215 resultados para non-respiratory
Background: Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a congenital conotruncal heart defect commonly found in DiGeorge (DGS) and velocardiofacial (VCFS) syndromes. The deletion of chromosome 22q11 has also been demonstrated in sporadic or familial cases of TOF. The aim of the present study was to investigate the frequency of del22q11 in patients with non-syndromic TOF seen at a tertiary Pediatric Cardiology care center. Method: One hundred and twenty three non-syndromic TOF patients were selected and evaluated by history, physical examination and review of medical records. Venous blood was drawn for genomic DNA extraction after informed consent 22q11 microdeletion diagnosis was conducted through a standardized SNP genotyping assay and consecutive homozygosity mapping. Phenotype-genotype correlations regarding cardiac anatomy were conducted. Results: We evaluated 123 non-syndromic TOF patients for a 22q11 deletion. 105 (85.4%) patients presented pulmonary stenosis and 18 (14.6%) had pulmonary atresia. Eight patients (6.5%) were found to have a deletion. Of the deleted patients, three (37.5%) presented pulmonary atresia. We have verified a tendency towards a higher prevalence of pulmonary atresia when comparing TOF patients with and without 22q11 microdeletion. Conclusions: 22q11.2 deletion in non-syndromic TOF patients is present in approximately 6% of patients. We suggest a tendency towards a higher prevalence of pulmonary atresia in non-syndromic TOF patients with 22q11 microdeletion. Molecular genetic screening of non-syndromic TOF patient may be important for the correct care of these patients and a more specific genetic diagnostic and counseling. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background and objective: Hyperinflation with a decrease in inspiratory capacity (IC) is a common presentation for both unstable and stable COPD patients. As CPAP can reduce inspiratory load, possibly secondary to a reduction in hyperinflation, this study examined whether CPAP would increase IC in stable COPD patients. Methods: Twenty-one stable COPD patients (nine emphysema, 12 chronic bronchitis) received a trial of CPAP for 5 min at 4, 7 and 11 cmH(2)O. Fast and slow VC (SVC) were measured before and after each CPAP trial. In patients in whom all three CPAP levels resulted in a decreased IC, an additional trial of CPAP at 2 cmH(2)O was conducted. For each patient, a `best CPAP` level was defined as the one associated with the greatest IC. This pressure was then applied for an additional 10 min followed by spirometry. Results: Following application of the `best CPAP`, the IC and SVC increased in 15 patients (nine emphysema, six chronic bronchitis). The mean change in IC was 159 mL (95% CI: 80-237 mL) and the mean change in SVC was 240 mL (95% CI: 97-386 mL). Among these patients, those with emphysema demonstrated a mean increase in IC of 216 mL (95% CI: 94-337 mL). Six patients (all with chronic bronchitis) did not demonstrate any improvement in IC. Conclusions: The best individualized CPAP can increase inspiratory capacity in patients with stable COPD, especially in those with emphysema.
Previous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies described consistent age-related gray matter (GM) reductions in the fronto-parietal neocortex, insula and cerebellum in elderly subjects, but not as frequently in limbic/paralimbic structures. However, it is unclear whether such features are already present during earlier stages of adulthood, and if age-related GM changes may follow non-linear patterns at such age range. This voxel-based morphometry study investigated the relationship between GM volumes and age specifically during non-elderly life (18-50 years) in 89 healthy individuals (48 males and 41 females). Voxelwise analyses showed significant (p < 0.05, corrected) negative correlations in the right prefrontal cortex and left cerebellum, and positive correlations (indicating lack of GM loss) in the medial temporal region, cingulate gyrus, insula and temporal neocortex. Analyses using ROI masks showed that age-related dorsolateral prefrontal volume decrements followed non-linear patterns, and were less prominent in females compared to males at this age range. These findings further support for the notion of a heterogeneous and asynchronous pattern of age-related brain morphometric changes, with region-specific non-linear features. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Wernicke`s encephalopathy (WE) is a serious neurological disorder secondary to thiamine deficiency. Improved recognition by radiologists and allied health providers of the different clinical settings and imaging findings associated with this emergency can optimise the management of this condition and help prevent its severe consequences. The aim of this study is to illustrate the broad clinicoradiological spectrum of non-alcoholic WE, while emphasising atypical MRI findings.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis that is usually acquired early in life by inhalation of conidia which convert in the lungs into yeast forms; these in turn trigger an inflammatory process. This mycosis may appear as an acute/subacute form or a chronic, adult form. Acute/subacute presentations can be observed in children and young adults, with the reticuloendothelial system frequently involved but the lungs are usually spared or present with mild clinical or radiological alterations. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), an extensive dysfunction of the lungs alveolar-capillary barrier has occasionally been observed in other endemic mycoses such as coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis and blastomycosis. We describe the first patient with acute paracoccidioidomycosis who developed fatal ARDS accompanied by multiple organ injuries. The basis of the rarity of this entity in patients with paracoccidioidomycosis, as well as the reasons that may have lead to the development of ARDS in this patient are discussed.
Background: Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) present an important ventilatory (imitation reducing their exercise capacity. Non-invasive ventilatory support has been shown to improve exercise capacity in patients with obstructive diseases; however, its effect on IPF patients remains unknown. Objective: The present study assessed the effect of ventilatory support using proportional, assist ventilation (PAV) on exercise capacity in patients with IPF. Methods: Ten patients (61.2 +/- 9.2 year-old) were submitted to a cardiopulmonary exercise testing, plethysmography and three submaximal. exercise tests (60% of maximum load): without ventilatory support, with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and PAV. Submaximal tests were performed randomly and exercise capacity, cardiovascular and ventilatory response as well as breathlessness subjective perception were evaluated. Lactate plasmatic levels were obtained before and after submaximal. exercise. Results: Our data show that patients presented a limited exercise capacity (9.7 +/- 3.8 mL O(2)/kg/min). Submaximal. test was increased in patients with PAV compared with CPAP and without ventilatory support (respectively, 11.1 +/- 8.8 min, 5.6 +/- 4.7 and 4.5 +/- 3.8 min; p < 0.05). An improved arterial oxygenation and lower subjective perception to effort was also observed in patients with IPF when exercise was performed with PAV (p < 0.05). IPF patients performing submaximal exercise with PAV also presented a lower heart rate during exercise, although systolic and diastolic pressures were not different among submaximal tests. Our results suggest that PAV can increase exercise tolerance and decrease dyspnoea and cardiac effort in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: This study assessed the effects of an aquatic respiratory exercise-based program in patients with fibromyalgia (FMS). Methods: Forty women, aged between 20 and 60 years, were randomly assigned into two groups of 20 patients: the aquatic respiratory exercise-based program (ARG) and the control group (CTL). The ARG group performed the exercise program for 1 h, four times a week, for 4 weeks which included: (i) warming-Lip; (ii) respiratory exercises, consisting of five different breathing patterns, along With upper, lower limbs and trunk movements (45 min); and (iii) relaxation exercises. Both groups were included in supervised recreational activities of 1 h, once a week, for 4 weeks. Questionnaires were applied before and after intervention to assess quality of life and functional capacity (SF-36, Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire [FIQ]), anxiety (Hamilton Anxiety Scale [HAS]), and quality of sleep (Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index [PSQI]). Number of tender points and pain (Visual Analogue Scale [VAS]) were also evaluated. Results: At baseline there was no difference between the two groups, including number of tender points and questionnaire responses. After intervention, the ARG group, compared with the CTL group, showed improvement in SF-36 scores (physical functioning P = 0.001, bodily pain 1) = 0.001, vitality P = 0.009, social functioning P = 0.001, emotional role P = 0.001), in FIQ (total score P = 0.049, work missed P = 0.036, fatigue P = 0.013, morning tiredness P = 0.007) plus in VAS-pain (P = 0.029), VAS-dyspnea (P = 0.04), anxiety (HAS P = 0.005) and quality of sleep (PSQI P = 0.004). Conclusions: The short-term aquatic respiratory exercise-based program improved pain, quality of life, functional capacity, anxiety and quality of sleep in patients with FMS and may be a relevant addition to the treatment of these patients.
Background. The mechanical alterations related to the overload of respiratory muscles observed in adults with persistent asthma might lead to the development of chronic alterations in posture, musculoskeletal dysfunction and pain; however, these changes remain poorly understood. Objective. This study aimed to assess postural alignment, muscle shortening and chronic pain in adults with persistent asthma. Methods. This cross-sectional and controlled study enrolled 30 patients with mild (n = 17) and severe ( n = 13) persistent asthma. Fifteen non-asthmatic volunteers were also assessed. Asthma was classified by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) guidelines. Postural alignment and muscle shortening were evaluated by head and shoulder positions, chest wall mobility, and posterior ( trunk and lower limb) muscle flexibility. In addition, the measures used were previously tested for their reproducibility. Pain complaints were also assessed. Results. In comparison with non-asthmatic subjects, patients with mild or severe persistent asthma held their head and shoulders more forward and had lower chest wall expansion, decreased shoulder internal rotation, and decreased thoracic spine flexibility. Chronic lower thoracic, cervical, and shoulder pain was significantly increased in patients with mild or severe asthma compared with non-asthmatic subjects (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Adults with persistent asthma have musculoskeletal dysfunction and chronic pain that is independent of the severity of their disease but that might be related to their age at the onset of disease symptoms.
Background and Aims: Although the metabolic risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) progression have been recognized, the role of genetic susceptibility remains a field to be explored. The aim of this study was to examine the frequency of two polymorphisms in Brazilian patients with biopsy-proven simple steatosis or non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH): -493 G/T in the MTP gene, which codes the protein responsible for transferring triglycerides to nascent apolipoprotein B, and -129 C/T in the GCLC gene, which codes the catalytic subunit of glutamate-cystein ligase in the formation of glutathione. Methods: One hundred and thirty-one biopsy-proven NAFLD patients (n = 45, simple steatosis; n = 86, NASH) and 141 unrelated healthy volunteers were evaluated. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood cells, and the -129 C/T polymorphism of the GCLC gene was determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The -493 G/T polymorphism of the MTP gene was determined by direct sequencing of the polymerase chain reaction products. Results: The presence of at least one T allele in the -129 C/T polymorphism of the GCLC gene was independently associated with NASH (odds ratio 12.14, 95% confidence interval 2.01-73.35; P = 0.007), whereas, the presence of at least one G allele in the -493 G/T polymorphism of the MTP gene differed slightly between biopsy-proven NASH and simple steatosis. Conclusion: This difference clearly warrants further investigation in larger samples. These two polymorphisms could represent an additional factor for consideration in evaluating the risk of NAFLD progression. Further studies involving a larger population are necessary to confirm this notion.
This study aimed to compare the resting energy expenditure (REE) of white and non-white severely obese Brazilian women. REE was examined in 83 severely obese Brazilian women (n = 58 white and 25 non-white) with mean (+/- SD) age 42.99 +/- 11.35 and body mass index 46.88 +/- 6.22 kg/m(2) who were candidates for gastric bypass surgery. Body composition was assessed by air displacement plethysmography (ADP) BOD PODO body composition system (Life Measurement Instruments, Concord, CA) and REE was measured, under established protocol, with an open-circuit calorimeter (Deltatrac II MBM-200, Datex-Ohmeda, Madison, WI, USA). There was no significant difference between the REE of white and non-white severely obese women (1,953 +/- 273 and 1,906 +/- 271 kcal/d, respectively; p = 0.48). However, when adjusted for fat free mass (MLG), REE was significantly higher in non-white severely obese women (difference between groups of 158.4 kcal, p < 0.01). REE in white women was positively and significantly correlated to C-reactive protein (PCR) (r = 0.41.8; P < 0.001) and MLG (r = 0.771; P < 0.001). In the non-white women, REE was only significantly correlated to MLG (r = 0.753; P < 0.001). The multiple linear regression analysis showed that skin color, MLG and PCR were the significant determinants of REE (R(2) = 0.55). This study showed that, after adjustment for MLG, non-white severely obese women have a higher REE than the white ones. The association of body composition inflammation factors and REE in severely obese Brazilian women remains to be further investigated.
Aim: There is no proven medical therapy for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Oxidative stress and insulin resistance are the mechanisms that seem to be mostly involved in its pathogenesis. The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in combination with metformin (MTF) in improving the aminotransferases and histological parameters (steatosis, inflammation, hepatocellular ballooning, and fibrosis) after 12 months of treatment. Methods: Twenty consecutive patients (mean age 53 +/- 2 years [36-68] and body mass index [BMI] 29 [25-35]) with biopsy-proven NASH were enrolled in the study. NAC (1.2 g/day) and MTF (850-1000 mg/day) were given orally for 12 months. All patients underwent evaluation of serum aminotransferases, fasting lipid profile and serum glucose, anthropometric parameters, and nutritional status at 0 and 12 months. A low calorie diet was prescribed for all patients. Results: Serum alanine aminotransferase, high-density lipoprotein, insulin, and glucose concentrations and thehomeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index were reduced significantly at the end of study (P < 0.05). The BMI declined, but without statistical significance. Aspartate aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase, cholesterol, and triglycerides levels were not altered with the treatment. Liver steatosis and fibrosis decreased (P < 0.05), but no improvement was noted in lobular inflammation or hepatocellular ballooning. The NASH activity score was significantly improved after treatment. Conclusion: Based on the biochemical and histological evidence in this pilot study, NAC in combination with MTF appears to ameliorate several aspects of NASH, including fibrosis. Further studies of this form of combination therapy are warranted to assess its potential efficacy.
This is a retrospective observational study of clinical and epidemiologic data from bloodstream yeast infections over 5 years (2004-2008) in a tertiary-care hospital. During this period, there were 52 such infections, at a rate of 2.4 per 1,000 hospital admissions. Non-C. albicans Candida species and other genera were responsible for 82% of infections, with C. tropicalis and C. parapsilosis being the most common. In 2008 no C. albicans infections occurred. Several uncommon fungal pathogens were observed, including Trichosporon asahii, Rhodotorula spp. and Candida zeylanoides. Of 16 isolates tested, 3 (19%) were resistant to fluconazole, including one C. zeylanoides (MIC 8 mu g/ml) and one C. tropicalis (MIC 16 mu g/ml) isolate, as well as intrinsically resistant C. krusei. All isolates tested were susceptible to itraconazole (n = 7) and amphotericin B (n = 8). Yeast infections were associated with severe underlying diseases, mainly hematological/solid cancers (71%), hospitalization in the ICU (41%), central venous catheters (80%), and use of antimicrobials (94%). The overall mortality rate was 50%. Our finding of a predominance of non-C. albicans Candida species infection with uncommon yeasts, and fluconazole resistance, suggests the need for continuous surveillance of fungemia and of antibiotic susceptibility trends, in order to adopt treatment strategies applicable to particular healthcare institutions.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the range of movement of the ankle and the vertical ground reaction force involved in gait among diabetic patients with and without peripheral neuropathy. Sample and Method: 36 individuals were divided into three groups: Control group - CG: 10 individuals without diabetes, Diabetic group - DG: 10 individuals with diabetes without peripheral neuropathy and Neuropathy, and Diabetic neuropathic group - DNG: 16 individuals with diabetes and peripheral diabetic neuropathy. Gait - AMTI (R) OR6/6m and range of tibiotarsal joint movement - System Vicom 640 (R) was carried out in all the participants. Results: The first and second vertical ground reaction force peaks were statistically higher in the neuropathy group, and the range of ankle motion was lower in the Diabetes and Neuropathy groups. Conclusion: The range of movement of the tibiotarsal joint is lower in diabetics, regardless of the presence or absence of peripheral neuropathy, and diabetics with peripheral neuropathy show an increase in the first and second vertical ground reaction force peaks during walking.
Background This study describes heat- and cold-related mortality in 12 urban populations in low- and middle-income countries, thereby extending knowledge of how diverse populations, in non-OECD countries, respond to temperature extremes. Methods The cities were: Delhi, Monterrey, Mexico City, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Salvador, So Paulo, Santiago, Cape Town, Ljubljana, Bucharest and Sofia. For each city, daily mortality was examined in relation to ambient temperature using autoregressive Poisson models (2- to 5-year series) adjusted for season, relative humidity, air pollution, day of week and public holidays. Results Most cities showed a U-shaped temperature-mortality relationship, with clear evidence of increasing death rates at colder temperatures in all cities except Ljubljana, Salvador and Delhi and with increasing heat in all cities except Chiang Mai and Cape Town. Estimates of the temperature threshold below which cold-related mortality began to increase ranged from 15 degrees C to 29 degrees C; the threshold for heat-related deaths ranged from 16 degrees C to 31C. Heat thresholds were generally higher in cities with warmer climates, while cold thresholds were unrelated to climate. Conclusions Urban populations, in diverse geographic settings, experience increases in mortality due to both high and low temperatures. The effects of heat and cold vary depending on climate and non-climate factors such as the population disease profile and age structure. Although such populations will undergo some adaptation to increasing temperatures, many are likely to have substantial vulnerability to climate change. Additional research is needed to elucidate vulnerability within populations.
Background: Age, developmental stage and gender are risk factors for paediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Aims: The aim of this study was to identify differences in clinical or laboratory variables between sexes in adolescents with NAFLD. Methodology: Ninety obese adolescents including 36 males and 54 females were evaluated. Inclusion criteria for this study were a Body Mass Index above the 95th percentile, as set forth by the National Center for Health Statistics, and an age of 10-19 years. A clinical and laboratory evaluation was conducted for all adolescents. Results: The variables that were found to be predictive of NAFLD in adolescence were visceral fat, Aminotransferase, Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase, triglyderides, cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol. We also observed that cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol variables were influenced by gender, i.e. there was a significant statistical difference in the values of these variables between male and female adolescents. With regard to cholesterol serum concentrations, the risk was 6.99 times greater for females, compared with 1.2 times for males; and for LDL-cholesterol serum concentrations the risk was 8.15 times greater for females, compared with and 1.26 times for males. Conclusion: Female adolescents with NAFLD showed a significantly different metabolic behaviour than males.