189 resultados para ACTIVATION PATTERNS

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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In order to understand the potential selective activation of the rectus abdominis muscle, we conducted two experiments. In the first, subjects performed two controlled isometric exercises: the curl up (supine trunk raise) and the leg raise (supine bent leg raise) at low intensity (in which only a few motor units are recruited). In the second experiment, subjects performed the same exercises, but they were required to maintain a certain force level in order to induce fatigue. We recorded the electromyographic (EMG) activities of the lower and upper portions of the rectus abdominis muscle during the exercises and used spatial-temporal and frequency analyses to describe muscle activation patterns. At low-intensity contractions, the ratio between the EMG intensities of the upper and lower portions during the curl up exercise was significantly larger than during the leg raise exercise (p = 0.02). A cross-correlation analysis indicated that the signals of the abdominal portions were related to each other and this relation did not differ between the tasks (p = 0.12). In the fatiguing condition, fatigue for the upper portion was higher than for the lower portion during the curl up exercise (p = 0.008). We conclude that different exercises evoked, to a certain degree, individualized activation of each part of the rectus abdominis muscle, but different portions of the rectus abdominis muscle contributed to the same task, acting like a functional unit. These results corroborate the relevance of varying exercise to modify activation patterns of the rectus abdominis muscle.


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In this study, we examined Spatial-temporal gait stride parameters, lower extremity joint angles, ground reaction forces (GRF) components, and electromyographic activation patterns of 10 healthy elderly individuals (70 +/- 6 years) walking in water and on land and compared them to a reference group of 10 younger adults (29 +/- 16 years). They all walked at self-selected comfortable speeds both on land and while immersed in water at the Xiphoid process level. Concerning the elderly individuals, the main significant differences observed were that they presented shorter stride length, slower speed, lower GRF values, higher horizontal impulses, smaller knee range of motion, lower ankle dorsiflexion, and more knee flexion at the stride`s initial contact in water than on land. Concerning the comparison between elderly individuals and adults, elderly individuals walked significantly slower on land than adults but both groups presented the same speed walking in water. In water, elderly individuals presented significantly shorter stride length, lower stride duration, and higher stance period duration than younger adults. That is, elderly individuals` adaptations to walking in water differ from those in the younger age group. This fact should be considered when prescribing rehabilitation or fitness programs for these populations. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Diminished balance ability poses a serious health risk due to the increased likelihood of falling, and impaired postural stability is significantly associated with blindness and poor vision. Noise stimulation (by improving the detection of sub-threshold somatosensory information) and tactile supplementation (i.e. additional haptic information provided by an external contact surface) have been shown to improve the performance of the postural control system. Moreover, vibratory noise added to the source of tactile supplementation (e.g. applied to a surface that the fingertip touches) has been shown to enhance balance stability more effectively than tactile supplementation alone. In view of the above findings, in addition to the well established consensus that blind subjects show superior abilities in the use of tactile information, we hypothesized that blind subjects may take extra benefits from the vibratory noise added to the tactile supplementation and hence show greater improvements in postural stability than those observed for sighted subjects. If confirmed, this hypothesis may lay the foundation for the development of noise-based assistive devices (e.g. canes, walking sticks) for improving somatosensation and hence prevent falls in blind individuals. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND Marshall bundles (MBs) are the muscle bundles within the ligament of Marshall. OBJECTIVE This trial sought to the electrophysiological characteristics of the MB and the anatomical connections between MB and left atrium (LA) in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). METHODS We enrolled 72 patients (male: female 59: 13, age 59.9 +/- 9.4 years) who underwent MB mapping and ablation for AF. MB mapping was done via an endocardial or epicardial approach during sinus rhythm and AF. RESULTS Recordings were successful in 64 of 72 patients (89%). A single connection was noted in 11 of 64 patients between the MB and the coronary sinus (CS) muscle sleeves. The MB recordings showed distinct MB potentials with a proximal-to-distal activation pattern during sinus rhythm. During AF, organized passive activations and dissociated slow MB ectopic activities were commonly observed in this type of connection. Double connections to both CS and LA around left pulmonary veins were noted in 23 of 64 patients (36%). After the ablation of the distal connection, MB recording showed typical double potentials as in single connection. Multiple connections were noted in 30 of 64 patients (47%). During sinus rhythm, the earliest activation was in the middle of the MB. The activation patterns were irregular and variable in each patient. During AF, rapid and fractionated complex activations were noted in all patients of this group. CONCLUSION We documented 3 different types of MB-LA connections. Rapid and fractionated activations were most commonly observed in the MB that had multiple LA connections.


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Recent studies have demonstrated that spatial patterns of fMRI BOLD activity distribution over the brain may be used to classify different groups or mental states. These studies are based on the application of advanced pattern recognition approaches and multivariate statistical classifiers. Most published articles in this field are focused on improving the accuracy rates and many approaches have been proposed to accomplish this task. Nevertheless, a point inherent to most machine learning methods (and still relatively unexplored in neuroimaging) is how the discriminative information can be used to characterize groups and their differences. In this work, we introduce the Maximum Uncertainty Linear Discrimination Analysis (MLDA) and show how it can be applied to infer groups` patterns by discriminant hyperplane navigation. In addition, we show that it naturally defines a behavioral score, i.e., an index quantifying the distance between the states of a subject from predefined groups. We validate and illustrate this approach using a motor block design fMRI experiment data with 35 subjects. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to describe, interpret and compare the EMG activation patterns of ankle muscles - tibialis anterior (TA), peroneus longus (PL) and gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) - in volleyball players with and without ankle functional instability (FI) during landing after the blocking movement. Twenty-one players with FI (IG) and 19 controls (CG) were studied. The cycle of movement analyzed was the time period between 200 ms before and 200 ms after the time of impact determined by ground reaction forces. The variables were analyzed for two different phases: pre-landing (200 ms before impact) and post-landing (200 ms after impact). The RMS values and the timing of onset activity were calculated for the three studied muscles, in both periods and for both groups. The co-activation index for TA and PL, TA and GL were also calculated. Individuals with FI presented a lower RMS value pre-landing for PL (CG = 43.0 perpendicular to 22.0; IG = 26.2 perpendicular to 8.4, p < 0.05) and higher RMS value post-landing (CG = 47.5 perpendicular to 13.3; IG = 55.8 perpendicular to 21.6, p < 0.10). Besides that, in control group PL and GL activated first and simultaneously, and TA presented a later activation, while in subjects with FI all the three muscles activated simultaneously. There were no significant differences between groups for co-activation index. Thus, the rate of contraction between agonist and antagonist muscles is similar for subjects with and without FI but the activation individually was different. Volleyball players with functional instability of the ankle showed altered patterns of the muscles that play an important role in the stabilization of the foot-ankle complex during the performance of the blocking movement, to the detriment of the ligament complex, and this fact could explain the usual complaints in these subjects. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To analyze the differential recruitment of the raphe nuclei during different phases of feeding behavior, rats were subjected to a food restriction schedule (food for 2 h/day, during 15 days). The animals were submitted to different feeding conditions, constituting the experimental groups: search for food (MFS), food ingestion (MFI), satiety (MFSa) and food restriction control (MFC). A baseline condition (BC) group was included as further control. The MFI and MFC groups, which presented greater autonomic and somatic activation, had more FOS-immunoreactive (FOS-IR) neurons. The MFI group presented more labeled cells in the linear (LRN) and dorsal (DRN) nuclei; the MFC group showed more labeling in the median (MRN), pontine (PRN), magnus (NRM) and obscurus (NRO) nuclei; and the MFSa group had more labeled cells in the pallidus (NRP). The BC exhibited the lowest number of reactive cells. The PRN presented the highest percentage of activation in the raphe while the DRN the lowest. Additional experiments revealed few double-labeled (FOS-IR+ 5-HT-IR) cells within the raphe nuclei in the MFI group, suggesting little serotonergic activation in the raphe during food ingestion. These findings suggest a differential recruitment of raphe nuclei during various phases of feeding behavior. Such findings may reflect changes in behavioral state (e.g., food-induced arousal versus sleep) that lead to greater motor activation, and consequently increased FOS expression. While these data are consistent with the idea that the raphe system acts as gain setter for autonomic and somatic activities, the functional complexity of the raphe is not completely understood. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Spontaneously hypertensive rats develop left ventricular hypertrophy, increased blood pressure and blood pressure variability, which are important determinants of heart damage, like the activation of renin-angiotensin system. AIMS: To investigate the effects of the time-course of hypertension over 1) hemodynamic and autonomic patterns (blood pressure; blood pressure variability; heart rate); 2) left ventricular hypertrophy; and 3) local and systemic Renin-angiotensin system of the spontaneously hypertensive rats. METHODS: Male spontaneously hypertensive rats were randomized into two groups: young (n=13) and adult (n=12). Hemodynamic signals (blood pressure, heart rate), blood pressure variability (BPV) and spectral analysis of the autonomic components of blood pressure were analyzed. LEFT ventricular hypertrophy was measured by the ratio of LV mass to body weight (mg/g), by myocyte diameter (μm) and by relative fibrosis area (RFA, %). ACE and ACE2 activities were measured by fluorometry (UF/min), and plasma renin activity (PRA) was assessed by a radioimmunoassay (ng/mL/h). Cardiac gene expressions of Agt, Ace and Ace2 were quantified by RT-PCR (AU). RESULTS: The time-course of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats increased BPV and reduced the alpha index in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats. Adult rats showed increases in left ventricular hypertrophy and in RFA. Compared to young spontaneously hypertensive rats, adult spontaneously hypertensive rats had lower cardiac ACE and ACE2 activities, and high levels of PRA. No change was observed in gene expression of Renin-angiotensin system components. CONCLUSIONS: The observed autonomic dysfunction and modulation of Renin-angiotensin system activity are contributing factors to end-organ damage in hypertension and could be interacting. Our findings suggest that the management of hypertensive disease must start before blood pressure reaches the highest stable levels and the consequent established end-organ damage is reached.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the kinematic, kinetic, and electromyographic pattern before, during and after downward squatting when the trunk movement is restricted in the sagittal plane. Eight healthy subjects performed downward squatting at two different positions, semisquatting (40 degrees knee flexion) and half squatting (70 degrees knee flexion). Electromyographic responses of the vastus medialis oblique, vastus medialis longus, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, semitendineous, gastrocnemius lateralis, and tibialis anterior were recorded. The kinematics of the major joints were reconstructed using an optoelectronic system. The center of pressure (COP) was obtained using data collected from one force plate, and the ankle and knee joint torques were calculated using inverse dynamics. In the upright position there were small changes in the COP and in the knee and ankle joint torques. The tibialis anterior provoked the disruption of this upright position initiating the squat. During the acceleration phase of the squat the COP moved posteriorly, the knee joint torque remained in flexion and there was no measurable muscle activation. As the body went into the deceleration phase, the knee joint torque increased towards extension with major muscle activities being observed in the four heads of the quadriceps. Understanding these kinematic, kinetic and EMG strategies before, during and after the squat is expected to be beneficial to practitioners for utilizing squatting as a task for improving motor function. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Independent brain circuits appear to underlie different forms of conditioned fear, depending on the type of conditioning used, such as a context or explicit cue paired with footshocks. Several clinical reports have associated damage to the medial temporal lobe (MTL) with retrograde amnesia. Although a number of studies have elucidated the neural circuits underlying conditioned fear, the involvement of MTL components in the aversive conditioning paradigm is still unclear. To address this issue, we assessed freezing responses and Fos protein expression in subregions of the rhinal cortex and ventral hippocampus of rats following exposure to a context, light or tone previously paired with footshock (Experiment 1). A comparable degree of freezing was observed in the three types of conditioned fear, but with distinct patterns of Fos distribution. The groups exposed to cued fear conditioning did not show changes in Fos expression, whereas the group subjected to contextual fear conditioning showed selective activation of the ectorhinal (Ect), perirhinal (Per), and entorhinal (Ent) cortices, with no changes in the ventral hippocampus. We then examined the effects of the benzodiazepine midazolam injected bilaterally into these three rhinal subregions in the expression of contextual fear conditioning (Experiment 2). Midazolam administration into the Ect, Per, and Ent reduced freezing responses. These findings suggest that contextual and explicit stimuli endowed with aversive properties through conditioning recruit distinct brain areas, and the rhinal cortex appears to be critical for storing context-, but not explicit cue-footshock, associations. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Costa-Silva JH, Zoccal DB, Machado BH. Glutamatergic antagonism in the NTS decreases post-inspiratory drive and changes phrenic and sympathetic coupling during chemoreflex activation. J Neurophysiol 103: 2095-2106, 2010. First published February 17, 2010; doi: 10.1152/jn.00802.2009. For a better understanding of the processing at the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) level of the autonomic and respiratory responses to peripheral chemoreceptor activation, herein we evaluated the role of glutamatergic neurotransmission in the intermediate (iNTS) and caudal NTS (cNTS) on baseline respiratory parameters and on chemoreflex-evoked responses using the in situ working heart-brain stem preparation (WHBP). The activities of phrenic (PND), cervical vagus (cVNA), and thoracic sympathetic (tSNA) nerves were recorded before and after bilateral microinjections of kynurenic acid (Kyn, 5 nmol/20 nl) into iNTS, cNTS, or both simultaneously. In WHBP, baseline sympathetic discharge markedly correlated with phrenic bursts (inspiration). However, most of sympathoexcitation elicited by chemoreflex activation occurred during expiration. Kyn microinjected into iNTS or into cNTS decreased the postinspiratory component of cVNA and increased the duration and frequency of PND. Kyn into iNTS produced no changes in sympathoexcitatory and tachypneic responses to peripheral chemoreflex activation, whereas into cNTS, a reduction of the sympathoexcitation, but not of the tachypnea, was observed. The pattern of phrenic and sympathetic coupling during the chemoreflex activation was an inspiratory-related rather than an expiratory-related sympathoexcitation. Kyn simultaneously into iNTS and cNTS produced a greater decrease in postinspiratory component of cVNA and increase in frequency and duration of PND and abolished the respiratory and autonomic responses to chemoreflex activation. The data show that glutamatergic neurotransmission in the iNTS and cNTS plays a tonic role on the baseline respiratory rhythm, contributes to the postinspiratory activity, and is essential to expiratory-related sympathoexcitation observed during chemoreflex activation.


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P>The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of age on the electromyographic activity of masticatory muscles. All volunteers were Brazilian, fully dentate (except for Group I - mixed dentition), Caucasian, aged 7-80, and divided into five groups: I (7-12 years), II (13-20 years), III (21-40 years), IV (41-60 years) and V (61-80 years). Except for Group V, which comprised nine women and eight men, all groups were equally divided with respect to gender (20 M/20 F). Surface electromyographic records of masticatory muscles were obtained at rest and during maximal voluntary contraction, right and left laterality, maximal jaw protrusion and maximal clenching in the intercuspal position. Statistically significant differences (P < 0 center dot 05) were found in all clinical conditions among the different age groups. Considerably different patterns of muscle activation were found across ages, with greater electromyographic activity in children and youth, and decreasing from adults to aged people.


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Common features such as elastic fibre destruction, mucoid accumulation, and smooth muscle cell apoptosis are co-localized in aneurysms of the ascending aorta of various aetiologies. Recent experimental studies reported an activation of TGF-beta in aneurysms related to Marfan (and Loeys-Dietz) syndrome. Here we investigate TGF-beta signalling in normal and pathological human ascending aortic wall in syndromic and non-syndromic aneurysmal disease. Aneurysmal ascending aortic specimens, classified according to aetiology: syndromic MFS (n = 15, including two mutations in TGFBR2), associated with BAV (n = 15) or degenerative forms (n = 19), were examined. We show that the amounts of TGF-beta 1 protein retained within and released by aneurysmal tissue were greater than for control aortic tissue, whatever the aetiology, contrasting with an unchanged TGF-beta 1 mRNA level. The increase in stored TGF-beta 1 was associated with enhanced LTBP-I protein and mRNA levels. These dysiregulations of the extracellular ligand are associated with higher phosphorylated Smad2 and Smad2 mRNA levels in the ascending aortic wall from all types of aneurysm. This activation correlated with the degree of elastic fibre fragmentation. Surprisingly, there was no consistent association between the nuclear location of pSmad2 and extracellular TGF-beta 1 and LTBP-I staining and between their respective mRNA expressions. In parallel, decorin. was focally increased in aneurysmal media, whereas biglycan was globally decreased in aneurysmal aortas. In conclusion, this study highlights independent dysregulations of TGF-beta retention and Smad2 signalling in syndromic and non-syndromic aneurysms of the ascending aorta. Copyright (C) 2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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in this paper a study of calcining conditions on the microstructural features of sugar cane waste ash (SCWA) is carried out. For this purpose, some microparticles (< 90 mu m) of sugar cane straw ash and sugar cane bagasse ash of samples calcined at 800 degrees C and 1000 are studied by combining the bright field and the dark field images with the electron diffraction patterns in the transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It is appreciated that the morphology and texture of these microparticles change when silicon or calcium are present. Furthermore, it is observed that iron oxide (magnetite Fe(3)O(4)) is located in the calcium-rich particles. The microstructural information is correlated with the results of a kinetic-diffusive model that allows the computing of the kinetic parameters of the pozzolanic reaction (mainly the reaction rate constant). The results show that the sugar cane wastes ash calcined at 800 and 1000 degrees C have properties indicative of high pozzolanic activity. The X-ray diffraction patterns, the TEM images and the pozzolanic activity tests show the influence of different factors on the activation of these ashes. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We used c-Fos immunoreactivity to estimate neuronal activation in hypothalamic feeding-regulatory areas of 3-month-old rats fed control or oil-enriched diets (soy or fish) since weaning. While no diet effect was observed in c-Fos immunoreactivity of 24-h fasted animals, the acute response to refeeding was modified by both hyperlipidic diets but with different patterns. Upon refeeding, control-diet rats had significantly increased c-Fos immunoreactivity only in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVH, 142%). In soy-diet rats, refeeding with the soy diet increased c-Fos immunoreactivity in dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMH, 271%) and lateral hypothalamic area (LH, 303%). Refeeding fish-diet rats with the fish diet increased c-Fos immunoreactivity in PVH (161%), DMH (177%), VMH (81%), and ARC (127%). Compared to the fish-diet, c-Fos immunoreactivity was increased in LH by the soy-diet while it was decreased in ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) and arcuate hypothalamic nucleus (ARC). Based on the known roles of the activated nuclei, it is suggested that, unlike the fish-diet, the soy-diet induced a potentially obesogenic profile, with high LH and low VMH/PVH activation after refeeding.