245 resultados para Museu Nacional (Brazil)
In a recent ecological study of the ticks on animal trails within an area of Atlantic rainforest in south-eastern Brazil, Amblyomma aureolatum, A. brasiliense, A. incisum, A. ovale and Haemaphysalis juxtakochi were found questing on the vegetation. Most of the ticks recorded by a small, man-made dam on the forest border were A. dubitatum but a few A. brasiliense and A. cajennense, one A. incisum and one H. juxtakochi were also found. The seasonal activity of the ticks indicated that A. incisum and A. brasiliense had one generation/year. On the animal trails, most tick species and stages quested on the vegetation at a height of 30-40 cm above ground level. The questing larvae and adults of A. incisum tended to be found higher, however, with the greatest numbers recorded 40-50 cm (larvae) or 60-70 cm (adults) above ground level. Most of the adult ticks (81.1% -100%), nymphs (78.6%-100%) and larval clusters (100%) found on a forest trail remained questing at the same location over a 24-h period. Carbon-dioxide traps in the rainforest attracted, 50% of the ticks observed questing on the nearby vegetation and, curiously, the CO(2) traps set deep in the forest attracted far fewer ticks than similar traps set by the dam. The ecological relationships between the ticks, their hosts and the rainforest environment are discussed.
The present study was performed in an area endemic for Brazilian spotted fever (BSF) in Juiz de Fora, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, during the years 2007 and 2008, when fatal cases of BSF (caused by Rickettsia rickettsii) were reported. Adult ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) identified as Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) and Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius) were collected from dogs and horses, respectively, and tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Overall, 13.1% of the Rh. sanguineus ticks and none of the A. cajennense were found to be infected with R. rickettsii. Two isolates of R. rickettsii were successfully established in Vero cell culture from two Rh. sanguineus ticks. An indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) using R. rickettsii antigens detected blood serological reaction to R. rickettsii in 67.9% (53/78) of dogs and 41.0% (16/39) of horses living in the study area. Larval offspring from two Rh. sanguineus engorged females, naturally infected by R. rickettsii, were reared to adult stage in the laboratory. All active stages (larvae, nymphs, adults) remained 100% infected by R. rickettsii, which was efficiently transmitted to naive rabbits. Overall, the results of the present study indicate a potential risk for transmission of R. rickettsii to humans by Rh. sanguineus, an occurrence yet to be documented in Brazil.
Toxoplasma gondii isolates are highly diverse in domestic animals from Brazil. However, little is known about the genetics of this parasite from wild mammals in the same region. Reveal genetic similarity or difference of T. gondii among different animal populations is necessary for us to understand transmission of this parasite. Here we reported isolation and genetic characterisation of three T. gondii isolates from wild animals in Brazil. The parasite was isolated by bioassay in mice from tissues of a young male red handed howler monkey (Alouatta belzebul), an adult male jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi), and an adult female black-eared opossum (Didelphis aurita). The monkey and the jaguarundi had inhabited the Zoo of Parque Estadual Dois Irmaos, Pernambuco State, Northeastern Brazil, for 1 year and 8 years, respectively. The wild black-eared opossum was captured in Sao Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil, and euthanised for this study because it was seropositive for T. gondii (titre 1:100 by the modified agglutination test, MAT). Ten PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) markers, SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1 and Apico, were used to genotype the isolates. T. gondii was isolated from the brain and heart homogenate of the monkey, the muscle homogenate of the jaguarundi, and the heart homogenate of the black-eared opossum. This was the first isolation of T. gondii from a neotropical fetid from Brazil. The isolate from the monkey (TgRhHmBr1) was not virulent in mice, whereas the isolates from the jaguarundi (TgJagBr1) and the black-eared opossum (TgOpBr1) were virulent in mice. The genotype of the isolate from the monkey has been identified in isolates from a goat and ten chickens in the same region of Brazil, suggesting that it may be a common lineage circulating in this region. The genotypes of the isolates from the jaguarundi and the black-eared opossum have not been previously reported. Although there are already 88 genotypes identified from a variety of animal hosts in Brazil, new genotypes are continuously being identified from different animal species, indicating an extremely high diversity of T. gondii in the population. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to understand the current epidemiology of rickettsial diseases in two rickettsial-endemic regions in Brazil. In the municipalities of Pingo D`Agua and Santa Cruz do Escalvado, among serum samples obtained from horses and dogs, reactivity by immunofluorescent assay against spotted fever group rickettsiae was verified. In some serum samples from opossums (Didelphis aurita) captured in Santa Cruz do Escalvado, serologic response against rickettsiae was also verified. Polymerase chain reaction identified rickettsiae only in ticks and fleas obtained in Santa Cruz do Escalvado. Rickettsiae in samples had 100% sequence homology with Rickettsia fells. These results highlight the importance of marsupials in maintenance of the sylvatic cycle of rickettsial disease and potential integration with the domestic cycle. Our data also support the importance of horses and dogs as sentinels in monitoring circulation of rickettsiae in an urban area.
The current study investigated the occurrence of ticks and their rickettsiae in the Serra do Mar State Park, which encompasses one of the largest Atlantic rain forest reserves of Brazil. From July 2008 to June 2009, a total of 2,439 ticks (2,196 free living and 243 collected on hosts) was collected, encompassing the following 13 species: Amblyomma aureolatum (Pallas), Amblyomma brasiliense Aragao, Amblyomma dubitatum Neumann, Amblyomma fuscum Neumann, Amblyomma incisum Neumann, Amblyomma longirostre (Koch), Amblyomma naponense (Packard), Amblyomma nodosum Neumann, Amblyomma ovale Koch, Haemaphysalis juxtakochi Cooley, Ixodes aragaoi Fonseca, Lodes loricatus Neumann, and Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille). Ticks were submitted to polymerase chain reaction assays targeting portions of the rickettsial genes gltA and ompA. Polymerase chain reaction products were DNA sequenced and compared with corresponding sequences available in GenBank. Rickettsia bellii, a rickettsia of unknown pathogenicity, was detected in one A. aureolatum, one A. ovate, and three A. incisum specimens. At least 8.8% (3/34) of the free-living A. ovale ticks, 13.6% (8/59) of the A. ovale ticks collected from dogs, and 1.9% (1/54) of the R. sanguineus (Latreille) ticks were found to be infected by Rickettsia sp strain Atlantic rain forest, a novel strain that has been shown to cause an eschar-associated spotted fever in the state of Sao Paulo. Our results suggest that A. ovale is the vector of Rickettsia sp strain Atlantic rain forest in the state of Sao Paulo.
In this study, serum samples of 203 animals from different locations, from zoos and breeding facilities from the north and northeast regions of Brazil, were analyzed for the presence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies by the modified agglutination test (MAT) with a cutoff of 1:25. Of the sampled animals, 184 were adult mammals of both sexes and 19 were birds. Antibodies were found in 61 of 184 mammals, and no association between sex and age of the animals and the presence of T. gondii antibodies was observed (P < 0.05). Anti-T gondii antibodies were not found in birds. Toxoplasma gondii was detected in Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris) for the first time.
A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the occurrence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii, anti-Neospora caninum, and anti- Leishmania chagasi antibodies in dogs of the state of Para, Brazil. For this purpose, 129 blood samples were collected from dogs of different ages and gender. Samples of 72 dogs were collected from 39 rural properties from 19 municipalities, and 57 samples were from stray dogs, collected after captivity by the Center of Zoonosis Control from the municipality of Santar,m. The sera were analyzed for anti-T. gondii and anti-N. caninum antibodies by indirect fluorescent antibody tests with cutoff values of 1:16 and 1:50, respectively. For the presence of L. chagasi antibodies, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used and positive results were confirmed by immunochromatographic method using the recombinant antigen K39. Of the total of 129 dogs, 90 (69.8%) were positive for T. gondii, 16 (12.4%) for N. caninum, and 30 (23.3%) for L. chagasi. Antibodies for all three parasites were found simultaneously in seven dogs (5.4%), mostly in urban dogs (six of seven). No association was observed related to gender and location (urban or rural) of dogs and occurrence of N. caninum and T. gondii antibodies although, regarding L. chagasi, higher prevalence was found in females (P < 0.02) and in dogs from urban location (P < 0.001). From the 39 farms, in 30 (76.9%) at least one dog was positive for T. gondii or N. caninum or both. Higher occurrence of Leishmania antibodies was observed in N. caninum-negative dogs (P < 0.05).
Recent studies indicated that Toxoplasma gondii isolates of many domestic animal hosts from Brazil are genetically and biologically different from those in USA and Europe. Despite of high pathogenicity of this parasite to small ruminants, the epidemiology and genetic diversity of T. gondii in these animals are not well understood in Brazil. In this study, a total of 28 T. gondii samples (16 isolates from sheep in Sao Paulo state, and 12 isolates from goats in the states of Sao Paulo and Rio Grande do Norte) were genotyped using genetic markers SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, CRAG, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, Apico and CS3. Eleven genotypes were identified from these T. gondii isolates. Eight isolates (4 from sheep and 4 from goats) were grouped into the common clonal type Brl lineage. One sheep isolate was grouped to the type BrIII lineage. Five isolates grouped to three previously identified genotypes in Brazil, and 13 isolates grouped to six novel genotypes. Mixed genotype was found in one isolate from goat in Sao Paulo. No classical clonal Type I. II or III isolates were found, confirming previous reports that these clonal lineages are rare in Brazil. The allele types at the CS3 locus are strongly linked to mouse virulence of the parasite. The results of this study indicate that even though a large number of T. gondii genotypes have been identified from a variety of animal hosts in Brazil, high percentage of new genotypes are continuously identified from different animal species, suggesting extremely high diversity of T. gondii in the population. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to determine if Toxoplasma gondii are present in oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae) and mussels (Mytella guyanensis) under natural conditions using a bioassay in mice and molecular detection methods. We first compared two standard protocols for DNA extraction, phenol-chloroform (PC) and guanidine-thiocyanate (GT), for both molluscs. A total of 300 oysters and 300 mussels were then acquired from the fish market in Santos city, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, between March and August of 2008 and divided into 60 groups of 5 oysters and 20 groups of 15 mussels. To isolate the parasite, five mice were orally inoculated with sieved tissue homogenates from each group of oysters or mussels. For molecular detection of T. gondii, DNA from mussels was extracted using the PC method and DNA from oysters was extracted using the GT method. A nested-PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) based on the amplification of a 155 bp fragment from the B1 gene of T. gondii was then performed. Eleven PCR-RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) markers, SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, CS3 and Apico, were used to genotype positive samples. There was no isolation of the parasite by bioassay in mice. T. gondii was not detected in any of the groups of mussels by nested-PCR. DNA of T. gondii was apparently detected by nested-PCR in 2 groups of oysters (3.3%). Genotyping of these two positive samples was not successful. The results suggest that oysters of the species C. rhizophorae, the most common species from the coast of Sao Paulo, can filter and retain T. gondii oocysts from the marine environment. Ingestion of raw oysters as a potential transmission source of T. gondii to humans and marine mammals should be further investigated. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the beginning of the 20th century, a new canine disease was reported in Brazil under the name ""nambiuvu"", whose etiological agent was called Rangelia vitalii, a distinct piroplasm that was shown to parasitize not only erythrocytes, but also leucocytes and endothelial cells. In this new century, more publications on R. vitalii were reported from Brazil, including an extensive study on its ultrastructural analysis, in addition to clinical, pathological, and epidemiological data on nambiuvu. However, a molecular analysis of R. vitalii has not been performed to date. In the present study, we performed molecular phylogenetic analyses of R. vitalii based on fragments of the genes 18S rRNA and the heat shock protein 70 (hsp70), amplified by PCR performed on blood samples derived from five clinical cases of dogs presumably infected with R. vitalii in southern Brazil. In addition, we examined Giemsa-stained thin blood smears from these same dogs. DNA sequences (604-bp) of the 18S rRNA gene obtained from the five dogs were identical to each other, and by Blast analysis, this sequence shared the highest degree of sequence identity (95%) with Babesia sp. China-BQ1. DNA sequences (1056-bp) of the hsp70 gene obtained from the five dogs were identical to each other, and by Blast analysis, this sequence shared the highest degree of sequence identity (87%) with Babesia bigemina. Phylogenetic analyses inferred from either of the two genes resulted in the newly genotype being placed in the Babesia spp.sensu stricto clade with very high bootstrap support (95-100%) in three analyses (Neighbor-Joining, Maximum parsimony, and Maximum likelihood). Giemsa-stained thin blood smears from the dogs were shown to contain piroplasm organisms within erythrocytes, monocytes and neutrophils (individual forms), and schizont-like forms within neutrophils, in accordance with literature reports of R. vitalii. Based on these results, we conclude that R. vitalii, the etiological agent of ""nambiuvu"" in southern Brazil, is a valid species of piroplasm. Further studies are required to evaluate the validity of the genus Rangelia. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Together with the larval stage, the nymphal stage of ticks of the genus Amblyomma are the most aggressive ticks for humans entering areas inhabited by wildlife and some domestic animals in Brazil. However, due to the absence of morphological descriptions of the nymphal stage of most Brazilian Amblyomma species, plus the lack of an identification key, little or nothing is known about the life history of Amblyomma spp. nymphs in the country. In the present study, morphological description of the nymphal stage, illustrating important external characters through scanning electron microscopy, is provided for nymphs of 15 Amblyomma species that occur in Brazil, for which the nymphal stage had never been described: A. aureolatum, A. auricularium, A. calcaratum, A. coelebs, A. fuscum, A. humerale, A. incisum, A. latepunctatum, A. naponense, A. nodosum, A. ovate, A. pacae, A. pseudoconcolor, A. scalpturatum, A. varium. In addition, the nymphal stage of 12 Amblyomma species, which had been previously described, are redescribed: A. brasiliense, A. cajennense, A. dissimile, A. dubitatum, A. longirostre, A. oblongoguttatum, A. parked, A. parvum, A. romitii, A. rotundatum, A. tigrinum, A. triste. The descriptions and redescriptions totalized 27 species. Only 2 species (A. geayi, A. goeldii) out of the 29 Amblyomma species established in Brazil are not included in the present study. A dichotomous identification key is included to support taxonomic identification of the nymphal stage of 27 Amblyomma species established in Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Males, females, and larvae of Carios fonsecai sp. nov. are described from free-living ticks collected in a cave at Bonito, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The presence of cheeks and legs with micromammillate cuticle makes adults of C. fonsecai morphologically related to a group of argasid species (mostly bat-associated) formerly classified into the subgenus Alectorobius, genus Ornithodoros. Examination of larvae indicates that C. fonsecai is clearly distinct from most of the previously described Carios species formerly classified into the subgenus Alectorobius, based primarily on its larger body size, dorsal setae number, dorsal plate shape, and hypostomal morphology. On the other hand, the larva of C. fonsecai is most similar to Carios peropteryx, and Carios peruvianus, from which differences in dorsal plate length and width, tarsal setae, and hypostome characteristics are useful for morphological differentiation. The mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequence of C. fonsecai showed to be closest (85-88% identity) to several corresponding sequences of different Carios species available in GenBank. Bats identified as Peropteryx macrotis and Desmodus rotundus were found infested by C. fonsecai larvae in the same cave where the type series was collected. C. fonsecai showed to be aggressive to humans in the laboratory.
After one clinical case that evidenced the outbreak, a complete screening by intradermal tuberculin test was performed in one goat herd in Brazil. The herd was composed by 500 animals and 83 of them (16.6%) showed to be reactive to the comparative double cervical intradermal test. Four months after the test, all the 83 reactive animals were slaughtered and blood samples were collected from 45 of them, for serological assays. From those 45, 32 were randomly chosen for necropsy and histopathological and bacteriological procedures were conducted. Histopathology evidenced at least one characteristic lesion of tuberculosis in each animal, with typical granulommas where acid-fast bacilli (AFB) could be observed. Bacteriology was positive for Mycobacterium bovis in 22 samples (68.7%), therefore confirming the etiology of the outbreak. Sera of 45 animals plus 20 other from a certified free tuberculosis farm were tested in an ELISA using the recombinant M.bovis protein MPB70 as capture antigens. From those, 43 were reactive to the test, with high ODs results, considering a cut-off point established by ROC curve analyzing results (cut-off = 0.8; mean = 0.55; range: 0.157-1.357). These results suggest that MPB70-ELISA can be considered as a reliable tool to diagnose tuberculosis in goat herds, since this assay was capable to correctly detect 95.6% of the animals here examined.
Free-living adult Amblyomma incisum ticks were collected in an Atlantic rainforest area at Intervales State Park, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. From an A. incisum specimen, rickettsiae were successfully isolated in Vero cell culture by the shell vial technique. Rickettsial isolation was confirmed by optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and PCRs targeting portions of the rickettsial genes gltA, htrA, rrs, and sca1 on infected cells. Fragments of 1,089, 457, 1,362, and 443 nucleotides of the gltA, htrA, rrs, and sca1 genes, respectively, were sequenced. By BLAST analysis, the partial sequence of rrs of the A. incisum rickettsial isolate was closest to the corresponding sequence of Rickettsia bellii (99.1% similarity). The gltA partial sequence was closest to the corresponding sequences of ""Candidatus Rickettsia tarasevichiae"" (96.1% similarity) and Rickettsia canadensis (95.8% similarity). The htrA partial sequence was closest to the corresponding sequence of R. canadensis (89.8% similarity). The sca1 partial sequence was closest to the corresponding sequence of R. canadensis (95.2% similarity). Since our rickettsial isolate was genetically distinct from other Rickettsia species, we propose a new species designated Rickettsia monteiroi sp. nov. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that R. monteiroi belongs to the canadensis group within the genus Rickettsia, together with the species R. canadensis and ""Candidatus R. tarasevichiae"". Little or no antibody cross-reaction was observed between sera of R. monteiroi-inoculated guinea pigs and R. bellii-, Rickettsia rickettsii-, or R. canadensis-inoculated guinea pigs.
From May 2007 to March 2008, blood samples were collected from 92 healthy dogs living in 21 households (17 farms in rural area, and 4 homes in urban area) in 6 counties of the State of Espirito Santo, southeastern Brazil. In addition, ticks were collected from these dogs. A mean of 4.4 +/- 3.0 dogs (range: 1-12) were sampled per household; 78 and 14 dogs were from rural and urban areas, respectively. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) designed to amplify fragments of the 18S rDNA gene of Babesia spp or Hepatozoon spp revealed amplicons of the expected size in 20 (21.7%) dogs for Babesia, and 54 (58.7%) dogs for Hepatozoon. All Babesia-positive dogs were also Hepatozoon-positive. Among the 21 households, 15 (71.4%) from 3 counties had at least one PCR-positive dog, including 13 farms (rural area) and 2 homes (urban area). A total of 40 PCR products from the Hepatozoon-PCR, and 19 products from the Babesia-PCR were submitted to DNA sequencing. All generated sequences from Hepatozoon-PCR were identical to each other, and to corresponding 18S rDNA sequences of H. canis in GenBank. Surprisingly, all generated sequences from the Babesia PCR were also identical to corresponding 18S rDNA sequences of H. canis in GenBank. Dogs from 10 rural and 2 urban households were found infested by Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks. Immature of Amblyomma cajennense ticks were found in dogs from only 4 rural households (also infested by R. sanguineus). All but one household with R. sanguineus-infested dogs had at least one Hepatozoon-infected dog. Statistical analysis showed that the presence of ticks (i.e. R. sanguineus) infesting dogs in the households was significantly (P < 0.05) associated with at least one PCR-positive dog. There was no significant association (P > 0.05) between PCR-positive dogs and urban or rural households. Canine hepatozoonosis caused by H. canis is a high frequent infection in Espirito Santo, Brazil, where it is possibly vectored by R. sanguineus. Since all infected dogs were found apparently healthy, the pathogenicity of H. canis for dogs in Espirito Santo is yet to be elucidated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.