214 resultados para Inhomogeneous Equation
We consider the gravitational recoil due to nonreflection-symmetric gravitational wave emission in the context of axisymmetric Robinson-Trautman spacetimes. We show that regular initial data evolve generically into a final configuration corresponding to a Schwarzschild black hole moving with constant speed. For the case of (reflection-)symmetric initial configurations, the mass of the remnant black hole and the total energy radiated away are completely determined by the initial data, allowing us to obtain analytical expressions for some recent numerical results that have appeared in the literature. Moreover, by using the Galerkin spectral method to analyze the nonlinear regime of the Robinson-Trautman equations, we show that the recoil velocity can be estimated with good accuracy from some asymmetry measures (namely the first odd moments) of the initial data. The extension for the nonaxisymmetric case and the implications of our results for realistic situations involving head-on collision of two black holes are also discussed.
We study evolution of gravitational perturbations of black strings. It is well known that for all wave numbers less than some threshold value, the black string is unstable against the scalar type of gravitational perturbations, which is named the Gregory-Laflamme instability. Using numerical methods, we find the quasinormal modes and time-domain profiles of the black string perturbations in the stable sector and also show the appearance of the Gregory-Laflamme instability in the time domain. The dependence of the black string quasinormal spectrum and late-time tails on such parameters as the wave vector and the number of extra dimensions is discussed. There is numerical evidence that at the threshold point of instability, the static solution of the wave equation is dominant. For wave numbers slightly larger than the threshold value, in the region of stability, we see tiny oscillations with very small damping rate. While, for wave numbers slightly smaller than the threshold value, in the region of the Gregory-Laflamme instability, we observe tiny oscillations with very small growth rate. We also find the level crossing of imaginary part of quasinormal modes between the fundamental mode and the first overtone mode, which accounts for the peculiar time domain profiles.
In this paper we detail some results advanced in a recent letter [Prado et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 073008 (2009).] showing how to engineer reservoirs for two-level systems at absolute zero by means of a time-dependent master equation leading to a nonstationary superposition equilibrium state. We also present a general recipe showing how to build nonadiabatic coherent evolutions of a fermionic system interacting with a bosonic mode and investigate the influence of thermal reservoirs at finite temperature on the fidelity of the protected superposition state. Our analytical results are supported by numerical analysis of the full Hamiltonian model.
We study the propagation of perturbations in the quark gluon plasma. This subject has been addressed in other works and in most of the theoretical descriptions of this phenomenon the hydrodynamic equations have been linearized for simplicity. We propose an alternative approach, also based on hydrodynamics but taking into account the nonlinear terms of the equations. We show that these terms may lead to localized waves or even solitons. We use a simple equation of state for the QGP and expand the hydrodynamic equations around equilibrium configurations. The resulting differential equations describe the propagation of perturbations in the energy density. We solve them numerically and find that localized perturbations can propagate for long distances in the plasma. Under certain conditions our solutions mimic the propagation of Korteweg-de Vries solitons.
We present a broadband (460-980 nm) analysis of the nonlinear absorption processes in bulk ZnO, a large-bandgap material with potential blue-to-UV photonic device applications. Using an optical parametric amplifier we generated tunable 1-kHz repetition rate laser pulses and employed the Z-scan technique to investigate the nonlinear absorption spectrum of ZnO. For excitation wavelengths below 500 nm, we observed reverse saturable absorption due to one-photon excitation of the sample, agreeing with rate-equation modeling. Two-and three-photon absorption were observed from 540 to 980 nm. We also determined the spectral regions exhibiting mixture of nonlinear absorption mechanisms, which were confirmed by photoluminescence measurements. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
In this paper, employing the Ito stochastic Schrodinger equation, we extend Bell's beable interpretation of quantum mechanics to encompass dissipation, decoherence, and the quantum-to-classical transition through quantum trajectories. For a particular choice of the source of stochasticity, the one leading to a dissipative Lindblad-type correction to the Hamiltonian dynamics, we find that the diffusive terms in Nelsons stochastic trajectories are naturally incorporated into Bohm's causal dynamics, yielding a unified Bohm-Nelson theory. In particular, by analyzing the interference between quantum trajectories, we clearly identify the decoherence time, as estimated from the quantum formalism. We also observe the quantum-to-classical transition in the convergence of the infinite ensemble of quantum trajectories to their classical counterparts. Finally, we show that our extended beables circumvent the problems in Bohm's causal dynamics regarding stationary states in quantum mechanics.
In this Letter we extend current perspectives in engineering reservoirs by producing a time-dependent master equation leading to a nonstationary superposition equilibrium state that can be nonadiabatically controlled by the system-reservoir parameters. Working with an ion trapped inside a nonideal cavity, we first engineer effective interactions, which allow us to achieve two classes of decoherence-free evolution of superpositions of the ground and excited ionic levels: those with a time-dependent azimuthal or polar angle. As an application, we generalize the purpose of an earlier study [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 150403 (2006)], showing how to observe the geometric phases acquired by the protected nonstationary states even under nonadiabatic evolution.
In this report, the application of a class of separated local field NMR experiments named dipolar chemical shift correlation (DIPSHIFT) for probing motions in the intermediate regime is discussed. Simple analytical procedures based on the Anderson-Weiss (AW) approximation are presented. In order to establish limits of validity of the AW based formulas, a comparison with spin dynamics simulations based on the solution of the stochastic Liouville-von-Neumann equation is presented. It is shown that at short evolution times (less than 30% of the rotor period), the AW based formulas are suitable for fitting the DIPSHIFT curves and extracting kinetic parameters even in the case of jumplike motions. However, full spin dynamics simulations provide a more reliable treatment and extend the frequency range of the molecular motions accessible by DIPSHIFT experiments. As an experimental test, molecular jumps of imidazol methyl sulfonate and trimethylsulfoxonium iodide, as well as the side-chain motions in the photoluminescent polymer poly[2-methoxy-5-(2(')-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene], were characterized. Possible extensions are also discussed. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Void of any inherent structure in classical physics, the vacuum has revealed to be incredibly crowded with all sorts of processes in relativistic quantum physics. Yet, its direct effects are usually so subtle that its structure remains almost as evasive as in classical physics. Here, in contrast, we report on the discovery of a novel effect according to which the vacuum is compelled to play an unexpected central role in an astrophysical context. We show that the formation of relativistic stars may lead the vacuum energy density of a quantum field to an exponential growth. The vacuum-driven evolution which would then follow may lead to unexpected implications for astrophysics, while the observation of stable neutron-star configurations may teach us much on the field content of our Universe.
A combined analytical and numerical study is performed of the mapping between strongly interacting fermions and weakly interacting spins, in the framework of the Hubbard, t-J, and Heisenberg models. While for spatially homogeneous models in the thermodynamic limit the mapping is thoroughly understood, we here focus on aspects that become relevant in spatially inhomogeneous situations, such as the effect of boundaries, impurities, superlattices, and interfaces. We consider parameter regimes that are relevant for traditional applications of these models, such as electrons in cuprates and manganites, and for more recent applications to atoms in optical lattices. The rate of the mapping as a function of the interaction strength is determined from the Bethe-Ansatz for infinite systems and from numerical diagonalization for finite systems. We show analytically that if translational symmetry is broken through the presence of impurities, the mapping persists and is, in a certain sense, as local as possible, provided the spin-spin interaction between two sites of the Heisenberg model is calculated from the harmonic mean of the onsite Coulomb interaction on adjacent sites of the Hubbard model. Numerical calculations corroborate these findings also in interfaces and superlattices, where analytical calculations are more complicated.
The mapping, exact or approximate, of a many-body problem onto an effective single-body problem is one of the most widely used conceptual and computational tools of physics. Here, we propose and investigate the inverse map of effective approximate single-particle equations onto the corresponding many-particle system. This approach allows us to understand which interacting system a given single-particle approximation is actually describing, and how far this is from the original physical many-body system. We illustrate the resulting reverse engineering process by means of the Kohn-Sham equations of density-functional theory. In this application, our procedure sheds light on the nonlocality of the density-potential mapping of density-functional theory, and on the self-interaction error inherent in approximate density functionals.
We derive a closed analytical expression for the exchange energy of the three-dimensional interacting electron gas in strong magnetic fields, which goes beyond the quantum limit (L=0) by explicitly including the effect of the second, L=1, Landau level and arbitrary spin polarization. The inclusion of the L=1 level brings the fields to which the formula applies closer to the laboratory range, as compared to previous expressions, valid only for L=0 and complete spin polarization. We identify and explain two distinct regimes separated by a critical density n(c). Below n(c), the per particle exchange energy is lowered by the contribution of L=1, whereas above n(c) it is increased. As special cases of our general equation we recover various known more limited results for higher fields, and we identify and correct a few inconsistencies in some of these earlier expressions.
We consider the one-dimensional asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) in which particles jump to the right at rate p is an element of (1/2, 1.] and to the left at rate 1 - p, interacting by exclusion. In the initial state there is a finite region such that to the left of this region all sites are occupied and to the right of it all sites are empty. Under this initial state, the hydrodynamical limit of the process converges to the rarefaction fan of the associated Burgers equation. In particular suppose that the initial state has first-class particles to the left of the origin, second-class particles at sites 0 and I, and holes to the right of site I. We show that the probability that the two second-class particles eventually collide is (1 + p)/(3p), where a collision occurs when one of the particles attempts to jump over the other. This also corresponds to the probability that two ASEP processes. started from appropriate initial states and coupled using the so-called ""basic coupling,"" eventually reach the same state. We give various other results about the behaviour of second-class particles in the ASEP. In the totally asymmetric case (p = 1) we explain a further representation in terms of a multi-type particle system, and also use the collision result to derive the probability of coexistence of both clusters in a two-type version of the corner growth model.
We study the competition interface between two growing clusters in a growth model associated to last-passage percolation. When the initial unoccupied set is approximately a cone, we show that this interface has an asymptotic direction with probability 1. The behavior of this direction depends on the angle theta of the cone: for theta >= 180 degrees, the direction is deterministic, while for theta < 180 degrees, it is random, and its distribution can be given explicitly in certain cases. We also obtain partial results on the fluctuations of the interface around its asymptotic direction. The evolution of the competition interface in the growth model can be mapped onto the path of a second-class particle in the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process; from the existence of the limiting direction for the interface, we obtain a new and rather natural proof of the strong law of large numbers (with perhaps a random limit) for the position of the second-class particle at large times.
We consider a polling model with multiple stations, each with Poisson arrivals and a queue of infinite capacity. The service regime is exhaustive and there is Jacksonian feedback of served customers. What is new here is that when the server comes to a station it chooses the service rate and the feedback parameters at random; these remain valid during the whole stay of the server at that station. We give criteria for recurrence, transience and existence of the sth moment of the return time to the empty state for this model. This paper generalizes the model, when only two stations accept arriving jobs, which was considered in [Ann. Appl. Probab. 17 (2007) 1447-1473]. Our results are stated in terms of Lyapunov exponents for random matrices. From the recurrence criteria it can be seen that the polling model with parameter regeneration can exhibit the unusual phenomenon of null recurrence over a thick region of parameter space.