168 resultados para Food diet
This study investigated the consumer attitude to food irradiation in Sao Paulo, Brazil, through a qualitative research perspective. Three focus groups were conducted with 30 consumers, responsible for food choices and purchases. Both irradiated and nonirradiated food samples were served in the sessions to motivate the discussion and elicit the participants knowledge, opinions, feelings and concerns towards the irradiation process. Reactions were similar among the groups and differences between the irradiated and the nonirradiated samples were hardly perceived. When provided with positive information about irradiation and its benefits to foods and human health, many people still remained suspicious about the safety of the technology. Risk perception seemed to be related to unease and lack of knowledge about nuclear power and its non-defense use. Participants claimed for more transparency in communication about risks and benefits of irradiated foods to the human health, especially with respect to the continued consumption. Industrial relevance: Irradiation is an emerging food processing technology, which has been gaining interest by food technologists, producers and manufacturers all over the world in the last decades. Irradiation is suitable for disinfestation, microorganism load reduction or sterilization, assuring the safety, as well as having benefits in the shelf-life of foodstuffs. Food irradiation is approved in many countries and its use in food processing is endorsed by several reputed authorities, such as FAD and USDA. Despite the approval and recommendation, this technology still remains underutilized not only in Brazil, but also in other countries. The main reason appears to be the consumer concerns and doubts about the use of radiations in food processing. To develop communication strategies in promotion of irradiated foods it is necessary to investigate consumer attitudes, knowledge. opinions, as well as fears, with respect to the use of radiation in food processing. It is well-known that consumer views on technology may vary from a culture to another. So, findings from consumer research in a country may certainly not reflect the consumer views in other countries. In this sense, Brazilian studies focused on consumer views on food irradiation are necessary to gain understanding on how the local market accepts the technology. Brazil is one of the most important food producers in the world and an emerging consumer market with a population of about 184 million people. Food irradiation is regulated in Brazil since 1973, but to date only a few food ingredients are subjected to irradiation. The wide use of irradiation in food processing would favor Brazilian producers in the quality and safety assurance of food products, both for the local market and for exports. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A vegetarian diet may have beneficial effects on human health, however when it is not well-balanced may be deficient in some nutrients, as minerals for example. The aim of the present study was to assess the nutritional status of zinc and selenium in vegetarians in the city of SA o pound Paulo. A cross-sectional study was performed, and the inclusion criteria were age a parts per thousand yen 18 years, both gender, no use of food or pharmaceutical supplements. Thirty vegetarian, of both genders, mean age of 27 years and 4,5 years of vegetarianism had performed the study, and their mean BMI was 21,5. Zinc plasma concentration was 71 and 62,5 mu g/dL for men and women and erythrocyte concentration was 37 mu g/gHb for both genders. Selenium concentration was 73,5 and 77,3 mu g/L in plasma and 51,4 and 66,9 mu g/L in erythrocytes for men and women, respectively. These biochemical values show that, according to the references, selenium blood levels are adequate and zinc concentration in erythrocytes is deficient in the studied population. For this reason, vegetarians should be constantly assessed and receive nutritional support to reduce the effects of inadequate zinc status.
In Brazil. the incidence of Bacillus cereus outbreaks is unknown, and there is little information about B. cereus occurrence in food. In addition, data on toxin production and genetic characterization of the B. cereus isolates cannot be found. This pathogen causes two distinct types of toxin-mediated foodborne illnesses known as diarrheal and emetic syndromes. Diarrheal syndrome has been linked to three different enterotoxins: two protein complexes, hemolysin BL (HBL) and nonhemolytic enterotoxin (NHE); and an enterotoxic protein, cytotoxin K (cytK). Emetic syndrome is related to cereulide, a toxin encoded by the ces gene. In this study, NHE and HBL production capacities of 155 strains of B. cereus isolated from Brazilian food products were evaluated with an immunoassay. Strains were also tested for the presence of the genes of the HBL and NHE complexes, cytK, cytK-1, cytK-2, and ces, using PCR. HBL was detected in 105 (67.7%) strains and NHE in 154 (99.4%) strains. All the strains harbored at least one gene of the NHE complex, while 96.1% of them were positive for at least one of those of the HBL complex. Genes cytK1 and ces were not detected. All strains showed toxigenic capacity and could represent a risk for consumers if good practices are not followed. This is the first report on toxigenic and genetic profiles of B. cereus strains isolated in Brazil.
Oxidative stress is a physiological condition that is associated with atherosclerosis. and it can be influenced by diet. Our objective was to group fifty-seven individuals with dyslipidaemia controlled by statins according to four oxidative biomarkers, and to evaluate the diet pattern and blood biochemistry differences between these groups. Blood samples were collected and the following parameters were evaluated: diet intake; plasma fatty acids; lipoprotein concentration; glucose; oxidised LDL (oxLDL); malondialdehyde (MDA): total antioxidant activity by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing ability power assays. Individuals were separated into five groups by cluster analysis. All groups showed a difference with respect to at least one of the four oxidative stress biomarkers. The separation of individuals in the first axis was based upon their total antioxidant activity. Clusters located on the right side showed higher total antioxidant activity, higher myristic fatty acid and lower arachidonic fatty acid proportions than clusters located on the left side. A negative correlation was observed between DPPH and the peroxidability index. The second axis showed differences in oxidation status as measured by MDA and oxLDL concentrations. Clusters located on the Upper side showed higher oxidative status and lower HDL cholesterol concentration than clusters located on the lower side. There were no differences in diet among the five clusters. Therefore, fatty acid synthesis and HDL cholesterol concentration seem to exert a more significant effect on the oxidative conditions of the individuals with dyslipidaemia controlled by statins than does their food intake.
The effects of inulin-type fructans (ITF)-containing yacon flour (YF) on Fe bioavailability from ferric pyrophosphate (FP) were evaluated in Fe-deficient rats using the Hb repletion efficiency (HRE) assay. Weanling male Wistar rats were fed a low-Fe diet (12 mg/kg) for 15 days followed by 2 weeks of Fe repletion with diets providing 35 mg Fe/kg as either ferrous sulphate (FS) or FP, supplemented with 7.5% ITF as either YF or Raftilose (RAF), a purified ITF. ITF increased caecal fermentation, whereas YF was more butyrogenic than RAF. ITF improved FIRE in FP-fed rats, and those fed YF had a higher relative biological value compared with those fed FP and RAF. Liver Fe was increased by ITF, but only YF led to values similar to those in the FS group. It is observed that ITF increased caecal fermentation and Fe bioavailability. These effects were more pronounced when YF was the ITF source. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Blends of soybean oil (50) and fully hydrogenated soybean oil (FHSBO), with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% FHSBO (w/w) content were interesterified under the following conditions: 0.4% sodium methoxide, 500 rpm stirring, 100 degrees C, 20 min. The original and interesterified blends were examined for triacylglycerol composition, melting point, solid fat content (SFC) and consistency. Interesterification caused considerable rearrangement of triacylglycerol species, reduction of trisaturated triacylglycerol content and increase in monounsaturated and diunsaturated triacylglycerols, resulting in lowering of respective melting points. The interesterified blends displayed reduced SFC at all temperatures and more linear melting profiles as compared with the original blends. Yield values showed increased plasticity in the blends after the reaction. Isosolid diagrams before and after the reaction showed no eutectic interactions. The 90:10, 80:20, 70:30 and 60:40 interesterified SO:FHSBO blends displayed characteristics suited to application, respectively, as liquid shortening, table margarine, baking/confectionery fat and all-purpose shortenings/biscuit-filing base. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Since Staphylococcus aureus can cause several types of diseases, the development of antibiotic resistance poses an even greater threat to public health. S. aureus is known to possess the adaptive capability to promptly respond to antibiotics, making it resistant and increasingly difficult to treat; methicillin-resistant strains of S. aureus are a major concern with regard to this species. Previous studies reported the identification of methicillin-resistant S. aureus in food, demonstrating that this can represent a source of S. aureus which may carry the mecA gene. Fifty-seven S. aureus isolates, previously obtained from different types of food, were screened by polymerase chain reaction with specific primers for the mecA gene, which mediates methicillin resistance. Five (9%) isolates showed the presence of mecA gene, demonstrating that food may contain microorganisms possessing resistance genes. This study emphasizes the need to include food as a possible source of S. aureus carrying mecA gene and the need to monitor these products. Moreover, this is the first report of the presence of mecA genes in S. aureus isolated from ready-to-eat food in Brazil and Latin America.
The Brazilian Network of Food Data Systems (BRASILFOODS) has been keeping the Brazilian Food Composition Database-USP (TBCA-USP) (http://www.fcf.usp.br/tabela) since 1998. Besides the constant compilation, analysis and update work in the database, the network tries to innovate through the introduction of food information that may contribute to decrease the risk for non-transmissible chronic diseases, such as the profile of carbohydrates and flavonoids in foods. In 2008, data on carbohydrates, individually analyzed, of 112 foods, and 41 data related to the glycemic response produced by foods widely consumed in the country were included in the TBCA-USP. Data (773) about the different flavonoid subclasses of 197 Brazilian foods were compiled and the quality of each data was evaluated according to the USDAs data quality evaluation system. In 2007, BRASILFOODS/USP and INFOODS/FAO organized the 7th International Food Data Conference ""Food Composition and Biodiversity"". This conference was a unique opportunity for interaction between renowned researchers and participants from several countries and it allowed the discussion of aspects that may improve the food composition area. During the period, the LATINFOODS Regional Technical Compilation Committee and BRASILFOODS disseminated to Latin America the Form and Manual for Data Compilation, version 2009, ministered a Food Composition Data Compilation course and developed many activities related to data production and compilation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Feijo, T.S., Cardozo, SX, Daleprane, J.B., Sabaa Srur, A.U.O. & Boaventura, G.T. [Evaluation of the influence of the proteinic quality of the genetically modified and organic soy beans in the growth of two generations of rats Wistar.] Avaliacao da influencia da qualidade proteica da soja geneticamente modificada e organica no crescimento de duas geracoes de ratos Wistar. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 31(3):139-144, 2009. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Patologia, Hospital Universitario Antonio Pedro. Centro de Ciencias Medicas, Universidade Federal Fluminense. Rua Marques do Parana, 303, Niteroi, RJ 24030-210, Brasil. E-mail: sergian@ufnj.br Sixty four Wistar rats, male of two consecutive generations determined as F(0) and F(1) were used to study the cumulative effect of two variety soy beans, cultivated with organic seasoning and genetically modified, The animals of each generation were divided into three groups of eight rats each fed on diets consisted of organic soy, soy genetically modified and casein respectively. All the animals received water and the diet ad libitum for period of 28 days. Where the diet consumption and the animals weight were evaluated. After statistic analysis of the results no expressive differences were observed on diet consumption, weight variation, protein efficient ratio and food efficiency ratio on same group of animals in the different generations. On the other hand, significant difference was found on final proteinic retention on animal descendants of the same groups; however of different generations. With this, the supplementation of organic soy with L-cistin provided better avail of this protein in relation to the protein of the soy genetically modified. However, this supplementation did not reveal efficiency in keeping the proteinic employment from one generation to another one, since soy varieties presented better performance on F(0) generation when compared with F(1).
Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterial pathogen that represents a serious threat during pregnancy and several cases of listeriosis have been linked to the consumption of contaminated foods worldwide. In Brazil, there is no report of foodborne listeriosis, despite some sporadic cases of infection by this bacterium occur. In general in our country, there is no awareness of medical personnel to instruct moms-to-be to avoid high risk foods. In the present study, a total of 141 samples were surveyed for the presence of Listeria spp., including cervicovaginal samples of patients, foods and home refrigerators. No clinical sample was positive for Listeria spp., but it was isolated from two refrigerators. L. monocytogenes was detected in two food samples out of five positive ones for Listeria spp. In conclusion, it was shown the presence of contaminated food items at home level and the lack of information on the risks of listeriosis, indicating the need of implementation of food safety education programs. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study investigated the effect of a pool of peptides, isolated from venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus (South American rattlesnake) on glucose concentration in C57BL/6 mice fed on a high-fat diet for 6 weeks. The pool of peptides (molecular mass around of 10 kDa) was obtained using a MidJet apparatus with a cartridge of 10 KDa. The peptide pool was injected intraperitoneally in mice in a single dose (0.5 mg/animal) or multiple doses (0.2 mg/dose). After predetermined times (30, 60, 90 and 120 min) post injections, venous blood samples were collected for enzymatic measurement of serum glucose using a commercial glucose kit (glucose oxidase method). High-fat fed mice showed an increase in blood glucose concentration, in comparison with mice fed on the chow diet. Thirty minutes after a single dose of the peptide pool, high-fat fed animals showed a significant decrease (similar to 47%) in glycemia. However, the glucose level increased again at 60 and 120 min. Conversely, after multiple injections of the pool of peptides administered every 30 min, the blood glucose concentration in the high-fat mice was significantly decreased (similar to 37%) and remained at low levels until 120 min. These results suggest that the tested pool of peptides from Crotalus durissus terrificus contained a peptide (or peptides) with a beneficial role on glucose-lowering action of high-fat fed mice.
Selenium (Se) is an essential element and deficit or excess of dietary Se is associated with health disorders. Relatively elevated Se levels have been reported in the Brazilian Amazon, where there are also important annual variations in the availability of different foods. The present study was conducted among six riparian communities of the Tapajos River to evaluate seasonal variations in blood and sequential hair cm Se concentrations, and to examine the relationships between Se in blood and hair, and blood and urine. Two cross-sectional studies were conducted, at the descending water (DWS, n = 259) and the rising water (RWS, n = 137) seasons, with repeated measures for a subgroup (n = 112). Blood Se (B-Se), hair Se (H-Se) and urine Se (U-Se) were determined. Match-paired analyses were used for seasonal comparisons and the method of best fit was used to describe the relationships between biomarkers. B-Se levels presented a very large range (142-2447 mu g/l) with no overall seasonal variation (median 284 and 292 mu g/l, respectively). Sequential analysis of 13 cm hair strands showed significant variations over time: Se concentrations at the DWS were significantly lower compared with the rising water season (medians: 0.7 and 0.9 mu g/g; ranges: 0.2-4.3 mu g/g and 0.2-5.4 mu g/g, respectively). At both seasons, the relationships between B-Se and H-Se were linear and highly significant (r(2) = 67.9 and 63.6, respectively), while the relationship between B-Se and U-Se was best described by a sigmoid curve. Gender, age, education and smoking did not influence Se status or biomarker relationships. Variations in H-Se suggest that there may be seasonal availability of Se sources in local food. For populations presenting a large range and/or elevated Se exposure, sequential analyses of H-Se may provide a good reflection of variations in Se status.
Objective. To assess the impact that the Brazilian Standard for Marketing of Baby Food (Norma Brasileira de Comercializacao de Alimentos para Lactentes) have had on breastfeeding rates and regulating the marketing of breast-milk substitutes. Methods. Data were retrieved from a national survey conducted in 2000 that administered structured questionnaires to nine different groups. A total of 2 848 surveys were completed. Cluster sampling was employed to randomly select a sample from 159 towns located in the 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District. Results. The survey showed that participants possess satisfactory knowledge regarding the importance of breastfeeding and its ideal duration period. During the past two decades, the median duration of breastfeeding has increased, but it is still below desired levels. The mother`s return to work, maternal health issues, perception of insufficient breast milk, and information provided by health professionals were among reasons given for early termination of breastfeeding. Knowledge of the Brazilian standard was very limited, even among health professionals. Conclusions. Breastfeeding promotion in Brazil should focus on overcoming the cultural, educational, and economic barriers identified from among the various groups assessed. Interagency cooperation should include public, private, and third-parties, and focus on disseminating breastfeeding information and promoting the desirability of breastfeeding. Barriers to cooperation should be tackled in order to ensure that the main goal of the Brazilian standard-protection of infant health-can be achieved.
The object of this article is to estimate demand elasticities for a basket of staple food important for providing the caloric needs of Brazilian households. These elasticities are useful in the measurement of the impact of structural reforms on poverty. A two-stage demand system was constructed, based on data from Household Expenditure Surveys (POF) produced by IBGE (The Brazilian Bureau of Statistics) in 1987/88 and 1995/96. We have used panel data to estimate the model, and have calculated income, own-price, and cross-price elasticities for eight groups of goods and services and, in the second stage, for 11 sub groups of staple food products. We estimated those elasticities for the whole sample of consumers and for two income groups.
Consumers worldwide are increasingly concerned with sustainable production and consumption. Recently, a comprehensive study ranked 17 countries in regard to their environmentally friendly behaviour among consumers. Brazil was one of the top countries in the list. Yet, several studies highlight significant differences between consumers` intentions to consume ethically, and their actual purchase behaviour: the so-called `Attitude-Behaviour Gap`. In developing countries, few studies have been conducted on this issue. The objective of this study is therefore to investigate the gap between citizens` sustainability-related attitudes and food purchasing behaviour using empirical data from Brazil. To this end, Brazilian citizens` attitudes towards pig production systems were mapped through conjoint analysis and their coexistence with relevant pork product-related purchasing behaviour of consumers was investigated through cluster analysis. The conjoint experiment was carried Out with empirical data collected from 475 respondents surveyed in the South and Center-West regions of Brazil. The results of the conjoint analysis were used for a subsequent cluster analysis in order to identify clusters of Brazilian citizens with diversified attitudes towards pig production systems, using socio-demographics, attitudes towards sustainability-related themes that are expected to influence the way they evaluate pig production systems, and consumption frequency of various pork products as clusters` background information. Three clusters were identified as `indifferent`, `environmental conscious` and `sustainability-oriented` citizens. Although attitudes towards environment and nature had indeed an influence on citizens` specific attitudes towards pig farming at the cluster level, the relationship between `citizenship` and consumption behaviour was found to be weak. This finding is similar to previous research conducted with European consumers: what people (in their role of citizens) think about pig production systems does not appear to significantly influence their pork consumption choices. Improvements in the integrated management of this chain would better meet consumers` sustainability-related expectations towards pig production systems.