21 resultados para Collective Choice Rules
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Aeromonas genus is considered an emerging pathogen and its presence in drinking water supplies is a reason to public health concern. This study investigated the occurrence of Aeromonas in samples from collective reservoirs and wells used as drinking water sources in a peri-urban area. A total of 35 water samples were collected from collective reservoirs and 32 from wells bimonthly, from September 2007 to September 2008. Aeromonas spp determination was carried out using a Multiple-Tube Technique. Samples were inoculated into alkaline peptone water and the superficial film formed was transferred to blood agar plates amended with ampicillin. Typical Aeromonas colonies were submitted to a biochemical screening and then to biochemical tests for species differentiation. Aeromonas was detected in 13 (19%) of the 69 samples examined (6 from collective reservoirs and 7 from wells). Concentrations of Aeromonas in collective reservoirs ranged from <0.3 to 1.2 x10²MPN/100mL and, in wells, from <0.3 to 2.4 x10²MPN/100mL. The most frequent specie in the collective reservoir samples was Aeromonas spp (68%), followed by A. encheleia (14%) and A. allosaccharophila (8%) and A. hydrophila (8%). Aeromonas spp (87%) was the most frequent specie isolated from well samples, followed by A. allosacchariphila (8%), A. encheleia (2%) and A. jandaei (5%). These data show the presence and diversity of Aeromonas genus in the samples analyzed and highlight that its presence in drinking water poses a significant public health concern.
Introduction. The ToLigado Project - Your School Interactive Newspaper is an interactive virtual learning environment conceived, developed, implemented and supported by researchers at the School of the Future Research Laboratory of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Method. This virtual learning environment aims to motivate trans-disciplinary research among public school students and teachers in 2,931 schools equipped with Internet-access computer rooms. Within this virtual community, students produce collective multimedia research documents that are immediately published in the portal. The project also aims to increase students' autonomy for research, collaborative work and Web authorship. Main sections of the portal are presented and described. Results. Partial results of the first two years' implementation are presented and indicate a strong motivation among students to produce knowledge despite the fragile hardware and software infrastructure at the time. Discussion. In this new environment, students should be seen as 'knowledge architects' and teachers as facilitators, or 'curiosity managers'. The ToLigado portal may constitute a repository for future studies regarding student attitudes in virtual learning environments, students' behaviour as 'authors', Web authorship involving collective knowledge production, teachers' behaviour as facilitators, and virtual learning environments as digital repositories of students' knowledge construction and social capital in virtual learning communities.
We consider finite-size particles colliding elastically, advected by a chaotic flow. The collisionless dynamics has a quasiperiodic attractor and particles are advected towards this attractor. We show in this work that the collisions have dramatic effects in the system's dynamics, giving rise to collective phenomena not found in the one-particle dynamics. In particular, the collisions induce a kind of instability, in which particles abruptly spread out from the vicinity of the attractor, reaching the neighborhood of a coexisting chaotic saddle, in an autoexcitable regime. This saddle, not present in the dynamics of a single particle, emerges due to the collective particle interaction. We argue that this phenomenon is general for advected, interacting particles in chaotic flows.
We use QCD sum rules (QCDSR) to calculate the width of the radiative decay of the meson X(3872), assumed to be a mixture between charmonium and exotic molecular [c (q) over bar][q (c) over bar] states with J(PC) = 1(++). We find that in a small range for the values of the mixing angle, 5 degrees <= theta <= 13 degrees, we get the branching ratio Gamma(X -> J/psi gamma)/Gamma(X -> J/psi pi(+)pi(-)) = 0.19 +/- 0.13, which is in agreement, with the experimental value. This result is compatible with the analysis of the mass and decay width of the mode J/psi(n pi) performed in the same approach.
We evaluate the mass of the B(s0) scalar meson and the coupling constant in the B(s0)BK vertex in the framework of QCD sum rules. We consider the B(s0) as a tetraquark state to evaluate its mass. We get m(Bs0) = (5.85 +/- 0.13) GeV, which is in agreement, considering the uncertainties, with predictions supposing it as a b (s) over bar state or a B (K) over bar bound state with J(P) = 0(+). To evaluate the g(Bs0BK) coupling, we use the three-point correlation functions of the vertex, considering B(s0) as a normal b (s) over bar state. The obtained coupling constant is: g(Bs0BK) = (16.3 +/- 3.2) GeV. This number is in agreement with light-cone QCD sum rules calculation. We have also compared the decay width of the B(s0) -> BK process considering the B(s0) to be a b (s) over bar state and a BK molecular state. The width obtained for the BK molecular state is twice as big as the width obtained for the b (s) over bar state. Therefore, we conclude that with the knowledge of the mass and the decay width of the B(s0) meson, one can discriminate between the different theoretical proposals for its structure.
We use QCD sum rules to test the nature of the meson X(3872), assumed to be a mixture between charmonium and exotic molecular [c (q) over bar][q (c) over bar] states with J(PC) = 1(++). We find that there is only a small range for the values of the mixing angle theta that can provide simultaneously good agreement with the experimental value of the mass and the decay width, and this range is 5(0) <= theta <= 3(0). In this range we get m(X) = (3.77 +/- 0.18) GeV and Gamma(X -> J/psi pi(+)pi(-)) = (9.3 +/- 6.9) MeV, which are compatible, within the errors, with the experimental values. We, therefore, conclude that the X(3872) is approximately 97% a charmonium state with 3% admixture of similar to 88% D(0)D*(0) molecule and similar to 12% D(+)D*(-) molecule.
We investigate the widths of the recently observed charmonium like resonances X(3872), Z(4430), and Z(2)(4250) using QCD sum rules. Extending previous analyses regarding these states as diquark-antiquark states or molecules of D mesons, we introduce the Breit-Wigner function in the pole term. We find that introducing the width increases the mass at the small Borel window region. Using the operator-product expansion up to dimension 8, we find that the sum rules based on interpolating current with molecular components give a stable Borel curve from which both the masses and widths of these resonances can be well obtained. Thus the QCD sum rule approach strongly favors the molecular description of these states.
We study collective scattering with Bose-Einstein condensates interacting with a high-finesse ring cavity. The condensate scatters the light of a transverse pump beam superradiantly into modes which, in contrast to previous experiments, are not determined by the geometrical shape of the condensate, but specified by a resonant cavity mode. Moreover, since the recoil-shifted frequency of the scattered light depends on the initial momentum of the scattered fraction of the condensate, we show that it is possible to employ the good resolution of the cavity as a filter selecting particular quantized momentum states.
In this paper we provide a recipe for state protection in a network of oscillators under collective damping and diffusion. Our strategy is to manipulate the network topology, i.e., the way the oscillators are coupled together, the strength of their couplings, and their natural frequencies, in order to create a relaxation-diffusion-free channel. This protected channel defines a decoherence-free subspace (DFS) for nonzero-temperature reservoirs. Our development also furnishes an alternative approach to build up DFSs that offers two advantages over the conventional method: it enables the derivation of all the network-protected states at once, and also reveals, through the network normal modes, the mechanism behind the emergence of these protected domains.
Here, I investigate the use of Bayesian updating rules applied to modeling how social agents change their minds in the case of continuous opinion models. Given another agent statement about the continuous value of a variable, we will see that interesting dynamics emerge when an agent assigns a likelihood to that value that is a mixture of a Gaussian and a uniform distribution. This represents the idea that the other agent might have no idea about what is being talked about. The effect of updating only the first moments of the distribution will be studied, and we will see that this generates results similar to those of the bounded confidence models. On also updating the second moment, several different opinions always survive in the long run, as agents become more stubborn with time. However, depending on the probability of error and initial uncertainty, those opinions might be clustered around a central value.
The present paper proposes a flexible consensus scheme for group decision making, which allows one to obtain a consistent collective opinion, from information provided by each expert in terms of multigranular fuzzy estimates. It is based on a linguistic hierarchical model with multigranular sets of linguistic terms, and the choice of the most suitable set is a prerogative of each expert. From the human viewpoint, using such model is advantageous, since it permits each expert to utilize linguistic terms that reflect more adequately the level of uncertainty intrinsic to his evaluation. From the operational viewpoint, the advantage of using such model lies in the fact that it allows one to express the linguistic information in a unique domain, without losses of information, during the discussion process. The proposed consensus scheme supposes that the moderator can interfere in the discussion process in different ways. The intervention can be a request to any expert to update his opinion or can be the adjustment of the weight of each expert`s opinion. An optimal adjustment can be achieved through the execution of an optimization procedure that searches for the weights that maximize a corresponding soft consensus index. In order to demonstrate the usefulness of the presented consensus scheme, a technique for multicriteria analysis, based on fuzzy preference relation modeling, is utilized for solving a hypothetical enterprise strategy planning problem, generated with the use of the Balanced Scorecard methodology. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper presents new insights and novel algorithms for strategy selection in sequential decision making with partially ordered preferences; that is, where some strategies may be incomparable with respect to expected utility. We assume that incomparability amongst strategies is caused by indeterminacy/imprecision in probability values. We investigate six criteria for consequentialist strategy selection: Gamma-Maximin, Gamma-Maximax, Gamma-Maximix, Interval Dominance, Maximality and E-admissibility. We focus on the popular decision tree and influence diagram representations. Algorithms resort to linear/multilinear programming; we describe implementation and experiments. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work introduces the problem of the best choice among M combinations of the shortest paths for dynamic provisioning of lightpaths in all-optical networks. To solve this problem in an optimized way (shortest path and load balance), a new fixed routing algorithm, named Best among the Shortest Routes (BSR), is proposed. The BSR`s performance is compared in terms of blocking probability and network utilization with Dijkstra`s shortest path algorithm and others algorithms proposed in the literature. The evaluated scenarios include several representative topologies for all-optical networking and different wavelength conversion architectures. For all studied scenarios, BSR achieved superior performance. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Four substrata were offered to groups of adult Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (one male and two females) simultaneously: pure sand, a mixture of sand and shells, stones and no substratum. The results showed that males chose to dig nests in a lighter and more homogeneous substratum.
A stable matching rule is used as the outcome function for the Admission game where colleges behave straightforwardly and the students` strategies are given by their preferences over the colleges. We show that the college-optimal stable matching rule implements the set of stable matchings via the Nash equilibrium (NE) concept. For any other stable matching rule the strategic behavior of the students may lead to outcomes that are not stable under the true preferences. We then introduce uncertainty about the matching selected and prove that the natural solution concept is that of NE in the strong sense. A general result shows that the random stable matching rule, as well as any stable matching rule, implements the set of stable matchings via NE in the strong sense. Precise answers are given to the strategic questions raised.