13 resultados para Biometric informations
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
The application of airborne laser scanning (ALS) technologies in forest inventories has shown great potential to improve the efficiency of forest planning activities. Precise estimates, fast assessment and relatively low complexity can explain the good results in terms of efficiency. The evolution of GPS and inertial measurement technologies, as well as the observed lower assessment costs when these technologies are applied to large scale studies, can explain the increasing dissemination of ALS technologies. The observed good quality of results can be expressed by estimates of volumes and basal area with estimated error below the level of 8.4%, depending on the size of sampled area, the quantity of laser pulses per square meter and the number of control plots. This paper analyzes the potential of an ALS assessment to produce certain forest inventory statistics in plantations of cloned Eucalyptus spp with precision equal of superior to conventional methods. The statistics of interest in this case were: volume, basal area, mean height and dominant trees mean height. The ALS flight for data assessment covered two strips of approximately 2 by 20 Km, in which clouds of points were sampled in circular plots with a radius of 13 m. Plots were sampled in different parts of the strips to cover different stand ages. The clouds of points generated by the ALS assessment: overall height mean, standard error, five percentiles (height under which we can find 10%, 30%, 50%,70% and 90% of the ALS points above ground level in the cloud), and density of points above ground level in each percentile were calculated. The ALS statistics were used in regression models to estimate mean diameter, mean height, mean height of dominant trees, basal area and volume. Conventional forest inventory sample plots provided real data. For volume, an exploratory assessment involving different combinations of ALS statistics allowed for the definition of the most promising relationships and fitting tests based on well known forest biometric models. The models based on ALS statistics that produced the best results involved: the 30% percentile to estimate mean diameter (R(2)=0,88 and MQE%=0,0004); the 10% and 90% percentiles to estimate mean height (R(2)=0,94 and MQE%=0,0003); the 90% percentile to estimate dominant height (R(2)=0,96 and MQE%=0,0003); the 10% percentile and mean height of ALS points to estimate basal area (R(2)=0,92 and MQE%=0,0016); and, to estimate volume, age and the 30% and 90% percentiles (R(2)=0,95 MQE%=0,002). Among the tested forest biometric models, the best fits were provided by the modified Schumacher using age and the 90% percentile, modified Clutter using age, mean height of ALS points and the 70% percentile, and modified Buckman using age, mean height of ALS points and the 10% percentile.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as prevalências de excesso de peso (EP), hipertensão arterial (HA) e fatores associados em trabalhadores de empresas beneficiadas pelo Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador (PAT) da cidade de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 1.339 trabalhadores de 30 empresas. A coleta de dados envolveu a aplicação de um questionário com dados de caracterização dos trabalhadores e peso e altura auto-referidos. Foi realizada a aferição da pressão arterial e o estado nutricional foi classificado segundo o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC). Odds ratios foram estimadas na avaliação dos fatores de risco associados a HA e EP. RESULTADOS: Os trabalhadores apresentaram, em média, 36,4 anos (dp = 10,3) e 9,9 anos de estudo (dp = 2,3), sendo 60% da amostra pertencente ao sexo masculino. Na comparação com homens, mulheres apresentaram valores significativamente menores de idade, pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD) e IMC e maior escolaridade. As prevalências em homens de EP (25 kg/m2) (56%) e de HA (PAS > 140 mmHg e/ou PAD > 90 mmHg ou uso de medicações anti-hipertensivas) (38%), foram aproximadamente o dobro da registrada em mulheres (30% e 19%), respectivamente. Idade foi fator de risco para a ocorrência de EP e HA em ambos os sexos, enquanto que a escolaridade foi fator de proteção para EP e HA em mulheres e fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de EP em homens. CONCLUSÃO: Os trabalhadores do sexo masculino constituíram uma população de maior risco para ocorrência de HA e EP e devem ser priorizados nos programas que visam a prevenção dessas doenças. Neste sentido, o PAT pode representar um lugar de destaque nas ações de saúde e nutrição no ambiente de trabalho.
Avaliou-se a influência do grau de bipartição escrotal sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos em caprinos. Foram utilizados 30 animais, distribuídos em três grupos: Grupo I, animais que apresentavam escroto sem bipartição (n =10); Grupo II, animais com bipartição escrotal até 50% do comprimento dos testículos (n=10); e Grupo III, caprinos com bipartição escrotal acima de 50% do comprimento testicular (n=10). Os parâmetros avaliados foram peso corporal, perímetro escrotal, comprimento testicular, características físicas e morfológicas do sêmen, concentração plasmática de testosterona e libido dos animais, comparando caprinos com escroto bipartido e não bipartido. Os animais que apresentavam bipartição escrotal expressaram maior peso corporal e comprimento testicular, quando comparados com os animais do grupo sem escroto bipartido, sendo que estes apresentaram maior número de células espermáticas defeituosas. Conclui-se que a bipartição escrotal influencia positivamente alguns parâmetros biométricos bem como a qualidade do sêmen em caprinos.
A qualidade de luz pode alterar a morfogênese das plantas por meio de uma série de processos mediados por receptores de luz, principalmente na região do vermelho e azul. O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar alterações anatômicas foliares e características biométricas de Cattleya loddigesii 'Tipo', cultivadas in vitro, sob diferentes malhas coloridas com nível de radiação de 50% de sombreamento. Plântulas oriundas de autopolinização e sementes germinadas in vitro, com aproximadamente 1,0cm de comprimento e com raízes, foram inoculadas em meio WPM e submetidas a diferentes condições de incubação. Testou-se o efeito de sombrites coloridos (vermelho e azul) sobre os frascos cultivados em casa de vegetação (CV) e sala de crescimento (SC), além dos tratamentos, nos dois ambientes, sem utilização das telas coloridas. A avaliação foi efetuada 180 dias após inoculação. Com os resultados obtidos, observou-se que o ambiente de cultivo promove alterações anatômicas e biométricas em plântulas de Cattleya loddigesii 'Tipo' micropropagadas. As alterações promovidas pelo cultivo em luz natural evidenciam maior capacidade fotossintética, por meio de maior diferenciação dos tecidos clorofilianos, promovendo uma superfície foliar anatomicamente adaptada à fase de aclimatização.
O artigo busca discutir um novo padrão migratório da Bolívia para o Brasil e para a Argentina, especialmente vinculado à precarização do trabalho e à inserção desses imigrantes em formas de trabalho precário. Esse padrão & aparentemente novo em relação à integração dos contingentes migrantes ao longo do século XX & vem produzindo consequências que ainda estão por ser mapeadas. Uma delas é a presença de um contingente de bolivianos confinado ao setor de costura, trabalhando e vivendo em oficinas clandestinas, com pouca visibilidade pública, como face de uma precarização mundializada, resultante do assim chamado “custo chinês”. Resultante de um balanço bibliográfico e de uma incursão exploratória na pesquisa de campo tanto em São Paulo como em Buenos Aires, o artigo pretende apontar para aspectos específicos do fenômeno, combinando olhares e perspectivas que cruzam as dimensões migratórias, geracionais e de gênero.
The relationship between prolactin (PRL) and the immune system has been demonstrated in the last two decades and has opened new windows in the field of immunoendocrinology. However, there are scarce reports about PRL in primary antiphospholipid syndrome (pAPS). The objective of this study was to evaluate PRL levels in patients with pAPS compared to healthy controls and to investigate their possible clinical associations. Fifty-five pAPS patients according to Sapporo criteria were age- and sex-matched with 41 healthy subjects. Individuals with secondary causes of hyperprolactinemia (HPRL) were excluded; demographic, biometric, and clinical data, PRL levels, antiphospholipid antibodies, inflammatory markers, and other routine laboratory findings were analyzed. PRL levels were similar between pAPS and healthy controls (8.94 +/- 7.02 versus 8.71 +/- 6.73 ng/mL, P = .876). Nine percent of the pAPS patients and 12.1% of the control subjects presented HPRL (P = .740). Comparison between the pAPS patients with hyper- and normoprolactinemia revealed no significant differences related to anthropometrics, clinical manifestations, medications, smoking, and antiphospholipid antibodies (P > .05). This study showed that HPRL does not seem to play a role in clinical manifestations of the pAPS, differently from other autoimmune rheumatic diseases.
Mixed models have become important in analyzing the results of experiments, particularly those that require more complicated models (e.g., those that involve longitudinal data). This article describes a method for deriving the terms in a mixed model. Our approach extends an earlier method by Brien and Bailey to explicitly identify terms for which autocorrelation and smooth trend arising from longitudinal observations need to be incorporated in the model. At the same time we retain the principle that the model used should include, at least, all the terms that are justified by the randomization. This is done by dividing the factors into sets, called tiers, based on the randomization and determining the crossing and nesting relationships between factors. The method is applied to formulate mixed models for a wide range of examples. We also describe the mixed model analysis of data from a three-phase experiment to investigate the effect of time of refinement on Eucalyptus pulp from four different sources. Cubic smoothing splines are used to describe differences in the trend over time and unstructured covariance matrices between times are found to be necessary.
Interval-censored survival data, in which the event of interest is not observed exactly but is only known to occur within some time interval, occur very frequently. In some situations, event times might be censored into different, possibly overlapping intervals of variable widths; however, in other situations, information is available for all units at the same observed visit time. In the latter cases, interval-censored data are termed grouped survival data. Here we present alternative approaches for analyzing interval-censored data. We illustrate these techniques using a survival data set involving mango tree lifetimes. This study is an example of grouped survival data.
Research conducted on biomass for Ulcos (""Ultra-Low CO(2) Steelmaking"" European Integrated Project) has progressively focused on charcoal supply from tropical eucalyptus plantations. The sustainability of such plantations is being investigated from the viewpoint of their carbon, water and nutrient budgets: they must all be neutral or positive. Field research is producing results at the tree or stand level in several sites of Congo and Brazil, while a spatial model is developed to identify the conditions of biomass neutrality at the scale of the forest ecosystem. The productivity of biomass has been analyzed through the description of practices along the various supply-schemes that competitively feed the steel industry in Brazil and identification of bottlenecks for further expansion.
Purpose: To study the oculometric parameters of hyperopia in children with esotropic amblyopia, comparing amblyopic eyes with fellow eyes. Methods: Thirty-seven patients (5-8 years old) with bilateral hyperopia and esotropic amblyopia underwent a comprehensive ophthalmic examination, including cycloplegic refraction, keratometry and A-scan ultrasonography. Anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, vitreous chamber depth and total axial length were recorded. The refractive power of the crystalline lens was calculated using Bennett`s equations. Paired Student`s t-tests were used to compare ocular biometric measurements between amblyopic eyes and their fellow eyes. The associations of biometric parameters with refractive errors were assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients and linear regression. Multivariable models including axial length, corneal power and lens power were also constructed. Results: Amblyopic eyes were found to have significantly more hyperopic refraction, less corneal power, greater lens power, shorter vitreous chamber depth and shorter axial length, despite similar anterior chamber depth and lens thickness. The strongest correlation with refractive error was observed for the axial length/corneal radius ratio (r(36) = -0.92, p < 0.001 for amblyopic and r(36) = 0.87, p < 0.001 for fellow eyes). Axial length accounted for 39.2% (R(2)) of the refractive error variance in amblyopic eyes and 35.5% in fellow eyes. Adding corneal power to the model increased R(2) to 85.7% and 79.6%, respectively. A statistically significant correlation was found between axial length and corneal power, indicating decreasing corneal power with increasing axial length, and they were similar for amblyopic eyes (r(36) = 0.53,p < 0.001) and fellow eyes (r(36) = -0.57, p < 0.001). A statistically significant correlation was also found between axial length and lens power, indicating decreasing lens power with increasing axial length (r(36) = -0.72, p < 0.001 for amblyopic eyes and r(36) = -0.69, p < 0.001 for fellow eyes). Conclusions: We observed that the correlation among the major oculometric parameters and their individual contribution to hyperopia in esotropic children were similar in amblyopic and non-amblyopic eyes. This finding suggests that the counterbalancing effect of greater corneal and lens power associated with shorter axial length is similar in both eyes of patients with esotropic amblyopia.
Background/Aims: Specific treatment of chronic hepatitis C is effective in 50% of patients, improving the]liver`s fibrosis, necroinflammatory changes and steatosis. However, in patients still viremic after treatment the extension of these benefits remains doubtful. The evolution of the disease in this group and its relationship to demographic data, biometric indices and time lapse between biopsies was evaluated. Methodology: In 141 patients, paired biopsies were classified and compared according to fibrosis grading. Necroinflammation, steatosis, demographic data (age and gender), body mass index (BMI) and time lapse between biopsies were compared with fibrosis grading. Results: The grade of fibrosis of the patients, after approximately 3.5 years time lapse between biopsies, could be classified into 4 groups; Improved: 29(20.0%), Unaltered: 64(45.0%), Worsened: 48(34%) and Cirrhotic: 14(9.93%). For necroinflammation, the Improved/Unaltered groups were statistically similar but different from the Worsened and Cirrhotic. The mean age, BMI and time lapse between biopsies were statistically similar in all groups. Steatosis occurred in 35 (24.82%) between biopsies and its incidence was reduced in the Worsened and Cirrhotic groups. Conclusions: Fibrosis turned into cirrhosis in a significant number of patients, after a short time lapse. The reverse correlation of steatosis to fibrosis and its occurrence during the time lapse between biopsies suggests it might induce hepatic necrosis and contribute to fibrogenesis.
Objective To report the biometric values and ultrasonographic aspects of the normal eye of the Striped owl (Rhinoptynx clamator). Sample population Twenty-seven healthy, free-living, adult Striped owls from the Ecological Park of Tiete Veterinary Ambulatory (Sao Paulo, Brazil). Procedures Both eyes of all owls underwent B-mode ultrasonographic examination and biometry was performed for lens axial length (WL), depth of the anterior (AC) and vitreous (VC) chambers, axial length of the globe (LB) and the pecten oculi (LP) of both eyes, using a 12 MHz probe. The owls were manually restrained without sedation and the eyes were topically anesthetized. Results Biometric and statistical findings were as follows: in the left eye, the means and standard deviations were: LB = 23.76 +/- 0.92 mm, WL = 7.79 +/- 0.27 mm, AC = 4.27 +/- 0.47 mm, VC = 11.36 +/- 0.29 mm and LP = 5.69 +/- 0.50 mm; in the right eye, the values were: LB = 24.25 +/- 0.79 mm, WL = 8.03 +/- 0.40 mm, AC = 4.56 +/- 0.52 mm, VC = 11.40 +/- 0.25 mm, and LP = 5.68 +/- 0.41 mm. No significant differences were found between left and right eyes measurements of LB, WL, AC, VC, and LP dimensions. Conclusions Ocular ultrasound aspects and biometric values of the Striped owl are reported. The study`s results provide means for various ocular measurements. The ultrasound is an easy and safe exam to be performed in the Striped owl`s eyes.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the protein requirements for hand-rearing Blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). Forty hatchlings were fed semi-purified diets containing one of four (as-fed basis) protein levels: 13%, 18%, 23% and 28%. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with the initial weight of the nestling as the blocking factor and 10 parrots per protein level. Regression analysis was used to determine relationships between protein level and biometric measurements. The data indicated that 13% crude protein supported nestling growth with 18% being the minimum tested level required for maximum development. The optimal protein concentration for maximum weight gain was 24.4% (p = 0.08; r(2) = 0.25), tail length 23.7% (p = 0.09; r(2) = 0.19), wing length 23.0% (p = 0.07; r(2) = 0.17), tarsus length 21.3% (p = 0.06; r(2) = 0.10) and tarsus width 21.4% (p = 0.07; r(2) = 0.09). Tarsus measurements were larger in males (p < 0.05), indicating that sex must be considered when studying developing psittacines. These results were obtained using a highly digestible protein and a diet with moderate metabolizable energy levels.