The Kluyveromyces marxianus strains CBS 6556, CBS 397 and CBS 712(T) were cultivated on a defined medium with either glucose, lactose or sucrose as the sole carbon source, at 30 and 37A degrees C. The aim of this work was to evaluate the diversity within this species, in terms of the macroscopic physiology. The main properties evaluated were: intensity of the Crabtree effect, specific growth rate, biomass yield on substrate, metabolite excretion and protein secretion capacity, inferred by measuring extracellular inulinase activity. The strain Kluyveromyces lactis CBS 2359 was evaluated in parallel, since it is the best described Kluyveromyces yeast and thus can be used as a control for the experimental setup. K. marxianus CBS 6556 presented the highest specific growth rate (0.70 h(-1)) and the highest specific inulinase activity (1.65 U mg(-1) dry cell weight) among all strains investigated, when grown at 37A degrees C with sucrose as the sole carbon source. The lowest metabolite formation and highest biomass yield on substrate (0.59 g dry cell weight g sucrose(-1)) was achieved by K. marxianus CBS 712(T) at 37A degrees C. Taken together, the results show a systematic comparison of carbon and energy metabolism among three of the best known K. marxianus strains, in parallel to K. lactis CBS 2359.
In the present work, a thermophilic esterase from Thermus thermophilus HB27 was cloned into Kluyveromyces marxianus and into Kluyveromyces lactis using two different expression systems, yielding four recombinant strains. K. lactis showed the highest esterase expression levels (294 units per gram dry cell weight, with 65% of cell-bound enzyme) using an episomal system with the PGK promoter and terminator from Saccharomyces cerevisiae combined with the K. lactis k1 secretion signal. K. marxianus showed higher secretion efficiency of the heterologous esterase (56.9 units per gram dry cell weight, with 34% of cell-bound enzyme) than K. lactis. Hydrolytic activities for the heterologous esterases were maximum at pH values between 8.0 and 9.0 for both yeast species and at temperatures of 50 A degrees C and 45 A degrees C for K. marxianus and K. lactis, respectively. When compared to previously published data on this same esterase produced in the original host or in S. cerevisiae, our results indicate that Kluyveromyces yeasts can be considered good hosts for the heterologous secretion of thermophilic esterases, which have a potential application in biodiesel production or in resolving racemates.
Aim of the study: Species of Lychnophora are used in Brazilian folk medicine as analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents. Chlorogenic acid (CGA) and their analogues are important components of polar extracts of these species, as well in several European and Asian medicinal plants. Some of these phenolic compounds display anti-inflammatory effects. In this paper we report the isolation of CGA from Lychnophora salicifolia and its effects on functions involved in neutrophils locomotion. Materials and methods: LC-MS(n) data confirmed the presence of CGA in the plant. Actions of CGA were investigated on neutrophils obtained from peritoneal cavity of Wistar rats (4h after 1% oyster glycogen solution injection; 10 ml), and incubated with vehicle or with 50, 100 or 1000 mu M CGA in presence of lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coil (LPS, 5 mu g/ml). Nitric oxide (NO; Griess reaction); prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)), interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha [TNF-alpha; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA)]; protein (flow cytometry) and gene (RT-PCR) expression of L-selectin, beta(2)integrin and platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) were quantified. In vitro neutrophil adhesion to primary culture of microvascular endothelial cell (PMEC) and neutrophil migration in response to formyl-methionil-leucil-phenilalanine (fMLP, 10(-8)M, Boyden chamber) was determined. Results: CGA treatment did not modify the secretion of inflammatory mediators, but inhibited L-selectin cleavage and reduced beta(2) integrin, independently from its mRNA synthesis, and reduced membrane PECAM-1 expression: inhibited neutrophil adhesion and neutrophil migration induced by fMLP. Conclusions: Based on these findings, we highlight the direct inhibitory actions of CGA on adhesive and locomotion properties of neutrophils, which may contribute to its anti-inflammatory effects and help to explain the use of Lychnophora salicifolia as an anti-inflammatory agent. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aim of the study: In a previous study, our group described the gastric protective effect of the hydroalcoholic extract of Brazilian green propolis. The main compounds found in Brazilian green propolis include phenolic acids, such as: caffeic, ferulic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acids. This study was therefore carried out to evaluate the antiulcerogenic property of the main phenolic acids found in Brazilian Green Propolis. Material and methods: The anti-ulcer assays were performed using the following protocols: nonsteroidal-antinflammatory drug (NSAID)-induced ulcer, ethanol-induced ulcer, and stress-induced ulcer. The effects of the phenolic acids on gastric content volume, pH and total acidity, using the pylorus ligated model, were also evaluated. Results: It was observed that treatment using doses of 50 and 250 mg/kg of caffeic, ferulic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acids and positive controls (omeprazol or cimetidine) significantly diminished the lesion index, the total area of the lesion and the percentage of lesion in comparison with the negative control groups. In addition, the percentage of ulcer inhibition was significantly higher in the groups treated with the different phenolic acids, cimetidine or omeprazol, in all the protocols used, compared with the negative control groups. In the model to determine gastric secretion, using ligated pylorus, treatment with phenolic acids and cimetidine reduced the volume of gastricjuice and total acidity and significantly increased the gastric pH (p < 0.05), compared with the control group, with the exception of the group treated with 50 mg/kg of p-coumaric acid, in which no significant difference was observed, compared with the control. In relation to the acute toxicity, none sign of toxicity was observed when phenolic acids, used in this study, were administered for rats in dose of 2000 mg/kg. Conclusions: In conclusion, the results of this study show that caffeic, ferulic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acids display antiulcer activity. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present study evaluated the potential of a w/o microemulsion as a topical carrier system for delivery of the antioxidant quercetin. Topical and transdermal delivery of quercetin were evaluated in vitro Using porcine car skin mounted on a Franz diffusion cell and in vivo on hairless-skin mice. Skin irritation by topical application of the microemulsion containing quercetin, and the protective effect of the formulation on UVB-induced decrease of endogenous reduced glutathione levels and increase of cutaneous proteinase secretion/activity were also investigated. The w/o microemulsion increased the penetration of quercetin into the stratum corneum and epidermis plus dermis at 3, 6. 9 and 12 h post-application in vitro and in vivo at 6 h post-application. No transdermal delivery of quercetin Occurred. By evaluating established endpoints of skin irritation (erythema formation, epidermis thickening and infiltration of inflammatory cells), the Study demonstrated that the daily application of the w/o microemulsion for up to 2 days did not cause skin irritation. W/o microemulsion containing quercetin significantly prevented the UVB irradiation-induced GSH depletion and secretion/activity of metalloproteinases. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Flower and inflorescence anatomy and morphology of Exostyles, Harleyodendron, Holocalyx, Lecointea, and Zollernia (Leguminosae, Lecointea clade) were studied. Features common to all genera but otherwise rare within the Leguminosae include: (1) the presence of phenolic compounds in the epidermal cells of the anthers and subepidermal cells of the bracteoles, sepals, petals, and ovaries (absent in Holocalyx balansae); (2) simple trichomes on the adaxial base of the bracteoles and on the surface of the calyx and ovaries; and (3) tapetum persisting until the androspores are formed. Other notable anatomical features are: (1) colleters on the adaxial bases of the bracts and bracteoles of Holocalyx balansae and Zollernia ilicifolia; (2) trichomes on the anthers of Harleyodendron unifoliolatum, Holocalyx balansae, Lecointea hatschbachii, Zollernia ilicifolia and Z. magnifica; (3) osmophores on the petals of Exostyles godoyensis; (4) asynchronous pollen development in the anthers of Holocalyx balansae and Zollernia magnifica; and (5) vascular bundles surrounded by lignified fibers in Harleyodendron unifoliolatum. These anatomical characters are discussed according to their possible phylogenetic implications.
The ecological and economic importance of oleoresin produced by Copaifera langsdorffii is well established. This study aims to investigate the ontogeny, anatomy and ultrastructure of the internal glands of C. langsdorffii during plant development. Samples were processed for light and electron microscopy and a specific technique was applied to impregnate endomembranes. Internal secretory glands were observed in the hypocotyl, epicotyl and eophylls of seedlings, and in the primary stem, pulvinus, petiole, rachis and leaf blade of adult plants. Canals and cavities show differential distribution. They arise from ground meristem cells, and the lumen is first formed by schizogenesis followed by later schizolysigenous development. The dense cytoplasm of epithelial cells shows mitochondria, plastids without thylakoids, polyribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum. A periplastidial reticulum was also observed. Secretion is released by eccrine, granulocrine and holocrine processes. Lipophilic and hydrophilic compounds were histochemically detected in both canals and cavities, whereas resin was detected only in canals. The presence of these substances has been associated with plants` defences against dehydration, as well as against attacks from herbivores and pathogens, from seedling stage onwards. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Baccharis dracunculifolia DC (Asteraceae), a native plant from Brazil, commonly known as `Alecrim-do-campo` is widely used in folk medicine to treat inflammation, hepatic disorders and stomach ulcers, and it is the most important botanical source of Southeastern Brazilian propolis, known as green propolis. Its essential oil is composed of non-oxygenated and oxygenated terpenes. In this work, the effects of the essential oil obtained from the aerial parts of R dracunculifolia on gastric ulcers were evaluated. The antiulcer assays were undertaken using the following protocols in rats: nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID)-induced ulcer, ethanol-induced ulcer, stress-induced ulcer, and determination of gastric secretion using ligated pylorus. The treatment in the doses of 50, 250 and 500 mg/kg of R dracunculifolia essential oil significantly diminished the lesion index, the total lesion area and the percentage of lesions in comparison with both positive and negative control groups. With regard to the model of gastric secretion a reduction of gastric juice volume and total acidity was observed, as well as an increase in the gastric pH. No sign of toxicity was observed in the acute toxicity study. Considering the results, it is suggested that the essential oil of B. dracunculifolia could probably be a good therapeutic agent for the development of new phytotherapeutic medicine for the treatment of gastric ulcer. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In this work, we disrupted one of three putative phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C genes of Aspergillus nidulans and studied its effect on carbon source sensing linked to vegetative mitotic nuclear division. We showed that glucose does not affect nuclear division rates during early vegetative conidial germination (6-7 h) in either the wild type or the plcA-deficient mutant. Only after 8 h of cultivation on glucose did the mutant strain present some decrease in nuclear duplication. However, decreased nuclear division rates were observed in the wild type when cultivated in media amended with polypectate, whereas our plcA-deficient mutant did not show slow nuclear duplication rates when grown on this carbon source, even though it requires induction and secretion of multiple pectinolytic enzymes to be metabolized. Thus, plcA appears to be directly linked to high-molecular-weight carbon source sensing.
Macrophages express P2X(7) and other nucleotide (P2) receptors, and display the phenomena of extracellular ATP (ATP(e))-induced P2X(7)-dependent membrane permeabilization and cell death by apoptosis and necrosis. P2X7 receptors also cooperate with toll-like receptors (TLRs) to induce inflammasome activation and IL-1 beta secretion. We investigated signaling pathways involved in the induction of cell death by ATP, in intraperitoneal murine macrophages. Apoptosis (hypodiploid nuclei) and necrosis (LDH release) were detected 6 h after an induction period of 20 min in the presence of ATP Apoptosis was blocked by caspase 3 and caspase 9 inhibitors and by cyclosporin A. The MAPK inhibitors PD-98059, SB-203580 and SB-202190 provoked no significant effect oil apoptosis, but SB-203580 blocked LDH release. Neither apoptosis nor necrosis was inhibited when both intra- and extracellular Ca(2+) were chelated during the induction period. Mepacrine, a generic PLA(2) inhibitor and BEL, an inhibitor of Ca(2+)-independent PLA(2) (iPLA(2)) blocked apoptosis, while pBPB and AACOOPF(3). inhibitors of secretory and Ca(2+)-dependent PLA(2) respectively, had no significant effect. Cycloxygenase inhibitors had no effect on apoptosis, while the inhibitors of lipoxygenase (LOX) and leukotriene biosynthesis nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), zileuton, AA-861, and MK-886 significantly decreased apoptosis. Neither NDGA nor MK-886 blocked apoptosis of 5-LOX(-/-) macrophages. CP-105696 and MK-571, antagonists of leukotriene receptors, had no significant effect on apoptosis. None of the inhibitors of PLA(2) and LOX/leukotriene pathway had a significant inhibitory effect on LDH release. Our results indicate that a Ca(2+) -independent step involving an iPLA(2) and 5-LOX are involved in the triggering of apoptosis but not necrosis by P2X7 in macrophages. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Vulvovaginal candidiasis, a high prevailing infection worldwide, is mainly caused by Candida albicans. Probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 have been previously shown to be useful as adjuvants in the treatment of women with VVC. In order to demonstrate and better understand the anti-Candida activity of the probiotic microorganisms in an in vitro model simulating vaginal candidiasis, a human vaginal epithelial cell line (VK2/E6E7) was infected with C. albicans 3153a and then challenged with probiotic L. rhamnosus GR-1 and/or L. reuteri RC-14 or their respective CFS (alone or in combination). At each time point (0, 6, 12 and 24 hr), numbers of yeast, lactobacilli and viable VK2/E6E7 cells were determined and, at 0, 6 and 12 hr, the supernatants were measured for cytokine levels. We found that C. albicans induced a significant increase in IL-1 alpha and IL-8 production by VK2/E6E7 cells. After lactobacilli challenge, epithelial cells did not alter IL-6, IL-1 alpha, RANTES and VEGF levels. However, CFS from the probiotic microorganisms up-regulated IL-8 and IP-10 levels secreted by VK2/E6E7 cells infected with C. albicans. At 24 hr of co-incubation, L. reuteri RC-14 alone and in combination with L. rhamnosus GR-1 decreased the yeast population recoverable from the cells. In conclusion, L. reuteri RC-14 alone and together with L. rhamnosus GR-1 have the potential to inhibit the yeast growth and their CFS may up-regulate IL-8 and IP-10 secretion by VK2/E6E7 cells, which could possibly have played an important role in helping to clear VVC in vivo.
Recent studies revealed that vasopressinergic neurons have a high content of cys-leukotriene C(4) (LTC(4)) synthase, a critical enzyme in cys-leukotriene synthesis that may play a role in regulating vasopressin secretion. This study investigates the role of this enzyme in arginine vasopressin (AVP) release during experimentally induced sepsis. Male Wistar rats received an i.c.v. injection of 3-[1-(p-chlorobenzyl)-5-(isopropyl)-3-tert-butylthioindol-2-yl]-2, 2-dimethylpropanoic acid (MK-886) (1.0 mu g/kg), a leukotrienes (LTs) synthesis inhibitor, or vehicle, 1 h before cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) or sham operation. In one group of animals the survival rate was monitored for 3 days. In another group, the animals were decapitated at 0, 4, 6, 18 and 24 h after CLP or sham operation, and blood was collected for hematocrit, serum sodium and nitrate, plasma osmolality, protein and AVP determination. A third group was used for blood pressure measurements. The neurohypophysis was removed for quantification of AVP content, and the hypothalamus was dissected for LTC4 synthase analysis by Western blot. Mortality after CLP was reduced by the central administration of MK-886. The increase in plasma AVP levels and hypothalamus LTC4 synthase content in the initial phase of sepsis was blocked, whereas the decrease in neurohypophyseal AVP content was partially reversed. Also the blood pressure drop was abolished in this phase. The increase of serum nitric oxide and hematocrit was reduced, and the decrease in plasma protein and osmolality was not affected by the LTs blocker. In the final phase of sepsis, the plasma AVID level and the hypothalamic LTC4 synthase content were at basal levels. The central administration of MK-886 increased the hypothalamic LTC4 synthase content but did not alter the plasma and neurohypophysis AVID levels observed, or the blood pressure during this phase. These results suggest that the central LTs are involved in the vasopressin release observed during sepsis. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to investigate the role of interleukin 12 (IL-12) during Strongyloides venezuelensis infection. IL-12(-/-) and wildtype C57BL/6 mice were subcutaneously infected with 1500 larvae of S. venezuelensis. On days 7, 14, and 21 post-infection, we determined eosinophil and mononuclear cell numbers in the blood and broncoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), Th2 cytokine secretion in the lung parenchyma, and serum antibody levels. The numbers of eggs in the feces and worm parasites in the duodena were also quantified. The eosinophil and mononuclear cell counts and the concentrations of IL-3, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13, and IgG1 and IgE antibodies increased significantly in infected IL-12(-/-) and wild-type mice as compared with uninfected controls. However, the number of eosinophils and mononuclear cells in the blood and BALF and the Th2 cytokine levels in the lungs of infected IL-12-/- mice were greater than in infected wild-type C57BL/6 mice. In addition, serum IgE and IgG1 levels were also significantly enhanced in the infected mice lacking IL-12. Meanwhile, parasite burden and fecal egg counts were significantly decreased in infected IL-12-/- mice. Together, our results showed that the absence of IL-12 upregulates the Th2 immune response, which is important for control of S. venezuelensis infection. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Neospora caninum is an Apicomplexan protozoan that has the dog as a definitive host and cattle (among other animals) as intermediate hosts. It causes encephalopathy in dogs and abortion in cows, with significant loss in worldwide livestock. As any Apicomplexan, the parasite invades the cells using proteins contained in the phylum-specific organelles, like the micronemes, rhoptries and dense granules. The aim of this study was the characterization of a homologue (denominated NcMIC2-like1) of N. caninum thrombospondin-related anonymous protein (NcMIC2), a micronemal protein previously shown to be involved in the attachment and connection with the intracellular motor responsible for the active process of invasion. A polyclonal antiserum raised against the recombinant NcMIC2-like1 functional core (thrombospondin and integrin domains) recognized the native form of NcMIC2-like1, inhibited the in vitro invasion process and localized NcMIC2-like1 at the apical complex of the parasite by confocal immunofluorescence, indicating its micronemal localization. The new molecule, NcMIC2-like1, has features that differentiates it from NcMIC2 in a substantial way to be considered a homologue dagger.
Previous studies have observed changes in the lacrimal gland and ocular surface related to diabetes mellitus and related it to insulin resistance or insufficiency and oxidative damage. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether insulin treatment inhibits those changes. Diabetes was induced in male Wistar rats with a single intravenous injection of streptozotocin and a subgroup was treated with insulin. After 5 and 10 weeks, the three groups (n = 5-10/group/experimental procedure) were compared for biochemical, functional, and histological parameters. After 5 weeks, changes in morphology and increased numbers of lipofucsin-like inclusions were observed in lacrimal glands of diabetic but not insulin-treated rats. After 5 weeks, malonaldehyde and total peroxidase activity were significantly higher in diabetic rats, but similar to control in insulin-treated diabetic rats (P = 0.03, P = 0.02, respectively). Our data indicate that diabetes induces histological alterations in lacrimal gland and suggests that hyperglycemia-related oxidative stress may participate in diabetic dry eye syndrome. Prevention by insulin replacement suggests direct hormone action and/or benefit by early sub optimal metabolic control.