26 resultados para Alternatives to incarceration
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Cr3C2-NiCr and WC-Ni coatings are widely used for wear applications at high and room temperature, respectively. Due to the high corrosion resistance of NiCr binder, Cr3C2-NiCr coatings are also used in corrosive environments. The application of WC-Ni coatings in corrosive media is 14 not recommended due to the poor corrosion resistance of the (pure Ni) metallic matrix. It is well known that the addition of Cr to the metallic binder improves the corrosion properties. Erosion-corrosion performance of thermal spray coatings is widely influenced by ceramic phase composition, the size of ceramic particles and also the composition of the metallic binder. In the present work, two types of HVOF thermal spray coatings (Cr3C2-NiCr and WC-Ni) obtained with different spray conditions were studied and compared with conventional micro-cracked hard chromium coatings. Both as-sprayed and polished samples were tested under two erosion-corrosion conditions with different erosivity. Tungsten carbide coatings showed better performance under the most erosive condition, while chromium carbide coatings were superior under less erosive conditions. Some of the tungsten carbide coatings and hard chromium showed similar erosion-corrosion behaviour under more and less erosive conditions. The erosion-corrosion and electrochemical results showed that surface polishing improved the erosion-corrosion properties of the thermally sprayed coatings. The corrosion behaviour of the different coatings has been compared using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and polarization curves. Total material loss due to erosion-corrosion was determined by weight loss measurements. An estimation of the corrosion contribution to the total weight loss was also given. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The usual tests to compare variances and means (e. g. Bartlett`s test and F-test) assume that the sample comes from a normal distribution. In addition, the test for equality of means requires the assumption of homogeneity of variances. In some situation those assumptions are not satisfied, hence we may face problems like excessive size and low power. In this paper, we describe two tests, namely the Levene`s test for equality of variances, which is robust under nonnormality; and the Brown and Forsythe`s test for equality of means. We also present some modifications of the Levene`s test and Brown and Forsythe`s test, proposed by different authors. We analyzed and applied one modified form of Brown and Forsythe`s test to a real data set. This test is a robust alternative under nonnormality, heteroscedasticity and also when the data set has influential observations. The equality of variance can be well tested by Levene`s test with centering at the sample median.
In order to lower the excessive costs of metallic prosthesis materia Is alternatives to Ti and Ti alloys have been searched. in this study, the corrosion resistance of the DIN 1.4575 superferritic stainless steel, either solution annealed or solution annealed and aged at 475 degrees C for periods varying from 100 to 1080 h, was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization methods in Hanks` solution. The solution annealed and the aged for 1080 h samples were also tested using scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) in a 0.1 mol/L NaCl solution at 25 degrees C. The EIS results showed that the corrosion resistance of the DIN 1.4575 steel decreases with heat treatment time at 475 degrees C probably due to alpha prime formation. Besides the diminution of the overall impedance values, the low frequency limit of the Nyquist diagrams show a progressive change from an almost capacitive response to a resistive behavior as the heat treatment time increases. Pitting corrosion resistance also decreased with aging time at 475 degrees C.
Air transport has become a vital component of the global economy. However, greenhouse-gas emissions from this sector have a significant impact on global climate, being responsible for over 3.5% of all anthropogenic radiative forcing. Also, the accrued visibility of aircraft emissions greatly affects the public image of the industry. In this context, incentive-based regulations, in the form of price or quantity controls, can be envisaged as alternatives to mitigate these emissions. The use of environmental charges in air transport, and the inclusion of the sector in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), are considered under a range of scenarios. The impacts of these measures on demand are estimated, and results suggest that they are likely to be minimal-mainly due to the high willingness to pay for air transport. In particular, in the EU ETS scenario currently favoured by the EU, demand reductions are less than 2%. This may not be true in the longer run, for short trips, or if future caps become more stringent. Furthermore, given current estimates of the social Cost Of CO2 as well as typical EU ETS prices, supply-side abatement would be too costly to be encouraged by these policies in the short term. The magnitude of aviation CO2 emissions in the EU is estimated, both in physical and monetary terms; the results are consistent with Eurocontrol estimates and, for the EU-25, the total social cost of these emissions represents only 0.03% of the region`s GDP. It is concluded that the use of multisector policies, such as the EU ETS, is unsuitable for curbing emissions from air transport, and that stringent emission charges or an isolated ETS would be better instruments. However, the inclusion of aviation in the EU ETS has advantages under target-oriented post-2012 scenarios, such as policy-costs dilution, certainty in reductions, and flexibility in abatement allocation. This solution is also attractive to airlines, as it would improve their public image but require virtually no reduction of their own emissions, as they would be fully capable of passing on policy costs to their customers.
A dynamic systems simulation model of water resources was developed as a tool to help analyze alternatives to water resources management for the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiai River Water Basins (RB-PCJ), and used to run six 50-year simulations from 2004 to 2054. The model estimates water supply and demand, as well as contamination load by several consumers. Six runs were performed using a constant mean precipitation value, changing water supply and demand and different volumes diverted from RB-PCJ to RB-Alto Tiet. For the Business as Usual scenario, the Sustainability Index went from 0.44 in 2004 to 0.20 by 2054. The Water Sustainability Index changed from 74% in 2004 to 131% by 2054. The Falkenmark Index changed from 1,403 m(3) person (-aEuro parts per thousand 1) year (-aEuro parts per thousand 1) in 2004 to 734 m(3) person (-aEuro parts per thousand 1) year (-aEuro parts per thousand 1) by 2054. We concluded that sanitation is one of the major problems for the PCJ River Basins.
Bovine pericardium, for cardiac valve fabrication, was coated with either chitosan or silk fibroin film. In vitro calcification tests of coated and non coated bovine pericardium were performed in simulated body fluid solution in order to investigate potential alternatives to minimize calcification on implanted heart valves. Complementary, morphology was assessed by scanning electron microscopy - SEM; X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) were performed for structural characterization of coatings and biocompatibility of chitosan. Silk fibroin films were assayed by in vitro cytotoxicity and endothelial cell growth tests. Bovine pericardium coated with silk fibroin or chitosan did not present calcification during in vitro calcification tests, indicating that these biopolymeric coatings do not induce bovine pericardium calcification. Chitosan and silk fibroin films were characterized as non cytotoxic and silk fibroin films presented high affinity to endothelial cells. The results indicate that bovine pericardium coated with silk fibroin is a potential candidate for cardiac valve fabrication, since the affinity of silk fibroin to endothelial cells can be explored to induce the tissue endothelization and therefore, increase valve durability by increasing their mechanical resistance and protecting them against calcification. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A new method is presented to prepare anatomical slides of plant materials including a combination of soft and hard tissues, such as stems with cambial variants, arboreal monocotyledons, and tree bark The method integrates previous techniques aimed at softening the samples and making them thereby more homogeneous, with the use of anti-tearing polystyrene foam solution In addition, we suggest two other alternatives to protect the sections from tearing adhesive tape and/or Mayer`s albumin adhesive, both combined with the polystyrene foam solution This solution is cheap and easy to make by dissolving any packaging polystyrene m butyl acetate It is applied before each section is cut on a sliding microtome and ensures that all the tissues in the section will hold together This novel microtechnical procedure will facilitate the study of heterogeneous plant portions, as shown in some illustrated examples
Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus obtained from four local populations in Uruguay (2007-2008) were subjected to various bioassay techniques to determine the presence of fipronil resistance within the country. Resistance ratios (RRs) obtained by larval immersion test varied between 3.3 and 3635 for tick populations subjected to treatment with fipronil for the last 3-7 years. The highest RR was observed in the population which received fewer treatments. Using discriminating concentration (8 ppm) for larval immersion test, all field strains were correctly diagnosed as fipronil-resistant. This study presents the first diagnoses of cattle tick resistance to fipronil in Uruguay`s field populations. It also highlights the importance of the possible conflict between programs to control agricultural pests and cattle ticks. The findings provide valuable information for selection and adoption of new control alternatives to manage drug resistance exhibited by cattle ticks. (C) 2009 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.
O paradigma intruso-residente vem sendo intensamente empregado em estudos para avaliar a memória de reconhecimento social em roedores. Tipicamente, ratos adultos (residentes) são expostos a dois encontros de 5 minutos cada com um mesmo intruso juvenil ou com juvenis diferentes; o intervalo entre encontros é usualmente 30 minutos. A quantidade de comportamentos sociais do residente, no segundo encontro, em relação a um intruso familiar é substancialmente menor do que o observado no primeiro encontro, o que não ocorre quando o segundo encontro envolve um juvenil novo; esse resultado caracteriza memória de reconhecimento social. Neste estudo discutimos achados recentes sobre os tipos de comportamentos usualmente incluídos nas categorias social e não-social, a influência da fase temporal, a interferência de rotinas laboratoriais na memória de reconhecimento social, modalidades sensoriais usualmente empregadas por roedores no processamento de informações na memória social e alternativas adicionais para o estudo da socialidade em roedores.
The use of neuromodulation as a treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD) has recently attracted renewed interest due to development of other non-pharmacological therapies besides electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), deep brain stimulation (DBS), and vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). METHOD: We convened a working group of researchers to discuss the updates and key challenges of neuromodulation use for the treatment of MDD. RESULTS: The state-of-art of neuromodulation techniques was reviewed and discussed in four sections: [1] epidemiology and pathophysiology of MDD; [2] a comprehensive overview of the neuromodulation techniques; [3] using neuromodulation techniques in MDD associated with non-psychiatric conditions; [4] the main challenges of neuromodulation research and alternatives to overcome them. DISCUSSION: ECT is the first-line treatment for severe depression. TMS and tDCS are strategies with a relative benign profile of side effects; however, while TMS effects are comparable to antidepressant drugs for treating MDD; further research is needed to establish the role of tDCS. DBS and VNS are invasive strategies with a possible role in treatment-resistant depression. In summary, MDD is a chronic and incapacitating condition with a high prevalence; therefore clinicians should consider all the treatment options including invasive and non-invasive neuromodulation approaches.
Growing knowledge on the health-promoting impact of antioxidants in everyday foods, combined with the assumption that a number of common synthetic preservatives may have hazardous side effects has led to increased investigations in the field of natural antioxidants, principally those found in plants. Food industries normally discard plant residues that could benefit the human health and diminish undesirable environmental impact. Once estimated the content of antioxidants in these residues, advantageous economical and social alternatives to the discard are possible, for example, their use for preparation of nutraceuticals to be offered to low-income populations. We present here a broad, although not complete, account of the continuously growing knowledge on the antioxidant capacity of whole fruits, seeds and peels, cereals, vegetal oils and aromatic plants, at several physical forms, as well as a description of the usual methods for evaluating their antioxidant capacity and examples of agroindustrial processes that could be harnessed for the production of antioxidant supplement food, along with research perspectives in the area.
A systematic study of the reaction of β-hydroxy ethers with ruthenium tetraoxide (RuO4), generated in situ from ruthenium trichloride and sodium periodate, is presented, leading to nine-membered ring keto-lactones in moderate yields. Three different solvent systems - AcOEt/MeCN/H2O, MeCN/H2O and DMC/H2O - were studied leading to the desired products in lower yields than those obtained with the classical mixture of CCl4/MeCN/H2O, commonly used in reactions promoted by this oxidant. However, it is noteworthy that these new solvent systems represent greener alternatives to the chlorinated solvents used in the oxidative cleavage of β-hydroxy ethers by RuO4.
In this study, we evaluated alternative technical markers for the motion analysis of the pelvic segment. Thirteen subjects walked eight times while tri-dimensional kinematics were recorded for one stride of each trial. Five marker sets were evaluated, and we compared the tilt, obliquity, and rotation angles of the pelvis segment: (1) standard: markers at the anterior and posterior superior iliac spines (ASIS and PSIS); (2) markers at the PSIS and at the hip joint centers, HJCs (estimated by a functional method and described with clusters of markers at the thighs); (3) markers at the PSIS and HJCs (estimated by a predictive method and described with clusters of markers at the thighs); (4) markers at the PSIS and HJCs (estimated by a predictive method and described with skin-mounted markers at the thighs based on the Helen-Hayes marker set); (5) markers at the PSIS and at the iliac spines. Concerning the pelvic angles, evaluation of the alternative technical marker sets evinced that all marker sets demonstrated similar precision across trials (about 1 degrees) but different accuracies (ranging from 1 degrees to 3 degrees) in comparison to the standard marker set. We suggest that all the investigated marker sets are reliable alternatives to the standard pelvic marker set. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper deals with the H(infinity) recursive estimation problem for general rectangular time-variant descriptor systems in discrete time. Riccati-equation based recursions for filtered and predicted estimates are developed based on a data fitting approach and game theory. In this approach, the nature determines a state sequence seeking to maximize the estimation cost, whereas the estimator tries to find an estimate that brings the estimation cost to a minimum. A solution exists for a specified gamma-level if the resulting cost is positive. In order to present some computational alternatives to the H(infinity) filters developed, they are rewritten in information form along with the respective array algorithms. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The search for alternatives to fossil fuels is boosting interest in biodiesel production. Among the crops used to produce biodiesel, palm trees stand out due to their high productivity and positive energy balance. This work assesses life cycle emissions and the energy balance of biodiesel production from palm oil in Brazil. The results are compared through a meta-analysis to previous published studies: Wood and Corley (1991) [Wood BJ, Corley RH. The energy balance of oil palm cultivation. In: PORIM intl. palm oil conference agriculture; 1991.], Malaysia; Yusoff and Hansen (2005) [Yusoff S. Hansen SB. Feasibility study of performing an life cycle assessment on crude palm oil production in Malaysia. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 2007;12:50-8], Malaysia; Angarita et al. (2009) [Angarita EE, Lora EE, Costa RE, Torres EA. The energy balance in the palm oil-derived methyl ester (PME) life cycle for the cases in Brazil and Colombia. Renewable Energy 2009;34:2905-13], Colombia; Pleanjai and Gheewala (2009) [Pleanjai S. Gheewala SH. Full chain energy analysis of biodiesel production from palm oil in Thailand. Applied Energy 2009;86:S209-14], Thailand; and Yee et al. (2009) [Yee KF, Tan KT, Abdullah AZ, Lee la. Life cycle assessment of palm biodiesel: revealing facts and benefits for sustainability. Applied Energy 2009;86:S189-96], Malaysia. In our study, data for the agricultural phase, transport, and energy content of the products and co-products were obtained from previous assessments done in Brazil. The energy intensities and greenhouse gas emission factors were obtained from the Simapro 7.1.8. software and other authors. These factors were applied to the inputs and outputs listed in the selected studies to render them comparable. The energy balance for our study was 1:5.37. In comparison the range for the other studies is between 1:3.40 and 1:7.78. Life cycle emissions determined in our assessment resulted in 1437 kg CO(2)e/ha, while our analysis based on the information provided by other authors resulted in 2406 kg CO(2)e/ha, on average. The Angarita et al. (2009) [Angarita EE, Lora EE, Costa RE, Torres EA. The energy balance in the palm oil-derived methyl ester (PME) life cycle for the cases in Brazil and Colombia. Renewable Energy 2009:34:2905-13] study does not report emissions. When compared to diesel on a energy basis, avoided emissions due to the use of biodiesel account for 80 g CO(2)e/MJ. Thus, avoided life Cycle emissions associated with the use of biodiesel yield a net reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. We also assessed the carbon balance between a palm tree plantation, including displaced emissions from diesel, and a natural ecosystem. Considering the carbon balance outcome plus life cycle emissions the payback time for a tropical forest is 39 years. The result published by Gibbs et al. (2008) [Gibbs HK, Johnston M, Foley JA, Holloway T, Monfreda C, Ramankutty N, et al., Carbon payback times for crop-based biofuel expansion in the tropics: the effects of changing yield and technology. Environmental Research Letters 2008;3:10], which ignores life cycle emissions, determined a payback range for biodiesel production between 30 and 120 years. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.