144 resultados para 2,6-diclorofenol-indofeno
The pharmacokinetics of cyclophosphamide (CYC) enantiomers were evaluated in patients with lupus nephritis distributed in 2 groups according to creatinine clearance: group 1 (90.6-144.6 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) and group 2 (42.8-76.4 mL/min/ 1.73 m(2)). All patients were treated with 0.75 to 1.3 g of racemic CYC as a 2-hour infusion and with 1 mg intravenous midazolam as a drug-metabolizing marker. CYC enantiomers and midazolam concentrations in plasma were measured by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). The following differences (Wilcoxon test, P <= .05) were observed between the (S)-(-) and (R)-(+) enantiomers: AUC(0-infinity) 152.41 vs 129.25 mu g.h/mL, CL 3.28 vs 3.89 L/h, Vd 31.38 vs 29.74 L, and t(1/2) 6.79 vs 5.56 h for group 1 and AUC(0-infinity) 167.20 vs 139.08 mu g.h/mL, CL 2.99 vs 3.59 L/h, and t(1/2) 6.15 vs 4.99 h for group 2. No differences (Mann test, P <= .05) were observed between groups 1 and 2 in the pharmacokinetic parameters of both enantiomers. No significant relationship was observed between midazolam clearance (2.92-16.40 mL/min.kg) and clearance of each CYC enantiomer. In conclusion, CYC kinetic disposition is enantioselective, resulting in higher exposures of the (S)-(-) enantiomer in lupus nephritis patients, and the pharmacokinetic parameters of both enantiomers are not altered by the worsening of renal condition.
Context: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs, functioning as antisense regulators of gene expression by targeting mRNA and contributing to cancer development and progression. More than 50% of miRNA genes are located in cancer-associated genomic regions or in fragile sites of the genome. Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze the differential expression of let-7a, miR-15a, miR-16, miR-21, miR-141, miR-143, miR-145, and miR-150 in corticotropinomas and normal pituitary tissue and verify whether their profile of expression correlates with tumor size or remission after treatment. Material and Methods: ACTH-secreting pituitary tumor samples were obtained during transphenoidal surgery from patients with Cushing disease and normal pituitary tissues from autopsies. The relative expression of miRNAs was measured by real-time PCR using RNU44 and RNU49 as endogenous controls. Relative quantification of miRNA expression was calculated using the 2(-Delta Delta Ct) method. Results: We found underexpression of miR-145 (2.0-fold; P = 0.04), miR-21 (2.4-fold; P = 0.004), miR-141 (2.6-fold; P = 0.02), let-7a (3.3-fold; P = 0.003), miR-150 (3.8-fold; P = 0.04), miR-15a (4.5-fold; P = 0.03), miR-16 (5.0-fold; P = 0.004), and miR-143 (6.4-fold; P = 0.004) in ACTH-secreting pituitary tumors when compared to normal pituitary tissues. There were no differences between miRNA expression and tumor size as well as miRNA expression and ratio of remission after surgery, except in patients presenting lower miR-141 expression who showed a better chance of remission. Conclusion: Our results support the possibility that altered miRNA expression profile might be involved in corticotrophic tumorigenesis. However, the lack of knowledge about miRNA target genes postpones full understanding of the biological functions of down-regulated or up-regulated miRNAs in corticotropinomas. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94: 320-323, 2009)
Some patients with liver disease progress to cirrhosis, but the risk factors for cirrhosis development are unknown. Dyskeratosis congenita, an inherited bone marrow failure syndrome associated with mucocutaneous anomalies, pulmonary fibrosis, and cirrhosis, is caused by germline mutations of genes in the telomerase complex. We examined whether telomerase mutations also occurred in sporadic cirrhosis. In all, 134 patients with cirrhosis of common etiologies treated at the Liver Research Institute, University of Arizona, between May 2008 and July 2009, and 528 healthy subjects were screened for variation in the TERT and TERC genes by direct sequencing; an additional 1,472 controls were examined for the most common genetic variation observed in patients. Telomere length of leukocytes was measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Functional effects of genetic changes were assessed by transfection of mutation-containing vectors into telomerase-deficient cell lines, and telomerase activity was measured in cell lysates. Nine of the 134 patients with cirrhosis (7%) carried a missense variant in TERT, resulting in a cumulative carrier frequency significantly higher than in controls (P = 0.0009). One patient was homozygous and eight were heterozygous. The allele frequency for the most common missense TERT variant was significantly higher in patients with cirrhosis (2.6%) than in 2,000 controls (0.7%; P = 0.0011). One additional patient carried a TERC mutation. The mean telomere length of leukocytes in patients with cirrhosis, including six mutant cases, was shorter than in age-matched controls (P = 0.0004). Conclusion: Most TERT gene variants reduced telomerase enzymatic activity in vitro. Loss-of-function telomerase gene variants associated with short telomeres are risk factors for sporadic cirrhosis. (HEPATOLOGY 2011;53:1600-1607)
Background: There is only limited knowledge on how the quantification of valvular regurgitation by color Doppler is affected by changing blood viscosity. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of changing blood viscosity on the vena contracta width using an in vitro model of valvular insufficiency capable of providing ample variation in the rate and stroke volume. Methods: We constructed a pulsatile flow model filled with human blood at varying hematocrit (15%, 35%, and 55%) and corresponding blood viscosity (blood/water viscosity: 2.6, 4.8, 9.1) levels in which jets were driven through a known orifice (7 mm(2)) into a 110 mL compliant receiving chamber (compliance: 2.2 mL/mmHg) by a pulsatile pump. In addition, we used variable pump stroke volumes (5, 7.5, and 10 mL) and rates (40, 60, and 80 ppm). Vena contracta region was imaged using a 3.5 MHz transducer. Pressure and volume in the flow model were kept constant during each experimental condition, as well as ultrasound settings. Results: Blood viscosity variation in the experimental range did not induce significant changes in vena contracta dimensions. Also, vena contracta width did not change from normal to low hematocrit and viscosity levels. A very modest increase only in vena contracta dimension was observed at very high level of blood viscosity when hematocrit was set to 55% . Pump rate, in the evaluated range, did not influence vena contracta width. These results in controlled experimental settings suggest that the vena contracta is an accurate quantitative method for quantifying valvular regurgitation even when this condition is associated with anemia, a frequent finding in patients with valvular heart disease.
Objectives: To evaluate the sensitization to aeroallergens determined by skin prick test (SPT) in Brazilian adolescents, and to correlate its positivity with the diagnosis of asthma and/or rhinitis based on the written questionnaire (WQ) of ISAAC phase III study. Patients and Methods: A total of 996 adolescents (387 boys) were selected by systematic samples. A standard allergen extracts panel (positive/negative control, D pteronyssinus [Dpt], P americana [Pal, B germanica [Bg], dog, cat, fungal and grass mix) was used and its positivity compared with positive responses to asthma, rhinitis or both. Results: Positive SPT to at least one allergen was observed in 466 adolescents (46.8 %), with sensitisation to Dpt in 79.1 %. Positivity to more than one allergen occurred in 232 students (49.8 %). The frequency of positive SPTs was significantly higher among adolescents with asthma (OR = 2.16), rhinitis (OR = 1.69), and asthma and rhinitis (OR = 2.03). Positive SPT to four or more allergens were higher among asthmatics (OR = 2.6) and among adolescents with asthma and rhinitis (OR = 3). Conclusions: A high sensitisation rate to aeroallergens was observed, significantly higher among those with asthma, rhinitis or a combination of both, especially in multiple sensitisations.
Aim Stapled haemorrhoidopexy may damage the anorectal musculature and its sensorimotor function. Most studies have not used a barostat for the measurement of compliance. This study aimed to investigate the effect of stapled haemorrhoidopexy on rectal compliance and sensitivity. Method After Ethical Committee approval, we studied 10 male patients (mean age 33.8 years) with third- or fourth-degree haemorrhoids. Rectal compliance and sensitivity were measured with a 600-ml bag and an electronic barostat. Volunteers were submitted to two consecutive rectal distension protocols, including continuous distension at 2, 4 and 6 months after stapled haemorrhoidopexy. Intraluminal volume and pressure were recorded, including the first rectal sensation, desire to defecate and onset of rectal pain. Another group of 10 male control patients (mean age 24.9 years) with pilonidal sinus and no haemorrhoids was also included in the study. Results Two months after stapled haemorrhoidopexy, rectal compliance decreased (7.1 +/- 0.2 vs 5.3 +/- 0.1, 6.4 +/- 0.1 vs 5.1 +/- 0.1 and 5.6 +/- 0.2 vs 4.7 +/- 0.1 ml/mmHg for first rectal sensation, desire to defecate and rectal pain, respectively; P < 0.05). The sensitivity threshold volume did not change for the first sensation but decreased significantly for the desier to defecate and pain (p < 0.05) (116.8 +/- 13.8 vs 148.4 +/- 14.61, 251.1 +/- 8.9 vs 185.8 +/- 8.6 and 293.3 +/- 16.6 vs 221.2 +/- 6.0 ml for first rectal sensation, desire to defecate and rectal pain, respectively). Four and 6 months after surgery, rectal compliance and sensitivity returned to levels similar to those in the basal period. Muscle tissue was found in only three of the 10 resected doughnuts. Controls remained without any change in rectal compliance and sensitivity. Conclusion Stapled haemorrhoidopexy transiently decreases rectal compliance and sensitivity threshold in young male patients.
Weight loss in bariatric pre-surgery period reduces surgical complications, surgery time, blood loss, and length of hospital stay. Carbohydrate-restricted diets have been used as an alternative for weight loss. We tested the efficacy of a low-calorie carbohydrate-restricted diet (RD) for short-term weight loss in women with severe obesity and evaluate its metabolic effects in relation to a conventional low-calorie diet (CD). The subjects received a 1,200-kcal diet with or without carbohydrate restriction for a period of 1 week in the hospital. Nineteen obesity class III women were distributed into two groups: experimental (n = 10) and control (n = 9). The following variables were assessed at the beginning and end of the study: anthropometric measurements, body composition, resting energy expenditure, substrate oxidation, and biochemical tests. Compared with CD, RD led to larger weight loss (2.6 and 4.4 kg, respectively; p = 0.01) and waist circumference reduction (p < 0.01). Among the assessed biochemical indicators, only plasma and urine acetone levels were different (p < 0.01); higher values were found in the experimental group with no symptoms and other diet-related complaints. There was also a significant decrease in triglycerides and carbohydrate oxidation, as well as a significant enhancement in lipid oxidation in the RD group. Short-term RD was more efficient than CD regarding quick weight loss and waist circumference reduction, which may favor gastroplasty. Also, RD did not lead adverse metabolic effects.
Tamoxifen has been suggested to produce beneficial cardiovascular effects, although the mechanisms for these effects are not fully known. Moreover, although tamoxifen metabolites may exhibit 30-100 times higher potency than the parent drug, no previous study has compared the effects produced by tamoxifen and its metabolites on vascular function. Here, we assessed the vascular responses to acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside on perfused hindquarter vascular bed of rats treated with tamoxifen or its main metabolites (N-desmethyl-tamoxifen, 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen, and endoxifen) for 2 weeks. Plasma and whole-blood thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) concentrations were determined using a fluorometric method. Plasma nitrite and NOx (nitrite + nitrate) concentrations were determined using an ozone-based chemiluminescence assay and Griess reaction, respectively. Treatment with tamoxifen reduced the responses to acetylcholine (pD(2) = 2.2 +/- 0.06 and 1.9 +/- 0.05 after vehicle and tamoxifen, respectively; P < 0.05), while its metabolites improved these responses (pD(2) = 2.5 +/- 0.04 after N-desmethyl-tamoxifen, 2.5 +/- 0.03 after 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen, and 2.6 +/- 0.08 after endoxifen; P < 0.01). Tamoxifen and its metabolites showed no effect on endothelial-independent responses to sodium nitroprusside (P > 0.05). While tamoxifen treatment resulted in significantly higher plasma and whole blood lipid peroxide levels (37% and 62%, respectively; both P < 0.05), its metabolites significantly decreased lipid peroxide levels (by approximately 50%; P < 0.05). While treatment with tamoxifen decreased the concentrations of markers of nitric oxide formation by approximately 50% (P < 0.05), tamoxifen metabolites had no effect on these parameters (P > 0.05). These results suggest that while tamoxifen produces detrimental effects, its metabolites produce counteracting beneficial effects on the vascular system and on nitric oxide/reactive oxygen species formation.
Endothelin-1 (ET-1) and urotensin-II (U-II) are the most potent constrictors of human vessels. Although the cavernosal tissue is highly responsive to ET-1, no information exists on the effects of U-II on cavernosal function. The aim of this study was to characterize ET-1 and U-II responses in corpora cavernosa from rats and mice. Male Wistar rats and C57/BL6 mice were used at 13 weeks. Cumulative concentration-response curves to ET-1, U-II, and IRL-1620, an ET(B) agonist, were performed. ET-1 increased force generation in cavernosal strips from mice and rats, but no response to U-II was observed in the presence or absence of N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), or in strips prestimulated with 20 mM KCI. IRL-1620 did not induce cavernosal contraction even in presence of L-NAME, but induced a cavernosal relaxation that was greater in rats than mice. No relaxation responses to U-II were observed in cavernosal strips precontracted with phenylephrine. mRNA expression of ET-1, ET(A), ET(B), and U-II receptors, but not U-II was observed in cavernosal strips. ET-1, via ET(A) receptors activation, causes contractile responses in cavernosal strips from rats and mice, whereas ET(B) receptor activation produces relaxation. Although the cavernosal tissue expresses U-II receptors, U-II does not induce contractile responses in corpora cavernosa from mice or rats. J Am Soc Hypertens 2008;2(6): 439-447. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Society of Hypertension.
There are evidences that targeting IL-18 might be beneficial to inhibit inflammatory symptoms, including hypernociception (decrease in nociceptive threshold). The mechanism of IL-18 mechanical hypernociception depends on endothelin in rats and mice. However, the role of IL-18 in overt pain-like behaviour remains undetermined. Therefore, we addressed the role of IL-18 in writhing response induced by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of phenyl-p-benzoquinone (PBQ) and acetic acid in mice. Firstly, it was detected that PBQ and acetic acid i.p. injection induced a dose-dependent number of writhes in Balb/c mice. Subsequently, it was observed that the PBQ- but not the acetic acid-induced writhes were diminished in IL-18 deficient ((-/-)) mice. Therefore, considering that IFN-gamma, endothelin and prostanoids mediate IL-18-induced mechanical hypernociception, we also investigated the role of these mediators in the same model of writhing response in which IL-18 participates. It was noticed that PBQ-induced writhes were diminished in IFN-gamma(-/-) mice and by the treatment with bosentan (mixed enclothelin ETA/ETB receptor antagonist), BQ 123 (cyclo[DTrp-DAsp-Pro-DVal-Leu], selective enclothelin ETA receptor antagonist), BQ 788 (N-cys-2,6-dimethylpiperidinocarbonyl-L-methylleucyl-D-1 -methoxycarboyl-D-norleucine, selective endothelin ETB receptor antagonist) or indomethacin (cycloxigenase inhibitor). Thus, IL-18, IFN-gamma, endothelin acting on endothelin ETA and ETB receptors, and prostanoids mediate PBQ-induced writhing response in mice. To conclude, these results further advance the understanding of the physiopathology of overt pain-like behaviour, and suggest for the first time a role for IL-18 in writhing response in mice. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: The effects of etonogestrel (ETG)-releasing contraceptive implant during the immediate postpartum period on maternal safety are unknown. Study design: Forty healthy women exclusively breastfeeding were randomized to receive either ETG-releasing implant 24-48 h after delivery (n=20) or depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA group; n=20) at the sixth week postpartum. We measured blood pressure, maternal and neonatal weight, body mass index (BMI; kg/m(2)), waist circumference (WC), complete blood count, C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha), lipid profile, fasting serum glucose and maintenance of exclusive lactation up to the 12th week postpartum. Results: Decreases in mean maternal weight, BMI (kg/m(2)) and WC were significantly greater in the ETG-releasing implant group than in the MPA group during the first 6 weeks postpartum (-4.64 +/- 2.71 kg vs. -2.6 +/- 2.45 kg mean +/- SD, p=.017; -1.77 +/- 1.06 kg/m(2) vs. -0.97 +/- 0.95 kg/m(2), p=.026; -15.3 +/- 6.72 cm vs. -9.05 +/- 5.84 cm, p=.003, respectively). In addition, total cholesterol and HDL, were lower in DMPA users, and TNF-alpha and leukocytes were higher in DMPA users compared to in the implant group, between 6 and 12 weeks after delivery. The newborns of implant users showed a trend towards gaining more weight, as compared with the infants of the DMPA mothers during the first 6 weeks of life (implant group: +1460.50 +/- 621.34 g vs. DMPA group: +1035.0 +/- 562.43 g, p=.05). The remaining variables, including the duration of exclusive breastfeeding, were similar between the groups. Conclusion: The insertion of ETG-releasing contraceptive implant during the immediate postpartum period was not associated with deleterious maternal clinical effects or with significant maternal metabolic alterations or decreased infant weight gain. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Functional brain imaging techniques such as functional MRI (fMRI) that allow the in vivo investigation of the human brain have been exponentially employed to address the neurophysiological substrates of emotional processing. Despite the growing number of fMRI studies in the field, when taken separately these individual imaging studies demonstrate contrasting findings and variable pictures, and are unable to definitively characterize the neural networks underlying each specific emotional condition. Different imaging packages, as well as the statistical approaches for image processing and analysis, probably have a detrimental role by increasing the heterogeneity of findings. In particular, it is unclear to what extent the observed neurofunctional response of the brain cortex during emotional processing depends on the fMRI package used in the analysis. In this pilot study, we performed a double analysis of an fMRI dataset using emotional faces. The Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) version 2.6 (Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, London, UK) and the XBAM 3.4 (Brain Imaging Analysis Unit, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, UK) programs, which use parametric and non-parametric analysis, respectively, were used to assess our results. Both packages revealed that processing of emotional faces was associated with an increased activation in the brain`s visual areas (occipital, fusiform and lingual gyri), in the cerebellum, in the parietal cortex, in the cingulate cortex (anterior and posterior cingulate), and in the dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. However, blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) response in the temporal regions, insula and putamen was evident in the XBAM analysis but not in the SPM analysis. Overall, SPM and XBAM analyses revealed comparable whole-group brain responses. Further Studies are needed to explore the between-group compatibility of the different imaging packages in other cognitive and emotional processing domains. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To assess whether the -11391G > A polymorphism in the regulatory region of the adiponectin gene (ADIPOQ) is associated with birth size, postnatal growth, adiponectinemia, and cardiometabolic risk in adult life. Design: Case-control study nested within a prospective cohort of 2063 community subjects born in 1978/1979 and followed since birth to date. Methods: ADIPOQ -11391G > A genotype-phenotype associations were evaluated in 116 subjects born large for gestational age (LGA) and 392 gender-matched controls at birth (birth size), at 8-10 years (catch-down growth), and at 23-25 years of age (cardiometabolic profile). Results: The -11391A variant allele frequency was higher in LGA subjects (P=0.04). AA genotype was associated with augmented probability of being born LGA (odds ratio=4.14; 95% confidence interval: 1.16-16.7; P=0.03). This polymorphism was associated neither with body composition nor with postnatal growth pattern. At the age of 23-25 years, the -11391A variant allele was associated with higher serum adiponectin levels (GG: 10.7 +/- 6.2 versus GA: 12.2 +/- 6.5 versus AA: 14.2 +/- 6.8 mu g/ml; P < 0.01). Subjects born LGA presented higher body mass index (BMI; P=0.01), abdominal circumference (P=0.04), blood pressure (P=0.04), and homeostasis assessment model for insulin resistance (P=0.01) than adequate for gestational age. Symmetry at birth did not influence these variables. The occurrence of catch-down of weight was associated with lower BMI and abdominal circumference (P < 0.001) at 23-25 years. Conclusions: The -11391A ADIPOQ gene variant was associated with increased chance of being born LGA and with higher adiponectin levels in early adult life.
Considering, that there is limited information about the preovulatory LH surge in Zebu Cattle (Bos indicus). the purpose of the present work was to assess the LH surge in Nelore cows during the estrous cycle and after ovarian superestimulation of ovarian follicular development with FSH. This information is particularly important to improve superovulatory protocols associated with fixed-time artificial insemination. Nelore cows (n = 12) had their estrus synchronized with all intravaginal device containing progesterone (CIDR-B (R)) associated with estradiol benzoate administration (EB, 2.5 mg, i.m., Day 0). Eight days later all animals were treated with PGF2 alpha (Day 8) in the morning (8:00 h) and at night, when CIDR devices were removed (20:00 11). Starting 38 h after the first PGF2 alpha injection, blood sampling and ovarian ultrasonography took place every 4 h, during 37 consecutive hours. Frequent handling may have resulted in a stress-induced suppression of LH secretion resulting in only 3 of 12 cows having ovulations at 46.7 +/- 4.9 and 72.3 +/- 3.8 h, respectively, after removal of CIDR-B. Thirty days later, the same animals received the described hormonal treatment associated with FSH (Folltropin (R) total dose = 200 mg) administered twice a day, during 4 consecutive days, starting on Day 5. Thirty-six hours after the first injection of PGF2 alpha, to minimize stress. only seven blood samples were collected at 4 h interval each. and ultrasonography was performed every 12 h until ovulation. In 11 of 12 cows (92%) the LH surge and ovulation were observed 34.6 +/- 1.6 and 59.5 +/- 1.9 h. respectively. after removal of progesterone source. The maximum values for LH in those animals were 19.0 +/- 2.6 ng/ml (mean +/- S.E.M.). It is concluded that, in Nelore COWS submitted to a ovarian superstimulation Protocol, the LH surge occurs approximately 35 It after removal of intravaginal device containing progesterone, and approximately 12h before the LH surge observed after an induced estrus without ovarian superstimulation (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Statement of problem. There are no established clinical procedures for bonding zirconia to tooth structure using resin cements. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of metal primers, resin cements, and aging on bonding to zirconia. Material and methods. Zirconia was treated with commercial primers developed for bonding to metal alloys (Metaltite, Metal Primer II, Alloy Primer or Totalbond). Non-primed specimens were considered as controls. One-hundred disk-shaped specimens (19 x 4 mm) were cemented to composite resin substrates using Panavia or RelyX Unicem (n=5). Microtensile bond strength specimens were tested after 48 hours and 5 months (150 days), and failure modes were classified as type 1 (between ceramic/cement), 2 (between composite resin/cement) or 3 (mixed). Data were analyzed by 3-way ANOVA and Multiple Comparison Tukey test (alpha=.05). Results. The interactions primer/luting system (P=.016) and luting system/storage time (P=.004) were statistically significant. The use of Alloy Primer significantly improved the bond strength of RelyX Unicem (P<.001), while for Panavia, none of the primers increased the bond strength compared to the control group. At 48 hours, Panavia had statistically higher bond strength (P=.004) than Unicem (13.9 +/- 4.4MPa and 10.2 +/- 6.6MPa, respectively). However, both luting systems presented decreasing, statistically similar; values after aging (Panavia: 3.6 +/- 2.2MPa; Unicem: 6.1 +/- 5.3MPa). At 48 hours, Alloy Primer/Unicem had the lowest incidence of type 1 failure (8%). After aging, all the groups showed a predominance of type 1 failures. Conclusions. The use of Alloy Primer improved bond strength between RelyX Unicem and zirconia. Though the initial values obtained with Panavia were significantly higher than RelyX Unicem, after aging, both luting agents presented statistically similar performances. (J Prosthet Dent 2011;105:296-303)