190 resultados para Automobile engineers
A new, simple approach for modeling and assessing the operation and response of the multiline voltage-source controller (VSC)-based flexible ac transmission system controllers, namely the generalized interline power-flow controller (GIPFC) and the interline power-flow controller (IPFC), is presented in this paper. The model and the analysis developed are based on the converters` power balance method which makes use of the d-q orthogonal coordinates to thereafter present a direct solution for these controllers through a quadratic equation. The main constraints and limitations that such devices present while controlling the two independent ac systems considered, will also be evaluated. In order to examine and validate the steady-state model initially proposed, a phase-shift VSC-based GIPFC was also built in the Alternate Transients Program program whose results are also included in this paper. Where applicable, a comparative evaluation between the GIPFC and the IPFC is also presented.
Acoustic resonances are observed in high-pressure discharge lamps operated with ac input modulated power frequencies in the kilohertz range. This paper describes an optical resonance detection method for high-intensity discharge lamps using computer-controlled cameras and image processing software. Experimental results showing acoustic resonances in high-pressure sodium lamps are presented.
A procedure is proposed to accurately model thin wires in lossy media by finite element analysis. It is based on the determination of a suitable element width in the vicinity of the wire, which strongly depends on the wire radius to yield accurate results. The approach is well adapted to the analysis of grounding systems. The numerical results of the application of finite element analysis with the suitably chosen element width are compared with both analytical results and those computed by a commercial package for the analysis of grounding systems, showing very good agreement.
This paper compares the behaviour of two different control structures of automatic voltage regulators of synchronous machines equipped with static excitation systems. These systems have a fully controlled thyristor bridge that supplies DC current to the rotor winding. The rectifier bridge is fed by the stator terminals through a step-down transformer. The first control structure, named ""Direct Control"", has a single proportional-integral (PI) regulator that compares stator voltage setpoint with measured voltage and acts directly on the thyristor bridge`s firing angle. This control structure is usually employed in commercial excitation systems for hydrogenerators. The second structure, named ""Cascade Control"", was inspired on control loops of commercial DC motor drives. Such drives employ two PIs in a cascade arrangement, the external PI deals with the motor speed while the internal one regulates the armature current. In the adaptation proposed, the external PI compares setpoint with the actual stator voltage and produces the setpoint to the internal PI-loop which controls the field current.
A slope stability model is derived for an infinite slope subjected to unsaturated infiltration flow above a phreatic surface. Closed form steady state solutions are derived for the matric suction and degree of saturation profiles. Soil unit weight, consistent with the degree of saturation profile, is also directly calculated and introduced into the analyzes, resulting in closed-form solutions for typical soil parameters and an infinite series solution for arbitrary soil parameters. The solutions are coupled with the infinite slope stability equations to establish a fully realized safety factor function. In general, consideration of soil suction results in higher factor of safety. The increase in shear strength due to the inclusion of soil suction is analogous to making an addition to the cohesion, which, of course, increases the factor of safety against sliding. However, for cohesive soils, the results show lower safety factors for slip surfaces approaching the phreatic surface compared to those produced by common safety factor calculations. The lower factor of safety is due to the increased soil unit weight considered in the matric suction model but not usually accounted for in practice wherein the soil is treated as dry above the phreatic surface. The developed model is verified with a published case study, correctly predicting stability under dry conditions and correctly predicting failure for a particular storm.
This paper describes the development of an optimization model for the management and operation of a large-scale, multireservoir water supply distribution system with preemptive priorities. The model considers multiobjectives and hedging rules. During periods of drought, when water supply is insufficient to meet the planned demand, appropriate rationing factors are applied to reduce water supply. In this paper, a water distribution system is formulated as a network and solved by the GAMS modeling system for mathematical programming and optimization. A user-friendly interface is developed to facilitate the manipulation of data and to generate graphs and tables for decision makers. The optimization model and its interface form a decision support system (DSS), which can be used to configure a water distribution system to facilitate capacity expansion and reliability studies. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the utility and versatility of the developed DSS under different supply and demand scenarios, including applications to one of the largest water supply systems in the world, the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area Water Supply Distribution System in Brazil.
The 3D flow around a circular cylinder free to oscillate transversely to the free stream was simulated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and the Spalart-Allmaras Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) turbulence model for a Reynolds number Re = 10(4). Simulations were carried out for a small mass-damping parameter m*zeta = 0.00858, where m* = 3.3 and zeta = 0.0026. We found good agreement between the numerical results and experimental data. The simulations predicted the high observed amplitudes of the upper branch of vortex-induced vibrations for low mass-damping parameters.
One of the electrical impedance tomography objectives is to estimate the electrical resistivity distribution in a domain based only on electrical potential measurements at its boundary generated by an imposed electrical current distribution into the boundary. One of the methods used in dynamic estimation is the Kalman filter. In biomedical applications, the random walk model is frequently used as evolution model and, under this conditions, poor tracking ability of the extended Kalman filter (EKF) is achieved. An analytically developed evolution model is not feasible at this moment. The paper investigates the identification of the evolution model in parallel to the EKF and updating the evolution model with certain periodicity. The evolution model transition matrix is identified using the history of the estimated resistivity distribution obtained by a sensitivity matrix based algorithm and a Newton-Raphson algorithm. To numerically identify the linear evolution model, the Ibrahim time-domain method is used. The investigation is performed by numerical simulations of a domain with time-varying resistivity and by experimental data collected from the boundary of a human chest during normal breathing. The obtained dynamic resistivity values lie within the expected values for the tissues of a human chest. The EKF results suggest that the tracking ability is significantly improved with this approach.
Dynamic vehicle behavior is used to identify safe traffic speed limits. The proposed methodology is based on the vehicle vertical wheel contact force response excited by measured pavement irregularities on the frequency domain. A quarter-car model is used to identify vehicle dynamic behavior. The vertical elevation of an unpaved road surface has been measured. The roughness spectral density is quantified as ISO Level C. Calculations for the vehicle inertance function were derived by using the vertical contact force transfer function weighed by the pavement spectral density roughness function in the frequency domain. The statistical contact load variation is obtained from the vehicle inertance density function integration. The vehicle safety behavior concept is based on its handling ability properties. The ability to generate tangential forces on the wheel/road contact interface is the key to vehicle handling. This ability is related to tire/pavement contact forces. A contribution to establish a traffic safety speed limit is obtained from the likelihood of the loss of driveability. The results show that at speeds faster than 25 km/h the likelihood of tire contact loss is possible when traveling on the measured road type. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.19435436.0000216. (C) 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Three-dimensional modeling of piezoelectric devices requires a precise knowledge of piezoelectric material parameters. The commonly used piezoelectric materials belong to the 6mm symmetry class, which have ten independent constants. In this work, a methodology to obtain precise material constants over a wide frequency band through finite element analysis of a piezoceramic disk is presented. Given an experimental electrical impedance curve and a first estimate for the piezoelectric material properties, the objective is to find the material properties that minimize the difference between the electrical impedance calculated by the finite element method and that obtained experimentally by an electrical impedance analyzer. The methodology consists of four basic steps: experimental measurement, identification of vibration modes and their sensitivity to material constants, a preliminary identification algorithm, and final refinement of the material constants using an optimization algorithm. The application of the methodology is exemplified using a hard lead zirconate titanate piezoceramic. The same methodology is applied to a soft piezoceramic. The errors in the identification of each parameter are statistically estimated in both cases, and are less than 0.6% for elastic constants, and less than 6.3% for dielectric and piezoelectric constants.
A matrix method is presented for simulating acoustic levitators. A typical acoustic levitator consists of an ultrasonic transducer and a reflector. The matrix method is used to determine the potential for acoustic radiation force that acts on a small sphere in the standing wave field produced by the levitator. The method is based on the Rayleigh integral and it takes into account the multiple reflections that occur between the transducer and the reflector. The potential for acoustic radiation force obtained by the matrix method is validated by comparing the matrix method results with those obtained by the finite element method when using an axisymmetric model of a single-axis acoustic levitator. After validation, the method is applied in the simulation of a noncontact manipulation system consisting of two 37.9-kHz Langevin-type transducers and a plane reflector. The manipulation system allows control of the horizontal position of a small levitated sphere from -6 mm to 6 mm, which is done by changing the phase difference between the two transducers. The horizontal position of the sphere predicted by the matrix method agrees with the horizontal positions measured experimentally with a charge-coupled device camera. The main advantage of the matrix method is that it allows simulation of non-symmetric acoustic levitators without requiring much computational effort.
Real-time viscosity measurement remains a necessity for highly automated industry. To resolve this problem, many studies have been carried out using an ultrasonic shear wave reflectance method. This method is based on the determination of the complex reflection coefficient`s magnitude and phase at the solid-liquid interface. Although magnitude is a stable quantity and its measurement is relatively simple and precise, phase measurement is a difficult task because of strong temperature dependence. A simplified method that uses only the magnitude of the reflection coefficient and that is valid under the Newtonian regimen has been proposed by some authors, but the obtained viscosity values do not match conventional viscometry measurements. In this work, a mode conversion measurement cell was used to measure glycerin viscosity as a function of temperature (15 to 25 degrees C) and corn syrup-water mixtures as a function of concentration (70 to 100 wt% of corn syrup). Tests were carried out at 1 MHz. A novel signal processing technique that calculates the reflection coefficient magnitude in a frequency band, instead of a single frequency, was studied. The effects of the bandwidth on magnitude and viscosity were analyzed and the results were compared with the values predicted by the Newtonian liquid model. The frequency band technique improved the magnitude results. The obtained viscosity values came close to those measured by the rotational viscometer with percentage errors up to 14%, whereas errors up to 96% were found for the single frequency method.
A computational method based on the impulse response and on the discrete representation computational concept is proposed for the determination of the echo responses from arbitrary-geometry targets. It is supposed that each point of the transducer aperture can be considered as a source radiating hemispherical waves to the reflector. The local interaction with each of the hemispherical waves at the reflector surface can be modeled as a plane wave impinging on a planar surface, using the respective reflection coefficient. The method is valid for all field regions and can be performed for any excitation waveform radiated from an arbitrary acoustic aperture. The effects of target geometry, position, and material on both the amplitude and the shape of the echo response are studied. The model is compared with experimental results obtained using broadband transducers together with plane and cylindrical concave rectangular reflectors (aluminum, brass, and acrylic), as well as a circular cavity placed on a plane surface, in a water medium. The method can predict the measured echoes accurately. This paper shows an improved approach of the method, considering the reflection coefficient for all incident hemispherical waves arriving at each point of the target surface.
A finite element analysis and a parametric optimization of single-axis acoustic levitators are presented. The finite element method is used to simulate a levitator consisting of a Langevin ultrasonic transducer with a plane radiating surface and a plane reflector. The transducer electrical impedance, the transducer face displacement, and the acoustic radiation potential that acts on small spheres are determined by the finite element method. The numerical electrical impedance is compared with that acquired experimentally by an impedance analyzer, and the predicted displacement is compared with that obtained by a fiber-optic vibration sensor. The numerical acoustic radiation potential is verified experimentally by placing small spheres in the levitator. The same procedure is used to optimize a levitator consisting of a curved reflector and a concave-faced transducer. The numerical results show that the acoustic radiation force in the new levitator is enhanced 604 times compared with the levitator consisting of a plane transducer and a plane reflector. The optimized levitator is able to levitate 3, 2.5-mm diameter steel spheres with a power consumption of only 0.9 W.
The following papers constitute a selection among the best papers presented at the Ninth IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON) held in Sao Paulo from 8(th) to 10(th) of November, 2010. This event gathered a significant number of people from academia and industry interested in applications of Electrical and Electronic engineering to industry.