117 resultados para Limb deformity


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The medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) is involved in cardiovascular control. MPFC electrical stimulation has been reported to cause depressor and bradycardic responses in anesthetized rats. Although the pathway involved is yet unknown, there is evidence indicating the existence of a relay in the lateral hypothalamus (LH). The medial forebrain bundle (MFB) that courses in the lateral portion of the LH carries the vast majority of telencephalic afferent as well efferent projections, including those from the MPFC. To evaluate if the hypotensive pathway originating in the MPFC courses the MFB, we studied the effect of coronal or sagittal knife cuts through the LH and other brain areas on the cardiovascular responses to MPFC electrical stimulation. Knife cuts were performed using blades I to 6 mm wide. Results indicate that the neural pathway descending from the MFB decussates early in the vicinity of MPFC, crossing the midline within the corpus callosurn and yielding two descending pathways that travel rostro-caudally in the lateral portion of the LH, within the MFB. The decussation was confirmed by histological analysis of brain sections processed after the injection of biotinilated dextran amine in the site of the stimulation in the MPFC. Because knife cuts through the LH ipsilateral had minimal effects on the cardiovascular responses and knife cuts performed contralateral to the stimulated MPFC had no effect on the response to MPFC stimulation, data indicate that the contralateral limb of the pathway may be only activated as an alternative pathway when the ipsilateral pathway is blocked. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The diagonal band of Broca (DBB) is involved in cardiovascular control in rats, In the present Study, we report the effect of acute and reversible neurotransmission inhibition in the DBB by bilateral microinjection of the nonselective neurotransmission blocker CoCl(2) (1 mM, 100 nL) on the cardiac baroreflex response in unanesthetized rats. Local DBB neurotransmission inhibition did not affect baseline values of either blood pressure or heart rate, Suggesting no tonic DBB influence oil cardiovascular system activity. However, CoCl(2) microinjections enhanced both the reflex bradycardia associated with blood pressure increases caused by i.v. infusion of phenylephrine and tachycardiac response evoked by blood pressure decreases caused by i.v. infusion of sodium nitroprusside. An increase in baroreflex gain was also observed. Baroreflex returned to control values 60 min after CoCl(2) microinjections, confirming its reversible effect. In conclusion, our data suggest that synapses within DBB have a tonic inhibitory influence on both the cardiac parasympathetic and sympathetic components of the baroreflex. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It is difficult to precisely measure articular arc movement in newborns using a goniometer. This article proposes an objective method based on trigonometry for the evaluation of lower limb abduction. With the newborn aligned in the dorsal decubitus position, 2 points are marked at the level of the medial malleolus, one on the sagittal line and the other at the end of the abduction. Using the right-sided line between these 2 points and a line from the medial malleolus to the reference point at the anterior superior iliac spine or umbilical scar, an isosceles triangle is drawn, and half of the inferential abduction angle is obtained by calculating the sine. Twenty healthy full-term newborns comprise the study cohort. Intersubject and intrasubject variability among the abduction angle values (mean [SD], 37 degrees [4]degrees) is low. This method is advantageous because the measurement is precise and because the sine can be used without approximation.


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Botryomycosis is a chronic, granulomatous, suppurative bacterial infection involving the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The skin lesion is characterized by multiple fistulae draining purulent secretion with white-yellowish grains PAS positive. The main etiologic agent is Staphylococcus aureus and other less frequent pathogens are Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, isolated or associated. The authors report a case of this disease with exuberant lesions on the right leg and increased limb volume, fibrous consistency and multiple fistula orifices draining white-yellowish grains. Resolution was achieved with sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim.


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Noxious stimulation of the leg increases hind limb blood flow (HBF) to the ipsilateral side and decreases to the contralateral in rat. Whether or not this asymmetrical response is due to direct control by sympathetic terminals or mediated by other factors such as local metabolism and hormones remains unclear. The aim of this study was to compare responses in lumbar sympathetic nerve activity, evoked by stimulation of the ipsilateral and contralateral sciatic nerve (SN). We also sought to determine the supraspinal mechanisms involved in the observed responses. In anesthetized and paralyzed rats, intermittent electrical stimulation (1 mA, 0.5 Hz) of the contralateral SN evoked a biphasic sympathoexcitation. Following ipsilateral SN stimulation, the response is preceded by an inhibitory potential with a latency of 50 ms (N=26). Both excitatory and inhibitory potentials are abolished following cervical Cl spinal transection (N=6) or bilateral microinjections of muscimol (N=6) in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM). This evidence is suggestive that both sympathetic potentials are supraspinally mediated in this nucleus. Blockade of RVLM glutamate receptors by microinjection of kynurenic acid (N=4) selectively abolished the excitatory potential elicited by ipsilateral SN stimulation. This study supports the physiological model that activation of hind limb nociceptors evokes a generalized sympathoexcitation, with the exception of the ipsilateral side where there is a withdrawal of sympathetic tone resulting in an increase in HBF. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chorea-acanthocytosis (ChAc) is an uncommon autosomal recessive disorder due to mutations of the VPS13A gene, which encodes for the membrane protein chorein. ChAc presents with progressive limb and orobuccal chorea, but there is often a marked dysexecutive syndrome. ChAc may first present with neuropsychiatric disturbance such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), suggesting a particular role for disruption to striatal structures involved in non-motor frontostriatal loops, such as the head of the caudate nucleus. Two previous studies have suggested a marked reduction in volume in the caudate nucleus and putamen, but did not examine morphometric change. We investigated morphometric change in 13 patients with genetically or biochemically confirmed ChAc and 26 age- and gender-matched controls. Subjects underwent magnetic resonance imaging and manual segmentation of the caudate nucleus and putamen, and shape analysis using a non-parametric spherical harmonic technique. Both structures showed significant and marked reductions in volume compared with controls, with reduction greatest in the caudate nucleus. Both structures showed significant shape differences, particularly in the head of the caudate nucleus. No significant correlation was shown between duration of illness and striatal volume or shape, suggesting that much structural change may have already taken place at the time of symptom onset. Our results suggest that striatal neuron loss may occur early in the disease process, and follows a dorsal-ventral gradient that may correlate with early neuropsychiatric and cognitive presentations of the disease. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective To evaluate the extent sensory and motor blocks produced by the epidural injection of different volumes of 0.25% bupivacaine (Bu) with methylene blue (MB), in dogs. Study design Prospective experimental trial. Animals Twenty healthy adult mongrel dogs, weighing 9.9 +/- 1.9 kg. Methods Dogs were randomly allocated into one of four groups that received 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 or 0.8 mL kg-1 of an epidural solution containing 0.25% Bu and MB. Sensory block was evaluated against time by pinching the tail, hind limb interdigital web, toenail bases and the skin over the vertebral dermatomes. Motor block was assessed by ataxia, hind limb weight-bearing ability and by loss of muscle tone of the tail and pelvic limbs. Data were collected at 2, 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes after the end of epidural injection. After the final time point, dogs were euthanatized and laminectomies were conducted to expose the extent of the dural dye staining. Results The volumes 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mL kg-1 of 0.25% Bu and MB blocked a mean of 5, 14.2, 20.2 and 21 dermatomes, respectively. The extent of the senory block increased up to a volume of 0.6 mL kg-1. Motor block was longer-lasting and more intense than sensory block. Complete dyeing of the spinal cord with MB was achieved in some dogs at 0.4 mL kg-1 and all dogs at 0.6 mL kg-1. Conclusions The volume of anesthetic injected into the epidural space plays an important role in the quality of the epidural anesthesia. At 0.25%, bupivacaine provided an efficient sensory block at 0.6 mL kg-1. Clinical relevance Relatively high volumes (0.6 mL kg-1) of 0.25%, BU and MB were needed to produce an effective sensory and motor block caudal to the umbilicus, but all spinal cord segments were reached by MB at this dose.


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Objectives To compare the biomechanical characteristics of 2 arthrodesis techniques for the equine proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) using either a 3-hole 4.5 mm locking compression plate (LCP) or 3-hole 4.5 mm narrow dynamic compression plate (DCP), both with 2 transarticular 5.5 mm cortex screws. Study Design Experimental. Sample Population Cadaveric adult equine forelimbs (*n=6 pairs). Methods For each forelimb pair, 1 limb was randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups and the contralateral limb by default to the other treatment group. Construct stiffness, gap formation across the PIP joint, and rotation about the PIP joint were determined for each construct before cyclic axial loading and after each of four, 5000 cycle loading regimens. After the 20,000 cycle axial loading regimen, each construct was loaded to failure. Results There were no significant differences in construct stiffness, gap formation, or sagittal plane rotation between the LCP and DCP treatment groups at any of the measured time points. Conclusion Biomechanically, fixation of the equine PIP joint with a 3-hole 4.5 mm LCP is equivalent to fixation with a 3-hole 4.5 mm narrow DCP under the test conditions used.


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Dogs suffering from Golden Retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD) present symptoms that are similar to human patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Phenotypic variability is common in both cases and correlates with disease progression and response to therapy. Physical therapy assessment tools were used to study disease progression and assess phenotypic variability in dogs with GRMD. At 5 (TO), 9 (T1), 13 (T2) and 17 (T3) months of age, the physical features, joint ranges of motion (ROM), limb and thorax circumferences, weight and creatine kinase (CK) levels were assessed in 11 dogs with GRMD. Alterations of physical features were higher at 13 months, and different disease progression rates were observed. Passive ROM decreased until 1 year old, which was followed by a decline of elbow and tarsal ROM. Limb and thorax circumferences, which were corrected for body weight, decreased significantly between TO and T3. These measurements can be used to evaluate disease progression in dogs with GRMD and to help discover new therapies for DMD patients. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, Bmp-4, Wnt-5a and Shh gene expressions were compared during early craniofacial development in mice by comparative non-isotopic in situ hybridization. Wild-type C57BL/6J mice were studied at various stages of embryonic development (from 8.5- to 13.5-day-old embryos - E8.5-13.5). During early odontogenesis, transcripts for Bmp-4, Shh and Wnt-5a were co-localised at the tooth initiation stage. At E8.5, Shh mRNA expression was restricted to diencephalon and pharyngeal endoderm. Before maxillae and mandible ossification, Bmp-4 and Wnt-5a signals were detected in the mesenchymal cells and around Meckel`s cartilage. During palatogenesis, Shh was expressed only in the epithelium and Wnt-5a only in the mesenchyme of the elevating palatal shelves. During tongue development, Shh expression was found in mesenchyme, probably contributing to tongue miogenesis, while Wnt-5a signal was in the epithelium, possibly during placode development and papillae formation. Taken together, these findings suggest that Bmp-4, Shh and Wnt-5a gene expressions may act together on the epithelial mesenchymal interactions occurring in several aspects of the early mouse craniofacial development, such as odontogenesis, neuronal development, maxillae and mandible ossification, palatogenesis and tongue formation. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Establishment of a treatment plan is based on efficacy and easy application by the clinician, and acceptance by the patient. Treatment of adult patients with Class III malocclusion might require orthognathic surgery, especially when the deformity is severe, with a significant impact on facial esthetics. Impacted teeth can remarkably influence treatment planning, which should be precise and concise to allow a reasonably short treatment time with low biologic cost. We report here the case of a 20-year-old man who had a skeletal Class III malocclusion and impaction of the maxillary right canine, leading to remarkable deviation of the maxillary midline; this was his chief complaint. Because of the severely deviated position of the impacted canine, treatment included extraction of the maxillary right canine and left first premolar for midline correction followed by leveling, alignment, correction of compensatory tooth positioning, and orthognathic surgery to correct the skeletal Class III malocclusion because of the severe maxillary deficiency. This treatment approach allowed correction of the maxillary dental midline discrepancy to the midsagittal plane and establishment of good occlusion and optimal esthetics. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;137:840-9)


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Chronic L-DOPA pharmacotherapy in Parkinson`s disease is often, accompanied by the development of abnormal and excessive movements known as L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia. Rats with 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of dopaminergic neurons chronically treated with L-DOPA develop a rodent analog of this dyskinesia characterized by severe axial, limb, locomotor and orofacial abnormal involuntary movements. While the mechanisms by which these effects occur are not clear, they may involve the nitric oxide system. In the present study we investigate if nitric oxide synthase inhibitors can prevent dyskinesias induced by repeated administration Of L-DOPA in rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion. Chronic L-DOPA (high fixed dose, 100 mg/kg; low escalating dose, 10-30 mg/kg) treatment induced progressive dyskinesia changes. Two nitric oxide synthase inhibitors, 7-nitroindazole (1-30 mg/kg) and NG-nitro-L-arginine (50 mg/kg), given 30 min before L-DOPA, attenuate dyskinesia. 7-Nitroindazolee also improved motor performance of these animals in the rota-rod test. These results suggest the possibility that nitric oxide synthase inhibitors may be useful to treat L-DOPA.-Induced dyskinesia. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.