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In this work, we study the emission of tensor-type gravitational degrees of freedom from a higher-dimensional, simply rotating black hole in the bulk. The decoupled radial part of the corresponding field equation is first solved analytically in the limit of low-energy emitted particles and low-angular momentum of the black hole in order to derive the absorption probability. Both the angular and radial equations are then solved numerically, and the comparison of the analytical and numerical results shows a very good agreement in the low and intermediate energy regimes. By using our exact, numerical results we compute the energy and angular-momentum emission rates and their dependence on the spacetime parameters such as the number of additional spacelike dimensions and the angular momentum of the black hole. Particular care is given to the convergence of our results in terms of the number of modes taken into account in the calculation and the multiplicity of graviton tensor modes that correspond to the same angular-momentum numbers.


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We adopt the Dirac model for quasiparticles in graphene and calculate the finite-temperature Casimir interaction between a suspended graphene layer and a parallel conducting surface. We find that at high temperature, the Casimir interaction in such system is just one-half of that for two ideal conductors separated by the same distance. In this limit, a single graphene layer behaves exactly as a Drude metal. In particular, the contribution of the TE mode is suppressed, while the contribution of the TM mode saturates at the ideal-metal value. The behavior of the Casimir interaction for intermediate temperatures and separations accessible in experiments is studied in some detail. We also find an interesting interplay between two fundamental constants of graphene physics: the fine-structure constant and the Fermi velocity.


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We study the massless scalar, Dirac, and electromagnetic fields propagating on a 4D-brane, which is embedded in higher-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet space-time. We calculate, in the time domain, the fundamental quasinormal modes of a spherically symmetric black hole for such fields. Using WKB approximation we study quasinormal modes in the large multipole limit. We observe also a universal behavior, independent on a field and value of the Gauss-Bonnet parameter, at an asymptotically late time.


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We study the spin-1/2 Ising model on a Bethe lattice in the mean-field limit, with the interaction constants following one of two deterministic aperiodic sequences, the Fibonacci or period-doubling one. New algorithms of sequence generation were implemented, which were fundamental in obtaining long sequences and, therefore, precise results. We calculate the exact critical temperature for both sequences, as well as the critical exponents beta, gamma, and delta. For the Fibonacci sequence, the exponents are classical, while for the period-doubling one they depend on the ratio between the two exchange constants. The usual relations between critical exponents are satisfied, within error bars, for the period-doubling sequence. Therefore, we show that mean-field-like procedures may lead to nonclassical critical exponents.


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We investigate the detection of exotic massive strongly interacting hadrons (uhecrons) in ultrahigh energy cosmic ray telescopes. The conclusion is that experiments such as the Pierre Auger Observatory have the potential to detect these particles. It is shown that uhecron showers have clear distinctive features when compared to proton and nuclear showers. The simulation of uhecron air showers, and its detection and reconstruction by fluorescence telescopes, is described. We determine basic cuts in observables that will separate uhecrons from the cosmic ray bulk, assuming this is composed by protons. If these are composed by a heavier nucleus, the separation will be much improved. We also discuss photon induced showers. The complementarity between uhecron detection in accelerator experiments is discussed.


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In theories with universal extra dimensions, all standard model fields propagate in the bulk and the lightest state of the first Kaluza-Klein (KK) level can be made stable by imposing a Z(2) parity. We consider a framework where the lightest KK particle (LKP) is a neutral, extremely weakly interacting particle such as the first KK excitation of the graviton, while the next-to-lightest KK particle (NLKP) is the first KK mode of a charged right-handed lepton. In such a scenario, due to its very small couplings to the LKP, the NLKP is long-lived. We investigate the production of these particles from the interaction of high energy neutrinos with nucleons in the Earth and determine the rate of NLKP events in neutrino telescopes. Using the Waxman-Bahcall limit for the neutrino flux, we find that the rate can be as large as a few hundreds of events a year for realistic values of the NLKP mass.


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The electron properties of artificially disordered superlattices embedded in a wide AlGaAs parabolic well were investigated in a strong magnetic field. We demonstrated that in the extreme quantum limit the interlayer disorder results in formation of a new correlated phase. A nearly uniform electron distribution over the superlattice wells was found in a weak magnetic field. However, a nonuniform phase with partially localized electrons, representing well-developed fractional quantum Hall effect features, was observed in high magnetic field (at the filling factor v < 1). A distinct magnetic field-induced transition separates these two phases. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3576134]


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Background data: Technology and physical exercise can enhance physical performance during aging. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of infrared-light-emitting diode (LED) illumination (850 nm) applied during treadmill training. Materials and methods: Twenty postmenopausal women participated in this study. They were randomly divided into two groups. The LED group performed treadmill training associated with infrared-LED illumination (n = 10) and the control group performed only treadmill training (n = 10). The training was performed during 3 months, twice a week during 30 min at intensities between 85 and 90% of maximal heart rate. The irradiation parameters were 31 mW/cm(2), treatment time 30 min, 14,400 J of total energy and 55.8 J/cm(2) of fluence. Physiological, biomechanical, and body composition parameters were measured at the baseline and after 3 months. Results: Both groups improved the time of tolerance limit (Tlim) (p < 0.05) during submaximal constant-speed testing. The peak torque did not differ between groups. However, the results showed significantly higher values of power [from 56 +/- 10 to 73 +/- 8W (p = 0.002)] and total work [from 1,537 +/- 295 to 1,760 +/- 262 J (p = 0.006)] for the LED group when compared to the control group [power: from 58 +/- 14 to 60 +/- 15W (p >= 0.05) and total work: from 1,504 +/- 404 to 1,622 +/- 418 J (p >= 0.05)]. The fatigue significantly increased for the control group [from 51 +/- 6 to 58 +/- 5 % (p = 0.04)], but not for the LED group [from 60 +/- 10 to 60 +/- 4 % (p >= 0.05)]. No significant differences in body composition were observed for either group. Conclusions: Infrared-LED illumination associated with treadmill training can improve muscle power and delay leg fatigue in postmenopausal women.


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We discuss an approximation for the dynamic charge response of nonlinear spin-1/2 Luttinger liquids in the limit of small momentum. Besides accounting for the broadening of the charge peak due to two-holon excitations, the nonlinearity of the dispersion gives rise to a two-spinon peak, which at zero temperature has an asymmetric line shape. At finite temperature the spin peak is broadened by diffusion. As an application, we discuss the density and temperature dependence of the Coulomb drag resistivity due to long-wavelength scattering between quantum wires.


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We investigate the intrinsic spin Hall effect in two-dimensional electron gases in quantum wells with two subbands, where a new intersubband-induced spin-orbit coupling is operative. The bulk spin Hall conductivity sigma(z)(xy) is calculated in the ballistic limit within the standard Kubo formalism in the presence of a magnetic field B and is found to remain finite in the B=0 limit, as long as only the lowest subband is occupied. Our calculated sigma(z)(xy) exhibits a nonmonotonic behavior and can change its sign as the Fermi energy (the carrier areal density n(2D)) is varied between the subband edges. We determine the magnitude of sigma(z)(xy) for realistic InSb quantum wells by performing a self-consistent calculation of the intersubband-induced spin-orbit coupling.


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We calculate the entanglement entropy of blocks of size x embedded in a larger system of size L, by means of a combination of analytical and numerical techniques. The complete entanglement entropy in this case is a sum of three terms. One is a universal x- and L-dependent term, first predicted by Calabrese and Cardy, the second is a nonuniversal term arising from the thermodynamic limit, and the third is a finite size correction. We give an explicit expression for the second, nonuniversal, term for the one-dimensional Hubbard model, and numerically assess the importance of all three contributions by comparing to the entropy obtained from fully numerical diagonalization of the many-body Hamiltonian. We find that finite-size corrections are very small. The universal Calabrese-Cardy term is equally small for small blocks, but becomes larger for x > 1. In all investigated situations, however, the by far dominating contribution is the nonuniversal term stemming from the thermodynamic limit.


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The control of molecular architectures has been a key factor for the use of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films in biosensors, especially because biomolecules can be immobilized with preserved activity. In this paper we investigated the incorporation of tyrosinase (Tyr) in mixed Langmuir films of arachidic acid (AA) and a lutetium bisphthalocyanine (LuPc(2)), which is confirmed by a large expansion in the surface pressure isotherm. These mixed films of AA-LuPc(2) + Tyr could be transferred onto ITO and Pt electrodes as indicated by FTIR and electrochemical measurements, and there was no need for crosslinking of the enzyme molecules to preserve their activity. Significantly, the activity of the immobilised Tyr was considerably higher than in previous work in the literature, which allowed Tyr-containing LB films to be used as highly sensitive voltammetric sensors to detect pyrogallol. Linear responses have been found up to 400 mu M, with a detection limit of 4.87 x 10(-2) mu M (n = 4) and a sensitivity of 1.54 mu A mu M(-1) cm(-2). In addition, the Hill coefficient (h = 1.27) indicates cooperation with LuPc(2) that also acts as a catalyst. The enhanced performance of the LB-based biosensor resulted therefore from a preserved activity of Tyr combined with the catalytic activity of LuPc(2), in a strategy that can be extended to other enzymes and analytes upon varying the LB film architecture.


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The existence of juxtaposed regions of distinct cultures in spite of the fact that people's beliefs have a tendency to become more similar to each other's as the individuals interact repeatedly is a puzzling phenomenon in the social sciences. Here we study an extreme version of the frequency-dependent bias model of social influence in which an individual adopts the opinion shared by the majority of the members of its extended neighborhood, which includes the individual itself. This is a variant of the majority-vote model in which the individual retains its opinion in case there is a tie among the neighbors' opinions. We assume that the individuals are fixed in the sites of a square lattice of linear size L and that they interact with their nearest neighbors only. Within a mean-field framework, we derive the equations of motion for the density of individuals adopting a particular opinion in the single-site and pair approximations. Although the single-site approximation predicts a single opinion domain that takes over the entire lattice, the pair approximation yields a qualitatively correct picture with the coexistence of different opinion domains and a strong dependence on the initial conditions. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations indicate the existence of a rich distribution of opinion domains or clusters, the number of which grows with L(2) whereas the size of the largest cluster grows with ln L(2). The analysis of the sizes of the opinion domains shows that they obey a power-law distribution for not too large sizes but that they are exponentially distributed in the limit of very large clusters. In addition, similarly to other well-known social influence model-Axelrod's model-we found that these opinion domains are unstable to the effect of a thermal-like noise.


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A combined analytical and numerical study is performed of the mapping between strongly interacting fermions and weakly interacting spins, in the framework of the Hubbard, t-J, and Heisenberg models. While for spatially homogeneous models in the thermodynamic limit the mapping is thoroughly understood, we here focus on aspects that become relevant in spatially inhomogeneous situations, such as the effect of boundaries, impurities, superlattices, and interfaces. We consider parameter regimes that are relevant for traditional applications of these models, such as electrons in cuprates and manganites, and for more recent applications to atoms in optical lattices. The rate of the mapping as a function of the interaction strength is determined from the Bethe-Ansatz for infinite systems and from numerical diagonalization for finite systems. We show analytically that if translational symmetry is broken through the presence of impurities, the mapping persists and is, in a certain sense, as local as possible, provided the spin-spin interaction between two sites of the Heisenberg model is calculated from the harmonic mean of the onsite Coulomb interaction on adjacent sites of the Hubbard model. Numerical calculations corroborate these findings also in interfaces and superlattices, where analytical calculations are more complicated.


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A recently developed dual-beam configuration that optimizes the thermal lens technique has been used to obtain the absorption spectrum of pure water from 350 to 528 nm. Our results indicate the minimum linear absorption coefficient smaller than 2 X 10(-5) cm(-1) between 360 and 400 nm. This value is lower than previous literature data, and it is blueshifted. Absorption coefficients as small as 2 X 10(-7) cm(-1) can be measured for water using 1 W of excitation power. A detection limit of similar to 6 X 10(-9) cm(-1) (P=1 W) for CCl(4) was estimated, which represents, to the best of our knowledge, the highest sensitivity obtained in small absorption measurements in liquids. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America