182 resultados para digraphic sequences
Background: Alternative splicing (AS) is a central mechanism in the generation of genomic complexity and is a major contributor to transcriptome and proteome diversity. Alterations of the splicing process can lead to deregulation of crucial cellular processes and have been associated with a large spectrum of human diseases. Cancer-associated transcripts are potential molecular markers and may contribute to the development of more accurate diagnostic and prognostic methods and also serve as therapeutic targets. Alternative splicing-enriched cDNA libraries have been used to explore the variability generated by alternative splicing. In this study, by combining the use of trapping heteroduplexes and RNA amplification, we developed a powerful approach that enables transcriptome-wide exploration of the AS repertoire for identifying AS variants associated with breast tumor cells modulated by ERBB2 (HER-2/neu) oncogene expression. Results: The human breast cell line (C5.2) and a pool of 5 ERBB2 over-expressing breast tumor samples were used independently for the construction of two AS-enriched libraries. In total, 2,048 partial cDNA sequences were obtained, revealing 214 alternative splicing sequence-enriched tags (ASSETs). A subset with 79 multiple exon ASSETs was compared to public databases and reported 138 different AS events. A high success rate of RT-PCR validation (94.5%) was obtained, and 2 novel AS events were identified. The influence of ERBB2-mediated expression on AS regulation was evaluated by capillary electrophoresis and probe-ligation approaches in two mammary cell lines (Hb4a and C5.2) expressing different levels of ERBB2. The relative expression balance between AS variants from 3 genes was differentially modulated by ERBB2 in this model system. Conclusions: In this study, we presented a method for exploring AS from any RNA source in a transcriptome-wide format, which can be directly easily adapted to next generation sequencers. We identified AS transcripts that were differently modulated by ERBB2-mediated expression and that can be tested as molecular markers for breast cancer. Such a methodology will be useful for completely deciphering the cancer cell transcriptome diversity resulting from AS and for finding more precise molecular markers.
Mariner-like elements are widely present in diverse organisms. These elements constitute a large fraction of the eukaryotic genome; they transpose by a ""cut-and-paste"" mechanism with their own transposase protein. We found two groups of mobile elements in the genus Rhynchosciara. PCR using primers designed from R. americana transposons (Ramar1 and Ramar2) were the starting point for this comparative study. Genomic DNA templates of four species: R. hollaenderi, R. millerii, R. baschanti, and Rhynchosciara sp were used and genomic sequences were amplified, sequenced and the molecular structures of the elements characterized as being putative mariner-like elements. The first group included the putative full-length elements. The second group was composed of defective mariner elements that contain a deletion overlapping most of the internal region of the transposase open reading frame. They were named Rmar1 (type 1) and Rmar2 (type 2), respectively. Many conserved amino acid blocks were identified, as well as a specific D,D(34) D signature motif that was defective in some elements. Based on predicted transposase sequences, these elements encode truncated proteins and are phylogenetically very close to mariner-like elements of the mauritiana subfamily. The inverted terminal repeat sequences that flanked the mariner-like elements are responsible for their mobility. These inverted terminal repeat sequences were identified by inverse PCR.
Mycoplasma suis, the causative agent of porcine infectious anemia, has never been cultured in vitro and mechanisms by which it causes disease are poorly understood. Thus, the objective herein was to use whole genome sequencing and analysis of M. suis to define pathogenicity mechanisms and biochemical pathways. M. suis was harvested from the blood of an experimentally infected pig. Following DNA extraction and construction of a paired end library, whole-genome sequencing was performed using GS-FLX (454) and Titanium chemistry. Reads on paired-end constructs were assembled using GS De Novo Assembler and gaps closed by primer walking; assembly was validated by PFGE. Glimmer and Manatee Annotation Engine were used to predict and annotate protein-coding sequences (CDS). The M. suis genome consists of a single, 742,431 bp chromosome with low G+C content of 31.1%. A total of 844 CDS, 3 single copies, unlinked rRNA genes and 32 tRNAs were identified. Gene homologies and GC skew graph show that M. suis has a typical Mollicutes oriC. The predicted metabolic pathway is concise, showing evidence of adaptation to blood environment. M. suis is a glycolytic species, obtaining energy through sugars fermentation and ATP-synthase. The pentose-phosphate pathway, metabolism of cofactors and vitamins, pyruvate dehydrogenase and NAD(+) kinase are missing. Thus, ribose, NADH, NADPH and coenzyme A are possibly essential for its growth. M. suis can generate purines from hypoxanthine, which is secreted by RBCs, and cytidine nucleotides from uracil. Toxins orthologs were not identified. We suggest that M. suis may cause disease by scavenging and competing for host nutrients, leading to decreased life-span of RBCs. In summary, genome analysis shows that M. suis is dependent on host cell metabolism and this characteristic is likely to be linked to its pathogenicity. The prediction of essential nutrients will aid the development of in vitro cultivation systems.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects 170 million people worldwide, and is a major public health problem in Brazil, where over 1% of the population may be infected and where multiple viral genotypes co-circulate. Chronically infected individuals are both the source of transmission to others and are at risk for HCV-related diseases, such as liver cancer and cirrhosis. Before the adoption of anti-HCV control measures in blood banks, this virus was mainly transmitted via blood transfusion. Today, needle sharing among injecting drug users is the most common form of HCV transmission. Of particular importance is that HCV prevalence is growing in non-risk groups. Since there is no vaccine against HCV, it is important to determine the factors that control viral transmission in order to develop more efficient control measures. However, despite the health costs associated with HCV, the factors that determine the spread of virus at the epidemiological scale are often poorly understood. Here, we sequenced partial NS5b gene sequences sampled from blood samples collected from 591 patients in Sao Paulo state, Brazil. We show that different viral genotypes entered Sao Paulo at different times, grew at different rates, and are associated with different age groups and risk behaviors. In particular, subtype 1b is older and grew more slowly than subtypes 1a and 3a, and is associated with multiple age classes. In contrast, subtypes 1a and 3b are associated with younger people infected more recently, possibly with higher rates of sexual transmission. The transmission dynamics of HCV in Sao Paulo therefore vary by subtype and are determined by a combination of age, risk exposure and underlying social network. We conclude that social factors may play a key role in determining the rate and pattern of HCV spread, and should influence future intervention policies.
Background: A family of hydrophilic acylated surface (HASP) proteins, containing extensive and variant amino acid repeats, is expressed at the plasma membrane in infective extracellular (metacyclic) and intracellular (amastigote) stages of Old World Leishmania species. While HASPs are antigenic in the host and can induce protective immune responses, the biological functions of these Leishmania-specific proteins remain unresolved. Previous genome analysis has suggested that parasites of the sub-genus Leishmania (Viannia) have lost HASP genes from their genomes. Methods/Principal Findings: We have used molecular and cellular methods to analyse HASP expression in New World Leishmania mexicana complex species and show that, unlike in L. major, these proteins are expressed predominantly following differentiation into amastigotes within macrophages. Further genome analysis has revealed that the L. (Viannia) species, L. (V.) braziliensis, does express HASP-like proteins of low amino acid similarity but with similar biochemical characteristics, from genes present on a region of chromosome 23 that is syntenic with the HASP/SHERP locus in Old World Leishmania species and the L. (L.) mexicana complex. A related gene is also present in Leptomonas seymouri and this may represent the ancestral copy of these Leishmania-genus specific sequences. The L. braziliensis HASP-like proteins (named the orthologous (o) HASPs) are predominantly expressed on the plasma membrane in amastigotes and are recognised by immune sera taken from 4 out of 6 leishmaniasis patients tested in an endemic region of Brazil. Analysis of the repetitive domains of the oHASPs has shown considerable genetic variation in parasite isolates taken from the same patients, suggesting that antigenic change may play a role in immune recognition of this protein family. Conclusions/Significance: These findings confirm that antigenic hydrophilic acylated proteins are expressed from genes in the same chromosomal region in species across the genus Leishmania. These proteins are surface-exposed on amastigotes (although L. (L.) major parasites also express HASPB on the metacyclic plasma membrane). The central repetitive domains of the HASPs are highly variant in their amino acid sequences, both within and between species, consistent with a role in immune recognition in the host.
A great part of the interest in complex networks has been motivated by the presence of structured, frequently nonuniform, connectivity. Because diverse connectivity patterns tend to result in distinct network dynamics, and also because they provide the means to identify and classify several types of complex network, it becomes important to obtain meaningful measurements of the local network topology. In addition to traditional features such as the node degree, clustering coefficient, and shortest path, motifs have been introduced in the literature in order to provide complementary descriptions of the network connectivity. The current work proposes a different type of motif, namely, chains of nodes, that is, sequences of connected nodes with degree 2. These chains have been subdivided into cords, tails, rings, and handles, depending on the type of their extremities (e.g., open or connected). A theoretical analysis of the density of such motifs in random and scale-free networks is described, and an algorithm for identifying these motifs in general networks is presented. The potential of considering chains for network characterization has been illustrated with respect to five categories of real-world networks including 16 cases. Several interesting findings were obtained, including the fact that several chains were observed in real-world networks, especially the world wide web, books, and the power grid. The possibility of chains resulting from incompletely sampled networks is also investigated.
We study the spin-1/2 Ising model on a Bethe lattice in the mean-field limit, with the interaction constants following one of two deterministic aperiodic sequences, the Fibonacci or period-doubling one. New algorithms of sequence generation were implemented, which were fundamental in obtaining long sequences and, therefore, precise results. We calculate the exact critical temperature for both sequences, as well as the critical exponents beta, gamma, and delta. For the Fibonacci sequence, the exponents are classical, while for the period-doubling one they depend on the ratio between the two exchange constants. The usual relations between critical exponents are satisfied, within error bars, for the period-doubling sequence. Therefore, we show that mean-field-like procedures may lead to nonclassical critical exponents.
Molecular determinants of improved cathepsin B inhibition by new cystatins obtained by DNA shuffling
Background: Cystatins are inhibitors of cysteine proteases. The majority are only weak inhibitors of human cathepsin B, which has been associated with cancer, Alzheimer's disease and arthritis. Results: Starting from the sequences of oryzacystatin-1 and canecystatin-1, a shuffling library was designed and a hybrid clone obtained, which presented higher inhibitory activity towards cathepsin B. This clone presented two unanticipated point mutations as well as an N-terminal deletion. Reversing each point mutation independently or both simultaneously abolishes the inhibitory activity towards cathepsin B. Homology modeling together with experimental studies of the reverse mutants revealed the likely molecular determinants of the improved inhibitory activity to be related to decreased protein stability. Conclusion: A combination of experimental approaches including gene shuffling, enzyme assays and reverse mutation allied to molecular modeling has shed light upon the unexpected inhibitory properties of certain cystatin mutants against Cathepsin B. We conclude that mutations disrupting the hydrophobic core of phytocystatins increase the flexibility of the N-terminus, leading to an increase in inhibitory activity. Such mutations need not affect the inhibitory site directly but may be observed distant from it and manifest their effects via an uncoupling of its three components as a result of increased protein flexibility.
Background: Identifying local similarity between two or more sequences, or identifying repeats occurring at least twice in a sequence, is an essential part in the analysis of biological sequences and of their phylogenetic relationship. Finding such fragments while allowing for a certain number of insertions, deletions, and substitutions, is however known to be a computationally expensive task, and consequently exact methods can usually not be applied in practice. Results: The filter TUIUIU that we introduce in this paper provides a possible solution to this problem. It can be used as a preprocessing step to any multiple alignment or repeats inference method, eliminating a possibly large fraction of the input that is guaranteed not to contain any approximate repeat. It consists in the verification of several strong necessary conditions that can be checked in a fast way. We implemented three versions of the filter. The first is simply a straightforward extension to the case of multiple sequences of an application of conditions already existing in the literature. The second uses a stronger condition which, as our results show, enable to filter sensibly more with negligible (if any) additional time. The third version uses an additional condition and pushes the sensibility of the filter even further with a non negligible additional time in many circumstances; our experiments show that it is particularly useful with large error rates. The latter version was applied as a preprocessing of a multiple alignment tool, obtaining an overall time (filter plus alignment) on average 63 and at best 530 times smaller than before (direct alignment), with in most cases a better quality alignment. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, TUIUIU is the first filter designed for multiple repeats and for dealing with error rates greater than 10% of the repeats length.
Efficient automatic protein classification is of central importance in genomic annotation. As an independent way to check the reliability of the classification, we propose a statistical approach to test if two sets of protein domain sequences coming from two families of the Pfam database are significantly different. We model protein sequences as realizations of Variable Length Markov Chains (VLMC) and we use the context trees as a signature of each protein family. Our approach is based on a Kolmogorov-Smirnov-type goodness-of-fit test proposed by Balding et at. [Limit theorems for sequences of random trees (2008), DOI: 10.1007/s11749-008-0092-z]. The test statistic is a supremum over the space of trees of a function of the two samples; its computation grows, in principle, exponentially fast with the maximal number of nodes of the potential trees. We show how to transform this problem into a max-flow over a related graph which can be solved using a Ford-Fulkerson algorithm in polynomial time on that number. We apply the test to 10 randomly chosen protein domain families from the seed of Pfam-A database (high quality, manually curated families). The test shows that the distributions of context trees coming from different families are significantly different. We emphasize that this is a novel mathematical approach to validate the automatic clustering of sequences in any context. We also study the performance of the test via simulations on Galton-Watson related processes.
In this paper, we determine the lower central and derived series for the braid groups of the sphere. We are motivated in part by the study of Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequences, but the problem is important in its own right. The braid groups of the 2-sphere S(2) were studied by Fadell, Van Buskirk and Gillette during the 1960s, and are of particular interest due to the fact that they have torsion elements (which were characterised by Murasugi). We first prove that for all n epsilon N, the lower central series of the n-string braid group B(n)(S(2)) is constant from the commutator subgroup onwards. We obtain a presentation of Gamma(2)(Bn(S(2))), from which we observe that Gamma(2)(B(4)(S(2))) is a semi-direct product of the quaternion group Q(8) of order 8 by a free group F(2) of rank 2. As for the derived series of Bn(S(2)), we show that for all n >= 5, it is constant from the derived subgroup onwards. The group Bn(S(2)) being finite and soluble for n <= 3, the critical case is n = 4 for which the derived subgroup is the above semi-direct product Q(8) (sic) F(2). By proving a general result concerning the structure of the derived subgroup of a semi-direct product, we are able to determine completely the derived series of B(4)(S(2)) which from (B(4)(S(2)))(4) onwards coincides with that of the free group of rank 2, as well as its successive derived series quotients.
Background: Exposure of cells to environmental stress conditions can lead to the interruption of several intracellular processes, in particular those performed by macromolecular complexes such as the spliceosome. Results: During nucleotide sequencing of cDNA libraries constructed using RNA isolated from B. emersonii cells submitted to heat shock and cadmium stress, a large number of ESTs with retained introns was observed. Among the 6,350 ESTs obtained through sequencing of stress cDNA libraries, 181 ESTs presented putative introns (2.9%), while sequencing of cDNA libraries from unstressed B. emersonii cells revealed only 0.2% of ESTs containing introns. These data indicate an enrichment of ESTs with introns in B. emersonii stress cDNA libraries. Among the 85 genes corresponding to the ESTs that retained introns, 19 showed more than one intron and three showed three introns, with intron length ranging from 55 to 333 nucleotides. Canonical splicing junctions were observed in most of these introns, junction sequences being very similar to those found in introns from genes previously characterized in B. emersonii, suggesting that inhibition of splicing during stress is apparently a random process. Confirming our observations, analyses of gpx3 and hsp70 mRNAs by Northern blot and S1 protection assays revealed a strong inhibition of intron splicing in cells submitted to cadmium stress. Conclusion: In conclusion, data indicate that environmental stresses, particularly cadmium treatment, inhibit intron processing in B. emersonii, revealing a new adaptive response to cellular exposure to this heavy metal.
Mitochondria and NADPH oxidase activation are concomitantly involved in pathogenesis of many vascular diseases. However, possible cross-talk between those ROS-generating systems is unclear. We induced mild mitochondrial dysfunction due to mitochondrial DNA damage after 24 h incubation of rabbit aortic smooth muscle (VSMC) with 250 ng/mL ethidium bromide (EtBr). VSMC remained viable and had 29% less oxygen consumption, 16% greater baseline hydrogen peroxide, and unchanged glutathione levels. Serum-stimulated proliferation was unaltered at 24 h. Although PCR amplification of several mtDNA sequences was preserved, D-Loop mtDNA region showed distinct amplification of shorter products after EtBr. Such evidence for DNA damage was further enhanced after angiotensin-II (AngII) incubation. Remarkably, the normally observed increase in VSMC membrane fraction NADPH oxidase activity after AngII was completely abrogated after EtBr, together with failure to upregulate Nox1 mRNA expression. Conversely, basal Nox4 mRNA expression increased 1.6-fold, while being unresponsive to AngII. Similar loss in AngII redox response occurred after 24 h antimycin-A incubation. Enhanced Nox4 expression was unassociated with endoplasmic reticulum stress markers. Protein disulfide isomerase, an NADPH oxidase regulator, exhibited increased expression and inverted pattern of migration to membrane fraction after EtBr. These results unravel functionally relevant cross-talk between mitochondria and NADPH oxidase, which markedly affects redox responses to AngII. Antioxid Redox Signal 11, 1265-1278.
Chagas disease is still a major public health problem in Latin America. Its causative agent, Trypanosoma cruzi, can be typed into three major groups, T. cruzi I, T. cruzi II and hybrids. These groups each have specific genetic characteristics and epidemiological distributions. Several highly virulent strains are found in the hybrid group; their origin is still a matter of debate. The null hypothesis is that the hybrids are of polyphyletic origin, evolving independently from various hybridization events. The alternative hypothesis is that all extant hybrid strains originated from a single hybridization event. We sequenced both alleles of genes encoding EF-1 alpha, actin and SSU rDNA of 26 T. cruzi strains and DHFR-TS and TR of 12 strains. This information was used for network genealogy analysis and Bayesian phylogenies. We found T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II to be monophyletic and that all hybrids had different combinations of T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II haplotypes plus hybrid-specific haplotypes. Bootstrap values (networks) and posterior probabilities (Bayesian phylogenies) of clades supporting the monophyly of hybrids were far below the 95% confidence interval, indicating that the hybrid group is polyphyletic. We hypothesize that T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II are two different species and that the hybrids are extant representatives of independent events of genome hybridization, which sporadically have sufficient fitness to impact on the epidemiology of Chagas disease.
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchoring is a common, relevant posttranslational modification of eukaryotic surface proteins. Here, we developed a fast, simple, and highly sensitive (high attomole-low femtomole range) method that uses liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS(n)) for the first large-scale analysis of GPI-anchored molecules (i.e., the GPIome) of a eukaryote, Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease. Our genome-wise prediction analysis revealed that approximately 12% of T. cruzi genes possibly encode GPI-anchored proteins. By analyzing the GPIome of T. cruzi insect-dwelling epimastigote stage using LC-MS(n), we identified 90 GPI species, of which 79 were novel. Moreover, we determined that mucins coded by the T. cruzi small mucin-like gene (TcSMUG S) family are the major GPI-anchored proteins expressed on the epimastigote cell surface. TcSMUG S mucin mature sequences are short (56-85 amino acids) and highly O-glycosylated, and contain few proteolytic sites, therefore, less likely susceptible to proteases of the midgut of the insect vector. We propose that our approach could be used for the high throughput GPIomic analysis of other lower and higher eukaryotes. Molecular Systems Biology 7 April 2009; doi:10.1038/msb.2009.13