76 resultados para Competitive Swimmers
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Santhiago, V, da Silva, ASR, Papoti, M, and Gobatto, CA. Responses of hematological parameters and aerobic performance of elite men and women swimmers during a 14-week training program. J Strength Cond Res 23(4): 1097-1105, 2009-The main purpose of the present investigation was to verify the responses of hematological parameters in men and women competitive swimmers during a 14-week training program. Twenty-three Olympic and international athletes were evaluated 4 times during the experiment: at the beginning of the endurance training phase (T1), at the end of the endurance training phase (T2), at the end of the quality phases (T3), and at the end of the taper period (T4). On the first day at 8:00 AM, each swimmer had a blood sample taken for the determination of hematological parameters. At 3:00 PM, the athletes had their aerobic performance measured by anaerobic threshold. On the second day at 8: 00 AM, the swimmers had their aerobic performance measured by critical velocity. Hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume diminished (p <= 0.05) from T1 to T2 (men: 5.8 and 7.2%; women: 11.6 and 6.8%), and increased (p <= 0.05) from T2 to T3 (men: 7.2 and 6.0%; women: 7.4 and 5.2%). These results were related to the plasma volume changes of the athletes. However, these alterations do not seem to affect the swimmers` aerobic performance. For practical applications, time-trial performance is better than aerobic performance (i.e., anaerobic threshold and critical velocity) for monitoring training adaptations.
Santhiago, V, da Silva, ASR, Papoti, M, and Gobatto, CA. Effects of 14-week swimming training program on the psychological, hormonal, and physiological parameters of elite women athletes. J Strength Cond Res 25(3): 825-832, 2011-The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of a 14-week swimming training program on psychological, hormonal, and performance parameters of elite women swimmers. Ten Olympic and international-level elite women swimmers were evaluated 4 times along the experiment (i.e., in T1, T2, T3, and T4). On the first day at 8: 00 AM, before the blood collecting at rest for the determination of hormonal parameters, the athletes had their psychological parameters assessed by the profile of mood-state questionnaire. At 3: 00 AM, the swimmers had their anaerobic threshold assessed. On the second day at 3: 00 AM, the athletes had their alactic anaerobic performance measured. Vigor score and testosterone levels were lower (p <= 0.05) in T4 compared with T3. In addition, the rate between the peak blood lactate concentration and the median velocity obtained in the alactic anaerobic performance test increased in T4 compared with T3 (p < 0.05). For practical applications, the swimming coaches should not use a tapering with the present characteristics to avoid unexpected results.
Youth swimming performance may be influenced by anthropometric, physiology and technical factors. The present paper examined the role of these factors in performance of 100m freestyle in swimmers 12-14 years of age (n = 24). Multiple regression analysis (forward method) was used to examine the variance of the 100 meters front crawl. Anaerobic power, swimming index and critical speed explained 88% (p < .05) of the variance in the average speed of 100 meters front crawl among young male pubertal swimmers. To conclude, performance of young swimmers in the 100 meters front crawl is determined predominantly by physiological factors and swimming technique.
Little information is available concerning early specialization and competitive success in judo across the early training years. Thus, the present objective was to verify the stability of individual competitive performance of a state-level championship for judo athletes who had been previously successful. For this, 406 athletes from six age groups (9 to 20+ years old) of each sex were followed for 10 years. Using recorded data from the Sao Paulo State Judo Federation beginning in 1999, the scores and standings for these judo players were analyzed. The proportion of medal winners during this period was not constant, differing from the grand mean in all groups of both 204 males and 202 females. At the end of this period, only 7% of the male and 5% of the female athletes had maintained their competitive levels. Successful competitive performance in early judo competition was not associated with success later in adulthood.
The current study is a piece from the original project entitled ""Diagnosis of the Developing Program of Artistic Gymnastics in Brazil"". Among other issues discussed in this main project, our objective was to investigate the development of the gymnast who are entering the intensive training and are potential to be representative to national teams. We interviewed 46 coaches from 29 sports institutions in Brazil. Regarding methodology, we used a semi-structured interview and for data treatment we adopted the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2004). We could evidence that coaches have concern regarding many aspects of the children development, and have been trying to equate sports demands with gymnasts characteristics and needs.
This study evaluated the effects of a micro cycle of overload training (1st-8th day) on metabolic and hormonal responses in male runners with or without carbohydrate supplementation and investigated the cumulative effects of this period on a session of intermittent high-intensity running and maximum-performance-test (9th day). The participants were 24 male runners divided into two groups, receiving 61% of their energy intake as CHO (carbohydrate-group) and 54% in the control-group (CON). The testosterone was higher for the CHO than the CON group after the overload training (694.0 +/- A 54.6 vs. CON 610.8 +/- A 47.9 pmol/l). On the ninth day participants performed 10 x 800 m at mean 3 km velocity. An all-out 1000 m running was performed before and after the 10 x 800 m. Before, during, and after this protocol, the runners received solution containing CHO or the CON equivalent. The performance on 800 m series did not differ in either group between the first and last series of 800 m, but for the all-out 1000 m test the performance decrement was lower for CHO group (5.3 +/- A 1.0 vs. 10.6 +/- A 1.3%). The cortisol concentrations were lower in the CHO group in relation to CON group (22.4 +/- A 0.9 vs. 27.6 +/- A 1.4 pmol/l) and the IGF1/IGFBP3 ratio increased 12.7% in the CHO group. During recovery, blood glucose concentrations remained higher in the CHO group in comparison with the CON group. It was concluded that CHO supplementation possibly attenuated the suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and resulted in less catabolic stress, and thus improved running performance.
The reaction of cis-[RuCl(2)(P-P)(N-N)] type complexes (P-P = 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane or (1,1`-diphenylphosphino)ferrocene; N-N = 2,2`-bipyridine or 1,10-phenantroline) with monodentate ligands (L), such as 4-methylpyridine, 4-phenylpyridine and benzonitrile forms [RuCl(L)(P-P)(N-N)](+) species Upon characterization of the isolated compounds by elemental analysis, (31)P{(1)H} NMR and X-ray crystallography it was found out that the type of the L ligand determines its position in relation to the phosphorus atom. While pyridine derivatives like 4-methylpyridine and 4-phenylpyridine coordinate trans to the phosphorus atom, the benzonitrile ligand (bzCN), a good pi acceptor, coordinates trans to the nitrogen atom. A (31)P{(1)H} NMR experiment following the reaction of the precursor cis-[RuCl(2)(dppb)(phen)] with the benzonitrile ligand shows that the final position of the entering ligand in the complex is better defined as a consequence of the competitive effect between the phosphorus atom and the cyano-group from the benzonitrile moiety and not by the trans effect. In this case, the benzonitrile group is stabilized trans to one of the nitrogen atoms of the N-N ligand. A differential pulse voltammetry experiment confirms this statement. In both experiments the [RuCl(bzCN)(dppb)(phen)]PF(6) species with the bzCN ligand positioned trans to a phosphorus atom of the dppb ligand was detected as an intermediate complex. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This research wants to lay emphasis on topics that historicize and rescue concepts, in addition, shows the relation between innovation and socioeconomic development resulted; reviews the legal framework to stimulate new innovation into Brazilian society; considers the definition and the entrepreneur university's new paradigm; and finally, this research highlights the importance of teaching entrepreneur at universities, with straight society benefits. The results suggests that innovation is directly enrolled with a successful development of certain society, as well, is actually the biggest business competitive differential into corporative universe. In one way of getting results of social advancement to inform entrepreneur research practice, it appears that entrepreneurs concepts, necessarily, must be incorporated into the array of Science/Technology/Innovation for the effective development of supported formula. This article develops a thought about actual scientific researches paradigm, the way that is built on today, and if it's sufficient to effectively get the results that society expects from main bodies to create human resource and researches, especially those with innovation aspects, at Brazilian economic improvement.
The aim of this study was to look for evidence of allelochemicals in B. decumbens, in parts of the plant from where they could easily be released to the environment. The germination inhibition of Phalaris canariensis, Lactuca sativa (standard species) and Melinis minutiflora, another invasive African grass, was tested using B. decumbens germinating seeds and aqueous leachates of the roots, green and senescent leaves, at 5, 10 and 20% w/v. Both the germinating seeds and the aqueous leachates of B. decumbens reduced the germination of the species tested; the effectiveness of the aqueous leachates increased according to concentration. Apparently, the competitive advantage of B. decumbens in the cerrados could be amplified via allelopathy.
INTRODUÇÃO: O arco e flecha é um esporte estático que requer força e resistência da parte superior do corpo, sendo que a habilidade do arqueiro é definida pela capacidade de atirar a flecha no alvo em um intervalo de tempo com precisão. A contração muscular gerada durante a execução do gesto esportivo propicia o aumento da temperatura corporal, da oxidação de glicose e da sudorese, podendo esta ser potencializada pelas condições climáticas às quais o atleta é exposto. Todos estes fatores alteram a percepção de esforço e a própria geração de força, impondo um estresse negativo à performance. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar e relacionar o estado de hidratação de atletas de arco e flecha com alterações fisiológicas e de força intervenientes no rendimento competitivo. MÉTODOS: Participaram 11 arqueiros em duas competições distintas (indoor e outdoor). Foram mensurados parâmetros relacionados ao estado de hidratação, glicemia, percepção de esforço subjetivo e alteração na força de preensão palmar. RESULTADOS: Os atletas analisados apresentaram alterações significativas nos parâmetros relacionados ao estado hídrico em diferentes dias, provavelmente relacionadas às condições climáticas adversas na competição outdoor (34ºC e 60% URA) em relação à competição indoor (22ºC e 90% URA). O mesmo não foi observado para a glicemia. CONCLUSÃO: Este trabalho é o primeiro a comprovar a relação direta entre fatores climáticos e de rendimento em arqueiros de alto nível durante evento competitivo, assim como a evidenciar quais métodos não invasivos seriam os mais indicados para a avaliação do impacto destas alterações.
A phytochemical investigation of the ethanolic extract of stalks of Senna martiana Benth. (Leguminoseae), native specie of northeast Brazil, resulted in the isolation and spectroscopic characterization of a new bianthrone glycoside, martianine 1 (10,10'-il-chrysophanol-10-oxi10,10'-bi-glucosyl). Its identification was established by HRMS, IR and 2D NMR experiments. The evaluation of martianine trypanocidal activity was carried out against gliceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme from Trypanosoma cruzi. Its inhibitory constant (Ki) is in the low micromolar concentration and it was determined by isothermal titration calorimetry to be 27.3 ± 2.47 µmol L-1. The non-competitive mechanism is asserted to be putative of the mode of action martianine displays against T. cruzi GAPDH. Results show that martianine has a great potential to become new lead molecule by inhibiting this key enzyme and for the development of new drugs against Chagas disease.
A commercial corrosion inhibitor used in petroleum production was characterized by means of infrared spectroscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Predicting the adsorption behavior of corrosion inhibitor onto steel, sandstone and esmectite is the key to improve working conditions. In this study, the adsorption kinetics of inhibitor formulations in HCl 15% or in Mud Acid (HCl 13,5% and ammonium bifluoride) onto steel, sandstone and esmectite was determined by means of spectrophotometry. Kinetic parameters indicated that adsorption of inhibitor in the presence of bifluoride was favored. Moreover, the adsorption constant rate was the largest when the substrate was esmectite.
The increasing demand for fatty acid-free lecithin required modifications in existing purification methods. In this technical note we describe a purification procedure with the following steps: a) homogenization and extraction of yolks obtained from fresh eggs with acetone, b) solubilization with ethanol and solvent elimination and c) repeated solubilization/precipitation with petroleum ether/acetone. This crude extract was chromatographed on neutral alumina, which was exhaustively washed with chloroform before elution with chloroform:methanol, allowing the sequential separation of fatty acids and lecithin. Chromatographic behavior and mass spectra of the product are presented. This fast procedure yields fatty acid-free lecithin at a competitive cost.
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da competição larval intra e interespecífica entre Aedes aegypti e Aedes albopictus, sobre sobrevivência de larvas, tempo de desenvolvimento e comprimento de asa. O experimento foi realizado em três densidades com 5 proporções das espécies. A sobrevivência de Aedes aegypti apresentou-se superior a de Aedes albopictus em densidade intermediária e inferior em densidade alta. Somente Aedes albopictus teve seu tempo de desenvolvimento afetado. Diferenças encontradas nas comparações das combinações das espécies demonstraram que o comprimento médio de asas de Aedes aegypti, no geral, foi maior que Aedes albopictus. Nas duas espécies, a competição afetou mais o comprimento de asa e a sobrevivência que o tempo de desenvolvimento. Aedes aegypti parece apresentar maior capacidade competitiva em relação a Aedes albopictus em densidade intermediária.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o equilíbrio muscular dos flexores e extensores (RFE) de joelho ao longo de uma temporada de treinamento em jogadores de futebol categoria sub-20. Fizeram parte da amostra 15 sujeitos pertencentes à equipe sub-20 da Associação Atlética Ponte Preta de Campinas. Os atletas participaram de um macrociclo de preparação (MP) de 29 semanas, composto por período preparatório e competitivo que foram divididos em quatro mesociclos: etapa geral (M1), etapa especial (M2), etapa pré-competitiva (M3) e etapa competitiva (M4). A RFE de ambos os membros foi determinada em dinamômetro isocinético utilizando o pico de torque (PT) obtido em três séries consecutivas de cinco repetições com velocidade de 60º/s. Avaliação isocinética foi realizada em quatro momentos ao longo do MP, sempre ao final de cada mesociclo (M1, M2, M3 e M4). Para análise estatística, foi empregado teste Friedman de medidas repetidas, seguida do teste de Wilcoxon e teste U de Mann-Whitney, com nível de significância de p<0,05. O PT nos músculos flexores de joelho, em ambos os membros, no M2 e M3 foram superiores aos observados em M1 e M4. O PT dos extensores de joelho em M1 foi significantemente inferior aos demais momentos do estudo (M2, M3 e M4), em ambos os membros. A RFE, em ambos os membros, foi inferior em M1 quando comparado a M2 e M3. A comparação da RFE entre os membros não revelou diferenças significantes em nenhum dos momentos do estudo (M1, M2, M3 e M4). Os resultados encontrados na presente investigação indicaram existência de alterações na magnitude da RFE, porém dentro da normalidade, e, manutenção da proporcionalidade entre os membros ao longo do MP. Esses resultados sugerem que não existem períodos sensíveis para a ocorrência de lesões em virtude de desequilíbrios musculares ao longo do MP em jogadores de futebol da categoria sub-20.