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em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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A new acylamino acid, bunodosine 391 (BDS 391), was isolated from the venom of the sea anemone Bunodosoma cangicum. The structure was elucidated by spectroscopic analyses (2D NMR, ESIMS/MS) and verified by its synthesis. Intraplantar injection of BDS 391 into the hind paw of a rat induced a potent analgesic effect. This effect was not altered by naloxone (an opioid receptor antagonist), but was completely reversed by methysergide (a serotonin receptor antagonist), indicating that the effect is mediated by activation of serotonin receptors:


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Background: Diabetes and periodontitis produce a protein discharge that can be reflected in saliva. This study evaluates the salivary concentrations of interleukin (IL)-6, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8, and osteoprotegerin (OPG) in patients with periodontitis with type 2 diabetes. Methods: Whole saliva samples were obtained from 90 subjects who were divided into four groups: healthy (control; n = 22), untreated periodontitis (UPD; n = 24), diabetes mellitus (DM; n = 20), and UPD + DM (n = 24) groups. Clinical and metabolic data were recorded. Salivary IL-6, MMP-8, and OPG concentrations were determined by a standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: The UPD and UPD + DM groups exhibited higher salivary IL-6 than the control and DM groups (P <0.01). The salivary MMP-8 concentrations in all diseased groups (UPD, DM, and UPD + DM) were higher than in the control group (P <0.01). The salivary OPG concentrations in the DM group were higher than in the UPD and control groups (P<0.05). In the UPD + DM group, salivary IL-6 was correlated with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels (r = 0.60; P<0.05). The regression analysis indicated that the number of remaining teeth, clinical attachment level, and IL-6 might have influenced the HbA1c levels in patients with diabetes. Conclusions: Salivary 1L-6 concentrations were elevated in patients with periodontitis with or without diabetes. Salivary MMP-8 and OPG concentrations were elevated regardless of periodontal inflammation in patients with diabetes. Therefore, periodontitis and diabetes are conditions that may interfere with protein expression and should be considered when using saliva for diagnoses. J Periodontol 2010;81:384-391.


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Mast cell tumor (MCT) is one of the most prevalent neoplasms that affect skin and soft tissue in dogs. Because mast cell tumors present a great variety of clinical appearance and behavior, their treatment becomes a challenge. Trichostatin A (TSA), an antifungal antibiotic, has shown inhibitory effects on the proliferation and induction of apoptosis in various types of cancer cells. In order to evaluate the potential of trichostatin A as a therapeutic drug, cells of grade 3 MCT were cultured and treated with concentrations of 1 nM to 400 nM of TSA. MTT assay and trypan blue exclusion assays were performed to estimate cell growth and cell viability, and cell cycle analysis was evaluated. TSA treatment showed a reduction in numbers of viable cells and an increase of cell death by apoptosis. The cell cycle analysis showed an increase of hypodiploid cells and a reduction of G0/G1 and G2/M -phases. According to these results, trichostatin A may be an interesting potential chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of canine MCT.


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The classification of galaxies as star forming or active is generally done in the ([O III]/H beta, [N II]/H alpha) plane. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) has revealed that, in this plane, the distribution of galaxies looks like the two wings of a seagull. Galaxies in the right wing are referred to as Seyfert/LINERs, leading to the idea that non-stellar activity in galaxies is a very common phenomenon. Here, we argue that a large fraction of the systems in the right wing could actually be galaxies which stopped forming stars. The ionization in these `retired` galaxies would be produced by hot post-asymptotic giant branch stars and white dwarfs. Our argumentation is based on a stellar population analysis of the galaxies via our STARLIGHT code and on photoionization models using the Lyman continuum radiation predicted for this population. The proportion of LINER galaxies that can be explained in such a way is, however, uncertain. We further show how observational selection effects account for the shape of the right wing. Our study suggests that nuclear activity may not be as common as thought. If retired galaxies do explain a large part of the seagull`s right wing, some of the work concerning nuclear activity in galaxies, as inferred from SDSS data, will have to be revised.


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We report the discovery of the first known symbiotic star in IC10, a starburst galaxy belonging to the Local Group, at a distance of similar to 750 kpc. The symbiotic star was identified during a survey of emission-line objects. It shines at V = 24.62 +/- 0.04, V - R(C) = 2.77 +/- 0.05 and R(C) - I(C) = 2.39 +/- 0.02, and suffers from E(B-V) = 0.85 +/- 0.05 reddening. The spectrum of the cool component well matches that of solar neighbourhood M8III giants. The observed emission lines belong to Balmer series, [S II], [N II] and [O III]. They suggest a low electronic density, negligible optical depth effects and 35 000 < T(eff) < 90 000 K for the ionizing source. The spectrum of the new symbiotic star in IC10 is an almost perfect copy of that of Hen 2-147, a well-known Galactic symbiotic star and Mira.


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We employ the recently installed near-infrared Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics demonstrator (MAD) to determine the basic properties of a newly identified, old and distant, Galactic open cluster (FSR 1415). The MAD facility remarkably approaches the diffraction limit, reaching a resolution of 0.07 arcsec (in K), that is also uniform in a field of similar to 1.8 arcmin in diameter. The MAD facility provides photometry that is 50 per cent complete at K similar to 19. This corresponds to about 2.5 mag below the cluster main-sequence turn-off. This high-quality data set allows us to derive an accurate heliocentric distance of 8.6 kpc, a metallicity close to solar and an age of similar to 2.5 Gyr. On the other hand, the deepness of the data allows us to reconstruct (completeness-corrected) mass functions (MFs) indicating a relatively massive cluster, with a flat core MF. The Very Large Telescope/MAD capabilities will therefore provide fundamental data for identifying/analysing other faint and distant open clusters in the Galaxy III and IV quadrants.


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This paper presents the second part in our study of the global structure of the planar phase space of the planetary three-body problem, when both planets lie in the vicinity of a 2/1 mean-motion resonance. While Paper I was devoted to cases where the outer planet is the more massive body, the present work is devoted to the cases where the more massive body is the inner planet. As before, outside the well-known Apsidal Corotation Resonances (ACR), the phase space shows a complex picture marked by the presence of several distinct regimes of resonant and non-resonant motion, crossed by families of periodic orbits and separated by chaotic zones. When the chosen values of the integrals of motion lead to symmetric ACR, the global dynamics are generally similar to the structure presented in Paper I. However, for asymmetric ACR the resonant phase space is strikingly different and shows a galore of distinct dynamical states. This structure is shown with the help of dynamical maps constructed on two different representative planes, one centred on the unstable symmetric ACR and the other on the stable asymmetric equilibrium solution. Although the study described in the work may be applied to any mass ratio, we present a detailed analysis for mass values similar to the Jupiter-Saturn case. Results give a global view of the different dynamical states available to resonant planets with these characteristics. Some of these dynamical paths could have marked the evolution of the giant planets of our Solar system, assuming they suffered a temporary capture in the 2/1 resonance during the latest stages of the formation of our Solar system.


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Small local earthquakes from two aftershock sequences in Porto dos GaA(0)chos, Amazon craton-Brazil, were used to estimate the coda wave attenuation in the frequency band of 1 to 24 Hz. The time-domain coda-decay method of a single backscattering model is employed to estimate frequency dependence of the quality factor (Q (c)) of coda waves modeled usingwhere Q (0) is the coda quality factor at frequency of 1 Hz and eta is the frequency parameter. We also used the independent frequency model approach (Morozov, Geophys J Int, 175:239-252, 2008), based in the temporal attenuation coefficient, chi(f) instead of Q(f), given by the equation for the calculation of the geometrical attenuation (gamma) and effective attenuation Q (c) values have been computed at central frequencies (and band) of 1.5 (1-2), 3.0 (2-4), 6.0 (4-8), 9.0 (6-12), 12 (8-16), and 18 (12-24) Hz for five different datasets selected according to the geotectonic environment as well as the ability to sample shallow or deeper structures, particularly the sediments of the Parecis basin and the crystalline basement of the Amazon craton. For the Parecis basin for the surrounding shield and for the whole region of Porto dos GaA(0)chos Using the independent frequency model, we found: for the cratonic zone, gamma = 0.014 s (-aEuro parts per thousand 1), nu a parts per thousand 1.12; for the basin zone with sediments of similar to 500 m, gamma = 0.031 s (-aEuro parts per thousand 1), nu a parts per thousand 1.27; and for the Parecis basin with sediments of similar to 1,000 m, gamma = 0.047 s (-aEuro parts per thousand 1), nu a parts per thousand 1.42. Analysis of the attenuation factor (Q (c)) for different values of the geometrical spreading parameter (nu) indicated that an increase of nu generally causes an increase in Q (c), both in the basin as well as in the craton. But the differences in the attenuation between different geological environments are maintained for different models of geometrical spreading. It was shown that the energy of coda waves is attenuated more strongly in the sediments, (in the deepest part of the basin), than in the basement, (in the craton). Thus, the coda wave analysis can contribute to studies of geological structures in the upper crust, as the average coda quality factor is dependent on the thickness of sedimentary layer.


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The genus Eigenmannia comprises several species groups that display a surprising variety of diploid chromosome numbers and sex-determining systems. In this study, hypotheses regarding phylogenetic relationships and karyotype evolution were investigated using a combination of molecular and cytogenetic methods. Phylogenetic relationships were analyzed for 11 cytotypes based on sequences from five mitochondrial DNA regions. Parsimony-based character mapping of sex chromosomes confirms previous suggestions of multiple origins of sex chromosomes. Molecular cytogenetic analyses involved chromosome painting using probes derived from whole sex chromosomes from two taxa that were hybridized to metaphases of their respective sister cytotypes. These analyses showed that a multiple XY system evolved recently (<7 mya) by fusion. Furthermore, one of the chromosomes that fused to form the neo-Y chromosome is fused independently to another chromosome in the sister cytotype. This may constitute an efficient post-mating barrier and might imply a direct function of sex chromosomes in the speciation processes in Eigenmannia. The other chromosomal sex-determination system investigated is shown to have differentiated by an accumulation of heterochromatin on the X chromosome. This has occurred in the past 0.6 my, and is the most recent chromosomal sex-determining system described to date. These results show that the evolution of sex-determining systems can proceed very rapidly. Heredity (2011) 106, 391-400; doi:10.1038/hdy.2010.82; published online 23 June 2010


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J.A. Ferreira Neto, E.C. Santos Junior, U. Fra Paleo, D. Miranda Barros, and M.C.O. Moreira. 2011. Optimal subdivision of land in agrarian reform projects: an analysis using genetic algorithms. Cien. Inv. Agr. 38(2): 169-178. The objective of this manuscript is to develop a new procedure to achieve optimal land subdivision using genetic algorithms (GA). The genetic algorithm was tested in the rural settlement of Veredas, located in Minas Gerais, Brazil. This implementation was based on the land aptitude and its productivity index. The sequence of tests in the study was carried out in two areas with eight different agricultural aptitude classes, including one area of 391.88 ha subdivided into 12 lots and another of 404.1763 ha subdivided into 14 lots. The effectiveness of the method was measured using the shunting line standard value of a parceled area lot`s productivity index. To evaluate each parameter, a sequence of 15 calculations was performed to record the best individual fitness average (MMI) found for each parameter variation. The best parameter combination found in testing and used to generate the new parceling with the GA was the following: 320 as the generation number, a population of 40 individuals, 0.8 mutation tax, and a 0.3 renewal tax. The solution generated rather homogeneous lots in terms of productive capacity.


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Synthetic beta-spodumene polycrystals were produced by a devitrification method, undoped and doped with controlled concentration of the Ce3+ or Mn2+ impurities. The TL properties of these polycrystals and of a colourless natural spodumene were investigated. Some dosimetric properties of them were also discussed. The dopants do not affect the TL peak position with respect a pure beta-spodumene sample but the intensity of the TL peaks at 180 and 280 degrees C is improved in the Ce-doped one. The Ce3+ ions do not participate in the TL light emission; on the other hand, the presence of Mn2+ ions cause an emission band around 600-650 nm in the TL light emission spectrum. The emission around 400 nm appears in the TL emission spectrum of all the samples and it is believed to correspond to aluminium centre ([AlO4/hole](0)) recombination with an electron. The more sensitive samples to gamma-radiation are the colourless natural spodumene and the Ce-doped synthetic spodumene, respectively. The colourless natural spodumene crystal shows a TL peak at 180 degrees C suitable for dosimetry, while for Ce-doped beta-spodumene sample the TL peaks at 180 and 280 degrees C can be used. No fading of the TL emission was observed for Ce-doped beta-spodumene sample up to 80 days after irradiation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ability of Staphylococcus aureus to develop multidrug resistance is well documented, and the antibiotic resistance showed by an increasing number of bacteria has shown the need for alternative therapies to treat infections, photodynamic therapy (PDT) being a potential candidate. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of photodynamic therapy as a light-based bactericidal modality to eliminate Staphylococcus aureus. The study investigated a technique based on a combination of light and a photosensitizer that is capable of producing oxidative species to induce a cytotoxic effect. A Staphylococcus aureus suspension was exposed to a light emitting diode (LED) emitting at 628 nm, 14.6 mW/cm(2), and energy density of 20J/cm(2), 40J/cm(2), or 60 J/cm(2) in the presence of different porphyrin concentrations (PhotogemA (R)). Three drug concentrations were employed: 12 mu l/ml, 25 mu l/ml, and 50 mu l/ml. The treatment response was evaluated by the number of bacterial colony forming units (CFU) after light exposure. The results indicated that exposure to 60 J/cm(2) eliminated 100% (10 log(10) scales) of bacteria, on average. The best PDT response rate to eliminate Staphylococcus aureus was achieved with exposure to LED light in combination with the photosensitizer at concentrations ranging from 25 mu l/ml to 50 mu l/ml. These data suggest that PDT has the potential to eliminate Staphylococcus aureus in suspension and indicates the necessary drug concentration and light fluency.


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The Mantiqueira Province represents a series of supracrustal segments of the South-American counterpart formed during the Gondwana Supercontinent agglutination. In this crustal domain, the process of escape tectonics played a conspicuous role, generating important NE-N-S-trending lineaments. The oblique component of the motions of the colliding tectonic blocks defined the transpressional character of the main suture zones: Lancinha-Itariri, Cubato-Arcadia-Areal, Serrinha-Rio Palmital in the Ribeira Belt and Sierra Ballena-Major Gercino in the Dom Feliciano Belt. The process as a whole lasted for ca. 60 Ma, since the initial collision phase until the lateral escape phase predominantly marked by dextral and subordinate sinistral transpressional shear zones. In the Dom Feliciano Belt, southern Brazil and Uruguay, transpressional event at 630-600 Ma is recognized and in the Ribeira Belt, despite less coevally, the transpressional event occurred between 590 and 560 Ma in its northern-central portion and between ca. 625 and 595 Ma in its central-southern portion. The kinematics of several shear zones with simultaneous movement in opposite directions at their terminations is explained by the sinuosity of these lineaments in relation to a predominantly continuous westward compression.


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Generalizing Petrogradsky`s construction, we give examples of infinite-dimensional nil Lie algebras of finite Gelfand-Kirillov dimension over any field of positive characteristic.


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We define topological and measure-theoretic mixing for nonstationary dynamical systems and prove that for a nonstationary subshift of finite type, topological mixing implies the minimality of any adic transformation defined on the edge space, while if the Parry measure sequence is mixing, the adic transformation is uniquely ergodic. We also show this measure theoretic mixing is equivalent to weak ergodicity of the edge matrices in the sense of inhomogeneous Markov chain theory.