso ou adesão aos programas de vacinação e em sistemas de vigilância ativa de eventos adversos pós-vacina


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Objetivo: Descrever a incidência e a mortalidade por Aids no Brasil e mulheres na fase menopausal e pós-menopausa. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de 1996 a 2005, utilizando dados secundários do Sistema de Informações de Saúde do DATASUS - Ministério da Saúde. Buscou-se por população residente em dados "Demográficos e Socioeconômicos, incidência no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) e mortalidade no Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM). Os coeficientes específicos de incidência e de mortalidade por Aids/100.000 mulheres foram calculados para cada década da faixa etária de 30 a 69 anos (30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69), pois inclui a população de interesse; isto é, mulheres na transição menopausal e pós-menopausa, dos 35 aos 65 anos, Resultados: Houve aumento da incidência de Aids entre os anos de 1996 e 1998, a partir daí, observa-se tendência à ligeira queda até 2000 e posterior incremento até 2004. Em 2005, o coeficiente retorna a valores próximos dos encontrados em 1997. A mortalidade apresentou queda em todas as faixas etárias nos anos de 1996 e 1997, a partir de então, os coeficientes mantêm-se praticamente estáveis até 1999, exceto na faixa etária de 30 a 39 anos que continua estável até 2005. Já entre mulheres acima de 40 anos, o coeficiente de mortalidade apresentou aumento entre os anos 1999 a 2005. conclusão: Houve aumento no número de casos novos de Aids entre mulheres acima de 30 anos e o mesmo processo se repetiu com relação à mortalidade. O aumento e "envelhecimento" da epidemia entre brasileiras, sinalizam que medidas de promoção à saúde, prevenção da doença, diagnóstico precoce e tratamento efetivo devem ser oferecidos de maneira apropriada às mulheres de 30 a 69 anos, considerando as características pessoais, o contexto familiar e o papel social do sexo feminino nestas idades


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O objetivo foi comparar as mortes maternas existentes no Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM/MS) com as do "Estudo da mortalidade de mulheres em idade fértil" e estimar novos fatores de correção. Analisaram-se 7.332 declarações de óbito feminino (DO) de dez a 49 anos, de residentes nas capitais brasileiras, no 1o semestre de 2002. Realizou-se pareamento dos conjuntos de DO (as originalmente preenchidas pelos médicos e aquelas obtidas com o resgate de dados) com as DO do SIM/MS. A subenumeração das mortes por causas maternas, no SIM/MS, foi de 21,4 por cento e, das mortes maternas, 16 por cento . Os novos fatores de ajuste para as mortes maternas nas regiões brasileiras foram: 0,93 (Norte), 1,17 (Nordeste), 1,28 (Sudeste), 1,10 (Sul) e 1,47 (Centro-oeste); para o pa's, foi igual a 1,19. Os Comitês de Morte Materna investigam os óbitos femininos em idade fértil, mas, ainda, restam imprecisões que podem inviabilizar condutas preventivas eficientes


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Exposure to oxygen may induce a lack of functionality of probiotic dairy foods because the anaerobic metabolism of probiotic bacteria compromises during storage the maintenance of their viability to provide benefits to consumer health. Glucose oxidase can constitute a potential alternative to increase the survival of probiotic bacteria in yogurt because it consumes the oxygen permeating to the inside of the pot during storage, thus making it possible to avoid the use of chemical additives. This research aimed to optimize the processing of probiotic yogurt supplemented with glucose oxidase using response surface methodology and to determine the levels of glucose and glucose oxidase that minimize the concentration of dissolved oxygen and maximize the Bifidobacterium longum count by the desirability function. Response surface methodology mathematical models adequately described the process, with adjusted determination coefficients of 83% for the oxygen and 94% for the B. longum. Linear and quadratic effects of the glucose oxidase were reported for the oxygen model, whereas for the B. longum count model an influence of the glucose oxidase at the linear level was observed followed by the quadratic influence of glucose and quadratic effect of glucose oxidase. The desirability function indicated that 62.32 ppm of glucose oxidase and 4.35 ppm of glucose was the best combination of these components for optimization of probiotic yogurt processing. An additional validation experiment was performed and results showed acceptable error between the predicted and experimental results.


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This literature review retakes the discussion of the profiles and competences of the information area professional, specifically, in the health field. Therefore, the aim here is to outline the new fields of performance for the informationist and the profiles required in the health context.


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The present study investigated the distribution profile of dental caries and its association with areas of social deprivation at the individual and contextual level. The cluster sample consisted of 1,002 12-year-old schoolchildren from Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. The DMFT Index was used for dental caries and the Care Index was used to determine access to dental services. On the individual level, variables were associated with a better oral status. On the contextual level, areas were not associated with oral status. However, maps enabled determining that the central districts have better social and oral conditions than the deprived outlying districts.


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This article evaluates social implications of the ""SIGA"" Health Care Information System (HIS) in a public health care organization in the city of Sao Paulo. The evaluation was performed by means of an in-depth case study with patients and staff of a public health care organization, using qualitative and quantitative data. On the one hand, the system had consequences perceived as positive such as improved convenience and democratization of specialized treatment for patients and improvements in work organization. On the other hand, negative outcomes were reported, like difficulties faced by employees due to little familiarity with IT and an increase in the time needed to schedule appointments. Results show the ambiguity of the implications of HIS in developing countries, emphasizing the need for a more nuanced view of the evaluation of failures and successes and the importance of social contextual factors.


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This study investigated the consumer attitude to food irradiation in Sao Paulo, Brazil, through a qualitative research perspective. Three focus groups were conducted with 30 consumers, responsible for food choices and purchases. Both irradiated and nonirradiated food samples were served in the sessions to motivate the discussion and elicit the participants knowledge, opinions, feelings and concerns towards the irradiation process. Reactions were similar among the groups and differences between the irradiated and the nonirradiated samples were hardly perceived. When provided with positive information about irradiation and its benefits to foods and human health, many people still remained suspicious about the safety of the technology. Risk perception seemed to be related to unease and lack of knowledge about nuclear power and its non-defense use. Participants claimed for more transparency in communication about risks and benefits of irradiated foods to the human health, especially with respect to the continued consumption. Industrial relevance: Irradiation is an emerging food processing technology, which has been gaining interest by food technologists, producers and manufacturers all over the world in the last decades. Irradiation is suitable for disinfestation, microorganism load reduction or sterilization, assuring the safety, as well as having benefits in the shelf-life of foodstuffs. Food irradiation is approved in many countries and its use in food processing is endorsed by several reputed authorities, such as FAD and USDA. Despite the approval and recommendation, this technology still remains underutilized not only in Brazil, but also in other countries. The main reason appears to be the consumer concerns and doubts about the use of radiations in food processing. To develop communication strategies in promotion of irradiated foods it is necessary to investigate consumer attitudes, knowledge. opinions, as well as fears, with respect to the use of radiation in food processing. It is well-known that consumer views on technology may vary from a culture to another. So, findings from consumer research in a country may certainly not reflect the consumer views in other countries. In this sense, Brazilian studies focused on consumer views on food irradiation are necessary to gain understanding on how the local market accepts the technology. Brazil is one of the most important food producers in the world and an emerging consumer market with a population of about 184 million people. Food irradiation is regulated in Brazil since 1973, but to date only a few food ingredients are subjected to irradiation. The wide use of irradiation in food processing would favor Brazilian producers in the quality and safety assurance of food products, both for the local market and for exports. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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IN BRAZIL, recent regulations require changes in private and public health systems to make special services available to deaf patients. in the present article, the researchers analyze the perceptions of 25 sign language using patients regarding this assistance. The researchers found communication difficulties between these patients and health services staff, as well as a culture clash and a harmful inability among the service providers to distinguish among the roles of companions, caretakers, and professional translator/interpreters. Thus, it became common for the patients to experience prejudice in the course of treatment and information exchange, damage to their autonomy, limits on their access to services, and reduced efficacy of therapy. The researchers conclude that many issues must be dealt with if such barriers to health access are to be overcome, in particular the worrying degree of exclusion of deaf patients from health care systems.