395 resultados para Human Milk
The objective of this work is to develop an improved model of the human thermal system. The features included are important to solve real problems: 3D heat conduction, the use of elliptical cylinders to adequately approximate body geometry, the careful representation of tissues and important organs, and the flexibility of the computational implementation. Focus is on the passive system, which is composed by 15 cylindrical elements and it includes heat transfer between large arteries and veins. The results of thermal neutrality and transient simulations are in excellent agreement with experimental data, indicating that the model represents adequately the behavior of the human thermal system. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this article is to present a quantitative analysis of the human failure contribution in the collision and/or grounding of oil tankers, considering the recommendation of the ""Guidelines for Formal Safety Assessment"" of the International Maritime Organization. Initially, the employed methodology is presented, emphasizing the use of the technique for human error prediction to reach the desired objective. Later, this methodology is applied to a ship operating on the Brazilian coast and, thereafter, the procedure to isolate the human actions with the greatest potential to reduce the risk of an accident is described. Finally, the management and organizational factors presented in the ""International Safety Management Code"" are associated with these selected actions. Therefore, an operator will be able to decide where to work in order to obtain an effective reduction in the probability of accidents. Even though this study does not present a new methodology, it can be considered as a reference in the human reliability analysis for the maritime industry, which, in spite of having some guides for risk analysis, has few studies related to human reliability effectively applied to the sector.
The rheological behavior of milk cream was studied for different fat contents (0.10 to 0.31) and for a wide temperature range (2 and 87C) using a rotational rheometer. Newtonian behavior was observed, except for fat content between 0.20 and 0.31 and temperature between 2 and 33C, where viscoplastic behavior was remarkable. The rheological parameters (Newtonian viscosity, plastic viscosity and yield stress) and density were well correlated to temperature and fat content. Tube friction factor during flow of cream was experimentally obtained at various flow rates, temperatures and tube diameters (86 < Re < 2.3 x 104, 38 < Re(B) < 8.8 x 103, 1.1 x 103 < He < 6.7 x 103). The proposed correlations for density and rheological parameters were applied for the prediction of friction factor for laminar and turbulent flow of cream using well-known equations for Newtonian and viscoplastic flow. The good agreement between experimental and predicted values confirms the reliability of the proposed correlations for describing the flow behavior of cream. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS This paper presents correlations for the calculation of density and rheological parameters (Newtonian viscosity, Bingham plastic viscosity and yield stress) of milk cream as functions of temperature (2-87C) and fat content (0.10-0.31). Because of the large temperature range, the proposed correlations are useful for process design and optimization in dairy processing. An example of practical application is presented in the text, where the correlations were applied for the prediction of friction factor for laminar and turbulent tube flow of cream using well-known equations for Newtonian and viscoplastic flow, which are summarized in the text. The comparison with experimental data obtained at various flow rates, temperatures and tube diameters showed a good agreement, which confirms the reliability of the proposed correlations.
The behavior of normal individuals and psychiatric patients vary in a similar way following power laws. The presence of identical patterns of behavioral variation occurring in individuals with different levels of activity is suggestive of self-similarity phenomena. Based on these findings, we propose that the human behavior in social context can constitute a system exhibiting self-organized criticality (SOC). The introduction of SOC concept in psychological theories can help to approach the question of behavior predictability by taking into consideration their intrinsic stochastic character. Also, the ceteris paribus generalizations characteristic of psychological laws can be seen as a consequence of individual level description of a more complex collective phenomena. Although limited, this study suggests that, if an adequate level of description is adopted, the complexity of human behavior can be more easily approached and their individual and social components can be more realistically modeled. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tendon reflexes have been often used in studies of the human nervous system in health and disease. They have been investigated either in response to single tendon taps or to long duration vibrations. Tendon reflexes are described here in response to a high frequency vibration burst (3 cycles of a 100 Hz sine wave) applied to the Achilles tendon of standing subjects, either in quiet stance or during a forward leaning posture. The electromyogram from the soleus muscle usually showed three components separated by 10 ms which were interpreted as being three reflexes, each reflex induced by each of the three cycles in a burst. This result indicates that soleus tendon reflexes can respond in fast succession in a phasic manner when a brief high frequency vibration is applied to the Achilles tendon. This occurs in spite of possible depression of the la to motoneuron synapses and the long after hyperpolarization of the motoneurons. An interpretation of the results is that motoneurons from different subsets of the motoneuron pool respond to different cycles of the sinusoidal vibratory burst. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensory stability of ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk subjected to different heat treatments and stored at room temperature in white high density polyethylene bottles (HDPE) pigmented with titanium dioxide. Two lots of 300 units each were processed, respectively, at 135 and 141 degrees C/10 s using indirect heating and subsequently aseptically filled in an ISO class 7 clean room. These experimental lots were evaluated for appearance, aroma, flavor, and overall appreciation and compared to samples of commercial UHT milk purchased from local commercial stores. The time-temperature combinations investigated did not affect either the acceptability or the shelf life of the milk. Despite the limited light barrier properties of HDPE bottles, the product contained in the package tested exhibited good stability, with a shelf life ranging from 4 to 11 wk. Within this time period, the acceptability of the experimental lots was similar to that of the commercial products. The results achieved in this study contribute to turn the low-cost UHT system investigated into a technically viable option for small-size dairy processing plants.
Background: The presence of the periodontal ligament (PDL) makes it possible to absorb and distribute loads produced during masticatory function and other tooth contacts into the alveolar process via the alveolar bone proper. However, several factors affect the integrity of periodontal structures causing the destruction of the connective matrix and cells, the loss of fibrous attachment, and the resorption of alveolar bone. Methods: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution by finite element analysis in a PDL in three-dimensional models of the upper central incisor under three different load conditions: 100 N occlusal loading at 45 degrees (model 1: masticatory load); 500 N at the incisal edge at 45 degrees (model 2: parafunctional habit); and 800 N at the buccal surface at 90 degrees (model 3: trauma case). The models were built from computed tomography scans. Results: The stress distribution was quite different among the models. The most significant values (harmful) of tensile and compressive stresses were observed in models 2 and 3, with similarly distinct patterns of stress distributions along the PDL. Tensile stresses were observed along the internal and external aspects of the PDL, mostly at the cervical and middle thirds. Conclusions: The stress generation in these models may affect the integrity of periodontal structures. A better understanding of the biomechanical behavior of the PDL under physiologic and traumatic loading conditions might enhance the understanding of the biologic reaction of the PDL in health and disease. J Periodontol 2009;80:1859-1867.
This survey evaluated the presence of AFM(1) in human urine samples from a specific Brazilian population, as well as corn, peanut, and milk consumption measured by two types of food inquiry. Urine samples from donors who live in the city of Piracicaba, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil were analyzed to detect the presence of aflatoxin M(1) (AFM(1)). an aflatoxin B(1) metabolite, which may be used as aflatoxin B(1) exposure biomarker. The AFM(1) analysis was performed using immunoaffinity clean-up and detection by high-performance-liquid chromatography with fluorescence detector. A total of 69 samples were analyzed and 45 of them (65%) presented contaminations >= 1.8 pg ml(-1), which was the limit of quantification (LOQ). Seventy eight percent (n = 54) of the samples presented detectable concentrations of AFM(1) (>0.6 pg ml(-1)). The AFM(1) concentration among samples above LOQ ranged from 1.8 to 39.9 pg ml(-1). There were differences in food consumption profile among donors, although no association was found between food consumption and AFM(1) concentration in urine. The high frequency of positive samples suggests exposure of the populations studied to aflatoxins. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The accumulation of saxitoxins (STXs) in fish from freshwater aquaculture was investigated for the first time in the present study. Cyanotoxins have been monitored in liver and muscle samples of Oreochromis miloticus by chromatographic methods, both before and after the deputation process. The results show that tilapia can accumulate STXs. Our findings suggest that deputation with clean water is an alternative process to eliminate STXs from fish and, therefore, improve the safety of tilapia for consumers. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bulk milk was collected from 100 farms throughout the year and analysed after storage for either 24, 48 or 72 h, using flow cytometry. The total bacterial counts obtained by two methods - flow cytometry and standard plate count were compared and the conversion relationship between them was assessed: the results showed no effect of the age of the samples relationship between these two methods.
The objective of the present study was to estimate milk yield genetic parameters applying random regression models and parametric correlation functions combined with a variance function to model animal permanent environmental effects. A total of 152,145 test-day milk yields from 7,317 first lactations of Holstein cows belonging to herds located in the southeastern region of Brazil were analyzed. Test-day milk yields were divided into 44 weekly classes of days in milk. Contemporary groups were defined by herd-test-day comprising a total of 2,539 classes. The model included direct additive genetic, permanent environmental, and residual random effects. The following fixed effects were considered: contemporary group, age of cow at calving (linear and quadratic regressions), and the population average lactation curve modeled by fourth-order orthogonal Legendre polynomial. Additive genetic effects were modeled by random regression on orthogonal Legendre polynomials of days in milk, whereas permanent environmental effects were estimated using a stationary or nonstationary parametric correlation function combined with a variance function of different orders. The structure of residual variances was modeled using a step function containing 6 variance classes. The genetic parameter estimates obtained with the model using a stationary correlation function associated with a variance function to model permanent environmental effects were similar to those obtained with models employing orthogonal Legendre polynomials for the same effect. A model using a sixth-order polynomial for additive effects and a stationary parametric correlation function associated with a seventh-order variance function to model permanent environmental effects would be sufficient for data fitting.
A total of 152,145 weekly test-day milk yield records from 7317 first lactations of Holstein cows distributed in 93 herds in southeastern Brazil were analyzed. Test-day milk yields were classified into 44 weekly classes of DIM. The contemporary groups were defined as herd-year-week of test-day. The model included direct additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual effects as random and fixed effects of contemporary group and age of cow at calving as covariable, linear and quadratic effects. Mean trends were modeled by a cubic regression on orthogonal polynomials of DIM. Additive genetic and permanent environmental random effects were estimated by random regression on orthogonal Legendre polynomials. Residual variances were modeled using third to seventh-order variance functions or a step function with 1, 6,13,17 and 44 variance classes. Results from Akaike`s and Schwarz`s Bayesian information criterion suggested that a model considering a 7th-order Legendre polynomial for additive effect, a 12th-order polynomial for permanent environment effect and a step function with 6 classes for residual variances, fitted best. However, a parsimonious model, with a 6th-order Legendre polynomial for additive effects and a 7th-order polynomial for permanent environmental effects, yielded very similar genetic parameter estimates. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of replacing coastcross hay NDF by soybean hull (SH) NDF on the lactation performance and eating behavior of ewes and also on the performance of their lambs. Fifty-six Santa Ines lactating ewes (56.1 +/- 6.8 kg of initial BW; mean +/- SD) were penned individually and used in a randomized complete block design with 14 blocks and 4 treatments. Diets were formulated to provide similar concentrations of NDF (56%) and CP (16%). The SH NDF replaced 33 (SH33), 67 (SH67), or 100% (SH100) of the NDF contributed by coastcross hay in a 70% forage-based diet (SH0), resulting in SH inclusion rates of 0, 25, 54, and 85% of the dietary DM. Once a week, from the second to the eighth week of lactation (weaning time), ewes were separated from their lambs, stimulated by a 6-IU i.v. oxytocin injection, and hand milked to empty the udder. After 3 h, milk production was obtained after the same procedure. Quadratic effect for milk production (142.4, 179.8, 212.6, and 202.9 g/3 h) and cubic effect for DMI (2.27, 2.69, 3.25, and 3.00 kg/d) were observed as SH inclusion increased from 0 to 85% of the dietary DM. Milk fat (7.59, 7.86, 7.59, and 7.74%), protein (4.53, 4.43, 4.40, and 4.55%), and total solids (18.24, 18.54, 18.39, and 18.64%) did not differ among the 70% forage-based diet and diets with SH NDF replacing 33, 67, or 100% of the NDF. A linear increase in lactose concentration was observed with SH inclusion. Ewe BW gain during the trial showed a cubic response (0.37, 0.03, 4.80, and 2.80 kg) with SH inclusion. The preweaning ADG of lambs increased linearly, and ADG of lambs after weaning decreased linearly with SH inclusion. Final BW of lambs (2 wk after weaning) did not differ among treatments. Eating behavior observations were conducted with 44 ewes. The same facilities, experimental design, dietary treatments, and feeding management were used. Observations were visually recorded every 5 min for a 24-h period when ewes were 46 +/- 6.8 d in milk. Eating time (min/d, min/g of DMI, and min/g of NDF intake) and time expended in rumination and chewing activities (min/g of DMI and min/g of NDF intake) decreased linearly with the addition of SH in the diets. The inclusion of SH improved DMI and milk production, also reflecting on the BW of lambs at weaning. Milk performance was not affected when SH NDF replaced 100% of hay NDF.
This experiment was designed to examine changes in milk fatty acids during fish oil-induced milk fat depression (MFD) and to test the theory that these changes are related to milk fat fluidity. The experiment was divided into three periods: 1) Baseline: all cows (n = 12) received a high fiber diet without fish oil (FO) for 12 days; 2) Treatment: 4 cows/group received the following treatments for 21 days: a) Low fiber diet without FO (LF), b) High fiber diet+FO (HF+FO) and c) Low fiber diet+FO (LF+FO); 3) Post-treatment: cows returned to the baseline diet and were monitored for 12 days. FO was included at 1.6% DM and HF and LF diets had 40 and 26% NDF, respectively. Milk fat content and yield were unchanged by the LF diet, but were reduced by FO diets at both dietary fiber levels and recovered in the post-treatment period. FO diets caused a pronounced reduction in stearic and oleic acid concentrations in milk fat and an equally pronounced increase in trans-18:1 fatty acid concentrations. Milk fat mean melting point (MMP) was correlated with MFD (r=0.73) and with milk oleic acid concentration (r=-0.92). The ratio of oleic:stearic in milk fat increased gradually and consistently in response to FO. Trans-C18:1 isomers with double bounds at carbon :<= 10 increased with greater MFD and those with double bonds at carbon ! I I decreased with greater MFD. Trans-9 cis-11 CLA explained more than 80% of MFD and was strongly correlated with trans-10 C18:1. Maintenance of MMP below 39-40 degrees C suggests that the mammary gland was able to secrete only milk fat with adequate fluidity and that MFD could be an adaptation mechanism to prevent secretion of milk with higher MMP. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effects of refrigeration, freezing and substitution of milk fat by inulin and whey protein concentrate (WPC) on the texture and sensory features of synbiotic guava mousses supplemented with the probiotic, Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5, and the prebiotic fibre oligofructose, were studied. The frozen storage (-18 +/- 1 degrees C), followed by thawing at 4 degrees C before the analyses, and the complete replacement of the milk fat by inulin plus WPC, led to significant differences in the instrumental texture parameters of mousses (P < 0.05). Nonetheless, these changes did not affect the sensory acceptability of the products studied. The frozen storage may be employed to extend the shelf-life of synbiotic guava mousses. Additionally, to obtain a texture profile similar to the traditional product, the simultaneous addition of inulin and WPC is recommended only for the partial replacement of milk fat in refrigerated and frozen mousses, and the total proportion of both ingredients together should not exceed 2.6%. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.