139 resultados para Sheep-tick
Phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences were generated from Rhipicephalus sanguineus group specimens collected in 29 localities among 9 Latin-American countries, plus ticks collected in South Africa, Spain, and Italy. Sequences from Latin America generated six different haplotypes (A, B, C, D, E, and F). Phylogenetic analyses generated trees that segregated our tick sequences into two distinct clades: one is represented by haplotypes A-C, and South African R. sanguineus and Rhipicephalus turanicus ticks; the second clade is represented by haplotypes D-F, and European R. sanguineus and R. turanicus ticks. When haplotypes A-Fare plotted in the Latin America map according to their geographical coordinates, it is clearly seen that haplotypes D-F are restricted to the southern portion of this continent, whereas haplotypes A-C are distributed in areas between northern Mexico and Brazil (except for the extreme south of this last country, where haplotype E was present). Hence, our phylogenetic analyses separated New World specimens of R. sanguineus into two distinct clades, one represented by tropical and subtropical populations (haplotypes A-C), here designated as the `tropical` species. On the other hand, haplotypes D-F are here designated as the `temperate` species because of their distribution in the southern portion of South America. Until recently, it was assumed that the R. sanguineus group was represented by a single species in the New World, namely R. sanguineus. While the present results coupled with recent studies support the presence of at least two species under the taxon R. sanguineus in the New World, they also show that even in the Old World, the taxon R. sanguineus might be represented by more than one species, since our phylogenetic analysis segregated European and South African R. sanguineus ticks into two distinct clades. The same can be applied for Spanish and South African R. turanicus. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
From September 2008 to March 2010, 397 ticks (315 larvae, 33 nymphs, 23 females, and 26 males) were collected from captive and free-living wildlife species in northeastern Brazil. Six tick species were identified, including Amblyomma auricularium (Conil) on Tamandua tetradactyla (L.),Amblyomma dubitalum Neumann on Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris (L.), Nectomys rattus (Pelzen) and T. tetradactyla, Amblyomma parvim A ragao on T. tatradactyla, Amblyomma rotundatum Koch on Boa constrictor L., Chelonoidis carbonaria (Spix), Kinosternon scorpioides (L.) and Rhinella jimi (Stevaux), Amblyomma cerium Koch on Bradypus variegatus Schinz, and Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) on Lycalopex vetulus (Lund). Nectomys rattus and T. tetradactyla are new hosts for A. dubitatum This study extends the known distribution of A. dubitatum in South America and provides evidence that its geographical range has been underestimated because of the lack of research. Four (A. dubitatum, A. parvum, A. rotundatum, and R. sanguineus) of six tick species identified in this study have previously been found on humans in South America, some of them being potentially involved in the transmission of pathogens of zoonotic concern.
Spotted fever is a disease caused by bacteria from the genus Rickettsia of the spotted fever group (SFG). Rickettsia rickettsii is likely the main agent of Brazilian spotted fever (BSF). With the objective of gathering information on the circulation of SFG rickettsiae in Londrina, Parana state, ticks from dogs and horses and also blood from dogs, horses and humans were collected in a neighbourhood of the city which presented potential for circulation of rickettsiae between hosts and vectors. Amblyomma cajennense, Dermacentor nitens, and Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks were subjected to Polymerase Chain Reaction targeting a fragment of the Rickettsia gltA gene. This specific gene encodes the enzyme citrate synthase of Rickettsia spp., and results on all ticks were negative. Human and animal sera were tested by Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay in which R. rickettsii and R. parkeri were used as antigens. Sera from 4.7% human, 2.7% canine and 38.5% equine were positive for R. rickettsii. For R. parkeri, 0.9% human, 2.7% canine and 11.5% equine samples were positive. All samples reactive to R. parkeri also reacted to R. rickettsii. An epidemiological questionnaire was applied, but there were no statistically significant results. Comparison of our serological results with previous studies in Brazil, among BSF endemic and non-endemic areas, indicates that there is no established rickettsial infection in the study area, a statement corroborated with our molecular analysis. Nonetheless, as humans of the present study are highly exposed to tick infestations, health education within the population is needed to obtain efficient tick control. Zoonoses and Public Health 416 (C) 2011 Blackwell Verlag GmbH . Zoonoses Public Health. 58 (2011) 416-423
Recent studies indicated that Toxoplasma gondii isolates of many domestic animal hosts from Brazil are genetically and biologically different from those in USA and Europe. Despite of high pathogenicity of this parasite to small ruminants, the epidemiology and genetic diversity of T. gondii in these animals are not well understood in Brazil. In this study, a total of 28 T. gondii samples (16 isolates from sheep in Sao Paulo state, and 12 isolates from goats in the states of Sao Paulo and Rio Grande do Norte) were genotyped using genetic markers SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, CRAG, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, Apico and CS3. Eleven genotypes were identified from these T. gondii isolates. Eight isolates (4 from sheep and 4 from goats) were grouped into the common clonal type Brl lineage. One sheep isolate was grouped to the type BrIII lineage. Five isolates grouped to three previously identified genotypes in Brazil, and 13 isolates grouped to six novel genotypes. Mixed genotype was found in one isolate from goat in Sao Paulo. No classical clonal Type I. II or III isolates were found, confirming previous reports that these clonal lineages are rare in Brazil. The allele types at the CS3 locus are strongly linked to mouse virulence of the parasite. The results of this study indicate that even though a large number of T. gondii genotypes have been identified from a variety of animal hosts in Brazil, high percentage of new genotypes are continuously identified from different animal species, suggesting extremely high diversity of T. gondii in the population. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Together with the larval stage, the nymphal stage of ticks of the genus Amblyomma are the most aggressive ticks for humans entering areas inhabited by wildlife and some domestic animals in Brazil. However, due to the absence of morphological descriptions of the nymphal stage of most Brazilian Amblyomma species, plus the lack of an identification key, little or nothing is known about the life history of Amblyomma spp. nymphs in the country. In the present study, morphological description of the nymphal stage, illustrating important external characters through scanning electron microscopy, is provided for nymphs of 15 Amblyomma species that occur in Brazil, for which the nymphal stage had never been described: A. aureolatum, A. auricularium, A. calcaratum, A. coelebs, A. fuscum, A. humerale, A. incisum, A. latepunctatum, A. naponense, A. nodosum, A. ovate, A. pacae, A. pseudoconcolor, A. scalpturatum, A. varium. In addition, the nymphal stage of 12 Amblyomma species, which had been previously described, are redescribed: A. brasiliense, A. cajennense, A. dissimile, A. dubitatum, A. longirostre, A. oblongoguttatum, A. parked, A. parvum, A. romitii, A. rotundatum, A. tigrinum, A. triste. The descriptions and redescriptions totalized 27 species. Only 2 species (A. geayi, A. goeldii) out of the 29 Amblyomma species established in Brazil are not included in the present study. A dichotomous identification key is included to support taxonomic identification of the nymphal stage of 27 Amblyomma species established in Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Larval behavioral diapause was shown to be the major factor controlling the 1-yr generation pattern of Amblyomma cajennense (F.) (Acari: Ixodidae) in Brazil. During fieldwork, this behavior was shown to coincide with long daylength (>12 h) and high mean ground temperature (approximate to 25 degrees C), which prevail during spring-summer in Brazil. The current study evaluated biological parameters of engorged females, their eggs, and the resultant larvae inside plastic pots planted with the grass Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. held in incubators set with different combinations of temperature and photoperiod. Both the long daylength (photoperiod 14:10 [L:D]h) and high temperature (25 degrees C) during larval hatching induced larval behavioral diapause, characterized by the confinement of hatched larvae on the ground below the vegetation for many weeks. When long daylength was present during hatching, but temperature was low (15 degrees C), larvae did not enter diapause. Similarly, when short daylength (10:14 or 12:12) was present during larval hatching, larvae did not enter diapause regardless whether temperature was high (25 degrees C). Termination of diapause was induced by shifting photoperiod from 14:10 to 12:12 or the temperature from 25 to 15 degrees C. When applied to field conditions, the present results indicate that both high ground mean temperature (approximate to 25 degrees C) and long daylength (>12 h) during spring-summer (October-March) are responsible for the induction and maintenance of A. cajennense larval behavioral diapause in the field. Furthermore, both the low ground mean temperature (-20 degrees C) and the short daylength (<12h) during autumn (April-May) are responsible for termination of larval behavioral diapause in the field.
The life cycle of Ixodes luciae was evaluated for five consecutive generations in the laboratory. Wild mice Calomys callosus and laboratory rats Rattus norvegicus were used as hosts for larvae and nymphs. For adult ticks, opossums Didelphis aurita were used as hosts. Off-host developmental periods were observed in an incubator at 27A degrees C and 95% RH. The life cycle of I. luciae lasted 95-97 days, excluding prefeeding periods. C. callosus, one of the natural host species for I. luciae immature stages, was shown to be much more suitable than the artificial host R. norvegicus. Significantly (P < 0.05), more larvae and nymphs successfully fed on C. callosus than on R. norvegicus. When tick-na < ve C. callosus were exposed to three consecutive larval infestations at 24-day intervals, recovery of engorged larvae were greater in the second and third infestations, indicating that previous infestations did not induce acquired resistance to ticks. Larval feeding period typically varied from 5 to 10 days on R. norvegicus, but was significantly (P < 0.05), longer on C. callosus (range, 7-34 days). The majority (71.7%) of I. luciae adult females successfully fed and oviposited after exposed to D. aurita. Mean engorged weight (581.9 mg; range, 237.1-796.0 mg) of these females were much higher than those previously reported for other New World Ixodes species. Our results are in accordance to the current literature that appoints opossums Didelphidae and small rodents (e.g., C. callosus) natural hosts for I. luciae immature and adult stages, respectively.
Brazil has the third richest bird diversity of the world; however, there are few data concerning ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) parazitizing birds. The aim of the study was to report tick infestations on wild birds from an Atlantic rain forest region of Brazil. During 2 yr, ticks were collected from birds and from the environment in 12 forest sites. A total of 1,725 birds were captured representing 80 species from 24 families. In total, 223 (13%) birds were found infested by immature stages of Amblyomma ticks: 1,800 larvae and 539 nymphs. The prevalence of ticks was higher among-birds from the families Thamnophilidae, Conopophagidae, and Momotidae. The most common tick parasitizing birds was Amblyomma nodosum Koch. Other tick species, Amblyomma coelebs Neumann, Amblyomma cajennense (F.), Amblyomma ovale Koch, Amblyomma longirostre (Koch), Amblyomma calcaratum Neumann, and Amblyomma naponense (Packard), were found sporadically. Among free-living ticks collected in the environment, A. cajennense was the most common, followed by A. coelebs, A. naponense, Amblyomma brasilense Aragao, and Hemaphysalis juxtakochi Cooley.
Phosphorus kinetics in calves experimentally submitted to a trickle infection with Cooperia punctata
Ten male Holstein calves (74.3 +/- 3.2 kg LW) were used for a trial with trickle infection with Cooperia punctata to evaluate phosphorus (P) kinetics. Five calves were inoculated with 10,000 L(3) stage larvae per week during 35 days, while the other group of five calves was kept as a control. On the 29th day each calf was intravenously injected with 29.6 MBq of a (32)p solution. Blood samples were taken at 24 h periods for 7 days, after which all calves were slaughtered and worms burdens. Faeces, urine and tissue samples were taken for analysis using isotopic dilution and modeling techniques. The number of eggs per gram of faeces (EPG)was 1920 +/- 168 on 28th day and the total number of worms burdens was 11,131 +/- 1500. Infected calves showed lower feed intake and live weight gain, as well as lower P intake, absorption and retention than control calves. The P flows between body compartments were lower for blood to gastrointestinal tract (TGI), TGI to blood, blood to soft tissues, bone balance and soft tissue balance in infected calves when compared to the control. The trickle infection of C punctata affected P metabolism due to the decrease in P retained and live weight due to fall in feed intake. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Amblyomma incisum Neumann is a major tick species in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Tapir is the main host for adult ticks and a high aggressiveness of nymphs to humans has been reported. In this work data on the biology and life cycle of this tick species is presented for the first time. It was shown that horse is a suitable host for A. incisum adults and rabbit for larvae and nymphs. It was also shown that A. incisum is a big tick species (mean engorged female weight of 1.96 g) with a long life cycle which lasts 262.3 days when maintained at 27A degrees C and 85% RH. These laboratory conditions were, however, inappropriate and egg hatching rate (1.2%) was very low. Nevertheless egg hatching of ticks in a forest patch increased considerably (72.2%) indicating that this A. incisum population is highly dependent on a forest-like environment.
Hammondia heydorni is a cyst forming coccidia closely related to other apicomplexans, such as Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Hammondia hammondi with a two-host life cycle. Dogs and other canids as red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and coyotes (Canis latrans) may serve as definitive hosts for H. heydorni. Sporulated oocysts are infective for cattle, sheep and goats, which may serve as intermediate hosts. Herein, we describe the ability of crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), a wild carnivore that is commonly found from northern Argentina to northern South America, to serve as definitive host of H. heydorni. The whole masseter muscle and brain from two 2-year-old bovines were collected, minced and pooled together for the fox infection. The bovine pooled tissues were equally administered to four foxes, in two consecutive days. Two foxes shed subspherical unsporulated oocysts measuring 10-15 mu m, after 8 and 9 days post-infection, respectively. One of the foxes eliminated oocysts for 5 days, while the other fox shed oocysts for 9 days. A DNA sample of oocysts detected at each day of oocyst elimination was tested by two PCRs, one of them carried out employing primers directed to the common toxoplasmatiid 18S and 5.8S ribosomal RNA coding genes (PCR-ITS1) and the other based on heat-shock protein 70 kDa coding gene (PCR-HSP70). These samples were also submitted to a N. caninum specific nested-PCR protocol based on a N. caninum specific gene (Nc5-nPCR). All of them were positive by PCR-ITS1 and PCR-HSP70 but negative by Nc5-nPCR. The PCR-ITS1 and PCR-HSP70 nucleotide sequences amplified from the oocysts shed by the foxes revealed 100% identity with homologous sequences of H. heydorni. In conclusion, it is clear that H. heydorni also uses the crab-eating fox as a definitive host. The crab-eating fox is usually reported to live in close contact with livestock in several regions of Brazil. Therefore, it is reasonable to infer that such carnivores may play an important role in the sylvatic and domestic cycles of H. heydorni infection. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conditioned taste aversions are a useful tool to reduce livestock consumption of toxic plants. The forage legume Leucaena leucocephala (leucaena) is both toxic and palatable. The objective of this study was to determine if goats could be aversively conditioned to avoid leucaena. Adult and juvenile female goats, naive to leucaena, were divided into control and averted groups. Animals were exposed to leucaena, and time(s) spent eating leucaena was measured. During initial conditioning with lithium chloride (LiCl), averted goats spent less time eating leucaena (P < 0.05) than did controls. The averted groups maintained their reduced consumption (P < 0.05) of leucaena compared to controls during open field tests when goats could chose between leucaena and sugar cane. In final tests (two tests per week), averted goats reduced (P < 0.05) the amount of time they spent eating leucaena compared to control animals, but the aversion eventually extinguished. Aversive conditioning was successful in greatly reducing, but not entirely eliminating goats` consumption of leucaena. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ipomoea carnea is a toxic plant that grows in tropical areas, and is readily consumed by grazing goats. The plant contains the alkaloids swainsonine and calystegines, which inhibit cellular enzymes and cause systematic cell death. This study evaluated the behavioral effects on dams and kids of prenatal ingestion of this plant. Freshly harvested leaves of I. carnea (10 g/kg body weight) were fed daily to nine pregnant goats from the fifth to the 16th week of gestation; five pregnant goats were controls. Dam and kid behavior were evaluated during 2-hr postpartum. Further evaluation of the offspring was performed using various tests after birth: (1) reaching and discriminating their dam from an alien doe (two tests at 12-hr postpartum), and (2) navigating a progressive maze (2, 4, and 6 days postpartum). Postnatal (n=2) and fetal (n=2) mortality were observed in the treated group. Intoxicated kids had difficulty in standing at birth, and only one was able to suckle within 2 hr of birth. Treated kids were slower than controls to arrive at their dam in the discrimination test; treated kids often (seven of nine completed tests) incorrectly chose the alien dam (controls: 0/10 tests). During some runs on days 2, 4, and 6 postpartum, treated kids were slower to leave the starting point of the maze, and were slower to arrive at the dam on all test days. This study suggests that the offspring of pregnant goats given I. carnea during gestation have significant behavioral alterations and developmental delays. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 92:131-138, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The Santa Ines, a Brazilian hair sheep, has a non-seasonal breeding activity. Data regarding the duration of the postpartum anestrous period in Santa Ines lactating ewes is lacking and the objective of this trial was to determine the effects of replacing neutral detergent fibre (NDF) provided by coastcross (Cynodon sp.) hay with NDF contained in soybean hulls (SH) on the postpartum ovarian activity-as measured by the serum progesterone (P(4)) concentration. Fifty-six lactating ewes (body weight 56.1 +/- 6.8 kg) were individually penned and used in a randomized complete block design with 14 blocks and four treatments. The SH NDF replaced 33 (SH33), 67 (SH67), or 100% (SH100) of the NDF contributed by coastcross hay in the control diet (SHO). This resulted in a SH inclusion at rates of 0, 25, 54, and 85% of the dietary dry matter (DM). Blood samples were collected twice weekly from the 14th to 84th day postpartum and the serum P(4) concentrations determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA). It was estimated that the 1st postpartum ovulation occurred 6 days before the date that a serum P(4) >= 1 ng/ml concentration was first recorded. The mean body condition score (BCS; 0-5 scale) was 3.0 +/- 0.19 on day 14 postpartum and the mean BCS at day 56 postpartum increased linearly (P<0.01) with the inclusion levels of SH (3.09, 3.24, 3.34, and 3.36, respectively). Treatments did not differ significantly in the induction of postpartum days to the resumption of ovarian luteal activity (34.1 +/- 15.3 days postpartum). On days 25, 50, and 75 postpartum 36.80, and 100% of the ewes had resumed ovarian activity, respectively. Nonesterified fatty acid concentration decreased quadratically (P<0.05) with the SH inclusion, with values of 0.323, 0.244, 0.204, and 0.216 mequiv./l for the SHO, SH33, SH67, and SH100 treatments being recorded, respectively. Replacement of the NDF provided by coastcross hay with the NDF from the SH did not influence the duration of the postpartum anestrous period in Santa Ines lactating ewes. Considering a 150-day gestation period and the 34 days postpartum anestrous demonstrated in the present study, the current production system of a lambing interval of 8 months (3 lambing events in 2 years) may not be optimizing the production potential and a system in which the lambing interval is shortened by at least 1 month may be feasible. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objectives of this investigation were to understand transplacental transport of iron by secreted uteroferrin (UF) and haemophagous areas of water buffalo placenta and clarify the role(s) of blood extravasation at the placental-maternal interface. Placentomes and interplacentomal region of 51 placentae at various stages of gestation were fixed, processed for light and transmission electron microscopy, histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. Haemophagous areas were present in placentomes collected between 4 and 10 months of pregnancy. Perl`s reaction for ferric iron was negative in placentomes, but positive in endometrial glands. Positive staining for UF indicated areas in which it was being taken up by phagocytosis and/or fluid phase pinocytosis in areolae of the interplacentomal mesenchyme, with little staining in endometrial stroma. Imunohistochemistry detected UF in trophectoderm of haemophagous regions of placentomes and in other parts of the foetal villous tree, but the strongest immunostaining was in the epithelial cells and lumen of uterine glands. Ultrastructural analyses indicated that erythrophagocytosis was occurring and that erythrocytes were present inside cells of the chorion that also contained endocytic vesicles and caveolae. Results of this study indicate that both the haemophagous areas of placentomes and the areolae at the interface between chorion and endometrial glands are important sites for iron transfer from mother to foetal-placental tissues in buffalo throughout pregnancy.