140 resultados para horned Senmurvs, roundels, trees


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Stem discs from trees of known age were used to determine the periodic nature of the growth rings formed in Laguncularia racemosa and to describe the anatomical features of these rings. The growth rings were scarcely distinct on microscopic examination, but they were well distinguishable macroscopically, with alternating light brown and dark brown layers. Cross-dating analysis revealed the occurrence of annual growth rings in L. racemosa. The existence of annual growth rings in L. racemosa suggests that it may have great potential for dendrochronology and should encourage age-related studies on the dynamics of mangrove forests. These studies can be important for the evaluation of climate change impact on mangrove ecosystems, as well as for the analysis of effects related to climate variability on plant communities.


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Despite the importance of Eucalyptus spp. in the pulp and paper industry, functional genomic approaches have only recently been applied to understand wood formation in this genus. We attempted to establish a global view of gene expression in the juvenile cambial region of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden. The expression profile was obtained from serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) library data produced from 3- and 6-year-old trees. Fourteen-base expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were searched against public Eucalyptus ESTs and annotated with GenBank. Altogether 43,304 tags were generated producing 3066 unigenes with three or more copies each, 445 with a putative identity, 215 with unknown function and 2406 without an EST match. The expression profile of the juvenile cambial region revealed the presence of highly frequent transcripts related to general metabolism and energy metabolism, cellular processes, transport, structural components and information pathways. We made a quantitative analysis of a large number of genes involved in the biosynthesis of cellulose, pectin, hemicellulose and lignin. Our findings provide insight into the expression of functionally related genes involved in juvenile wood formation in young fast-growing E. grandis trees.


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Many tropical tree species produce growth rings in response to seasonal environmental factors that influence the activity of the vascular cambium. We applied the following methods to analyze the annual nature of treering formation of 24 tree species from a seasonal semi-deciduous forest of southeast Brazil: describing wood anatomy and phenology, counting tree rings after cambium markings, and using permanent dendrometer bands. After 7 years of systematic observations and measurements, we found the following: the trees lost their leaves during the dry season and grew new leaves at the end of the same season; trunk increment dynamics corresponded to seasonal changes in precipitation, with higher increment (active period) during the rainy season (October-April) and lower increment (dormant period) during the dry season (May-September); the number of tree rings formed after injuries to the cambium coincided with the number of years since the extraction of the wood samples. As a result of these observations, it was concluded that most study trees formed one growth ring per year. This suggests that tree species from the seasonal semi-deciduous forests of Brazil have an annual cycle of wood formation. Therefore, these trees have potential for use in future studies of tree age and radial growth rates, as well as to infer ecological and regional climatic conditions. These future studies can provide important information for the management and conservation of these endangered forests.


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Citrus sudden death (CSD) transmission was studied by graft-inoculation and under natural conditions. Young sweet orange trees on Rangpur rootstock were used as indicator plants. They were examined regularly for one or two characteristic markers of CSD: (i) presence of a yellow-stained layer of thickened bark on the Rangpur rootstock, and (ii) infection with the CSD-associated marafivirus. Based on these two markers, transmission of CSD was obtained, not only when budwood for graft-inoculation was taken from symptomatic, sweet orange trees on Rangpur, but also when the budwood sources were asymptomatic sweet orange trees on Cleopatra mandarin, indicating that the latter trees are symptomless carriers of the CSD agent. For natural transmission, 80 young indicator plants were planted within a citrus plot severely affected by CSD. Individual insect-proof cages were built around 40 indicator plants, and the other 40 indicator plants remained uncaged. Only two of the 40 caged indicator plants were affected by CSD, whereas 17 uncaged indicator plants showed CSD symptoms and were infected with the marafivirus. An additional 12 uncaged indicator plants became severely affected with citrus variegated chlorosis and were removed. These results strongly suggest that under natural conditions, CSD is transmitted by an aerial vector, such as an insect, and that the cages protected the trees against infection by the vector.


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In February 2007, sweet orange trees with characteristic symptoms of huanglongbing (HLB) were encountered in a region of Sao Paulo state (SPs) hitherto free of HLB. These trees tested negative for the three liberibacter species associated with HLB. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product from symptomatic fruit columella DNA amplifications with universal primers fDI/rPI was cloned and sequenced. The corresponding agent was found to have highest 16S rDNA sequence identity (99%) with the Pigeon pea witches`-broom phytoplasma of group 16Sr IX. Sequences of PCR products obtained with phytoplasma 16S rDNA primer pairs fU5/rU3, fU5/P7 confirm these result.,;. With two primers D7f2/D7r2 designed based oil the 16S rDNA Sequence of the cloned DNA fragment, positive amplifications were obtained from more than one hundred samples including symptomatic fruits and blotchy mottle leaves. Samples positive for phytoplasmas were negative for liberibacters, except for four samples, which were positive for both the phytoplasma and `Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus`. The phytoplasma was detected by electron microscopy in the sieve tubes of midribs from symptomatic leaves. These results Show that a phytoplasma of group IX is associated with citrus HLB symptoms ill northern, central, and Southern SPs. This phytoplasma has very probably been transmitted to citrus from an external Source of inoculum, but the Putative insect vector is not yet known.


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Leaves from four different Ginkgo biloba L. trees (1 and 2 - females; 3 and 4 - males), grown at the same conditions, were collected during a period of 5 months (from June to October, 2007). Water and 12% ethanol extracts were analyzed for total phenolics content, antioxidant activity, phenolic profile, and the potential in vitro inhibitory effects on alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase, and Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme (ACE) enzymes related to the management of diabetes and hypertension. The results indicated a significant difference among the trees in all functional benefits evaluated in the leaf extracts and also found important seasonal variation related to the same functional parameters. In general, the aqueous extracts had higher total phenolic content than the ethanolic extracts. Also, no correlation was found between total phenolics and antioxidant activity. In relation to the ACE inhibition, only ethanolic extracts had inhibitory activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Inflorescence and floral development of two tropical legume trees, Dahlstedtia pinnata and Dahlstedlia pentaphylla, occurring in the Atlantic Forest of south-eastern and southern Brazil, were investigated and compared with other papilionoids. Few studies have been made of floral development in tribe Millettieae, and this paper is intended to fill that gap in our knowledge. Dahlstedtia species have an unusual inflorescence type among legumes, the pseudoraceme, which comprises axillary units of three or more flowers, each with a subtending bract. Each flower exhibits a pair of opposite bractcoles. The order of flower initiation is acropetal; inception of the floral organs is as follows: sepals (5), petals (5), carpel (1) plus outer stamens (5) and finally inner stamens (5). Organ initiation in sepal, petal and inner stamen whorls is unidirectional; the carpel cleft is adaxial. The vexillum originates from a tubular-shaped primordium in mid-development and is larger than other petals at maturity, covering the keels. The filament tube develops later after initiation of inner-stamen primordia. Floral development in Dahlstedtia is almost always similar to other papilionoids, especially species of Phaseoleae and Sophoreae. But one important difference is the precocious ovule initiation (open carpel with ovules) in Dahlstedtia, the third citation of this phenomenon for papilionoids. No suppression, organ loss or anomalies occur in the order of primordia initiation or structure. Infra-generic differences in the first stages of ontogeny are rare; however, different species of Dahlstedtia are distinguished by the differing distribution pattern of secretory cavities in the flower. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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An L-amino acid oxidase (Bp-LAAO) from Bothrops pauloensis snake venom was highly purified using sequential chromatography steps on CM-Sepharose, Phenyl-Sepharose CL4B, Benzamidine Sepharose and C18 reverse-phase HPLC. Purified Bp-LAAO showed to be a homodimeric acidic glycoprotein with molecular weight around 65 kDa under reducing conditions in SDS-PAGE. The best substrates for Bp-LAAO were L-Met, L-Leu, L-Phe and L-Ile and the enzyme showed a strong reduction of its catalytic activity upon L-Met and L-Phe substrates at extreme temperatures. Bp-LAAO showed leishmanicidal, antitumoral and bactericidal activities dose dependently. Bp-LAAO induced platelet aggregation in platelet-rich plasma and this activity was inhibited by catalase. Bp-LAAC-cDNA of 1548 bp codified a mature protein with 516 amino acid residues corresponding to a theoretical isoelectric point and molecular weight of 6.3 and 58 kDa, respectively. Additionally, structural and phylogenetic studies identified residues under positive selection and their probable location in Elp-LAAO and other snake venom LAAOs (svLAAOs). Structural and functional investigations of these enzymes can contribute to the advancement of toxinology and to the elaboration of novel therapeutic agents. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Osflintia manu, new genus, new species, of long-horned caddisfly (Leptoceridae: Triplectidinae: Grumichellini) is described and illustrated from southeastern Peru. The phylogeny of Grumichellini Morse (Leptoceridae: Triplectidinae) is revisited and hypotheses of homology of some morphological characters are reconsidered. The monophyly of the tribe is corroborated and the phylogenetic relationships of its included genera are inferred to be (Triplexa (Gracilipsodes ((Grumichella, Amazonatolica) (Atanatolica, Osflintia, n. gen.)))) from adult and larval characters. Diagnostic characters of the new genus include the following: reduced tibial spur formula (2, 2, 2), loss of forewing crossvein sc-r1, hind wing discoidal cell closed, hind wing fork IV present, pair of long setae on tergum IX of the male genitalia, and pair of processes on the apex of segment X.


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The endemic Neotropical long-horned caddisfly subgenus Notalina (Neonotalina) Holzenthal contains nine described species, but its immature stages are unknown. In this paper the larvae and pupae of Notalina morsei Holzenthal 1986 from southeastern Brazil are described and illustrated. Larvae of the subgenus are easily recognized from other Neotropical leptocerids by the following characters: ventral apotome which is broad anteriorly and narrow posteriorly; the metanotum with three sclerites; the metasternum bearing 10-12 setae; the gill arrangement, usually including ventral and dorsal filaments from abdominal segments II to VI; and abdominal tergite IX with 6 long and 4 short setae. An updated key to known larvae of Neotropical Leptoceridae genera is provided.


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Tipulomorpha (craneflies) comprise one of the largest subgroups of Diptera, but its phylogeny at different levels has been poorly explored. This study presents the most comprehensive cladistic analysis of the group ever made, with emphasis on the genera and subgenera of the subfamily Limnophilinae (Limoniidae), assumed to include some of the earliest lineages of Tipulomorpha sensu stricto and therefore important for the understanding of the early patterns in the evolution of the craneflies. Eighty-eight characters of the male imago were scored for 104 exemplar species. The most parsimonious trees were searched using implied weighting, in the framework of a sensitivity analysis with different values of k (2 to 6). The dataset based on the characters of adult male morphology showed high levels of homoplasy and yielded very incongruent and unstable phylogenetic results, which are very sensitive to changes in analytical parameters. In the preferred and most parsimonious phylogenetic hypothesis, the Pediciidae is the sister-group of all other Tipulomorpha sensu stricto. The results indicate the paraphyly of the Limoniidae with respect to the Cylindrotomidae and Tipulidae, which are considered sister-groups. The Limoniidae subfamilies Limnophilinae, Limoniinae and Chioneinae are considered non-monophyletic. The study allowed a reconstruction of the possible ground plan condition of selected features of the adult male morphology of craneflies. The genera/subgenera Epiphragma (Epiphragma), Acantholimnophila, Shannonomyia, Limnophila (Arctolimnophila), Eloeophila, Conosia, Polymera, Polymera (Polymerodes), Prionolabis, Eutonia, Phylidorea (Phylidorea), Metalimnophila, Gynoplistia (Cerozodia), Gynoplistia (Dirhipis), Nothophila, Pseudolimnophila (Pseudolimnophila), Pilaria and Ulomorpha are considered monophyletic, but in general are defined by combinations of very homoplastic character states. Two Temperate Gondwanan clades, (Tonnoirella + (Edwardsomyia + (Tinemyia + (Rhamphophila + (Nothophila))))) and ((Notholimnophila + Bergrothomyia) + (Mesolimnophila + (Chilelimnophila + Ctenolimnophila))) are recovered. The genera Limnophila, Neolimnomyia, Gynoplistia (sensu lato) and Hexatoma (sensu lato) are considered non-monophyletic. The systematic position and some morphological characters of `problematic` taxa, such as Dactylolabis, Elephantomyia, Helius and Atarba are discussed on the light of the proposed phylogeny and the analysis of the characters. Character states are richly illustrated. A detailed study of the morphology of the male genitalia is made, and several genera and species have the morphology of the male genitalia illustrated for the first time.


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Allergic rhinitis (AR) typically presents after the second year of life, but the exact prevalence in early life is unknown. AR affects 10-30% of the population, with the greatest frequency found in children and adolescents. It appears that the prevalence has increased in the pediatric population. As the childs` immune system develops between the 1st and 4th yr of life, those with an atopic predisposition begin to express allergic disease with a clear Th(2) response to allergen exposure, resulting in symptoms. In pediatric AR, two or more seasons of pollen exposure are generally needed for sensitization, so allergy testing to seasonal allergens (trees, grasses, and weeds) should be conducted after the age of 2 or 3 years. Sensitization to perennial allergens (animals, dust mites, and cockroaches) may manifest several months after exposure. Classification of AR includes measurement of frequency and duration of symptoms. Intermittent AR is defined as symptoms for < 4 days/wk or < 4 consecutive weeks. Persistent AR is defined as occurring for more than 4 days/wk and more than 4 consecutive weeks. AR is associated with impairments in quality of life, sleep disorders, emotional problems, and impairment in activities such as work and school productivity and social functioning. AR can also be graded in severity - either mild or moderate/severe. There are comorbidities associated with AR. The chronic effects of the inflammatory process affect lungs, ears, growth, and others. AR can induce medical complications, learning problems and sleep-related complaints, such as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and chronic and acute sinusitis, acute otitis media, serous otitis media, and aggravation of adenoidal hypertrophy and asthma.


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Understanding the mating patterns of populations of tree species is a key component of ex situ genetic conservation. In this study, we analysed the genetic diversity, spatial genetic structure (SGS) and mating system at the hierarchical levels of fruits and individuals as well as pollen dispersal patterns in a continuous population of Theobroma cacao in Para State, Brazil. A total of 156 individuals in a 0.56 ha plot were mapped and genotyped for nine microsatellite loci. For the mating system analyses, 50 seeds were collected from nine seed trees by sampling five fruits per tree (10 seeds per fruit). Among the 156 individuals, 127 had unique multilocus genotypes, and the remaining were clones. The population was spatially aggregated; it demonstrated a significant SGS up to 15m that could be attributed primarily to the presence of clones. However, the short seed dispersal distance also contributed to this pattern. Population matings occurred mainly via outcrossing, but selfing was observed in some seed trees, which indicated the presence of individual variation for self-incompatibility. The matings were also correlated, especially within ((r) over cap (p(m)) = 0.607) rather than among the fruits ((r) over cap (p(m)) = 0.099), which suggested that a small number of pollen donors fertilised each fruit. The paternity analysis suggested a high proportion of pollen migration (61.3%), although within the plot, most of the pollen dispersal encompassed short distances (28m). The determination of these novel parameters provides the fundamental information required to establish long-term ex situ conservation strategies for this important tropical species. Heredity (2011) 106, 973-985; doi:10.1038/hdy.2010.145; published online 8 December 2010


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Deforestation in southeast Brazil has led to the extinction of Hymenaea courbaril var. stilbocarpa and ex situ conservation has been established. In this study, the levels of genetic diversity and the effective population size of H. courbaril in a germplasm bank were investigated using six nuclear microsatellite loci. A total of 79 and 91 alleles were found in 65 seed-trees and their 176 offspring, respectively. Offspring have a higher average number of alleles per locus (A = 15.2) than seed-trees (A = 13.2), but lower observed heterozygosity (offspring: H (o) = 0.566; seed-trees: H (o) = 0.607). The estimate of outcrossing rate shows that the study population is perfectly outcrossed (t (m) = 0.978, P > 0.05). Significant deviations from random mating were detected through mating among relatives and correlated matings. The average variance in effective population size for each family was 2.63, with a total effective population size retained in the bank of 170.1. These results confirm that the preserved population of H. courbaril retains substantial genetic variability.


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From a genomic library enriched for GA/CA repeats, 15 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for Cariniana estrellensis, a tropical forest tree. The microsatellite loci were screened in 49 mature trees found between Pardo river and Mogi-Gua double dagger u river basins, in the state of So Paulo, Brazil. A total of 140 alleles were detected with an average of 9.33 alleles per locus. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.37 to 0.88. These loci showed a high probability of paternity exclusion. Additionally, 12 loci were effectively transferred to Cariniana legalis. High levels of polymorphism make the present SSR markers useful for population genetic studies.