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Objective: To analyze anteroposterior soft tissue facial parameters for a sample of white Brazilian adults and to compare these measurements with the values proposed for white North American adults. Materials and Methods: Facial profile photographs were taken of 59 white Brazilians (30 men and 29 women) with normal occlusions and balanced faces with ages ranging from 18 to 30 years. The independent Student's t-test (P < .05) was used to compare the soft tissue parameters of the Brazilians with those of the North Americans. Results: White Brazilian women presented a less protruded face compared with white American women except for the glabella region. White Brazilian women showed a smaller nasal projection, less protruded upper and lower lips, a more obtuse nasolabial angle, and a smaller projection of the B' point and chin than white American women. Conversely, the two male groups demonstrated less evident soft tissue profile differences, with the exception of the nose projection, which was smaller in white Brazilian men than in white American men. Conclusions: A universal standard of facial esthetic is not applicable to diverse white populations. Differences regarding the soft tissue profile features were found between white Brazilians and white Americans. These differences should be considered in the orthodontic/orthognathic surgery diagnosis and treatment plan for white Brazilians together with the patient's individual opinion and perception of beauty.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of photodynamic therapy (PDT) on endodontic pathogens by evaluating the decrease in numbers of Enterococcus faecalis colonies in the canals of extracted human teeth. Background Data: Failure in endodontics is usually related to inadequate cleaning and disinfection of the root canal system. This is due to the establishment of microorganisms in areas where the instruments and chemical agents used during root canal preparation cannot eliminate them. PDT is a complementary therapeutic method that could be used to eliminate these remaining bacteria. PDT is a process in which radiation acts on a dye that is applied to the target organism, resulting in bacterial death. Materials and Methods: Forty-six uniradicular teeth had their canals contaminated with bacteria and were incubated for 48 h at 35 degrees C. After that, the teeth were divided into a control group (CG) and a test group (TG). The 23 CG teeth did not undergo any intervention, whereas in the TG the teeth received a solution of 0.0125% toluidine blue for 5 min followed by irradiation using a 50-mW diode laser (Ga-Al-As) at a wavelength of 660 nm. Bacterial samples were taken before and after irradiation. In each of the samples, the number of colony-forming units (CFU) was counted. Results: The mean decrease in CFU was 99.9% in the TG, whereas in the CG an increase of 2.6% was observed. Conclusion: PDT was effective as a bactericidal agent in Enterococcus faecalis-contaminated root canals.
Objective: The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) the ultrastructural morphological changes of the radicular dentine surface after irradiation with 980-nm diode laser energy at different parameters and angles of incidence. Background Data: There have been limited reports on the effects of diode laser irradiation at 980 nm on radicular dentin morphology. Materials and Methods: Seventy-two maxillary canines were sectioned and roots were biomechanically prepared using K3 rotary instruments. The teeth were irrigated with 2 mL of distilled water between files and final irrigation was performed with 10 mL of distilled water. The teeth were then randomly divided into five groups (n = 8 each) according to their diode laser parameters: Group 1: no irradiation (control); group 2: 1.5 W/continuous wave (CW) emission (the manufacturer's parameters); group 3: 1.5 W/100 Hz; group 4: 3 W/CW; and group 5: 3 W/100 Hz. Laser energy was applied with helicoid movements (parallel to the canal walls) for 20 sec. Eight additional teeth for each group were endodontically prepared and split longitudinally and irradiation was applied perpendicularly to the root surface. Results: Statistical analysis showed no difference between the root canal thirds irradiated with the 980-nm diode laser, and similar results between the parameters 1.5 W/CW and 3 W/100 Hz (p > 0.05). Conclusion: When considering different output powers and delivery modes our results showed that changes varied from smear layer removal to dentine fusion.
Background A higher burden of head and neck cancer has been reported to affect deprived populations. This study assessed the association between socioeconomic status and head and neck cancer, aiming to explore how this association is related to differences of tobacco and alcohol consumption across socioeconomic strata. Methods We conducted a case-control study in Sao Paulo, Brazil (1998-2006), including 1017 incident cases of oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal cancer, and 951 sex- and age-matched controls. Education and occupation were distal determinants in the hierarchical approach; cumulative exposure to tobacco and alcohol were proximal risk factors. Outcomes of the hierarchical model were compared with fully adjusted ORs. Results Individuals with lower education (OR 2.27; 95% CI 1.61 to 3.19) and those performing manual labour (OR 1.55; 95% CI 1.26 to 1.92) had a higher risk of disease. However, 54% of the association with lower education and 45% of the association with manual labour were explained by proximal lifestyle exposures, and socioeconomic status remained significantly associated with disease when adjusted for smoking and alcohol consumption. Conclusions Socioeconomic differences in head and neck cancer are partially attributable to the distribution of tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption across socioeconomic strata. Additional mediating factors may explain the remaining variation of socioeconomic status on head and neck cancer.
Background: Studies suggest that leucine supplementation (LS) has a therapeutic potential to prevent obesity and to promote glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, regular physical exercise is a widely accepted strategy for body weight maintenance and also for the prevention of obesity. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of chronic LS alone or combined with endurance training (ET) as potential approaches for reversing the insulin resistance and obesity induced by a high-fat diet (HFD) in rats. Methods: Forty-seven rats were randomly divided into two groups. Animals were fed a control diet-low fat (n = 10) or HFD (n = 37). After 15 weeks on HFD, all rats received the control diet-low fat and were randomly divided according to treatment: reference (REF), LS, ET, and LS+ET (n = 7-8 rats per group). After 6 weeks of treatment, the animals were sacrificed and body composition, fat cell volume, and serum concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triacylglycerol, glucose, adiponectin, leptin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were analyzed. Results: At the end of the sixth week of treatment, there was no significant difference in body weight between the REF, LS, ET and LS+ET groups. However, ET increased lean body mass in rats (P = 0.019). In addition, ET was more effective than LS in reducing adiposity (P = 0.019), serum insulin (P = 0.022) and TNF-alpha (P = 0.044). Conversely, LS increased serum adiponectin (P = 0.021) levels and reduced serum total cholesterol concentration (P = 0.042). Conclusions: The results showed that LS had no beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity or adiposity in previously obese rats. On the other hand, LS was effective in increasing adiponectin levels and in reducing total cholesterol concentration.
Background The Western diet plays a role for the epidemics of obesity and related diseases. This study examined a possible association between peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and the dietary components of Japanese immigrants living in Brazil. Methods and Results In this cross-sectional study, 1,267 subjects (aged 30 years) with complete dietary, clinical and laboratory data were studied according to a standardized protocol. Ankle-to-brachial index was used to identify subjects with PAD. The overall prevalence of PAD was 14.6%. Subjects with PAD were older, had lower education and higher mean values of blood pressure, triglycerides, and fasting and 2-h plasma glucose levels compared with those without the disease. Among the subjects with PAD, the consumption of fiber from whole grains (3.0 vs 3.4g, p=0.001) and linoleic acids (11.0 vs 11.7g, p=0.017) were lower and intake of total (72.8 vs 69.1 a, p=0.016) and saturated fatty acids (17.4 vs 16.3g, p=0.012) were higher than those without PAD. Results of multiple logistic regression analysis showed a significant association between PAD with high total fat intake, low intake of fiber from fruit and oleic acid, independently of other variables. Conclusions Despite limitations in examining the cause-effect relationship, the data support the notion that diet could be important in reducing the occurrence of PAD.
Animal cloning has been associated with developmental abnormalities, with the level of heteroplasmy caused by the procedure being one of its potential limiting factors. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the fusion of hemicytoplasts or aggregation of hemiembryos, varying the final cytoplasmic volume, on development and cell density of embryos produced by hand-made cloning (HMC), parthenogenesis or by in vitro fertilization (IVF). One or two enucleated hemicytoplasts were paired and fused with one skin somatic cell. Activated clone and zona-free parthenote embryos and hemiembryos were in vitro cultured in the well-of-the-well (WOW) system, being allocated to one of six experimental groups, on a per WOW basis: single clone or parthenote hemiembryos (1 x 50%); aggregation of two (2 x 50%), three (3 x 50%), or four (4 x 50%) clone or parthenote hemiembryos; single clone or parthenote embryos (1 x 100%); or aggregation of two clone or parthenote embryos (2 x 100%). Control zona-intact parthenote or IVF embryos were in vitro cultured in four-well dishes. Results indicated that the increase in the number of aggregated structures within each WOW was followed by a linear increase in cleavage, blastocyst rate, and cell density. The increase in cytoplasmic volume, either by fusion or by aggregation, had a positive effect on embryo development, supporting the establishment of pregnancies and the birth of a viable clone calf after transfer to recipients. However, embryo aggregation did not improve development on a hemicytoplast basis, except for the aggregation of two clone embryos.
Three-dimensional finite element thermal analysis of dental tissues irradiated with Er,Cr:YSGG laser
In the present study, a finite element model of a half-sectioned molar tooth was developed in order to understand the thermal behavior of dental hard tissues (both enamel and dentin) under laser irradiation. The model was validated by comparing it with an in vitro experiment where a sound molar tooth was irradiated by an Er,Cr:YSGG pulsed laser. The numerical tooth model was conceived to simulate the in vitro experiment, reproducing the dimensions and physical conditions of the typical molar sound tooth, considering laser energy absorption and calculating the heat transfer through the dental tissues in three dimensions. The numerical assay considered the same three laser energy densities at the same wavelength (2.79 mu m) used in the experiment. A thermographic camera was used to perform the in vitro experiment, in which an Er, Cr: YSGG laser (2.79 mu m) was used to irradiate tooth samples and the infrared images obtained were stored and analyzed. The temperature increments in both the finite element model and the in vitro experiment were compared. The distribution of temperature inside the tooth versus time plotted for two critical points showed a relatively good agreement between the results of the experiment and model. The three dimensional model allows one to understand how the heat propagates through the dentin and enamel and to relate the amount of energy applied, width of the laser pulses, and temperature inside the tooth. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.2953526]
Papillomaviruses have been reported to be very difficult to grow in cell culture. Also, there are no descriptions of cell cultures from lesions of bovine cutaneous papillomatosis, with identification of different bovine papilloma virus (BPV) DNA sequences. In the present report, we describe primary cell cultures from samples of cutaneous lesions (warts). We investigated the simultaneous presence of different BPV DNA sequences, comparing the original lesion to different passages of the cell cultures and to peripheral blood. BPV 1, 2 and 4 DNA sequences were found in lesion samples, and respective cell cultures and peripheral blood, supporting our previous hypothesis of the possible activity of these sequences in different samples and now also showing how they can be maintained in different passages of cell cultures.
Aims. We present a dynamical analysis of the galaxy cluster Abell 1942 based on a set of 128 velocities obtained at the European Southern Observatory. Methods. Data on individual galaxies are presented and the accuracy of the determined velocities as some properties of the cluster are discussed. We have also made use of publicly available Chandra X-ray data. Results. We obtained an improved mean redshift value z = 0.22513 +/- 0.0008 and velocity dispersion sigma = 908(139)(+147) km s(-1). Our analysis indicates that inside a radius of similar to 1.5 h(70)(-1) Mpc (similar to 7 arcmin) the cluster is well relaxed, without any remarkable features and the X-ray emission traces the galaxy distribution fairly well. Two possible optical substructures are seen at similar to 5 arcmin from the centre in the northwest and the southwest directions, but are not confirmed by the velocity field. These clumps are, however, kinematically bound to the main structure of Abell 1942. X-ray spectroscopic analysis of Chandra data resulted in a temperature kT = 5.5+/-0.5 keV and metal abundance Z = 0.33 +/- 0.15 Z(circle dot). The velocity dispersion corresponding to this temperature using the T(X-sigma) scaling relation is in good agreement with the measured galaxy velocities. Our photometric redshift analysis suggests that the weak lensing signal observed to the south of the cluster and previously attributed to a ""dark clump"" is produced by background sources, possibly distributed as a filamentary structure.
The growing interest in solar twins is motivated by the possibility of comparing them directly to the Sun. To carry on this kind of analysis, we need to know their physical characteristics with precision. Our first objective is to use asteroseismology and interferometry on the brightest of them: 18 Sco. We observed the star during 12 nights with HARPS for seismology and used the PAVO beam-combiner at CHARA for interferometry. An average large frequency separation 134.4+/-0.3 mu Hz and angular and linear radiuses of 0.6759 +/- 0.0062 mas and 1.010 +/- 0.009 R(circle dot) were estimated. We used these values to derive the mass of the star, 1.02 +/- 0.03 M(circle dot).
Aims. We determine the age and mass of the three best solar twin candidates in open cluster M 67 through lithium evolutionary models. Methods. We computed a grid of evolutionary models with non-standard mixing at metallicity [Fe/H] = 0.01 with the Toulouse-Geneva evolution code for a range of stellar masses. We estimated the mass and age of 10 solar analogs belonging to the open cluster M 67. We made a detailed study of the three solar twins of the sample, YPB637, YPB1194, and YPB1787. Results. We obtained a very accurate estimation of the mass of our solar analogs in M 67 by interpolating in the grid of evolutionary models. The three solar twins allowed us to estimate the age of the open cluster, which is 3.87(-0.66)(+0.55) Gyr, which is better constrained than former estimates. Conclusions. Our results show that the 3 solar twin candidates have one solar mass within the errors and that M 67 has a solar age within the errors, validating its use as a solar proxy. M 67 is an important cluster when searching for solar twins.
Context. A sample of 27 sources, cataloged as pre-main sequence stars by the Pico dos Dias Survey (PDS), is analyzed to investigate a possible contamination by post-AGB stars. The far-infrared excess due to dust present in the circumstellar envelope is typical of both categories: young stars and objects that have already left the main sequence and are suffering severe mass loss. Aims. The two known post-AGB stars in our sample inspired us to seek for other very likely or possible post-AGB objects among PDS sources previously suggested to be Herbig Ae/Be stars, by revisiting the observational database of this sample. Methods. In a comparative study with well known post-AGBs, several characteristics were evaluated: (i) parameters related to the circumstellar emission; (ii) spatial distribution to verify the background contribution from dark clouds; (iii) spectral features; and (iv) optical and infrared colors. Results. These characteristics suggest that seven objects of the studied sample are very likely post-AGBs, five are possible post-AGBs, eight are unlikely post-AGBs, and the nature of seven objects remains unclear.
As a part of our galaxy-cluster redshift survey, we present a set of 79 new velocities in the 4 clusters Abell 376, Abell 970, Abell 1356, and Abell 2244, obtained at Haute-Provence observatory. This set now completes our previous analyses, especially for the first two clusters. Data on individual galaxies are presented, and we discuss some cluster properties. For A376, we obtained an improved mean redshift (z) over bar = 0.04750 with a velocity dispersion of sigma(V) = 860 km s(-1). For A970, we have (z) over bar = 0.05875 with sigma(V) = 881 km s(-1). We show that the A1356 cluster is not a member of the ""Leo-Virgo"" supercluster at a mean redshift (z) over bar = 0.112 and should be considered just as a foreground group of galaxies at (z) over bar = 0.0689, as well as A1435 at (z) over bar = 0.062. We obtain (z) over bar = 0.09962 for A2244 with sigma(V) = 965 km s(-1). The relative proximity of clusters A2244 and A2245 ((z) over bar = 0.08738, sigma(V) = 992 km s(-1)) suggests that these could be members of a supercluster that would include A2249; however, from X-ray data there is no indication of interaction between A2244 and A2245.
We present a new insight on NGC 6034 and UGC 842, two groups of galaxies previously reported in the literature as being fossil groups. The study is based on optical photometry and spectroscopy obtained with the CTIO Blanco telescope and Sloan Digital Sky Survey archival data. We find that NGC 6034 is embedded in a large structure, dominated by three rich clusters and other small groups. Its first and next four ranked galaxies have magnitude differences in the r band and projected distances which violate the optical criteria to classify it as a fossil group. We confirm that the UGC 842 group is a fossil group, but with about half the velocity dispersion that is reported in previous works. The velocity distribution of its galaxies reveals the existence of two structures in its line of sight, one with sigma(nu) similar to 223 km s(-1) and another with sigma(nu) similar to 235 km s(-1), with a difference in velocity of similar to 820 km s(-1). The main structure is dominated by passive galaxies, while these represent similar to 60% of the second structure. The X-ray temperature for the intragroup medium of a group with such a velocity dispersion is expected to be kT similar to 0.5-1 keV, against the observed value of kT similar to 1.9 keV reported in the literature. This result makes UGC 842 a special case among fossil groups because (1) it represents more likely the interaction between two small groups, which warms the intragroup medium and/or (2) it could constitute evidence that member galaxies lost energy in the process of spiraling toward the group center, and decreased the velocity dispersion of the system. As far as we know, UGC 842 is the first low-mass fossil group studied in detail.