204 resultados para Continued Power Flow


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In this article, dispersed flow of viscous oil and water is investigated. The experimental work was performed in a 26.2-mm-i.d. 12-m-long horizontal glass pipe using water and oil (viscosity of 100 mPa s and density of 860 kg/m(3)) as test fluids. High-speed video recording and a new wire-mesh sensor based on capacitance (permittivity) measurements were used to characterize the flow. Furthermore, holdup data were obtained using quick-closing-valves technique (QCV). An interesting finding was the oil-water slip ratio greater than one for dispersed flow at high Reynolds number. Chordal phase fraction distribution diagrams and images of the holdup distribution over the pipe cross-section obtained via wire-mesh sensor indicated a significant amount of water near to the pipe wall for the three different dispersed flow patterns identified in this study: oil-in-water homogeneous dispersion (o/w H), oil-in-water non-homogeneous dispersion (o/w NH) and Dual continuous (Do/w & Dw/o). The phase slip might be explained by the existence of a water film surrounding the homogeneous mixture of oil-in-water in a hidrofilic-oilfobic pipe. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, an extended impedance-based fault-location formulation for generalized distribution systems is presented. The majority of distribution feeders are characterized by having several laterals, nonsymmetrical lines, highly unbalanced operation, and time-varying loads. These characteristics compromise traditional fault-location methods performance. The proposed method uses only local voltages and currents as input data. The current load profile is obtained through these measurements. The formulation considers load variation effects and different fault types. Results are obtained from numerical simulations by using a real distribution system from the Electrical Energy Distribution State Company of Rio Grande do Sul (CEEE-D), Southern Brazil. Comparative results show the technique robustness with respect to fault type and traditional fault-location problems, such as fault distance, resistance, inception angle, and load variation. The formulation was implemented as embedded software and is currently used at CEEE-D`s distribution operation center.


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Power distribution automation and control are import-ant tools in the current restructured electricity markets. Unfortunately, due to its stochastic nature, distribution systems faults are hardly avoidable. This paper proposes a novel fault diagnosis scheme for power distribution systems, composed by three different processes: fault detection and classification, fault location, and fault section determination. The fault detection and classification technique is wavelet based. The fault-location technique is impedance based and uses local voltage and current fundamental phasors. The fault section determination method is artificial neural network based and uses the local current and voltage signals to estimate the faulted section. The proposed hybrid scheme was validated through Alternate Transient Program/Electromagentic Transients Program simulations and was implemented as embedded software. It is currently used as a fault diagnosis tool in a Southern Brazilian power distribution company.


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Oxy-coal combustion is a viable technology, for new and existing coal-fired power plants, as it facilitates carbon capture and, thereby, can mitigate climate change. Pulverized coals of various ranks, biomass, and their blends were burned to assess the evolution of combustion effluent gases, such as NO(x), SO(2), and CO, under a variety of background gas compositions. The fuels were burned in an electrically heated laboratory drop-tube furnace in O(2)/N(2) and O(2)/CO(2) environments with oxygen mole fractions of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%, at a furnace temperature of 1400 K. The fuel mass flow rate was kept constant in most cases, and combustion was fuel-lean. Results showed that in the case of four coals studied, NO(x) emissions in O(2)/CO(2) environments were lower than those in O(2)/N(2) environments by amounts that ranged from 19 to 43% at the same oxygen concentration. In the case of bagasse and coal/bagasse blends, the corresponding NO(x) reductions ranged from 22 to 39%. NO(x) emissions were found to increase with increasing oxygen mole fraction until similar to 50% O(2) was reached; thereafter, they monotonically decreased with increasing oxygen concentration. NO(x) emissions from the various fuels burned did not clearly reflect their nitrogen content (0.2-1.4%), except when large content differences were present. SO(2) emissions from all fuels remained largely unaffected by the replacement of the N(2) diluent gas with CO(2), whereas they typically increased with increasing sulfur content of the fuels (0.07-1.4%) and decreased with increasing calcium content of the fuels (0.28-2.7%). Under the conditions of this work, 20-50% of the fuel-nitrogen was converted to NO(x). The amount of fuel-sulfur converted to SO(2) varied widely, depending on the fuel and, in the case of the bituminous coal, also depending on the O(2) mole fraction. Blending the sub-bituminous coal with bagasse reduced its SO(2) yields, whereas blending the bituminous coal with bagasse reduced both its SO(2) and NO(x) yields. CO emissions were generally very low in all cases. The emission trends were interpreted on the basis of separate combustion observations.


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An updated flow pattern map was developed for CO2 on the basis of the previous Cheng-Ribatski-Wojtan-Thome CO2 flow pattern map [1,2] to extend the flow pattern map to a wider range of conditions. A new annular flow to dryout transition (A-D) and a new dryout to mist flow transition (D-M) were proposed here. In addition, a bubbly flow region which generally occurs at high mass velocities and low vapor qualities was added to the updated flow pattern map. The updated flow pattern map is applicable to a much wider range of conditions: tube diameters from 0.6 to 10 mm, mass velocities from 50 to 1500 kg/m(2) s, heat fluxes from 1.8 to 46 kW/m(2) and saturation temperatures from -28 to +25 degrees C (reduced pressures from 0.21 to 0.87). The updated flow pattern map was compared to independent experimental data of flow patterns for CO2 in the literature and it predicts the flow patterns well. Then, a database of CO2 two-phase flow pressure drop results from the literature was set up and the database was compared to the leading empirical pressure drop models: the correlations by Chisholm [3], Friedel [4], Gronnerud [5] and Muller-Steinhagen and Heck [6], a modified Chisholm correlation by Yoon et al. [7] and the flow pattern based model of Moreno Quiben and Thome [8-10]. None of these models was able to predict the CO2 pressure drop data well. Therefore, a new flow pattern based phenomenological model of two-phase flow frictional pressure drop for CO2 was developed by modifying the model of Moreno Quiben and Thome using the updated flow pattern map in this study and it predicts the CO2 pressure drop database quite well overall. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Corresponding to the updated flow pattern map presented in Part I of this study, an updated general flow pattern based flow boiling heat transfer model was developed for CO2 using the Cheng-Ribatski-Wojtan-Thome [L. Cheng, G. Ribatski, L. Wojtan, J.R. Thome, New flow boiling heat transfer model and flow pattern map for carbon dioxide evaporating inside horizontal tubes, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 49 (2006) 4082-4094; L. Cheng, G. Ribatski, L. Wojtan, J.R. Thome, Erratum to: ""New flow boiling heat transfer model and flow pattern map for carbon dioxide evaporating inside tubes"" [Heat Mass Transfer 49 (21-22) (2006) 4082-4094], Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 50 (2007) 391] flow boiling heat transfer model as the starting basis. The flow boiling heat transfer correlation in the dryout region was updated. In addition, a new mist flow heat transfer correlation for CO2 was developed based on the CO2 data and a heat transfer method for bubbly flow was proposed for completeness sake. The updated general flow boiling heat transfer model for CO2 covers all flow regimes and is applicable to a wider range of conditions for horizontal tubes: tube diameters from 0.6 to 10 mm, mass velocities from 50 to 1500 kg/m(2) s, heat fluxes from 1.8 to 46 kW/m(2) and saturation temperatures from -28 to 25 degrees C (reduced pressures from 0.21 to 0.87). The updated general flow boiling heat transfer model was compared to a new experimental database which contains 1124 data points (790 more than that in the previous model [Cheng et al., 2006, 2007]) in this study. Good agreement between the predicted and experimental data was found in general with 71.4% of the entire database and 83.2% of the database without the dryout and mist flow data predicted within +/-30%. However, the predictions for the dryout and mist flow regions were less satisfactory due to the limited number of data points, the higher inaccuracy in such data, scatter in some data sets ranging up to 40%, significant discrepancies from one experimental study to another and the difficulties associated with predicting the inception and completion of dryout around the perimeter of the horizontal tubes. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, further improvements regarding the fault location problem for power distribution systems are presented. The proposed improvements relate to the capacitive effect consideration on impedance-based fault location methods, by considering an exact line segment model for the distribution line. The proposed developments, which consist of a new formulation for the fault location problem and a new algorithm that considers the line shunt admittance matrix, are presented. The proposed equations are developed for any fault type and result in one single equation for all ground fault types, and another equation for line-to-line faults. Results obtained with the proposed improvements are presented. Also, in order to compare the improvements performance and demonstrate how the line shunt admittance affects the state-of-the-art impedance-based fault location methodologies for distribution systems, the results obtained with two other existing methods are presented. Comparative results show that, in overhead distribution systems with laterals and intermediate loads, the line shunt admittance can significantly affect the state-of-the-art methodologies response, whereas in this case the proposed developments present great improvements by considering this effect.


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This paper presents results of research into the use of the Bellman-Zadeh approach to decision making in a fuzzy environment for solving multicriteria power engineering problems. The application of the approach conforms to the principle of guaranteed result and provides constructive lines in computationally effective obtaining harmonious solutions on the basis of solving associated maxmin problems. The presented results are universally applicable and are already being used to solve diverse classes of power engineering problems. It is illustrated by considering problems of power and energy shortage allocation, power system operation, optimization of network configuration in distribution systems, and energetically effective voltage control in distribution systems. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a novel adaptive strategy to obtain technically justified fault-ride-through requirements for wind turbines (WTs) is proposed. The main objective is to promote an effective integration of wind turbines into power systems with still low penetration levels of wind power based on technical and economical considerations. The level of requirement imposed by the strategy is increased stepwise over time, depending on system characteristics and on wind power penetration level. The idea behind is to introduce stringent requirements only when they are technically needed for a reliable and secure power system operation. Voltage stability support and fault-ride-through requirements are considered in the strategy. Simulations are based on the Chilean transmission network, a midsize isolated power system with still low penetration levels of wind power. Simulations include fixed speed induction generators and doubly fed induction generators. The effects on power system stability of the wind power injections, integrated into the network by adopting the adaptive strategy, are compared with the effects that have the same installed capacity of wind power but only considering WTs able to fulfill stringent requirements (fault-ride-through capability and support voltage stability). Based on simulations and international experience, technically justified requirements for the Chilean case are proposed.


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In this paper, a comparative analysis of the long-term electric power forecasting methodologies used in some South American countries, is presented. The purpose of this study is to compare and observe if such methodologies have some similarities, and also examine the behavior of the results when they are applied to the Brazilian electric market. The abovementioned power forecasts were performed regarding the main four consumption classes (residential, industrial, commercial and rural) which are responsible for approximately 90% of the national consumption. The tool used in this analysis was the SAS (c) program. The outcome of this study allowed identifying various methodological similarities, mainly those related to the econometric variables used by these methods. This fact strongly conditioned the comparative results obtained.


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This paper presents a new methodology to estimate unbalanced harmonic distortions in a power system, based on measurements of a limited number of given sites. The algorithm utilizes evolutionary strategies (ES), a development branch of evolutionary algorithms. The problem solving algorithm herein proposed makes use of data from various power quality meters, which can either be synchronized by high technology GPS devices or by using information from a fundamental frequency load flow, what makes the overall power quality monitoring system much less costly. The ES based harmonic estimation model is applied to a 14 bus network to compare its performance to a conventional Monte Carlo approach. It is also applied to a 50 bus subtransmission network in order to compare the three-phase and single-phase approaches as well as the robustness of the proposed method. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The use of finite element analysis (FEA) to design electrical motors has increased significantly in the past few years due the increasingly better performance of modern computers. Even though the analytical software remains the most used tool, the FEA is widely used to refine the analysis and gives the final design to be prototyped. The power factor, a standard data of motor manufactures data sheet is important because it shows how much reactive power is consumed by the motor. This data becomes important when the motor is connected to network. However, the calculation of power factor is not an easy task. Due to the saturation phenomena the input motor current has a high level of harmonics that cannot be neglected. In this work the FEA is used to evaluate a proposed (not limitative) methodology to estimate the power factor or displacement factor of a small single-phase induction motor. Results of simulations and test are compared.


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This paper shows a new hybrid method for risk assessment regarding interruptions in sensitive processes due to faults in electric power distribution systems. This method determines indices related to long duration interruptions and short duration voltage variations (SDVV), such as voltage sags and swells in each customer supplied by the distribution network. Frequency of such occurrences and their impact on customer processes are determined for each bus and classified according to their corresponding magnitude and duration. The method is based on information regarding network configuration, system parameters and protective devices. It randomly generates a number of fault scenarios in order to assess risk areas regarding long duration interruptions and voltage sags and swells in an especially inventive way, including frequency of events according to their magnitude and duration. Based on sensitivity curves, the method determines frequency indices regarding disruption in customer processes that represent equipment malfunction and possible process interruptions due to voltage sags and swells. Such approach allows for the assessment of the annual costs associated with each one of the evaluated power quality indices.


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This paper discusses the need to simultaneously monitor voltage unbalance and harmonic distortions in addition to root-mean-square voltage values. An alternative way to obtain the parameters related to voltage unbalance at fundamental frequency as well as voltage harmonic distortions is here proposed, which is based on the representation of instantaneous values at the axes and at the instantaneous Euclidean norm. A new power-quality (PQ) index is then proposed to combine the effects of voltage unbalance and harmonic distortions. This new index is easily implemented into existing electronic power meters. This PQ index is determined from the analysis of temperature rise in induction motor windings, which were tested for long periods of time. This paper also shows that these voltage disturbances, which are harmful to the lifetime expectancy of motors, can be measured by alternative ways in relation to conventional methods. Although this paper deals with induction motors only, the results show the relevance for further studies on other pieces of equipment.


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This paper presents a new methodology to estimate harmonic distortions in a power system, based on measurements of a limited number of given sites. The algorithm utilizes evolutionary strategies (ES), a development branch of evolutionary algorithms. The main advantage in using such a technique relies upon its modeling facilities as well as its potential to solve fairly complex problems. The problem-solving algorithm herein proposed makes use of data from various power-quality (PQ) meters, which can either be synchronized by high technology global positioning system devices or by using information from a fundamental frequency load flow. This second approach makes the overall PQ monitoring system much less costly. The algorithm is applied to an IEEE test network, for which sensitivity analysis is performed to determine how the parameters of the ES can be selected so that the algorithm performs in an effective way. Case studies show fairly promising results and the robustness of the proposed method.